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October 20, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-10-20

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Vol. xxi.

No. 15.

Reserves Easily Hold Crippled
Regulars to a Solitary
Field Goal
0101 111 a1n11b1er11)1te vetas111000tie
stidline1s10 11cull of min1111or injries, the
'y/arsitO p t1 ip m st ns tisfactory
)crshwiho 1111rubs 1111All-Fresh
0101 da aftern1oon.1111111 \ 1ht5hr tie
poor 11,gwa IC o healsecee
of a few o tere oti-rs or twas lust
lnli ilte of111a01pCta1110011cannor e i
staed ho tereli no uet' theatit-
1111s. how1 cr0as0 oa 1 Yst as dis-
grs-011 1-1 i with1th h110ttoittg to trive
the menharderttanl ever at sigalsrl.
1-0111101 1po1n111was all tat ll te Varsity
cou11ldotmassand nel 111'of te soes was1
Cl COReoeres s-Ited xtrmlly 1,3
snap-t ooo ooallIndCprevetdthIls'Vorsity
a11100gal Cs rgierCd agist themt.
T11'.ll-11111 bltea111-di noet doto el-gl
-larc11n1 100101 th e fadtrt-e1re1ulathe
gv lciI ackers 110111111 sot-re ndthete
w1r111 ol 11hattts loidn'tCCproed
was1sm010(1imrove.1Ctsin CBen-t-
1111011remain11113at1his goda ce1111 tfleftil
111111 0111 pla1y111the def11 i e ce11 terWt
and1did1it9llI is s10111d1rma1kitgefhim
a 011 1110 11p1110e11o10thillecodary linae
11Tomson playoed110011re l gam e f e
regularIs i- tiCub w i g onrI etero-ll
nerIhto brougtO 0fbrth teleYCosItilel
laclser licte gal lO ieae wasOC
paoe'. 1111 H icitgwas lste eellet.i
Hetot heis prnts aw11 in fleterishpe. o
tn ikfe igICIr11111tath11 etbigeaulle-
111111of0toe e alti esl awarde101 )it a15 iteo
the)ariONCC is111 itrenc111te rks1
tiseofthehandlsi. tugOillCsICtackleg
riilthe bll wf eltlobt 1andletktt tsla

it is sutffiienlt too Oily thtat he was a

The Womten's Athletic associtin~
will opeln its social seasoo Satra
evening with It danlcig part ill all 111-
versity twomteno in1Barbotr gmntaiuml.
This party is the frs of a series tohell
will e girenodtri g teteitellr.
'Milss Virginia Esotester is chaira
ot the comtmnittee linecarge.
The elate of te al electieto of till
'12 1015 class 11110beenotcanIgdtfrlo
Saturday , October 22, to IFrdayO1ct01
lore 21. Thios change tas 1deemedC ad1-
visable ibecase lmany of teceass e-
pet to attend tts-gaicoat 1Couotobos
til 6:0 o oot In. inIroomt1B
Legality of Class Elections Hinges'
on Observance of Regulations
For te covetieces 111cl11100rCOi-
detsttallothItier too 1)0110repritIs tle-
new rulttes 900vr11119gte cm~ilass
These rules are insotanlIOItc 11s foll
thirod Froday il fOc~tor.
Saturdooy lfter te 1nom1inations11 ar1
There slal te 1a10neletitttbotrt p
tooitedl IC tie lDeottta1n11Sc-ctar ut
echtitdepaotettesltleast treCda1s1he0
fore eetion. Thi bie ll 01011 111 15
tf three jtttges 11n11110011ceerks toeterC
with suthelt sofeesIth le 1udgeos 11113 ap1
No jttoge o cetkslo 1111e acit dat1111-
Iacher steels 1011avooe olist of eligilo
voters firnishto-d 1111lo Nthe1 ot'-o
of te cls.
orwichelthabsoth-lmajrit oi his bole t
The tolssha11l11bellopnIIe) 13 tt
titogeslat 9 100 toloeto 1and1clotet l
"TheeAusraial ballt 011a11beCusell.
'All ceass presientsll ttlst proide1)1
toottsiovss witt a1 0111y1f tere,
saod Presisdento tgweli ofth ie Stdetl
vatce of tem1111s tl0ccOIICI fot val1id
As sboe mliundIestndig h11110se
ttoutttceoIdeiitey talIt t-ey Care t e
written,lt erbalt.
The Cottttil ill havteC a1reresni-
ts'soll 11a1d5 a11elcit ott freshman111
tass eetng lFriay3tot supeCrv 'ise tt
roceeeitgs geerlly. Noceeofthte
itte atooltoaeeof mee'tig toutl1111c11C
t tieDALYo-Friday- mornig.
Exminltations for te Rhtodes Seot
arship will te Iel iotUivoersit- hal
ext Tuesdavty 11101Turday- ttnder teo
sutiervisiottof lDeat Jhnl (. Icd. .All
candlsidates sotlolrelotabe lt fieeot
Preidet IHuthinsO 11t1later tt t 9100
otecock Ttesday tmorig. Te loles-
ttosfolethe exmlliatints 111110 been)
recetvetd by Presioet t Itlitto iret
frotmo Oxtors Uiersty, Eglnd,
whereteattsers till te retrne ftr
The following sedltelte of eamltia-
tons will te folioe:
October 2-0-12 1. 1., tanslailo
fom lloLatittitto Etglish1 2-4, Lin~h
f prose;1 5-7, arittaeti.
1 October 26-10-12, tanslti froo
1 Greeko iito Etglish1 2-3,atil grtt-
Ilar; 3:10-411, Greeh grttmar;ll 1;-7.
r algebra attslgetoetry.

