THU MIGIOIAI' DAI ThsSpace Reserved FOR Sam Burclified Sz &Co. a 9A -n Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 "oily Guaranteed Watelh Repea.'lnng aSpecilt iy The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ca pti tolta$,300,000 Surplus $050000 Ito soorees 0;2,50000 A lenera)l Banking Busness 'Transacted GrF1CFoti3. Ghas. E. Hiscock. Pres. ;W. U. Hrimoan, Vice Pre.:. J. FIirt' Cuashion THEFt ARMERS AND ME(AI1ANICS. BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capitol $50,000 Surplus and P'rofits $100,00 General Itniking lBusiness. 3 per cent pald on fTie and savings tDeposts. Safety De- pos Bioxes=to 2ent at,$2.00anod upwards 1t. KOnure. Pres. 11. G.n. RTYMAN, Vice-Pres. E3. A. W5VIr~ss. ('ashierF.10'.ST Powo, An 0- (jeman-mecalS ilsjak Cor.m~rcea.l enund Sa w. ns cane. Menina .and LibertyStraints FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARBOR, MICH. Ei. 1. KIINN E, HIA RISION SOLE Ps. Yii-Prs S. W.CLARKt'oON, Cashier. Capial, 100,000 0'ooi ilus ad o it s io ffoa000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Cauitl50,000 Sourplus 75,000 Rtesources :0l.250.0100 Wmio. J..Booith, Pres. Wi. Arnool, Vii'e Pres. C. J. Waltz, Cashoir lBlillil'i'1OLTNJIY W5INNERS' Out I'4 DC.AoRii, Crabtree antI Randall were the wini ners of the loving culp offcredt by thec Michigant Uniuoni )onthe otoiool liridge tiootronament sshich was conocludied Wed- nesdy eenug,'lTteir score wias 1662. Iiiiiiatnd tioxooor snore scconditwitth a cotnut of 3512. Tilc Senior Ulm"iner 5. 7 i gavore i'seivrnth oltoc,-ofit ti's ;, 7o0 lost tniglht at Graniger's. 'Tie sco 0 loryiug to initerest the tjuniorso un the club this yeair andrthus niake it in anualo .affair.'Thle last dantec will he given toe the clib onl MayO 26. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Altlilmatter inl this colmnll mulst be paid foertin advance. Office louses: 1-2:30; 7-8:30 P. In. FOU NO Vosiod-to Cheicacl laouratoriseoerol faouainu po'os. Otnri'es can hare sameir iy seeinug "'iilc''oamil idlcititvin;og priterty . 1410 WANTED 1 l'ii te'-Students oandclteachers cdesirinog sumo eriiio'i sontoshoulitcallioni Ber'nico' .St. Blradooord toi No. 2009 Sohuth Thaoy- LOST. 'ooSt--Openi loie owotchoosithto'St icbi(oao soil fol) in Unoiversity hatll. Reosorot. 504 t",. All" St. 14i9 ti. FOR RENT. 7'o leut- ttoroioseo aptmrloents for summiler. Call t6%o LI. If MISCELLANEOUS Bale's orchestra, Phonie 1050 J. 135-Ti1 P" 0 0 llaiiong floosrio-ti, ill sine toaikages, C. It. Major & Co. Both tP'iones 237. 146 tf. Wei set .ass ini alt parts of the cily. '. I.I.Stojor & Co. Btothi phoones 237. 146 tIf. Spescial stle oni owaltlpater, C. If. Ma- or &: CO., boh liphioes237. 146t. f1.' 6RRY 111706; CO. ire stlestigenits for f01t,111711'IS IItGH CR 61DP, Clic- JUNIOR LITS WVIN FROM YI7ARLITNGCS IN BASE7BALLt. Ilhs'jiliiorlits tiooko aniearly l eadi tgainost the. freshomienoill the featuegaome oil resterdttls'5initerclass o 0001 ots a1 SouthtoFeirry fielditanthtt oiuighothe y01111g- slts ocamei-lackieap iI'tiin itte closinig seons1i0 , thte fliaitl sco re stoot 5 toi 3' juiosill) O. Thejuior rengineers'hadioii tro( ubltoe i11 Isefeatinig the fresh oil the saomleole- tbtaritlnt by-a14Ito 3 itmargini. Ts' fresto-sop1010'medi am 0100nitohitlers~iohs lit forfeit. I Tiecoores by tiinnigstfil- too: trso Tt... 0 0 0 0 2 1--3 Btterors-Johnusooo ichrlitdo tont Junooioo t Sg (o. 60d30r -1 lBatterios - C0meonooooo nd.i\o66 ii Ou tDavidsoonoanduhiners0 . 