H RMI I IAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Bu'rclifdedl :: & Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewe Alarm- Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fuliy Guaranteed WaeisRepoAlrtria Spet.;'ia The Ann Arbor Savings 22-21t Capitai Stock 0300,000 Surplus $50,000 Resources $2,800,000 A General Banking Business Transaed orrIEss Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pres.: M. J. Poise. Cashier mTEFARME!RS AND MILCfAN{CS BANLK MAIN AND HURON STRHHTS Capta $50,000 r Surplus and Profits $100,000 Geserai Banking Husiness. 3 per cent paid us fime sodOSvinsoDieposits.OSfety De- posit Boxes to rees at,12.00 sod upwards R. KEMrF, Pros. H. G. PRETTYMIAN, Vice-Pres. H. A. WILLIAMS,. Cashier P. T. KSTOWE, Asst. iennan:mecanuaiBajiik f Cao rrssrclo l a.rid sau+.vlrags Coeu. MsI ,arad Llbertv Sttst FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or Atli5 ARBOe, MICHn. E.I. K.IINNE, HARRISON S(151iE Pees. Vice-Pros. $. W. CLARKSON, Cushier. Capital, 0100,000 Surplus andlirolits , $675000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital 050,000 Surplus 7,5000 Resources 01,250,000 WI. .. Hooth, Pres. Wms. Arnold, Vide irs's. C. J. Walz, Cashie MUSIC AND DRAMA tsci Nsth" twll acted1, 111and ithlt 1111 that i lvli xacn;te ll ft~ seek t the Majest ic. T a. s"a}i" ofthe ill is o f Ill ceptio 111 crt The llo. ott 17hrps1111111 ner, r iou 01o hrpsts,'. wnamedo aplas 1sldmacore1t1 amsia at.ill coo cl{11c~ s ~ae than mos 111t1 ofits1 harcter ted i 'nd111 g ot00e sto sec that the'y 011 71"11 fallinto illy of the pitfalls of ia staget career 105as long as 't rganiaion re- mllsitct'. T'lle1\ w g pers.o 11101)o11re'just cd1d tili t.111h to) tiscapetllh c 00000101rusa. tlXit boter tooere iiintb rofualsw'y4 li~cllccfrthos'vwill ie nown 11$sill' 1l I= ,tlIl rgti hotasoindioth ill ,'oto AlfredILlHu 1,0a 01111 ofthepio4 ul\:rst died t his 11 uillGan .111 11t10pra 11111101la",11100101'oittoiooo, fu 7feral till' 1000h.eld01i .CGrand 011100pis toa. i.i1ts01110il.is'olo "JAC L1 FF'1111ito11ii 0' 111 ililooli 1 ' WalkmOverOxod Spring styles in low shoes are now ready for your inspection. Tan and Chlck, Button and Lace, for Men and Women $3.50 to $5.00 Get fitted by our rule system and notice the satisfaction of perfect tength and wiudtho. Wlk-Ovr Shoe o. T I I t'll1 O'. II '.11..jl' S Girl 101 10.1017 Clo, x101 I'ne\ \ ltc Thar il '7111 t shoulderXdltll r P,>101111 lofl N Ivll till 110 w00'.of thell 11 '1,111111, ;' S{ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1a0d foeroin od, all ' f'lfllc holly-s: 1-2:30; 7-8:3115I. r- ttilmlltll' l 1 5 1701.. 1 1 11110111 11 ll Terr101 ,1111 dlw itc 'b ite t :icw idea ill .'comlfoot. NIee 1111111 Drtb CO1.0 .itlot. t Nsot in ooe 1110000of jalalll1 51 11 ry 1' lus.t 10117Ivc 115y uarr01.10.o5t 0 t lltioell O 'fCc 1110s:0 12 02.' 1 , 1-5 1. 111. 7-8 ht' 01. Mis I. J. i'll 1 1320 ?.-Ito Soo'toN., 1.011Nor151h0It . lon- *.s'iJ. 12 I,(1 31 ,0 t'. '1e1. i111isd 'A . . ,1.0. N1-:.5' 111117 001000 1. ('l'lli'1, Siaoya, lot si ocok s i11 ir tal r0se101111111011 lo'1011 SPRING HItIS;.andCP CAPCAPS HATS ' g >)NN4, H T Get Your NewSp"' ; ui WADHAMS&COPN t21-123 South Main Stree it ca'l i' ]n 011 1100' 100111 ttl i to' 11 X\Vi'.cmillil 11111 1se' a toc ll the'cows from pas Im 1iv he I 11' id111t11a0t 111d- 1 117ir 1 771aid it agr'ictiltur- It.c' orchestra,01 Rhnti 1'0 50 IJ. 135-171 IEPSDD sct.1 ;-:ass i ll10.1r1softheciy. II. Major1' &'-, C . 1,7110 il01101' 0 237. 046 tf. Speia 111 a11e111o 1 %,-,lliaperC. i1. Ma- 0 is &'Co., 1) iot.71 It e237. 146 if. llalc '1faor 10.1,al P . Ii11 11170111&7C . 11.l !. tf. 1 0 {) :_' a- ?S s " 'r4? _.,:.-._. I1st We des'it'. all our clothes and have them made Why you i t_.H hp S hould let us2nd We ern'poy only the highest class tailors in the makting of our clothes. AP& C) 3rd We import our Woolens direct and ease you ie small jobber's profit. WAGNER & CO. State Street Tailors All Songs Sung by the UNION MINSTRELS including Wingee Wangee Wwoo Written especitally foe this