Mine. Alda, Back From Foreignt
Triumphs, will Open New t
Freshlt frcoom t slll)))-Cin tuopCII ,
NhIto. trances'o Aikda,. oill po-nt tto-
eigho~tenth OeiesO oh('otal Union cson
cers ioi ver l s t y t Hs'al'l o iosht.
1111cr cdenot st inos r(ootiosyers(o
tront h o ptenOtoing 011ccrt -iven 010-y oot
grad pea sarha to'eendootted I
frn t hio eso n. Whoet- revertlos Ill-lot
fotilol to 1111whet ro l I)tll'isco cetb orot
forle ihad o reotlaure)1)ls tthose 01011
a5 00 r 1100l00 1100). Thetltooto' Ird to I*
hooone 1 Ch1001 a 1/t" 1 /011 o op' 110 s /w o
It i igl t ' been froabtove tohe11)11) t
antl e tto tt b''. o'o fear.I)0 0toot togts
It t oto 01'int'rsigl o kow ta
M 1C It 01itt-s .1l the w f f I . tlltts
I Ca'aoooogeoerloo'o'o loogotttoiMetro-
$9.40) l Operao t Uon IIt lis ar-I
e iali Ne fot L stl lo r eek,' accom-
t 15rrid ob htin.tilo' ho' r.oi att i-C It
Nasated htw i ennoundat an
Eauo hdparyd iatIem"i
'rusltt to r ec011 I~t~ord te t r auietis
lu t b tore htte soa ile. oT'hett t o fo
1 tSoo eas'teen ttoo eItit obpeo-
foteatt e ,otto ot ou r-tt to.im s t s 5'ac
libo lot tIinB se lo
Nameo w il e AtortcCtte d at an
go Atoougtei nal cst hasoor ot ettios
ottn cChose119no, thie enrworkof
I tttth e ,th o ooltm Oera iso utfii9. d
tiA ;costoristono hdteo s so ws0 OIthNe.
Ieto p erato l et f lof tewotioeCtkt
n ra it Coohasimn ht'MokbEotl Moiorttg
S Thtel-IttI'll of 11t1)e'otptha 1will1'Ce gil'-s

