The- Michigan all ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAXTRD)AY, NiX XV6, J9ii.k Vol. XXI. CASE KNOCKED, OUT C:A.=AIN LST"J I :N Nx (N FIVE MORE CAS8ES,. BY HARD CLOUJTING The case against "J. W. Johnson," the ARE QIJABANTIIND student charged with trying to break in- 'Varsity Hands Real Article of' Baseball to Unlucky Clevelanders 0. S. U. GAME COMES TODAY Lontg ditniici cuitiig drovethoc lot l'iallloot !, ltitiatoi, Mc- gan t totiiciii tI . lciveliitders 10 to . Thelo XX i cc cctiottltid ite'is ht, threeofhi cthtwere hioer, twso tri- le, ndasmny dobits. Nt omdc id tlo xhome tIaters w ie te i itouts ;;rent effet but thylietledand'tat baseslikec tog, leaguers,0pliniig ticelbest 10 n~stisseaon. X/cc\ tare ol the it 1 for le di ciiein ii a ldtithsIiitrog blil. t theen o te ix nnng etimwa so'sl a trilindo'lsttre tos n madea stongcimirision.01(( ftcmillt cidic om. II inite to rroshit i; liling was( snappy anot pic(((l Sroandt ldiltea run1anda Iik icelillan 11 c crcithe r(0( 10 ricswh dolusecuredmit fu' bae0n( ;anl( sn doili nutsisnleIs ficst, it itshtsll iond ichX'igano's shalf of the secondwish i l otg drive into right, soit Iicli tiestide the first homer of the secson. ortcse reached first on an o ror, stole ocond and moved to third, solicityI l'a id a perfect unt along tecist'baosuinethast.'suit lif'lo a' hi. caiiigs t Ittepltelc. 'chy' o's lowediici ' ith il an ssinosgle tatuscocisdsHIys'. "Pilei' iiito'souttgt bsckin i tieonex innitg, cuninhg isornobore ti'hu' w'cs' tuelledi NitosITN :wasT\\0cN sOUsmosc lyto hsiiicaughlt nappig 13Its-Itli, tists slo ext sN ck nd olcosts'ii woosnsoftc- neite leti chlltstgroodc o cl tic Isiscn isties d. MVitcelctlsio stolesecc iod, sonltienocitocrcid whesso orcotocshoti tsiglec'atth irit Mc illaillaiteostllsi ote' ron ii theififthtilt soatin g a0plss sein seodat]cit instsg homeiott'n twooss s. tBell cotibitedsis iotit run (int nI tu. BATT0'IN GALIN's 55 E 515IGH015 T. Thl(ig's or quitldfor Michignsutili tc igth, soloisthli' hom' tlsyr iat- tinso utorcus. X\Wittwtoo'sswns, Mfc XMillnis'dr ove ot ti homeoo'runo. rests siged,Itill oleds, lMtattinshotot sfe ticoversic0eciod,sitdtBelt clenedc thec tasescwithilsatitl. Casedidlit hlt0f nstoe ottthe attasck Mitltesnntecctdswit oe of Verecya's sotsofr 0asrive tot wenstfarorsie Belloscead, andsis houltothave ects goos for treckils bstietcstppecs at firs prfserring to claims the onors of tss lisiget sigle ot record. 011510 SA0'0014i0,'TODAY. Tle WXolvesrinscasre iled tss itotea ott terry' hedstgaithssIis ftersoonsoftc- ing tc trog Oi Sttesnie. Canmt- ell ittltprobalsotlpith, its Fiserc betindthfle lsat.innosroer to atow te fonss itosatch he Vrity track meeS, the tll gmes'witt ot Ie strtedtuniti 3:30., The admission fecc of fifty cent (Continued on Page 2) to a downs towns sance, has beets di- missedt on motiots of the prosecution. Johsont" who failed to show up at po- lice headqouarters ot Tuesday as he had 'romtises, appeared yesterday accomtpa- siesd by Iis father ands several wittesses. Thse wittesses