The_ ga Dail ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.fllIUR5I)\\ , '\IX\ 4 11L1 Vol. XXI. 'N (.. 4S - . AL ASERRORS WIN l'' 7 S \ N0,11b.VRIT UICASIi __ GAM FO MIHGlANI .I i , *fcibeflii Mtlit, OPEN SEASON TODIAY nrsngs', wll egin ithis ee~t l~rsr lu at ctg oil .]tasks," the 'ttV engILIL In i n pIeer imeetig atthle i(li - - 0tol: hs lisenersfrontSeatteltoel' t 700 ocloelk for oan liours hr- Misplays by Both Teams Are I p; lii iityci tilterydy fB Band Prepares an Elaborate 111)111 They will coiiiiiie it gter for rus to e oldfied isc cdtie e - h ilie puiroset iiiiier te ledership The Features of Frigid olm ci itihtilining m toin the Ppiiloip- Program for First of Spring o . . I3hi l e very Tiursday, andtmI (lik reionandsho ed vewsof he sblytwie a wieek untlil eams. Co tetukton fildi c iiithe cmproced 1 oc i Concerts The sior teiis will iiee for ithe irst - -iit itns of t ii - intei cnext week under the diectiointof \t the bN . m e netinig oi tine clu, frnk l eliianuand will econtiniue t S TO 4 VICTORY FOR WOLVERINES lttti ccnd alac \'. Aice,'r *6 NUMBERS LISTED FOR TONIGHT hldiiw eekly sinus- on th t yor, were elected ed iitorisiof 'l"The lNf icin_____wethier preventig n Tursday.ti Foresli",thle qa(tsrlyi uicaeti i iiiono ohrdy on ishihi cps andtgowns are M ichig. n wis c returnedtheiini ers i nn ~ the chlifor(inex't year. 'i lirst ((icrt oftheVirsity hind worn. tlie friigi cntest 11that iasi staged(1 osnliV ttu i-iillilieiientisii gM 7:i1; 111 ___from_______ thecci iouallisiccici 13 Ctii slitfter- SENIORS T[O MARCH RTODAY thlie camiNilbi] dii '(id. Teeliii DRKH SS R WNE nooni, blNinatakig tieshuot enid of a_ o 'i' ii iti i AK RESAEWNE ; to (I((lut. Tie Collegiias tille.a Almost One Thousand Near Grads irttvil eic .. 1 h7 by . AVbAndre Oppozuniy Nk el owes All 'ho w ier cxamplei Iof tile natiil uastie WHilParticipate in Swing-Out !tasisant leader oftie sbard, adthie fiter Outoor Meet Saturday but i(it was noi hanratit(an the Vsaei c 11il'.1 mweuin'teiKNOWisiiiiu ,il tll cWAY ur t'.n illle preseited: TeoiisliuiusrVciime l CappcI ,endlTeannual outdoor a((sillmeetiwds si (oil lilt (iieiir i~iii .i. . .iGulib e e held con lPer-) ielil en in Ioty sftc \ li elite fielding s lips (wer'e aclii I te U ieu' cli will acssembleiioil the 1 11(1.. lt. . . . . iie mu thtilyien ceandullt i iee' Iit c uui iltl1lthei ttitttt'. ue .that5 . lu Hoeuui te ist eseiti strtig itz2oclte:. m a d e h e .~ g l a c o s e n e . ti lM a r hillss u i e a u'i.lito u a T issitu e t e. ts t u nsih ait il « h - e n t u e d c t> ( to s dw a tc h t es ui)cill1 ur t l r im n . G y c y - 3 a f n p o tu 1i t t s itr y it e i t r e n t e e l Sut'prusl u i' uco li ils1 lo th rndrhi i s toe h e LETldHF0'OagDTO alt it ctt od m merl ts o thei stait: h i sui se wstithe tislc ne' ofin l irivi ts__Ilan iat Iti clhesus ito ittusuTuhet-- (sll C ii Il iI ) O11 wl IicUe rhiau i ssie (ate'Hu Jerbert O0 Jose Chosen to Manage maltitslnutheIlt uos euents ha ies ii nplrco mlst (I-es by Pr~nen I illus bisn- 1912 E!utun 1Te oImlity sofetits is tutn lis' out his'flrst appearance tils ha1ii t ill a - el a d 1rsietIi.1, iin ll .awaytutu fothis eet Atit b whout ishlt l