/1111,1 IPSSHASH1 tIk91IIIS
RE191O(1PIN TI) tE'ttil I 'ilN.'
F~ourttocanoidaotes totve so tote signifiedt
ltsirin btentti ottof'compthtingtile we ,to
fr'oomttSotrdayo'fot th11)Philips oShotr-
hisin Laoi ttin tnd Gr'ek. 'IThero' ott
tt o'ee scoarhiosi lIto ' 9111))ntod-ti dittti
is thopedothtorn~es'ftsihen'ttollene
forte it oxotoitio )1.
A0t 11)10-0'i10g'of tetOraocI aso
iationllonm Itt'Otl.13'eC0-i-ng19.planstsh11r1
tbatdte o to olotut-sh othe ot slonbt)tikoets.
it i imprt~tI thtitthe(Iticketoesott
Ott's 1)11arolo ilto to the ellofthe it
tttmbetlofttfhets00cotre a rcitlotl13'r~oof.
Faculty Man Expresses Opinn on
Welman Exploit
Is 001alter Wkell man .a11 nolchero m
I"1 titl if heit eno dedlohtoobotatcross,
Its otottldhaitItostttd from ottt near-I
toopo ttol id1. 0. Sotolt, tProofessotr
oof N 1011Arkitctu~'ere, kk'clhelailtaf-l
Ihe hte Iaddtedti ti-tosile, Heo
fied, and1you musn')ttlkicktoo harttdto
Of core ltltl ot h', tctt't . ooloo'htid
bot 1)11nd tt oe flac stoo
As oestttheoltlma 13Oto'ntloowas.e 01
that )i)11s s tts t Otto' an' di Ott ld10)1
su oooracticalhorshhoIccCnowok his
(11-1/it belownb th epelns.
GOI) IN IN \AJDIO l,t.kl;0'l.
moreand ore oug tter boottt ig
inlothlbslitotolightl . ''hiti:tlo' ttles htat
footttt Iat beth it t the ts' oitIl't'igert,
whtile "Fritzo ll,'' th'ttt i s wiothlI loj '
Thf~totttm etows tken r igltof f Fer'
elbystt)'Moontage- JemCiOIIO 00 tttd (madeto
goodtiri 10113fiott te staotI.lietaoot
.011orloroitoto - hoctakntbobos i g'uarodig
109iio'thetirod cushiont, anoit iano gme
"Ch3ick"ioot has eektoot n torpou
in19torte le11)0Vrstyho
"Fitz"o''athirg1)alsto, a r gtlarIC 11-'
her ofte i Vastot ,1)1) anCd0111)1 ()exIIIon-
t of othei"0spit l lot ottanthet OeasonI~
till thtoe exasoleague't'an'dtta1 'hot timtil
Ihitoitog is ItoII 001)00torofott rtonlts 10
shton 1by t whe 1 trouonoooed 011Walterj
J ohnuoooin ott of ttisoftrst aI ill biosl
Jacooh o mb'oootls, tooth'hot ertes Itoro wso
Cicnnt towtton100)t owtntotoodftieCI.
IBootI I tnding ottdoLatttes otre .liel-
ignby. Te foomrtothCilthofromo
Birmnga ibotow1111tit- t'hltris tlt mtant
tetooths folstoaltotbout.oov lte iiDesort
1111))Both wereis- mtototetts of teto1)s
bneitg oclass110.