decaredl that the accisest was sot thematha~Itit hsd comomittes the offense atnd as tere was cosflictig tes- 'timtonyste authoriies decided Io lte th matttter drop. SPRING CON'TESTS COMING Fresh ndSophMeet Next Week ii Annual Struggle' 'blocgenesral tryouit for (te S racsc mscet wil ciote ofst Fters ildothtist --lfternoonis5 a1t(ocock. Thec mtsoptos tocic everybody, soantTraineor Kr'cols in seou sslike'Is 0ct o s'evrs aailablelstrailk too tnochtoonis'rsril) insutit, barrig ncitter fresmoiniroeigiblesc. Tter. will bt oo'ssrglarentris. 'Tle Crosi isotnry' clobstotsocopltd arirangemetsssos for.a oivicc'race tt bi hlds-intooconneocctioiis'lthteo'ntesrchols- tic, Stutsrdtay, May so . Niti. i. i. sos-s soill Ite'alltsoedto compet. Tercec tN-ill trt lt ills' itO itu i andi otlw ilt kitiitIsh atoFerry ild, worthe lbIlots's' tooasi wl e i ptogrest. Ts' first two stmlt tot knish woil gt tsir t'. it. C. Canidouats omay trinsies-scc)'afi te51 41t i:f ad'solot toi'clcsk, swhoit thIl d menot will bton mhandsit (tso t sowit Th mttesud0 mootsld quts'tiou regrdsingc th lass o1or eas camioonshipo wito os-ot tota sown sdotoo XXWenesdoayso aftrnooon. \fav soin swhenithe snior litsa'dithelbsJ tats wilt setorfite(ti rtt ime0. IF t ?N' XtIRtitt(TXS'TEt - lt"'XiXtST't'It.NISW"N. t editrltsetc soD cls ito srs soodtoftttsswh' ihso'we are ,isstill nd soot erely0ott uos.It tao r- - entlt5wesasheordot mosot soccre osinancost t crissoot0d0wtiear soot tmors-tear-stainedo t comesin, s otohatsoot1wil te te csoret, lon Iereos the iisXX Ne of .\ictigaos havis alwso 50eoitnsitju mstlyodofiour loyalto ts the utivocrsty. X'IWIton, (kintdlys esinstructmour ttioti' ifronditoIseot te '5ino itiaowh'i ircaoset)soes our be- slto atndisit o totying(Os" is- t conssos'inat cs-r)' stlc engassemetins tichs itbos atoteardti er r -ters' iot sfficest songs of lficboost - orgini for the ispirtitsott of outr iiiito- cias' Need socvsuntsthe sctslt-cyofsi ssa sistruitse-csit' so0 tsrsstnty itpon5 outi- cssstst, efore orsthleoti ovenst, stoolat inc smtookers? XXereoreic lbs 1 Vtiors" thenes Fe ld SI co ngo"oaisi -''Tlsi'YVllow toss!Blue?"0Tha t thy rs -tossodiffislt sitretrodussctionoorekofsi z impstertioence. 1Tei XWItY, litr. Iad I TIhecstutdents of XWisconssisin re tar- dtonaly)ptroutd of their song. It is gos mstic, aiodteutertaiiung. Its strsitsove s wlos'liste-asoass occasiotnat cotresion of our godtwilt. tuttas a cositsaof- d fertoryto. I toe sotgs of Mihigasn s re lackig inthte tproer qultities, let it e discocver sometinitg ttat wilt saisfy tes esthestic ntulire of ortsusicians. Eocn if i t is "Vanke Doosle" set to Nlitthi- r ganu worods, let tec tmssic ssggst sime- Sting Mictigttoiat. - Very sitcerey, r A NoottiGoADt. I Tte I,itrsr)'Socia cltb wilttols s its etntclstect G'ratger's ext VThrs- dsay, Mitay i. Diphtheria Epidemic, However, /Not Feared by Health Officer i r i 1 MISSING r litE0 ..:.XN t lL FITD 1 IfHONORS G AnXsgtsC. X-lchit'st the fushti- ssHW ST R1 soehishisissIbeenmss itingsor twaT O O HW TR w-ecko, hassbelca tess ie fasits a Ptssisac, ft clx.IHIeoxriots-to isfte telinog himsshiltsowhereots dsayngC hesnutE Vins Oratory Prize thast Its- tast a jsioytoil 0fistscmlll gaveni etoo ttssoititiinof tth'is omntxts'su hosso With Me k of Wisconsin taiss og; otter tatss o as sosus'e'his ftltero ini ths hi-tsster tttheru sri' oti s p e1cial Second reatOsuon for tots tleavoino lle tthgs-.