THE .M I,QIIGAN DAILY G. IH. WILD CO. 311 5. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 5O. STATE SEET State St. Shoe Stores 302&s. Crawford Shoes for Men Full1 Lie of Ladies' Shoes "Edozalors" for Children Sporing Gocds E. R. FROST Prp C. [ BAUB[1 Law Medical Dental 2 ,ae at Stock in lMicigan S..oond-band Law Books L-. on, s1 Aledical Dctionaries lQ iz Books etc Compaslete line N'ew and Sec- ond-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Students' Bookstore Gym Supplies of all !rinds Stationery 1 pound Linen Fabric-2 Packages of Envelopes 60e Card Index's AT Sheehan' S 320 S. State Street THE MICHIGAN DAILY. icaayoojfEdtor-LiEA \inn,,. Busines aaoer-NsOMsA II luii NewtsIEitr ..... Harold Titus Assisat...........Hlrry . Eol. Athletic Edior. -Water K. Towrs Asssaet.....Artlr B. Molellmoa Alusic ad Dramao. ... Earl V. Mere Ecagsand3 iles--Diee S. iiroy Artier J Abbtti, G. S. Hasher. Paul Leidy. A. J W0uhgestis. I arsld McGee. larry G. Illscsr HM.Mackc Rya Frak Ice's' I Fred Lawtns Maaur cle at. Lorets Rbinser. John , c'. PF. .has, Jr. I rin Koh Oscar Beckmana. BUSINSS STAFF C A I~oais et, A. It Diley. 1Ilycr REabit. Kenieth Osbr. .Aaress: MICHIGANssADAtsPress Blg., \layaral Sret. Oiice Hoeas: \Alaunaging Editor, 1-2 Ip. m, at sl o u-t.:30 Ip. il. D aily last atcsManager, 1-o,78i1'sit., lx- ctoSuda. Balls'tloties 655 NaTHRSD1, ttT' IItt sac2Pea1area I. l ~i esit i-veHa1l 1 O be r 2 - 1C a toinIator s s isto Itr alt IL' ''ti tttl CA .,t itNeawa Ca sil ngeli itall at 8:00 .sIs Otbe 26ct ( -Jusssping'.Jupit, Ness \\b tc c iist as sthiatk, it is tra- alt'atatato a~c toaaire cvr athestats a ioaofpeoleivh reclasclsresit upoan aic c smun t ttn w isihthsieylise. It atul he m c 110- plelasanat t t sied thl ste te y a- lrasingat ac sI- I~twa steetat do ashethie pee ia auta a pasd o lm lats te c lli on r alaty oat e s tiss te a lbarst atsit is n cas r- o th a strttttasai t asaitda t h eitm irot "taetts tat uapiona the a Iaci lit dc trin ha (1me ore ti fo stas i srenst tin e cn lir: o a state resnta tt' t e Ith s1 h sitsegu a tt taitets asr urta rt t nat rsta odisa fro sisali Ce ndo the ysaear tlat inssr ass-: isa he )stis' wil caeao aotiscavr adaleaxpose everist ) a l ast igter sI asalttiaw fet'nct s andtfuthratatc it mil i aboluel evryistan ce iex-c pose lcWaecas adrsidences s placela tasspse or offendss agastsicm-t a i ian sillitbe laststledaonsicuasly tat tattlm~,a d ferd ta t e gets erast res 'ilis is at fair sa ar ang taosloe camtpus a'tttcelttst talcathticd, eadie stats wstosafalla eta Br the sltbaned sati cry, A s tutga stit fr Satarsias tasy ttO 1" Cast ttallmbas. Thse annatatSensaste receptioniis toie memseiars'o ofe facultr sas Ihl i Blarboussr grtaataaasitts lsst eeing. MUSIC AND DRAMA 515R. OIO DSRlit TAL..ass. It is eoaly itnrecasstyesarasstataprts- graim maskesop ciitirely otathue liaise sworks of IBachohas cate Otoaecosdr cii aisatsical, tar a as t anat lstica 0550i- cal possisility. liststaeta-sisal'gisvsei yesterdlay aiftecnons byeas las Missoit - wsoot adslslaroaoa, ifasy aseItsnassdtic thsat thse classiacatsricatac achas. a a-k coesr a great im t a o pira1iits fie s is taidernattftimodecras;itsiclis of htarmisoily atadialoquentceaatateaxitras- siens c-tainated ssisis iperfast artititare- straist, it stay ite siastat if 100usi' ll erer golacy onst los. 'fhere is ating, acrhsapsi, swatch caiotldtmake a gr-se statere adiuonstathea csesurcesoftat pianisaat thanat proger-ast osf Baach. sAndti lit. aaLssskwoodiwass in si-a'ry waya'ecqualt otttiseemandas. 'lil C'isoma1tc, fa' Iattasia siatd I'ssgtewso laye-id i is usthatbrsadtha ndsisal p sshlic'hit requireso's'caulseaoas its a ntri - ccits rich stasloring, ititstbauitIifast 'aci- tallis's' anssiits wondetrfulacoii uasat crpiassi. 'The treloutcosethue SecnPeata cllde ass -uu w a t oas Istae satn eery rapsil temtpoit bt was ftictat , sctlear, ands 1altothti ri likaletheige t w'lts~st aIs ri-arksa'ale-fat' 'ts al-hats'laggia c atin tg. T't ra' ola's in C shtasrp mtoasadas fla it minitar It-eegiveatn oa laait epy tasticsfeelttt-. 