Seven Graduates to Arrive Here
Together From Mission
Field Work
\0 ooo mos otoonl Cttionof ttMioigotn
g r'lnitet'oWtil111)101'plot' i A.nn AtoC
hobo so-b-s-h ndeottoh o aousices s of t
Sttoobb'ots' Chroisianto assooco. SI-os-h
altt i whttt ioo i 'bo th Ito-hac itely'tengoagedb
bon foreitgnmit101sill)aC.yIworCkt, -an Io
arc1 1)110 lollthoi fI/tt frouhot9, till
Olitheloes''oat 01))the ae ts.iTeoro
Inr.,. I,. H. FcalsIf Gra d Ra is,
eie F.1( Crozieof ott\noAkrbor, attd
LenaIenjaint iatol t ohot haveto-be-i
tin ltt Idia 01.1C. T uooomp i s oat N t s
01rk f11)111i(boutDt.eK10A.1Bot, who
oh aboultooittov fo r hi na;t Oth. S. J.
ThoI s and11)0 10 Chkat.1Ew)alb .
hi (hilt n oheits at onetimtuf'eoe-
oilar o~of tetoothA.hee, nd o ow
o ))-aged~ ishmil)rIorkoot Bttenos
ott btt IiArgenoti oes hoto
keon wtorin1)g i Arabhiat 'noolis i lose
touoch sithbDr. tBtottoollof te U'.ofXLit
lisit t t iooti.
bTe rogaeorot toe tisoisitootsbegins
ottday (110)ingtwith I a oobanque. Stitrt-
ohyitottotoupiiithobonotfecs'ht ansdstotha
lotteI toto too hichoe Copro-setattive mett
fromtthis'acltyan3tot detti body 1111areto
to be1initedlso. Sbooooblthl mibit- o n artl iesIt
woillospeakhoin tevo' u is incheoios otnd,
boo toeevbeninog, abt tohoglar metib'bg
-t Mhc'iillan oh.
NI-/1kW YOK .\IXN101N1 010111,
0V1T01TNISS t'b/NNS1 G(AME,1.
kni tforoito th ering0-h f9 oo t'hesot' k-to
tr, ont-smoooer's, tothd ilthitloers" of te
class of 1)1, ttillbehotetlod bythe Unii-
oveobb'yool Miehigaouo o bobof\ewo 01orb,
o Fr'iay oto-tiny', Novembtte . 'Tito'
meet'oin i l toot keoboo lahtet lt Ibis' trdut
'l, 1 h b 4414)hstreet tand toettveingt
t's'e tt'htub' iiformaotioono owi hot- gise
as thlt the arrangieent orfbtCeibs' tti-
1 lhigot gametobto iplayted'tileight boos
latrh int Phiiladelpi.ii Rofrsshmenttis
toill bohe tos-ohv 'odoan 'totllotre'stngpro
1,1)1 30)1'ch o-ga tnomen t-hoted toot 01't111-
solvanboi-Aioh igon gmeil'fromtNes
Y, rh. Thisor oeoacc th boo tiosfori
a mucittoi lartgo-'rboelpaor ot h bit be lomad,
111)01Clatidett .0. 'iiThopso,71 BroCadway,11
th bo' -il O's sre tryis alrs-dy t eceivingl1
requehosts forC sti nrse'tt atCItions.It
hoot Its'hoeottoMiobigootoogame will hot
al umnt t i tar omltt i tg a seial offort o
got too Philadelp-hliat i Ia 1body3next
Mh 115'. t. oh'RTMETO IS'5C 0GROING.
'Ibis enrollmIisntI in bt othe icalod'ho-rt-
metutIthis3011'rtshilts a0ainoo. T'lit /o
yearcla eoss tniumtbers s101y, a lrge proC-
portioto f womotreootgiadutotos of omal-

-_ ________________ oeoges. It is expeIctedtht itl liallt
PUYtatxt.otihertear ol' thedbs'tentowsillboost' re-
coovti-s-tifrotmtithi sum ini i i erollment
boo tto' onighuborh tood o oil t uto redtiholitoiieh ltools photo's shoenothe 010x 3yCar
ln ift3 freshmoen htavs e esentedb thiet- o ureWst-ecmplo
selves aitk'Wtatermanooogymnatt~siumiifote
phsicexamsottintihont. All Ito-sh itsItoboo
freosht t'gittttrsi-bttho lls've hot 01s(hllnedNsxioRit 1.100 11it ShINto 5001 tArTIT
foor lterexaminaoootions a re uotei- ootoo o 1At aomeetioog ottthis sotoitorlbit'class
sot ontce, a ycao91oosos toill cts- bout bridayo3, aIommttittee wras appbbontedb,
tt-ticesltoelyo.too droowoupgoresoluotioots expteessing the
D-,Moo3'states itoat te racteice' of sympabbthy'ott the cloass tote the parento
learvingold l eothes, totterstooth fool- of 5. E. 'lhiomonttot, ssobmtietloistdeaith
ball paaerna~~etliaon ootte loll ott gom ut irig bt'e summiterevacton inh i thoe
bochers mustI he otoppteol, othierwse CeleeteicCrailay oaccioentit IFoet kWoyne,
Itese articles will lie disposed of. otlioutoot

Fifty mteto are still fighiting foe too- tpromiose ottanau ciebeyear I'llreseoarct
sitiots 01n the elevent at Wiscotnsin. tmoo ohun0lger emeboers of thoe faculty.

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