THLE MICHIGAN DAILY 1.0. A.Splflltby PermISSIOII of th o ic 'g II Daily N. 0. L ORATORS TO SPEAK HERE FRIDAY Past Records of Contestants Foreshadow an Excellent Contest PROGRAM TO BEGIN AT EIGHT The twentyirlst aninalcotest sif te Northierns(Orator itltLageic sill he held ini Uniiier'sity- 1-ailtonmssrrows'night. Thi contest is hetd here hut iocceer eveni i rears. aii is the greatest exiblitisn of unidergraduiate rators scu rring' ammat- lin lie (Unitedi States. Sesen of tte agest coteges oif ttie A-tsuie West cisiilrise te eage=Micheiga, 'Ain- icota, Wisiconsinii, Nottwesten, Ili- aoids, Ioaaansi (Oberlini. 'Die students spekinin this csontest ire cousen in uivsicsty contests simila to that telat Michigans .Acsrsiigl the wsinsersiof ttese coitests represents ttetest priduct isftte stdents t ais coitege. Csiidieriig tte swhtoseeagiie, ties,this ciiistcstsuiioirrows ight reps reseits the creams of suiieit orators iickeid frsosint siiectiais tsetsy-ite thoiusansdlstuidieits. Michiganswille resresestedi by joissi Cisihieclil1, i till spe secsuipoi "Politics aiiii the College Aslai" lie wsn assmeiiiber (fthesebsatsiig teasswichijl sian froiiiiCicagoin thue Cesstral Lege. Debciae last siiiste. Jay Lel-tss'Ciesinitt, Nssthesstei'sI reprecsenttsiv, siill stek ipisi"The Risddle f .Amer'iicn ibliert." ni uis hieisuinsscondsi place is the irk sorstss- sicl csontest, andssirhs.iin 9, adsirpre- sestediNsrthelissten agaisst fiicagoitii tue Cesstral League sdesaie. AlfredlG. \Waltsos, Obesri's eirst- tative, sttessdesi KliaazossCisllegs' frssmsi1907 itiot19 istwsre he onstisihis issllege sratoiecal cosntest ansi lass's sshi'e in te State csstest. [ni gi ti entieedOb(lin'liiassi sesios'n'isis- tinigussiedi himSisef b inniingsisiigrst i le Oiberlins csontest. iis sbljct is "I- ternatioinaitl Psce." FredslMek, asiorsiseat Wisossi anda embe sr of Phiii Btilaiappa, hisi hail considiserablel expei'eces' al iiora-i tse is clsss iay prougas andlsouit tie jositdtehs teens ue lierirysi- cities f \\isconsini. Ile siltsekupii- o Is n sdissrial iDisases." Mscy'Casmsibsel, Iwas's etre seta tveisas te issine r isfthe .Aristotelians intier-sociei'ty issilaluter teinite-st prelimsinasry' cosstests ii gi. "Te Thinker iUnfraids, is his sbject. J. ClisstossSearle, aseiosuiniithe lit- laiss'cssussest IliinoisSsill seask uo "Iists-egcicy.' Ile ss rprsente'dsliIsi uivsitsy tice, once agaisst hMiniisessi- t isnilonce :agist ODioisStste. William sMarc Frae, Minesoas" reprsestaiv'e, iillsek uon the "sKEt- ci f IsdsialisiStrife."' PreisstIi essterisig Minniiesota he slet isis)'ca's aatCCarletons College sihere tiit ciii liei Ftressnsmancosstest. In i1911 lewsntisieis Pillshbry srsitoriesl csossest at in-i sessit. Johin Giskieet sill speak first isistse peosgrai assd the stes will folwiti the orler they arc named. The cotest sill le presided iveee i Ediis W. MKeesn, of Minlnesoa, the ipesidest of "te Norternc rastsrica Leasgne. tsill start promptily at1 o'cock tand the tdsors will