- h~it a httts leif tuoss itcAr o t m tpril 'so isittut sainsg snthling to .'nixus. CONTEST IS BEST IN YEARS Nooroo othi s itad bnhao i m uss ntil his taiter reccvedot hess ettss fom sPonitiac. -- --0 J y Is 0Y ,0 i'Iiisttittt, rrsectin'dog TRACK TRYOUTS TODAY \sttoortiti n(I iccnoitx, 'soisp teaings 'S' ;!' 7 MURPHY'S CONIDITTON IMPROVED lhssesocosstsros of thhis 'ls I isrtser- otsitae seclsudeditlsothis-i' Iloso ,is a 'esutofi s thdipuhthesitr -ia s-i''.Nosuts-sit thus-ithave's'theus'se au'so sit btsasll st'e downsoiisith tsre scarethsroastostool this' nototht-o aett hestsirlimiuose endos-x thc deves'smh nt of this'icufts'esofthteir' thrioattos, lhis-i soill be -cusomplteo'this Muon. hls'utoi tllts'e(xi-estotfxthis'ra suritsyto has f1 the o' use'ad'sol s''r icater ouutothsite Frantk Mionurp io,ossotkntiotik le Uit rirotsyIhostpitlilsot ought. lhis asildoiu ita isof dihthernl it tod shtaisotweIl. Iksotoos ot-sothis'culotureso f otthis troas Iofit(is uti'threhc itotiii'Itiso w-iti c-dit tsa(ceot Iipiitihsiaand'sit is oe toriethis jt ttit ofthi-is' s it sitsioeatrly '''liht outflthus itiss(ouluista tooth- noun totsiott o osst dtosthxeiruo so hDs.- itTli ict it Otto s'sohsusu tilos ro Ilstoniest if thn c ttt ti. 'itiix 1 eo'ti ttboes ' r ocsfere an' ill sil osesitsintheushsSie. r.Ir.te theo, thus situ 'hisalisith ofccr, doexsh ot et's- cits it thu sosis sotohdango's itof th isecaiseotsubading about this cams- "We's'lknow ox I suithooet totshousco it 's'e thret ened,"'ts x sit tise 1thotti list ought. ''ithilethereis totliiisorns shoasist.'arsoud this sit I shtdouth fseltt teiosixy case f totralarmi. IBust fist haveubeen extosed tot this'os-toothitilosn titeyiavlots'eessn placedott i juso'iuiuisot this-n-ei is-eailts-sitry'lhts'eprobabtility'thati the in easexotixe t Itpreatd., tTAKES ON OBERLIN TODAY Tennis Team Opens Season on Feri y Field Courts Team 1i~ ill be Pickett to Metet S)yia- cuse Squad Ini-h .andhososopls witlstagethi's'sit nuspo triune batstles csn briday anodh i urdayssoif((cot5wes'eI, -'sis I e(s era'l'Ci it - uuouushiMersis aihutsOthon butstitiman oun ths csuooshus in anso neosu o s tots get thu, manyt'itiiigeo-tisti o i' Ottits'init w K timei. Ths'rsodettsuof asll this' sns lcsss thast aoss' to takeso photI in the0' con1to's so-u- eotitiedh oustVhursday txtoapon repre'soosetaivs toisoeOust st hets' ('ui v-to mis'ouowsatero'osot otn5atom:(x)'clockh. Gen- s's-sit i ransio .\tyes, Clossts'oso so 'tSt kern out thi'he goutwariiBensleytohtsf th 'toot, a t l sfutic o fout thue' stol ml sltconts t llbeosthaondot io expithe ' nrulesthait oillgovns'ousttecoingclash ealiiU)1si' thast nttiniitdtiits arise0(v1 h fon thus'posiionsof itlass hleaders'. 