THE ICHTI N DAIL~Y S P.- i 4."' , r . .,. , , r c "i i S k # r, ". ,1 fy ~.r,, r . .s '.J ': L.~': = : ._ ..: W:, n" r' N .4+f yi ^"' y H i , jS r . t. ,: P r" I 1', j w f "' .., F'. r.M:: :. i ..{ &i... , : r: '9:i F , " ;f . , , t Su '. 1;, ',--3 ' s;i s > ;, #'. -' ., -'_ Summer Shirtings ;s In all the latest Styles and Patterns C 4 C, M A C Tinker Q Co.' Furnishers and Hatters Corrver Sousth State arnd William Streets JUST RECEIVED "NEW PATTERNS and STYLES" "THE SHAW MADE" GOLF CAPS b xU S x d 0 S x I" a 0 r a : ; f c. . r , ,n t ,'r ' r: Special Room for Guests BRING YOUR FRIEND TO THE Location: Cxrttirig Apartments, S. State St. Phones: Bell 1736 Horme 524 White MVSICOBY Fischer's Orchestrt- Y F z ivi xr:. sue'. ZV ""Rk C- ,": r r. 'f- JX .+ kA a r Y! !y yp yn y t For a Quiet Sunday Afternoon, Go up the Huron For Pleasures of a Moonlight Eve., Go up the Huron Canoes and Boats by the Hour Also Boarding Same U. of M. and Huron River Boat Livery Paul G. Tessmer, Prop. Main St. N. B Ann Arbor Both Tels. 656 -a - . ~ _ _ Special for Ten Days vtil May 15 we will make the following SPECIAL RI C E 3 beautiful cabinet photos on your own choice of large folders for . . . 6 regular University panel folders . . . 18 post card photos . 12 post cards in folders . . h. sin 4" 0 l C Any size film developed, l0c Arthur J. Kitson PHOTO SHOP Corner of S. State and Liberty streets, over Darling & Mafleaux I