via R iA~ UNIVERSITY NOTICES New W hitney iBd uti .5P.M aecrent ae tr
Lir t]~g73 i&lik I el ~,Friday, May 5 Tuesday, Maohy 3 ' 9nctit1 prcea
t' ris- h ldI
nuggests the freshness and harmony of or junio li bsba ll prcice at 3 AS.teyteBetadla e
NElW SPRING FASHIONS. Or models are uirry fild (Gaie ilh freshl liit., t iMsical Comedy Company that
4:15. lTootersout i a loly-. has erere apeaied in An Arbor
deodoEadvnec o l ml mi nrywere ICeryod y's jost raet
devo illofitadsyet Superb instyle rightness. .1ectI ravingabout ii The Greatest at aSun
We ilftyou with nueemung precision at a ,.i,llct The Sweetest Girl
price that ftaynur purse I bho s ishiig is r ot __or__th___bsM USICAL___P LAYS_
tiesstaff f le tmyiIteiN ficMiJSIGLoPLAY
_______________________________________________dmns' I ireritminrm liti Mciiin InDllI
silasti 4 iii F iii rIII '*g An Augmented orchestra
LMA ~ALCO I /j TICIKETI'F m(I, 11,A5 riedFrgana, Alex. Carr
II t \ IL N Fred VBowers, Dorothy Bren-
1 NSAE A AT~i'(DA, ner, Catherine Rowe Palmer, -
- Zoe Barnett.
118 East Liberty Tickets fr the tim pro17ongso48 irl
the jOniote girlsplylilbon tcti 7 S gs 4$G P
mingiii a VII bo soe.Te i den 'tcal ast and corus seen S E R
liay isill he g ive i dayicro f t 61 ighsitbs at the La Salle Opera _________________
Ilfimurmielmic is ft thisi L Be long run
CALL AND SEE THlE Flll. liii rceits ofihi lay wi t ill ;u _________________ PRICES:
toaite ol ctinPRICES: irnta50-75-$I.00-Si9.50-2.00
50-75-S .00-Si .50-$2.00
C4 W E gli h- Seat Sale Wednesday May 3 Seat Sale Saturday Ma 6
NW 7 ~ .Itrlsmsminisgto the ' - it C l
S-3ty esit. Tmiilu's scelc ilues i F EL-
uptihe ltnmimsand ill I Ii IV)DI 1o1
______the_____sdeondmii t dua ameiteeiiii i 1 1B J U a . !
blae the 'ii a idi14i l 11;
;nry:.nd Com pany uilyitoday. STARTING MATINEE TODAY
711 M. VUniverstty Ave____________
-___ ____ ____Streeter Bryan (iO.
in a Tabloid Version of the Nw York Dramuati. Success
(hranger's School of DancingTH PL IN M L IO
Private Lessons (Iiven by Appointment i oncinsil
tint in ii ilarsall at Academny or Phone 246-ffice lours 10 t 12 a i., 2 t 4pm ni o ncinwt
tii- i~i mtmi Water Sthampoos a Speilty. AttVI
10 intO ! tnolnand towseri itzd betore ig VI Central
AniArbor, g j io~ui iorrut s M RJ.R.TROJANOW SKI i M ichigan Feta .
______________________SOUTH AN SOUTH=EAST
_._ anST NRCalm Cnra Ner 'Sves- UHWET j Tickets on sae SMay 16,191 1 TiklNe YokC nrl ns
le and of I ial return limit ILa ily's 1To Ioint
r tit of an evenly nourished body. in North Carolina, inni asen al My12 1aand14191iio
An ppSl y1 one ind Uof nourishment ity Norfolk .& Weteruior NVirgininturn 10"0uto -0,mnuti umuititinpint
totebody. \Vhole wheat contains iy.roani ildy. i-iouuius i Jcsn60
ne cessary to build uip and DeIhfRIlandWate Lansing, Mich. Battle Creek $1 .3
braini, buces one andvi
H.Michigan Central acutt
1' TGletn uKalamazoo(=$1.6.
) MeA, Mobule, Ala., .O.. . GRAND ENCAMPMENT GadIais-$
0 _'~ and New Orleans, La. AND PATRIARCHS MILITANT rm Aa t
R, ~i euetareetforrihe RoindTri Ticket on sale May 15 and 16 1911 1)e$troit 60
' n dit ed O ttRtt fle Yucl,tpemleueur r~ritm i mmm
ted Ia si,,arti juiu, mmcii me 1
most easily '- ~ J e - Tickets now onl sale daily, to
). ole Wheat. ~Galvestoin, Mobile atd NoswOrleais i ui_ rer, hu iiito eachmiloriginni uiarting rtakt,«<.Ian},4t.r
Dimliiotirater tan u n i . fMay 518,t,,)~ 'Ia tkil ' te i-l , iiii . moniit
d~ /To Mexico City. conimeicing May'
y Baggage wi llimiot hi mluie I iio
ii eordinary 7, 1k ~ 911. ____- EULXC URSI ON thetuesi ti.
III'f7ms of wheat, .. LOS A gees al, ataod- n addition ou i ii tlius f it'. t-lit
It h s . ist noetA gees C l. r llVIA wilt also km -mlii mttsen a m- :, i
o~ qrtaities i Cal., San Diego, Cal., an wir'tm u.'mmi u :
San Francisco, Cal. ]Michigan Central les) at whichits'Slttimi ,- e t im t
/ \\ American Library Association, Sunday May 7 so toeioehl r e h
a-e ,Pasdena, Cal. Hi' mniou Samin ta fiverontsti. tn I i ii it il
keSreddedWIseat Company
Nigara i-syN. Y.
wh yushud uyyurSrig hesa
"Pu rf ield's
u 119 South Min St.
N JZ~JI St Our Styles are the Latest.
'.u9, -®ie <wi. 2nd We carry the LargestStock.
-S-OP ~
3rd Our Shoes IFit Better.
4th We are 50c to $1.00 per hair Lower in price
than other makes=-=Quality Considered.
5th We Give You Better Service.
See Our Nesw Low Iteel, Flat Toed, Custonm Effects.- the Latest