thlrlullas the icontinut(ull pparnceus 5 staet he pl I us ) 3i-O J se. ' Iti isa lictei t st ~t y hu s y m reyapern 'McbMillansashotsto.S o rpr dfnA~ .eio ftl o_ ;ntitictty itstItyteutu Sisuill It 1 sisuuisi ii ~V ituslili I I is bluwheint{It e1 eentis is all edt .I 5~ lts Si ii ipichdiell teutgoescI uti the sndleds tutulbp usenddw hord n tiucfusuentPu- ais ill ingclueIto slow l its s til1 .1 ltnesrdiumen Ior betit 1spe ur1himu ft e n ~ync(n-lct rwse i tcno.J c iu svrlbofrtsl, eentsbnd eedthe mo hsis oInl s lay As he had i is ot ' i ttee sit te'usgs itwilpcedelsasisan insh .II ol si''~I li til ulI usiiitl u pct co . Xl irIs (ilus t ilih at rmtsl ll h s'sluttrof 'riy rss all r ei, astfa l.- hb rtth ai d I ppe I s ts s l utut"11 hope ]rolsltts hiu pais whe the c listat 151 ere arutonett iclut s o kii trsir l elm o gt 'i iese ' ts ' _a__pltcrui__ite__n'' s \ '( ,stia il e ina trtic l( cp olo e ' d ipp tilae n .7 will ha tfuder. iMyesits si pithed1fo111'( jt1dra'1l iN:TfIrlthe m'rIii ret eai- ii r tare aicsvtexpecut'ohisblisc. sesu ltulla, in litfits b rd stielt lu1 uihaetnosilts fr nt thissyutrtestis i5wil Its'sw ll f ll w t e dig n l l ('5'to i ir ulsrcess t e andif aut' jateli coI lur otus hut frotis m S ac ltu y'i el t . I ''tu mrc s, t gy'e ms fo ilst i u shas. .e l w l I stung, her i ptLu es olihe than e leust isi .l t he rs 5115ee tl I ]h r ilh p en i p o t nt o Backstp, wa aboutas ha as tlt' wiig Prlinatary tn-1.1e ptcig a\lteie sel-its Itsomstirnewt i itfite' sets Wsn ecf alists' 'iig ll t u tun ' Ie , a n d t el o caik' c ii i s i u s uie t t u dl s? At i t s ( 1R n tu'i ui t eei }g atil s i l s t l s t y ..lI ut itr iu t li ii leuts w l si l i i t:tests I un-r l i t' i 'i'u\(llttillt'. )()''itC , i ll huee tm it r ile ts tiles t cult ek l te t u])is .s t s ''atpiniugthuselbte nt h 1( euir11' cnN' i e b .. 11 -'' kb'b3 ul'b i is e Cii su Isuusia h s ei ch s' tis s is. iustick tetNirts thie. lse.ortttliracll'sil.lXo whicTh bhe( b l' Is reinl iillutformsin theisihil iiete'liorder gliietifool'nighs, the. i Itshaeoptedethe exptcte( totb tar' ati thN 1 r111 riabN niebibi - ea s it wa' to'get'Yiur rims i'esi t'e"is'flt' I it li 'i titI ut uss tiuus iiiitiiiand dents. iilst I sils I ii hits' by5t e 5i't'tlls' t is exported tattileues i swill e t \\ ' hri ndltiui stil. att ndiis t kIlt itii I lo le d.i' he'onsttuion 'aIdrl iuIti lt'gelu ieind t'tu i t t ti Vi' fls rs riot, le. 11.11 (lii ___he___e____onors___will Xibel lleis illTs'estmeit' siiul and k, ,t on sea]1mfg o caI ) PLO'ussrr (:RN I) l:.l ()\ish Tcitttad,,netliii tics i' ee lit ) lt1 sutie elit tle uh bueio I iearlye no uhto bef t i f hes wayICi ga ttt't'eil ths lasll1t illn w sht it Il lst tl itsitreps s m tihecnsc ihtu sl is sttbeforeIihstii'i ii th baenut 11 ain.It s i i t iui'tuss' s it hui t flndsmt fr tureish fore Sima1\ihushtlleght M .C M " IlRilil ilLNITh'.IC L CAPITAL, andihe tiiiiis t'i iwilptchi' :andiatIei ror. wasullie pil th ettui itStlt esli i - --s III C s IENIdHATISAND11AKE, Calltiti. ndMclm drvegrun oo it totS n uts tiltsap thtll nsirht sc T a-te "- GI'tnAm rcafotn- -.RVN AlT. IS I,'lLNI E trsinwardiie(iamsh i cesit it ion l f t ftec mt n is .1 seueagsisandt