0m)ireS r \ lii. No game wil0 beplayd t00011e noon0000i(0000110 too liii . tooae ae Saituramr ning 10110101 00:39 file 100110000110" 00011tlsts. ooll lo sti 0 :'1 , '1 IIIf T I s. 13 1? P ii 111 s. 1 110100c OUT1 IN I7IIA 'I71 N ITY. I Iritin I foo romi'page t)oojroi \looriolox tooy the h ospital. As soonolas ie learnedooo toat teodiseasos d000 i phi- theriai, lie r0e0010nedhtoo the 'Simlao hi i tine so-itlo the oioherswo a ee P612 61117 (N CAMPU'S. t C< ootinuooo oo m p0000 ge00I)0 01001. "YSoonla0re'eotitledI too loo oo -rO' 0000 opninsodthem.ooode00010.Beligino you r o r itho re-spect for yooursoelf. If 0001oti aeso100lne thabit sohich mtighit le- stroov Ihisre-sipectI,at-'tedtoo toatttruoule lusot. Adio n ooot question otlhe'tootio-o' 001 ollhrs. ;Goratnerss of chriacoter is thle greatt -sou0r000ofl 100w01r0000000000mankindo. too- tllect htaso' its force.bout if yo10 tre to suce,0 ti0 :dn tolbe becauiose of Itho breadt o folo ou oooohaoracteros,0101coineodo witholle iolss Ioftollc." After sino-out, thoesrenioor its.orent too ha rbouoor g00, whoror'heyox-aodtat feed an 1000ce. 6Aout s0011 cooutples we re' present.oT'Ihe insurgenots held tteir dact a hecunr clubl, abooutt fifteeno cou101000100ng0poil Walk-Over Oxfords Spi Ing styles in low shoes are now ready for your inspoction. Tan nnd Block, Button and Lace., .u, Men and Women $3.50 to $5.00 Get fitted by our rule system and notice the satisfaction of perfect length and width. - Walk -Oyer -' Shoe Co. S PRI NG H ATaSand CA PS HATS HATS CAPS e'. . . p CA PS. HATSq 1 0 NAME" AT HAT45 ~HAT HT Get Your New Spring Suit at WADHAMS & COMPANY 121-123 South Main Street oelates. hoc. 0000(1Soc. tier t. If Youior prescritionts wilt receive color- cil care attQUARRY'S 1tRUG 8.'t(1177. f W hy you st We desgn all our clothes and have them made in our an shop. Shoud le us2nd We enpoy only the highest class tailors in Shoud le usthe making ot our clothes. Makeyou clohes3rd We import our Woolens direct and save you the small jobbers proit. WAGNER & CO. State Street Tailors A J E ST I All Songs Sung by the UNION MINSTRELS M YWTO IiiHTa M YWI TOIH111including re chaDy FESTIVAL FechDyAP DALE'S Wingee Wangee WooCla CIRCUS Souvenir Matinee Saturday Writtetn especially for this sho Wednesday, May 10 A Suit or Overoatr 75c Thursday, flay I1I Suits Presedr 25c Friday, May 12 Trouser, 10c (Two Concerts) REPAIRING CHINESE RESTAURANT CAN BE PROCURED AT_ Saturday, flay 13 Fancy "Chop Suey" and Anmercan Y Dishe, Chops and Seaks Uniwxsity [ J ® (Two Concets) a l or Press Building, Maynard St. Across from the Majestic. A FEW TIIWETS LEFT Fler C1ll WAI KING LOO * IIIUTailors. 69 . Wiliam St. 314 S. Stute UP' STAIRS Portrait Studoiiiiiiiiiii- . 319 Jiast Huron Street