______________ ____________ ~MICHIGAN ]DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G. fI WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G.H. WILD CO. 1The Leading Mserhant Tailors 311 S. STATE STEE Base Ball shoes $2.50 ad .d 6yrn Goodsitanti GolShes F. 1R.1F ~', 302 S. State St. EGRAVED Caling Cardls n alPrices Qu ~ foted to Students SCRIPT LETTERING Plate and 100 CARDS ~1.25 10CARDS from Plate 75G 7 1 stilt of 0Cl PROMPT DELIVERIES i'd-~~'Beookstore Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan SecondHand Law Books Liv ndMeical Dictionaries Qilsa Books, etc. Com,,plete ine New'and Sec- onid-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E+ ARTHELL, 326 S. STATE STREET Sezond riser Tel. 761 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Edtor-LEE A WHITE. Business Manager-NORMAN I11. lIL. News Editor........... Harold Tits Assistant,............. Harry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant ............ J. Fred Lawton Music anid Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and File.... Dion S. Birney EITORIALS. Arthur J. Abbott. Pat ,eiy NIGHTgEITRS. A. J. Wohigemuth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward H-. Robi Maurice Toulme RPRTRS. '.s Loren Robinson )Tarry Myser John L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. John H. Towney. Wallace Weer.I Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor.'' C. Htarold Hippler. J. Selig Yellen.' Robert M. Giltet Win. T. Daugherty' RUSINESS STAP C. A Bowman. A. R Dilley.' Myer Ruin. Kenneth Osorn. E. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Grierson. C. H. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. Address: MCHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. mn. and 1t1:00-,1:3o p. m. Daily. Business Mgager, 1-5, 7-8 p. in., Et- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 96o T11iitSIIAY, MSAY 4, 1911. Night1 ]dior -Ba~socR,.BUnTO UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. May 4.--Senior Swing-Out. I t 4.-Itigier Social clb dance at (Granger's. 'Ii i 4 5Senior lit siilipe' an (1 iaci at 6o 00o'cilockt Barboir gymt. NaI 5 .Case vs Michigan, Ferry field, fIay 6 O0hio hitte Uiiversity vs Mich- igant herry fieli, 2:30 P . I 'Maio Vaasi s s.Michigan, Ferry fili, 40515. I. Ni y o2o-ArtI' .bitt,NMnoritl all. NI, o.-4 I ioeital liy Allert l oe-, o isnighbet sol all, at 4:5 i. m. MNI i0,in1,t2,t1'.s-May Festival, Uni-, versity Ihal. Msay It. Syracse vs. Michigan, Ferry' fiel, 4:05 P. ms. TO0"SIX YARi" SORiiS. It is a w orty traiition that ells the rbeid seniors into le' today fr the "sw ing-out." 'Those iswh o ae never iort tie cilp iand goset seiise the iiiptortane of con11fortmity to this academic cstoii bitnaitlurally there are a fess' professioni- ai ,stientts sWho, haiig obaied the ba- claureae degree, are soimesshlat blase, til sornithIe idoniingofite seiior garb That sucteai ir itis scarcely iortyr cees obioss, hist atitaretle i is't, fra ess "six-ear iius"''are lrating O(f ter inomii-oiforniity. N.deceectt cotsideritiois of the esieist it swhichi the catmus Iholds swing-out" hiold insire every setior to its ssserv tise, for the iinstitutiotn is tnot psersottal it chiracter bitt repiresenits, ratler, tihe iaiiineit. of a class. Every