'isconetais' t gott('sthutios tiscatl;togt i enitire program, aseachs soaobert'5''a ditsttitinisedby someata'iula''ttsbeiaust - Ohaeitsalakiitg sit 5a5 artiat, it ia uisualoly tiua5eto talkusftafschnaique.a' lat aith italcs eeythinig istasedasionista's-l 1 al mitastary.S o ne ma asail pase theta'tagiicentits cctniqisisof Mr.N Lock woodl 1hitch gives oly tsanothea ciso s fat admoiinitg Iis at. IceItayed' 1 1 lsII'C 'still 55 Ill. ItvesofatOhiselartof laecomaancact l cotjurotogsoil listaean'oppalortussity (d seeinoncie of the past tmassters af thals fascsinatinog subtjs'ct 'to thse Ii ajcstc thaeates'ctaoigiht. aul Valtadt s kta a~ sloe wiorltd tier51s onie'sat thse cxpel exptioneots of sleightotaf-hsandit lad lis threec yasc' experiene'as15ca-stIacratit)l 1101 great Kellarc lassmsade i Isis hotissehoolsstrid. lWhensiellarc reticced freom the stag-c tast yearc, Vasladlsias immtsedisately soutisbly the vaudltaevilae mantagerssaod lie hssraces toitbesaatse sal the biggest drsawitng cards ott the stage today. is toystcry- of "Vetnita" its swhicho a foil growon womtani istmadce to lits- appiearin iiilsae' toilicibrilisatttylightsed stags' is atticsatthe manloy'tintgs this w111ltae utfatoldto ther .Majestic pt ros toniighot atnd the rest otf the welea. Anthter lig catch sill hae0101h 1 Implecialti wshicho is one of the betacilIvaudsaesvills'. Besitoe's Grill. Choatcosal gcilledi torterouase steak. 113 NIV. HuonaoSi.. upstisr, astp Interurbias istat. 7-cod-tif. 1l\' 1SLEIVAN GU.ILD OCCUPIES ITS OANN ROOM THIS YEAR. ILast spritig the younog men of the Mlethodaist churichi, feelitng that there soas tneetd leer010organizationtwhich woud tunite othemsmore cloasely' atndthusetnale themtis eter to oselcomoe the tesw'meto tos camse into the chutrch, orgoanil te 'Yountg Mcii's Wsesleyano Guild. ''hlece 11cc at least ala huttnsred tohetiof \iettaaaaist affilationts intshle univlersity, adit is the tiuripose of toe guild to trtsvtae a chusrehhtomioe for these mient wchece thtey mtay enijoythue soial andi religiaous comasdeship toilwhich they italic bteetn accsusstomted intshleir home ch sc. To this etid sogid roomos eqippe inis t the chturch dutritngte sum- ier aespeciallyliar otseirue. 'hue sotrktshue Guilod will The earrietd sta ina close eta-operaoticaost-itthe PUol- avcoolly' Y. Ms. C. AN., atnd the aito will lie toa makte the kinodol work the associa- tiis cinhgomore effective amoncig the Miethodasist studenlts. The work is ini chlarge sat i. I'. Rtluei, 'to, wo is ithe stidtilt secery ofa tthe Gouildi. ThI t'Colisao unc silil vo5 ttedilasO tight ass advcertise itatud'cefair lidtsontshe l- 2,1101a water andtilight labohdsrecetotly- avatest for othe liprovemoetta'nd5exten- sin fthunsicisipat Isystems. A ness eoalege istosable estabtlishedl as Pttand Oic, regons, an isl btle anin ti- autioll s atbsaot the sameti-ranok as Ami- IPALMIST, sSTROLOIGEIt. haol, 11to-' y. IWill 1leace : tialn a - 15. Coc olaes Fresh Every Week 60c per pound We deliver goods promptly to all parts of the city. Both Phones Michigans Best Bookstorrs State St. MoinSt. Offers best selected stock of BOORS and STATIONERY A few Prices: Kara Linen No,.1itquality35 por lb.------_------- U French Dinity __35c per lb..............--- Michigan Linen 25c per lb,. _ WarsSpecial W 00f Fountain Pen__..______ U Engraved visiting cords per 100 from plate-5 Engraved visiting cards$1,flf per 100 with new plate ~.U Magazines at club rates loose Leaf Books 25c to $3.0 Make our stosres your headquart- ors. Try us. WAH P'S TICE' S THE DRUG STORE OF IQUALITY 117 South Main s 1 Dotster Than Ever The broad and exclusive lice of FANCY SUI'TIN GS we are show ing today. From it every noon can finid a fabric to suit Ihis fancy, as h! th light and dark mixtures inli e Season's latest patternos are shiowna. For a Fall Suit that's right in Pattern, in Quality, in Style anod in Make-Visit Win. B. Dieterle Varsity Tailor. ff7 E. Liberty Street ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP OpposterElectricsaoitingsiRcom CEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From itFreddie's" AT TUTTLE & Co. Lunch Room You can lied a flee line of Confectionery Safety Razors ON APPROVAL We hove arranged wiib the makers of botb Gillette and Ever- Ready Safety Razors to put them cut on approval. The purchaser can return the razor and get his money back if he wants to. E. E, CALKINS, Drllggist 324 S. State St. Professors and Students For a Convenient Reference Loose Leaf flemo Book, our A. P." Vest f or Coat Pocket Size, meets every requirement. Every Ruling - Quadrille, Mar- ginal and Faint, Dollars and Cents, Etc., Etc. MAYER, SCHOETTLE & SCHAIRER CO. Stationers, Printers, Binders Siudenis' Supplie. 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET BELL PHONE 1404 When Wanting Clean Clothes 98 Call Either Telephone ..... Varsity Laundry Co.. , HIGOHEST {TRADE OF WORK PROMPT SERVICE 215 and 217 S5. 4th Ave. It 1 - f 121 Washlugtou E. RAN DAL4L & PACRK, Photographers Pke.. 598