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May 02, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-05-02

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Vol. XXL ~~~~~~~ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANTlNiN NN 2 fI iil

Vol. XXI.

NO. r.;t3.

Grad Asserts That Criticism of1
Coach For Calling Squeeze tc
Play is Unjust Fi

()I f-A
Fl-f{ [.

Y cholwilll)t>>< FOR BIG SMOKER
,clfd t,17ci-atllcteCider and Doughnuts Will Help
All( he tae 1 1£11 Seniors Sing Praises of
nea Ijy ith - o Old 1911 Tonight
l iiih c llt cltr

1 fIt -liii(
It i- 1fi t

t a .

AVO 1 --ii


eli illl\
illtclit i
I a.,t
alld it
lrc (1,


1 i or il N i
" u lo ini loii thei rit 1N- cttn
thei tir ltii kl'
fill if i lfildt wl he"O r
i. A h im - iihrir, im:.i
oni bas, andll- c I . i t it
hil.I -iit fu;I- tile iw- all w ich dei
1(( lied teiss e f the (lay.I t was
conems i Rel NwIhftfttAt es
iii l~t io tef ors w dill's s
nlli thfe-iply iwasillt an ii dh
,v i in itch r a ith itti I l t
frm the ((lteaniii ilallwa
il a,'iC i tI I \a , i VT
Is} \ii if a ifii if ~l f OO!i I
If-isfcdiiiIf t 1d I 0kd t\(
pla ih d b en;f ccsfili s iii

if ilt"

the- I litruith sriedrfuf uti
stii -ittilt II2 trr a i'fir<>
if r ite sc1 l<. 1 1 full
Iv I II t i- fav r ,t t e (1s-


Senior Lits lDecide on Thirst Quench=
er as Class Memorial
if t omk taltu ,, i iii -it 1w tutu
;ci'11)1- lf t1if fu- 1 i)Y t~e Ii I )-
,tt I ) - I ii if Cii 11 11 t i M tt
r{ii i t fi f- f fl a t i 1 t)aI~v i l c-


Iiii iti1-s iof ciide, pi ally tu iill-
fit 1-1 iI ront 1if rot s sC Ii%- 4,010
iit~hn ,wl he lio lkep th crll
it n te co ric sii sf f ll def
', pa11cns wl tp ( I I th 1ff1111of 1011f
wih s i-, , it ifcheer". 1 i fh" 1111111,y
will le,-(I the s i f 111an 1"Fap"11 : kis
fT'h r fflalo 1e m re i l essiIlof ac
ii 11ai1 tnc 1r wo faculty iimeal.will
ftarli liii ij ittf i and 16 lft,{ay r
r(11 if doisom. li ts.I iii tile
hMlrhet ando Re teriler. 0 Oe
1111 four ftnde 1e ae xp td
i( i jc nt 11i dea of I till Liiiker
hat if -tia it th te cnnr nd tv
.1c; 1c(oi i oatendin aIi ff1-ithe
ifhiie iithes fvet f ftrc)v rc
Nol h 1oee hatft ft heipoms
Nf i1 f 1 icthf11 ifcf ts fi INsaNeIfff1n
ft' i-i cm) i . "ctn-f fit fllc o r
if -TotasSif xm

ifLU~hiK'N-FCLUff NNf ii. IMI
The Bt-L' Ni.lub iil11'uif;i 1111 N N-
Pill iiiiiflia i. h t oif f ti i- -tt -i
fo-ifc iith is l tl i for bllt i t ii : -
Pre ff1de tcP-ul 'P. ll f ilr rtt lit-if
if. Powers;it i ce -f1 N1>tfrit, f t W .ui-
MCfsitI.NNA\".iindtiiiff -~tuaili
ftu itif ickfit Jf oet R.- (z. ftult in i T ii-
f1rir, f IifiR iiitol :I d iio
C(Ii iff ll - iut.Pof rhr
Tr 11-etent lin Ersast to]
ele tef t f the ififitiliti li itii r
Trac f ithrltes iiEfrio-if ft sNita\l-
Fiilidl it h praisetiftr- their I-, iti cf it
res en ted lIfifftsfilflfthePcnsii a
(f fa i s exf pettfiffh- me tif- mt f . If
From-tt ll re orts li i r ct or fl t ten
i wel ats ied ill ticpf ortmit of
i11 f I i ~-iis hcc . LIfi t t t clI~
rac 1111 ii t lt Ir i e et illn ssi fl t it-I
did fAtfitn -t-mor fta f iet i f
lim filtiertheli rc fit- Nril tutu 1 ran
hi- 'Irc 1 l I - ; sc1 t -
sltd w l he Ict t ei l.- t ii - 1 ii
)rpaionfrteVISiYlc~ N-tti
illl1lff IIIIf INI RN- . Iiif- IM fit i
Nfl-f-o bing- i the 1 sNY mNfl i al-fNI
lifa iFit a a 1nt 11 v a11 eo1 {cr id . a
lld , lly i iii i 13111. 11 1 i
\1 ii iF ;T-, ir T 'RDI t - 1:A I \
ffe ' lt 1<1'h~n '1a1 l I i it ,itf t o 11-
o'lc: o - l', I ii iii 4In r i fto no
itte officerstfor the I :°u iff fet
yo, r liiThean lclci il e ci
fnt IL S 4 N ,:I I I II ill-IriI 'alcNI 2 l
NN 111fr ffmN2 fIN0 IIto N-4:00

Lockwood Claims That Ahility
Of These Musicians Is
Underesti mated

IIw dal

f), it It

ff11 Iii, IS- Ni III NiN-[SIAL
netyau sassan m b m hmitt li-i ini iifiiif it ,tfir ()
Niai-. iff w8j i n( -sfw n pu i-
! rdltic w rkhrefI utre niat(fi-
willhi Phlrtiich hefr fliNfiiiftfi& L
feieitniex t immr. li s afi-tiftiwrift
th 1) r-i-Q I ad~aQ

if 1 ,"IN\-1 f IN- ff 1
I)A\C111 {)11 fli H

1I" N11


lt2' - 1i Itt - II i - l tIII ,:
i t ii;t'i 1 ht iI tif
f -! f -- I t f a "It - I I I I

l t C l- -e t 14 ciii t i I I if
fa4 luit forl Ii i scif to i f i t ift
hook oni the sfc1111iNia s fffiaiu tiff11
fitheftifi' 11111roomit iiXi iuu haf' f
cry tw week. , dl. Pre to Hif _

till -i C

ft~z <i1( - II Ni

ft it ti-if htii et tilt i 'ti-t - lawsiftand
k ithirsi ii ihict teltlirlilf g
fo fftwill lie wrded to all meorn

N-lt ii ,, ih fi ift ill , trco t icon lifi - a
1c-NI ai hallf t ll ln-tut i \I if111 1 Iiwasi
- --fIllft tt o11 ly 20 uf Ittifti ii Iof
the K-~ ifili* ->- dn i th
-)p~~ 1 ituires if liffit if ic If-S
therr k l-thl- discsed ildil.
HarlI.ii 1 il las i l liI I ll ft lit. l
yesfrtei iIIifrdayhis r if ox dasctniii-afte
foir preident iof theihiganifti Ii
This lcaesrtanttifil ls-f-tafndfMt-
thew-si- i as thisolily iifto-esiheft-ld

;fI iflt NI
fLt}Ituft ut--i

party.lif t lII

N cit
I ifo

--i~i' f lCitai


Unvriy f orth ern Oratorical League Frdyih
VIIl I Con test
fa lIUnder the auspices of the University OratoricalAsoitn8 Ps a
I Admission 50c

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