3_IL p - is . ,. Assi totad.. t Paulatg 1( 1 ,( 1 it t WHEE ARE FRESH CAPS~ I eir Absence Arrouses Commentit on the Campus PlyB l 'l'h;IITheIseasonh tsion and weaare ; t i 11 vt W l it a cO u i vl----- it a]1 Illimber of fre5']ltnatl caps 11.1- j 'tYMI"Cd Im ]it tie cr;n n r t aboll . f] Co.i Li ato otr I ir_1T t t 011 sa i ts utc ttdi ttC talti itt i/ta .viii St year ittnire stoil.Iaxot/i 1n it 'of /the ittiition.tisCap y a itt tiay tff tt tY td i/Ir ito lSop/homoic ratk sit tales ithta vr Soi /i it moit ithe oul grayi cap'dinghe c / trnittig te frsh an t ]w i Stil a restnai/i l \I[BIT 1111K 1 11MAit il i ;u i st vii ho ,e 5.. ~r . pteparedl to supply yo, r Base BalI Needs If you retqttre a pair of shoes worth $3.50, or a Miitt wotarh anytwhere ftr0m12;e to $8 oo, or anfytiitg else under thte sit, we have iti-every article gutaranteed. TENNIS RACKETS WVAH IR'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage Fortoeacth Couple toandtfraoparties biefore 1toactattt$1.50. after tuiactlock $2.00. For eachtIrunikttto rfrost tio, tile pitcewti be 25 Cents. If eisrtolt ar ferst up-stairs, the price witt ae 50 Cents. Diviers ire reqatrea to colletct casit f110 csat ttit ndaggageservtice. RuIttitiNS & CE). 111,t ilt LFVIEJIY I / O/N AsTi SOt -0 .'m. P inelio63 i Eastman Kodaks Premo Film Pack Cameras Hawkeye Cameras 5 lilt/i t tt odtttts it tiockit Prcs trtttt$1.0i/lito */0 11 Oi/t otdatkst akrttia trade at reson-c ahl ic es. Goodona ( otiedn. .L t ll 1/e per tay. irsit 11 sttorttti rs-eo 10iimesCtovort, and itheiy are all frtest.anittaleot s here. /tLlI toeanattratveu1tsaik LYNDON ..,. ;_ ^ - F . - } 1 ir t_ 4. y >: c rl , , . ., '' i' ;' x ,, ''Fy: f" " v k. _ t=j 0 1 : Ivfb HI ETA gKA 1-1 LL e (make charms and- G pis. Cet your order, }A i t u so ,VVi ANOD Jewele 220 o Oh alta ~ic andall other (Laan Ies-;.- t a ,is IESTHLOSE Itnou nt fi11111 Prias oranClotes and tttttailyautitvatiaI. ttcl1,ttiriit0 LET'S GET TOJGETHER. Wr aNii, tiyouhorkche'taperbto, and moe pottiilyihltit a University Suit Pressing Co. 709 N. University Ave. Both Phones 266 .. _ - - 121 Washir .21 .thnlo tPhn 9 A. jL oog lir Phone 598