pro- if ssisOMl sdetsarttsetst settior ouight -to 'e is itt hisi class, ini lute tossay. I f It doesn't raini I '1' ie Varsity-isseet is to be. held Satuir- las. Those who have track ability and sollege spirit -souldtetter in thse various esetits. There are good opportunities fir steit to land places on the Varsity track teamt yet, and there are metn in the uiiersity of the proper calibre ifthIley ecas inly he attractesd to Ferry field and put to wiork. Get out!I "I-f At.MA' ,S ERRORS Ni (Cn r)ad :ranut 'err wilten tFiscer s'isedila Itrill. IDaill's sinigle iriaught inthe v isitsir's lass ri-l. till test cff accosrdinug ilsl)stirvsc batititiorsl thuat ietooIiintolei'i't ys ttrday ansttart itedsyicultisug .iruni. lie siigttil, tols'scondioislithe cuus,# fielider's "irror,.'andh Marisacs~sriiicim iii tii's.lhll l osse itic alltotard['all, xus iiitissedi i,an'Iiiiiliiscored. N'alt- tser fioliio'i'eduish'a cle'aiiiidsitublescr irr'its iilliche lsirid, iiiiiagaillscoirest, t'eachting thirid oi1N'ialtnes''s sascificse ands scisriitg ishcnsNi itehl singed NWith litsthecut fur tsoi is) un sagailnst thieis, tehe iiip liay'is slastedanother assault its the fifth that lied this counti. itill recedifirst oitsRosdgers'srsor stiiie secsindi, aiiicosuiited slin Bl idoubileid. M itcelil ssc'i'di hss li isis1c11 ill0 else isest stalsita, startingstinigs isii1 hiti. t lecropsiitytolcisiconidis, niii c ts thirtdswhili' I bes wias binsg throsiwn out ait scosred ii sis s ischesire a loug flyilto left. 'hue score fsslosis 'NJICIIl.rNN . ..ANB if IiI1'll)NA I' -H l b .. . . . .3 2 5 1. 0i Marlinut ii.... ss 0 i0 4 i1 5 fell If ... ... ..3 2 i1 2 0 0i NN'it see cf .......; is i i 0i Mlitcellirf ...3 1 l I vlier1 '.........l is ss 01 1 5 1'iscertiiac is .... . ' ss o i StItisis p . 5 ...2 0 3i -iile'ii'n. ..i' ..1 o 0 0i 0 0 C~ampbell p ......s1s0i0 is is Tls i....2 (?27 7 .1 1iatssifossi'st1ilits4th. AIhMA .........N11Il i 1i ii Ni N B (ill s',... ..4 1 2 oidi Ichssy if ....4 0i isis0 i Nutes p......d It0 ii0 51{ 1 Phiiet ifi....4 55 0i 2 05 0 Stufiler 31i ...5 1 2 1i05 Vouu"iui c ....4.t 1 2 7 2- Iii c s . . .. .2 51 i0 is 0is I haslt i .....sto 55 sso( 0 . 1str r.?,or s hii istrtt ~ts i Ihic11iteisKeve~s . gii us th isis'r- sits lc'i osfIost NM tsic (fciitiy' iisplatied bot of tlisc chat raictiristics its los ri- 'idbytht rspairis wichttiareite ad oil lteii sitiiset 5MNitBigs""p layedii11i; 1'01ta'it t w itit t reomtiandti iii ves's thati few s ',s''ltists ofIi der i els erncii l~ac iitill 5oilt yesiltedys 5 i'pro'ram 'ee~dcrfliti'titieiii atIsis hn s alyea his tritesofthsie delicte little "Cnmlation"' sbyI' inst, a'the uetslit sil"Ilieto51 Lolislenrs"its' Nagstser. T e Scherzo)frsosts li grs' Sonaita III I, i trw s Isbrilliat t:ii f stacscato th lise twie iiastoleaits ahis' stics is t crsa edIIsa tekla.'t lsiii '5 +il' i l ii lt'i titel'o~~ . T NG . hla ~.ist aushicoet o f this se' ii II ~ ii iiiiiton igh tcI;1.o* l t I 1111l)t-a t{I s G r n r Stnlls., Ni b'o iLouis :Mtto clms,\ ivcsts IItase tssisl-.Ii iiisit t is etasireviuslity IiIIsisas ben oligesil toicacel Iis Ntil1c u situel1d 1 ne m zo (Ii tillsNi 1mes~t),l'op. issi, 51dl Son op. 1 1,iNt . . . NN uIt:111 (_) 111 m inh ld r i' dse Nistifrom5 Wissi Ill 1and :1 itt icn i ro " h1i s