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May 03, 1911 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1911-05-03

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IDEAL UNVERZ TY N)1iCES New Whitney Theatrois
spli mIll llcMthfarOXFORD
jr uurn F 3,,'riday, May 5 Tuersday, ay
Made to our specifications 13 3 rclv h Hin+t and L argiet _______________
over this popular last and equal Sold)1e n b 1 at uiii al(Coedi(Compny th at
in style and detail to our $600 Everwhere 1 eiilnoiln njust
an 70 he.Jit1 in b tThe Greatest ot all
$40jn 50 WAGNER & CO. "tetnor The weelesi Ghoairl;;MUSICAL PLAYS
Slate Street rllll 3),N. 1\\t :,
Sign of the big white shoeinPrsAAumteOchaa
_ rieFriganza, Alex. Carr, D M
INDIAN BLANKIETS ADCRO crdntoPsin JhFred V. Bowers Dorothy Bren- M D M
ANDCUIO \nliijl' l nr, Catherine Rowe Pamer, __________
Silivir Neltier omtat etree Shopi Cr. Williemaned Maynard ofttintt luinz wi XC i111 - iude 17 Songs, 48 irls
an irI napt1111 1 1 3 I n rde iliacat and horns seen
cacI Si >tthiiii the1 Iio-_ ' nghsat the la Salle Opera S H E R RY_______________
liii nl, hi t coi-Thie long run
. Tee poo inpubi ina mld eayPRICES:
ack's Tea Rorx b Idlgtenroff a -c; PIE:5075-St.00-si504s2.00
1 mu I 5-75-$1.00-$1.50$2.00
AllIftno ooing 1!xcllet cisne.Freb ruts ndSeat Sale Wednesday, May 3 Seat Sal. Saturday, May 6
.'r~tslrrs oly Ciumi riaiilc'aniilcozy. K est mrnoein ,6eiiiii
1)111 (cLo, thinstra nllti.1 every Saturday-noon and 1111 l, il iIl,
nin tc lrllllli..l lace..to take yor lady friend . ._.:.. h111 "Ie1i iti o lll ,1 1i , 0 i 1-.... '
MACK 8t CO. lia , idtr oiafis n
r nger s School of Dancing tl tinit-
Private Lessons Given by Appointment "hill til ic FTRI U
F ci st larscillat Academy r Phoe 246-Office hers 10 to 12 a. in., 2to 4pmli id v1111 lctr1 e i1 1 C GAi '
~NIOR,! nl muFFini t i1(' ____ ~i-n, pekig f elssel
atted p palhai ,ane<. Outof ourpocke' 15 cents
k_____ __ and go, collect forn your
CHARLIE'S IIAtI Bi SilO favorite Tobacc.onist, 20
In " iiso' itl111 ~elnn . Cia"Fatima Cigarettes and see
what diferetfcrms of
acq a nd Gown Outfits Charlie Weigand, Prop. pleasure they wzilgye you
_ i~n the smokn
Ready for DistributionYomano cwiC
Tuesday Morning, May 2ndaotcnbip
* learn a heap atodL
and thereafter until S W I N UT Tobacco well -G 4
eYhagaaof r We haven't is nl j
gl apn- for a ell~otb- e o
poograph ian'
Distributed at Our Store, 200.202 S. Mlain St. f or Prcura. IAegalansad2tt 1) r'nt, lk
- a fl collae gives you 10 ©addtional.
Michigan Central e o lnFt h
ic C ilil _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _
AW3A SOUTH AND SOUTH=EAST ......____.:__________________
-_________ AND SOUH-WEST
___________ew York Central dim~
BAILEY .. & iED MUNDiSie ( ieicreWtr ar eeT iletssari e M ay 1, 19 Tcesenst1a11,1 n 1 91T
l AeAroMRS.J. R. > oJI20 ANQW KI It.. return limit 2t1 dys, patlot -r itan iiuiuigimmoClJuiy s=, 1c so 0
lcie ilSouhUnivtriy Ave.4t
eligtful lRail and Water LansigMch atte rek1.-3i
CISCUIT sigvucl at~l.reKI.
K N ~ . I~ Iv V f i r Michigan CentralocutK l m Z o $1 6
iii dee it rs tckthof Prince ALL PRICES Cal ve, tiilx, , ex.it, Mxico
en o imliman ad heStuens'Tyewrte Sppy C. it, ex Niumiealt., I1O. O. FGRAND ENCAMPMiiENT Grand Rapids $
A erto I rd im t ondad RaTh t 4 eats' e riterupplye MCne.a and New Orensi,ILa, AND PATRIARCHS MILITANT ~niatcidiba om4P esBidn.opst aetcTri eavesrnisamt.

tedued Ian forletoa, d Ti p
pail to A m~m~t im , a, iii'hh i, rili Tickets on sleMy 15 and 16 1911 Deri 60
Rickes nowonVimiSale uhiy, to
tlcrciai~uliiii Between Detroit, Ann Arbor andtGav poinMmbt ai NnOre n t l ateirimithi dniji is fccii aym18ia in '.Pe Tinset laep1 te o,aon lym .
GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor Jackson To Mixico City.timmimmtitt6g May iemmms a.lo iilillmt3a li si'ikt cetdi oce ny
-71911. 011tgesi is. cecedo
4 Boimsaro11m . Irediiem ocDeroit Lmted-O:lm a. ii, imi0:1. III_121, Ex-1A C R * !O1 hee wilintkbechcke o
_________________:__ 1ui.tl.P m4:13 p.mi. i1inpi.,13~p. m .- - E ~ a I
Ktalamazoo Limited -746a tmim .46 n' LOS Angeles S a~OkadIn addition to above fares, tickets
___________________ 1146 a. m 46 P. m., 3: di6 p. m,n ": ,4( , l.Okandvia will also be sold betwen all satios
AT l1UTTLE & CO. Local Car EataBouuut- ta3iDeeroit, 545a Cal., Sanl Diego, Cal, and Mcia (where the oneway "far'ts$0 or
I . :45 a.i., and evey we hursits 10m4,5 Sanl Francisco, Cal. Mcia Central lead) at which this train is eled to
L U N C H IR O p\4 Di. T Ypil~c ani, i .a nd ha Am ericta cira y As o iai nnndytM y 7 stop, at one and onehaf fare for te'
Yoicanfind a fire line of tCotfectonery 2,0 ,m.ToSai ehangat piat.A eia irr A scain u d y a - round trip, with minimum of twenty
Local CrPWetBsnd5:0aenan71 a j1 Cal.Rtrit smse tay five cents.


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