1%' fhman maso ii (0' s ctiiig toki'iohdtli'u takeilaotce' tilt n,' dayo ev'x ingio atd7it 3 'snitthe s-opt1(uho o s-will gaither'u' ni sit niesdhay' nigtttthin .same5 t oot. At tlW so uuesetungs the rs-ttsswoill sagasinublou-i' n -i 'soanl hes-clasoses soill eleti'-h thusir' Iead- ueco frsouthble liotosprntedui' bytthi-t reprmese'otativs'o. 'Thsosoc eig'ginu fon theus gscolfwari wil 'ositiO m'ib's' his 00mo'rnin tt i ti tit - iagynsuthi s'n os siiity food itis siosuits ing'i Men it'sti cedti with o-ilcom-i umises fruxom tho u' tietri hosso. 'lh tyusfrthus'eayoteas'uuowoillsttsuosi Monda t asIssft-eurnuoo thndswill continue on'i Tusdasi, XWedtnxsa stout hussyh f- itrniionsunlssoths'esonnel s 1ofthei teasuusiss'etiecrmined-beforfeithatsimesuu. B t case will hostes-fit- eight rcp rei n'utiti'in otthis eesents. I'Eachi stut- ' i t' ill lbe' tlltowses- t hs s o ist uitsn hea stio in oertut imsore muenuimilyhie sui thi soujt oheIllsiddtle' otsAmerc- osinu thes twetyir t atnual otet oo f theu Nurthitn Orattoicllseagsue, hld host nghtiliveIsiitut) llsuit. etct Ment, o ilt li li of Witscoxnsi, % (t seo ndi' place h iso atIiltthou ittIjis', ''it- dntilD seals." J CitotuSeator, of 'teliveOiiiti ot Illints, ho tt spokedon00 In otr iw\, rcid th. Iti5as5 the first timo inl tie hearstht this 0a51a0 ospeaing ith010nitthus' prormosfaildl to scr irsplatoe5, F1st(not seoncasut sr- ri -isithoiemthe ILowdenxtestim soasush ''I cerany a ' srno nteusii't" ho sug athtlrol h i'oth ni' a eac suceeingyca ha fondthoil,.t otiol 0I0((tugasa nt, conhtsto"hes. t edl ''tot i I thinkthetud goscade ino miistakin iitheirs i tloh i i(isoft it'e it- Thupogamstaruted a t 8:-o ithoulait ortganprlues lato Eriloss o uh x Vso'Is. M re f. F(toil ha(hocsof (hCl isritx it hiionus sul S puesoint uf this'eage', toe-i oside.Tlesfiustseaker wasoJohn ut- knecbt'hi, llti'nsrepsenta sot's, his this subjec t IPoliicso soutthiniColegu Manus."'HItsaoidohn plrt: ''.ftsonu'tcsossuu-'andsabilitysoolsultsn-- hi'r theu'hlo f lte o, tush the ou' c s wh ichect ya sn ot housans i tf men,0very iearhiouiiform ing scols. ti tefel shtso,fers tei go's-outofpohritutis.o Tlhiight losta grnastou' on nd thillege mano' otif sttodalsy sonuthd itoidhliithecftoilitoryit.x" tutuehlica i nothec'ltandt of lity," saiu i t hsttittt, \,]loiicmliii d, "i theu largestphrseo till ilinosthiscout; f wo noom ustxworkilsfor tmeasge'swugs in Pittosmurg gassxofactoris,'orstixitherrys coutsitns;ior tcif the cildrenso ifuits arsgout oo rish fuuorwilehcthoue tch sie out uitilero lie inoutixurv." it. ft aliton , uf O(rlnhus I i ight ihast sohlnuxwsoniii lt pece iosiths att toe world,'two xx tirds of or outsuit rioecsh ousthtldb xpesfhndeduitfootthis cauuse of wasr?