he close dMAGUE FRE D HE 21 YEARS AGO Was Established in Order, to Elevate the Standard of Oratory NO1W HAS A LARGE INFLUENCE l'1\ st 5til ' ) li 51'1t lti I i11 f i t~ i di + cyt i t515 irch '-i C 5 so i i StARInsi MIs;Kt WAtSON C 1isL-STN i'c 1CAMPtisiTli Toi i/ic P'isidefstilof Ii' FOralslii : ii Isis-helmad islorscisithe os li lte speeies a~ l'ssssntc attended decibate' ssndcusstests ugsvens isres'andiithe minisifauslt thsat I havssto'isediiss tha t- peopuile insist call ss-ssilig sill theI r1 iatecly. sir tist'ise si-io ciiiss' 5 ciiandst wouldisilihetse l it iisiii at'theus'N\ri'i ess Ilratosruial i gus onstii' Iii JUDGES COME FROM AFAR Five Prominent Men in West to Decide Winner 'hePus'jdsgis fur ts sconstis' veiis et°1 ss'lecti'dtcarefuly isstdiwill hibouht frissi coisiiersable istancsic. l ingi. 1. -hI. Bell, if iesh lesc.sss.vaciiiiii the Isfarthest diiisistac. Thei- itises'ud sic loss. IG. If. 5lclhnighlilofii It l- sOh(iis 5Judsgse C. T.Johssissuui o Toledos; 'ro. 11. S ~owro iesin Reserve a lvind n 1l['ecsidei'nt Sits 1 iasof ipon Ci' C lls ''i Rion ittsuitlnsics'iii sS ii isisiili tothe cusstlst are t' i sillooi T. 111itheiconsisI-ts Of tis i~t 1 isi'stiis lshllcointaiiis'soretiusi isis 2 The judsgses shasll be iv i11 11nii lii's anssitlii'sshlli juge oilhogti comsisstionisians ivusey. S 3. NoK ots'itantliiishlli isis attiindus alisistslitiioiiof lithe iranksofa lls-v sir usissv'esity- iii re thun four rs sin' all. 4. No psesonshilli heisll isisito cueter smoiec ts-an miiie ictst of sis leaigue. tuion issher e thei'cuslist is -hld shall silapperist, tliii'heispei'k'rsh rilo sssg isirotatuin. esuissisgtse spes'shuss. issist IMoiris' ilI islpes the progrnamsiisithli i rani re isueo lshotly heiors'te ime'iiss-osrth speceis. c 'Rickets sirs' selig atl i is es-i napsiece n r e t insg hledysi stu- senssupol the campusis, atl \'sslss's bliii s' stoire, andsat the bolsoffsiiie il I~nvri e htll today gassidIstossssrruss' istxv's'iii i sissiess of a11:00 lto i2:00 si. mi., anii a:0, 4 toi 3 :00 P. Ill. andsin isis daisy s-s simig i111 d sediistely ibefosretse contest. AFITERT1IECONTE Sf Oratorical Association Will Give It in Honor of Visitors TOASTS TO BiE VARIED BUT SHORT WiIC' i' i'AHl'TI CiS "i ii- i 1,11 1> ' k'(1. 'Four of 1- llli cis;- t C1C Coat 'l If m rr5' I Cli csi 's': WLNNYIERS TO ( it ' Ii, - l cii cs t i 1 sitl}1 \llc~ 11 plcs l: i c )l i lc C i' - i ssc 'i I lii dU 'iii ' frli l iii 111 - aI ass is sls ll isI, i c i its-. Is -ET PRIZESI c xtr i pkicc s i M ichi; a3 stttcl Ira!lk stepha ! c, «on seconc raic>rical cant ait s-r]1atc all the 1*;uI )o)m ti r-actlII of the Pr" f. T. C. 'r! Ill the interc°st c cal lea"ttc it ' liathcr of the Ivnlazl, of as a lllcmhl -r (1 T ho \ 111W1 t reel I pim for ])"["Itv as, a c 1,1C cc5>>tc st. I I,' L V C i L I i Lowuden Testimoniasls Asward $1011 to irst lisor, $50 to Seond ti 't l 'c' 1l ' 1 t 't e 5 ' c - w il a s ' '" i ri l, f w ( l iiithe 1 s 4 _ iie 1( 1 l1,4),d v1,) \ii s~ tit _