sI f ii i ('uuiu' ch ey ry Vs 11 (11( 11 .it'l'' wichIi' ul ietifr i tstu gh excption tInitu''on to ft, ex eriehuhi5th t is Iica upse', wath e iot a tionr ad idig i gh H iec t ts i i ss ii I t sil suitus sti u i '''ei tt'them oftw I. I iitt (: Isi )-ue,su. taff ,heldii .bhhlss. i lsttiilt lst li li us l ii tu rl'' 5151Slites null' fr m s o~l i tographts s m d bhu l1 G_ ot,n list Iihtu'e fair uuu l u t t . u'thesu [isoni'lat iht.e d isc s uh ii i lei u lts ihtsti uhusstl sttriti.'lplaty-ieand iwhenuh iii and stice shtii ethirinusgimagling(ed-gi (ll sst .113ht ituect s iii I\bi n Ii t11 Is' I sut ou soei n tcesu suicjciit Xsi s 11 ileslit eululil hisl enussIut ut wi i t t sI Kitiw s utlo se. t i iu i, tuit usu usuus e 11tl slttl imm iit'' ttci d t or, andc Harold e tusucu otwesii rnell t- the 'ptateua let'arlutoi. scortu e.l hs s hsit till s( us tuh ltI sit1 i tl iii jetc flh uil Ieii ta sledto ssthaut offuice ure ' s toded it h~~~i~~~Id hesti I sie his retandist hot itush o is slit 1 spescv il ouinti tup i ts In thItle'mbers flut edu' i tht el e uc ule-it II 'ui'u uciittts wardsi ltc'e i 'hueto icttc e a eii e l ffI dl 'sMcil iisI (itsii si uit i N - tcsa ictuhsn he af e Ji ewafos' ervl s ice ei il \Lta isedutuit letting in e scnd ; 2 r w e sen i 11)11"pCli il ich ASSn I lilt nut $sCit ii- - - INSURGENTS AGAIN SPLIT SENIOR ITS Each Faction of Class Will Hold Its Own Dance After Swing-Out PLANS OF RIVAL CAMPS CONFLICT Scior i ts will s cise'i'leb t thi'c n cluson 'oithesw g- ut tils atro thei "'stan ptsluthes' I ih ss es sion of5( Barbohiurlcgymni um and555. t.5(5 is rg Just wsuit lhueso 'factin; happetio its plantnuingpfuctios forIs e i 'Srn ic v enings'' u'i nssu 1i1tugtu tlnT he isks ilist citsl m c lai tha tuheipass shuts s aid st:i fa 1 us at iwhich ti lls ielatesfru he dac s ofiwhichthlm ils is te Trot i w er d fnl s t.sTh 55 ''t- Itters ili m m an'ysh t' si p oinnis it pln Ifthe ioty nsti onll ofs ig ornc is helthe'i ntentuins , anit d 'lae lit'hatitheir idetofi it sing- r celehrtion w s c al sc ussed lintis e e ru lartr wills sar poceis ati ( mahu y susict it s 'coc suppr us i slm liint as m u. hi tw5iltgi't''t it ti t n cl ser(lint' h 'lis 'issm ic er tila moil slimcoration ac i gpand o h tiles m>l I- usgwil I ilw te umpr lm nim un ti usegn ~l ock 1 pat (o t1c il tie ssisqud wl ol fter the it lTs i s its sutuls i ll-it ne ahu h Coutr% i hi i , o l el ig i 5I; Ii.e C ATutu Sills AA It i sum R it ' peits agoii at Itle mlt'iycslu' of l 'm i lus cit has beei nst c itsuted i'(at'lits mus.Th loca chapter, wichNis I (tif dliii Nita asisa ldib14 is ii listski of' I lauh r-t mLa $3~Sool iiit fis teseng t1 h mlbsc sociie ty rooms.t 1 Twest es c h rt e Cmefbitts wmleii Xiii lit simsristing l hits' inastfoloedyitmmliuce uat thiuich- su taihearse' hens i ll e peis s isi t all 'li ' siief ihON , s's,1,11 'if tttht its on hesid waks ea th cmi s . his s tl "We tinm itendtuitcush ii' sumater, id m Chsitmmief hPo ism'muI ed' ill sengft e .i I l I 10C THAT NEW- 10C Gtoefor -yourself in order to have a complete file asenud Iwo or three to your friends, you cn well be proud of this number 10C IFor sale at all campuas stogyes -loc