TxlE MICHIGAN DAIL Just what you are looking tor- For Semi-Dress Wear Button or Lace. All sizes and widths and we will take pains to lit you W Stat. Street W agner & Co. Sign of the big white shoe F ._-.-) ._.i i W..-.... I Desks, Morris Study Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at MARTIN HALLER rr We invite you to call and get a Souvenir for your room Full Lime of College Zlothes for young chaps. that want style Men's Furnishings, H-ats, Caps, Gym. Suits Laboratory , Suits, Waiters Coats, and Bath Robes wood Freshman Caps at 50c. Try us fUNIVERSTY NOTICES Junior law football menouot this af- ternoon at 2:30, Ferry Held, soth gate. Omega Phi has changed its ineeting time from Saturday, I :oo to Frda, 7:00 P. n>, All caioidates or t te juioiren gi- neer football team eprt for practice tod1ay at terry e lde at 4:o0. Wonien's Athletic association will1 give a daning party to a11ll ire sit girls ini Barbour gmnasium, S atlrdayl night. All senior lit men with an footll ability meet at the 'Trophy rooni at 7::mi tonight. _ Meing of 9t2 ringineers to elect officers wilt e held Friday afternoni at I o, roomss41. It is necessary 11hat1all miembt es eof the Choral Union, who hae nt et paid their dutes, do 5sotoida il order to obtaiii tickets for the Mmne. Alda 1cci- cert toimorrow eeninig. Alt sophiomore engineers outt for foot- balt practice. South Ferry fieid, 4:01 p. t. today. Senior engineer football men iet at south Ferry fieli Thurnsdlay at 4:5 Sophomore cinginieer nminaios fole officers Friday at 7:10 t. ., roomill31, Engneerng bulilding. A11l1111. Robiert bloiitsier, Ill),foe.:: 'ex 'tiaiige editor oli the sta'ff o te MICeH IoN Ils'. 11h1sretne 1:11f roii Euiropte aiidtiilltake'1111joonaliti' xo'k in' ihis hmtown1111, Carleri, Ph. TIHE KEMVPF MUPSIC STt1lthS. Piano, Pitie Organ, Voie Cultiie. C.oiimpoitioin. 332 South Disision St, Ithone 1076-J Bell. Leaeoose ulir order for fue piano tiuning I-f. (Goodlap:ce to eit. Con111 ic se and1 try our coffee. W\eriiers t hunc, 3.18 Mayniardl Street. It. FRESI IN]11ENf IPORTANT-3'fNOTICE' Your tictures, befire 01111aie the rash, w'eie tikeii by3 yndonlli, po graplher, 71)N. lUniversiyAe. 12 I. DIENTAL, CliN IC. The Dental Cliniclisnows'otiein1for the treatment ef patieints. Ptieits le siring tlates, cows n, bridges, and1111u atioin of the teeth isill le sredl cxry dlay' from teii to Isselse o'clock; tose' desiriiigfilliiigs, tic':tniiiit extrac- ions will fiiid the Cinc oticii(every af- ernoon froiiihalf 11ast one o'lc lck x cept Saturdays. 7tf- Ito E. HuIron. Pon' ihfo-J. I-t. - Majestic -- FR E ! TOLADIES Remember the Shw Starts at 3 O'CLOCK ' -MATINEE TODAY -I AT TUTTLEl & CO. lunch Room/ You can ied a fle lie of Cofectiery j- Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines by officers of Varsity or ganizationt, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group of students to or from A nn Arbor extra cars and extra service wll be. promptly supplied. Wednesday, Oct. 26th Frazee & Lederer's Greatest- Musical Laugh Production PRESENTING RICHARD CARLE (HIMSELF) Jumping Jupiter EDNA WALLACE HOPPER Lillian Shaw, Frances. Kennedy, toa Claire, Will Phithrick, Joseph C. Miron, and Some Girls, Yes, "Seventy" Prices, 35c to $1.50 Sate of Seats wilt spen Monday, Oct. 24 Thursday, Oct Nth Charles Frohman Presents, the Musical Comedy Success THE DOLLAR PRINCESS Book by Wiliner and Creenbaum Music by Leo Fall As Presented at the Ktntckerhocker Theatre, New York City fer One Year 91-BIG SONG HITS-21 Hear "A Boat Sails on Wednesday" Price- Announced Later: Watch This Space ,New Whitney -TheatreI Cutn 8.13~*t P. M. Late cwaweo's aat oeated preecaptiy. .. . . . 'YAT IMA TURKISH III BL END CIGARET'TES stART Old masters in the art of tobacco blending are we- and years and years of study are now bearing fruit in the delectable Fatima Cigarettes. A most agree- able smoe - a decided favorite among artistic tem- pe ra me n ts. Picture to Wilh each package a usef2obatesf Fatima yoa gel a papa- yusl 0 euish far actress' photograph -loa pensant can- " plain packagefor1 5 cents pon, 25 of whichaecur a hansomae felt college -1o more than usual pennant (12x32)-se- lectinsof 100 THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. ~ ~ 211 Se MainS Ste TA .OD PLACE'f BAILEY & EDMUN'DS REING.i VV O. Guss Fishing TackleiiandtAmmuntitionl We ha1ve1 a freish stock of Prince Ineyfsuing a specdalty Altert and 'T'uxedo in 1 pound and I- E. Liberty St Ann Arbor, Michigan p o u n I c 'a iis a d j a s . m u IReule, Conlin, Fiegel Company Come and let us surprise you with the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you in one of our FaW Suits or Overcoats. No store carries a more complete stock of Clothing and Furnishings. Knox Hats Stetson Hats Beacon, Hats Spalding Sweaters Marihatten Shirts Perrin and lDent's Gloves and all the latest styles in Neckwear i EASE UPON THfE PROFS CALII'BRERSO Wrine yau.tmr tnesa#4 th eesaa . yourCHRI'BRER SO brifig on yoar swn typnwritr. We''hsnn oniicisns at altwiutm $Z$Qatsdp. Under Hiuston Billiard Parlors towest Piesnaon TypewrterSippines The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Charlie Weigand, Prop. Ream 4 Press Buildine. Oppesite Maleslc one66-2x. MASSAGE ILadies' Hair Dressiee, Shampeaine, I Mannicuriee, Face Massae Womn and childen tnnated for eros- I Rain-Water Shamspoos A Specially lness, panalysia and neaos defects, by ipectal- All Toots and 't'owniasStriliznd Snbenre sin, studied at Sanganc ooli and Hanvard. iuaing 1t10 5. University MS A T A Me'. J U Teo~a~o RooSems 035 Packard Phone 778-L (Bell ,r Carriage and Baggager For each Couple to'and from0pseies } before 1ito'clonk$5.50, after 1ito'nockeS $2.00. For each Trunk toner from door, tfec price will be 23 Ceets. If carred to or teem up-stairs, the,,pricewyill-bce.y at Cents." Drivers , r teied .to collect cash foe carriage an bb~g "etacet WALKR'S LtVERYt ROBtINSON & CO. W .TARE, 0 MHLIVfY * ~ ~ ~ ". e "---eo.t T7HE LINDA VISTA o e-half block north at the Campus (2T6 5. Ingalls) -'- Coffee and Rolls served till 10:30 a. m. Board, _ $4.00 per week 11 _.. ,. _. _..._ ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYEMS rWTEIA "'Ti BEST OPEVRY MILW AR D, 'AO!~J1T~INiI