°o FrestMint, f fisicott: Nousthire it ilt)'y indulstia'iohnatuion ti soutsxpoioh- cit asioaros; noousteritis toapilitot hearistles stndlsottc'r'ie'. It mitOc11la-h bon is chic-ap 'soutthouppulyo t is uimit. hlts Cait'su'pb, out Isowa: 'hsllsit sube os1aidtatse buoy'eoxritti- 'ut 5 5 trhsfera hb''acsosus thatsibhhety -bthihIhsismatise us5 thi naustiou us- sitentoday?" J. C. Sear, of Ili ni: uIsureny is the struggl osit thut-sitsefor ithou teou tutu, sout byx'thus peopletox gai cotrlbf fle gossrnntooo. Surlynapopite cnnsoo ho trutedt'uwsothu itittt huiis" fi'i. . c}gaer, otftinnsota:xhs -"Tiles rans osf abot as'tre ualtofh bscuope soth te dsciplined, systemasstized'ihronskouf captitasl. XWe canuuuumnt uuinuu' iloultaeuce whenoss utsno sre srig At thi nclxuti'sixoofble Iprograuuua bassuqueitiashest iso huoorof ble tota- bos stou visitiung delegtscast the Mich- igalUsu niuion. lrankuhStetphunssacest as tsososter foc a brief series of aths. 'Ithe firt-VXity teniisimasttch isto bs i ,,1 :I ouorui'tis ttooreprsentthu-it be' play~edt this suuo'uou'g os2 ueus blocI o iss lofteco fasce Captahsins Nocriugus C itl[I I( FCI.Ih10 { snuso tos hoe Fecry fieldt cours. Itsate I(fVI(SI XN t INDI itSTIF S. lats ein th e tisse oxf sarioval of this Oblisqh uatd hadlutistexth e art'ued, histu t ThesCommrc cubs t1has laned'tri Cap~tauin Norriougiusoextpectedt this'ptoty- too Cooohvoladtoostudyhcthis' big. cuoisi in ecs to bhoeadsstoincolon cthsehouOr-siloholasof buhtciiy, heatslins'Ftiolsai. hsusu's t sit 9 s'u'clc. Shouostl thus-u' houe Mutt '6,toothreturcuiune Soiluday, hiftu8. tuensaomiundstandsbinbtg, htoeveri'this Stpscialtth-h toolandras-ilosdratesohflio sotmtche toill b laye d ~suhthis safternoon. besnotatiintedh,si t the hiss-iit muu ex- Michiugansu trll foe reporceetedboy Mono- pbloc tier scm eb southwint exceed $7.dxo. dvan, Stosurxoth andh fitebustuer, sandsCap-'t o5 to iishinug tosike the ftiplushould twsin Nocrngfoss. lhsondttheir nsosos otoo Withttsor.1 focer m=sittt. 11(NCIRiS CI..-SII TONtIHT0_________________ IN A'NNiTALI 'IOt'RN.XMI(NT. MtjCIIIt-XN MtIN ARGU~t IN IIVN .NI1I,1t'S 'I'f-ttX.. 'bloe Michuigan disiono of blue Amaoteur_ ftencer-s' league wsooth soldtits thirn - 'TheLsoAnogeles dynamsoitinig caseo'lhas osuss obourunamoeunt ino fle feocisog room hrughutntso giadutsof thin lMichuigano this eventissueat 7:300. TIhe Detreit V. lawmdeprtumentmcs seryosouch ints trmn-u 1I. C.tAX toasssosteret! J. C. Whoeat 'to E. fontce. Thense ott-soare hiattbtsi XX. IObeis ris 0expecteduotbseonus!st east onse IDcewo, it4.'96 1, souant e paorlt i~ttitirI, maniandtooth l [IJaineso,'og, with proh- 'onoIL, of tuudiauuuapuolis, tInt. Itrew' hts Obl rept hresesotn tit laaoo. tGold, silver tuess retaions oscounosoelfun thin prosoe- st ool e scot datos. waittltoe awrardtesdto the cutotliaodstRapptort ihaso teetn uengagedh fist threc n 0 itMaj. buck, M. N. G., to assist isobloc defenose ofthble MeNuoss- tooth ofcteoosas prsiditng jouge. r rsohsers. "Who! the AumnoitosiCan lo for the Betweenteight stotsuie lhiundredof ttte Univcersity,"usSloe sutject 001 which quesstioumies have linen retsuroedstobutblo Preosdettharry B. Huttchitns wilt speak ;office of Secretary Smtithto Idatsoe. tMtr. at thus University of Michigan Clothblat- Smttih is atuxiouts that alt sbtuentbs fit! utot ohItoidelphtos onight. outt auto!scnd iso the lanks sib one.