tI oIlliaN DAILY 311 SO 'AF II1' openigdplyo Sprin a Sut' Metif s It 1ilaaager---NORisAN l l i5 As isas A). . I( I ar .j Allitisli L slr . .R...1's alt r k. I sitsis :1 ] i ta it .... W le . o,, i 'sisiss ssd iraisali Uii i i1, ss l 2xsl sags ailI liii. D Eli It r.u-s' Arthur J. Abbottl. tsIssi A.. WoVllagissstti !iraist Msc~s RE '1 It.l S. ' N iV RSITY NOTICES t 55' '5i5st5I rcis- For SUITS, OVERCOATS, ad G. H. CO W IDThe LeaingMechaI 311 SO. S a1 Base iHalst I. R.l'FROST,31 S Base al Tennis Golf snu Track Cool We scairy thl- lil o 5 - is i) See Our Wi"dlows Stcsder~ss'13 sstato o La Medica Denta Largesl Stock i 'si s iia Second-anad lass Is - Law andI Medicig~su QuiszaBoIokski....r Complete lise New rid ec ond-hsand. Old books takenin iii I 'sis C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. STATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 61 I im ti.. i' 1 . ]1. 1111 llt'Lf tliss. L1t air I silr. J 3USINEISS .STAFF' A Bowman, A. 1ss itt, R tla t jo iiw . t1tsssi'c . (I 1Ofl 'si sis Maagngililo, i-rt7 ',I t'ii. BIthls 'tho s (is c, 1 ''1 I /;tis 'stiPC~ iTO I IPlay Ball'! Thieseason is oisan we are preparedl t0 supply yor Base BallNeeds If yo0u1reqluire Saipair of suoes worth$3 So, or a Milt isortbh i' snywhre rom01129Cto $8s 0 i sr 'soythIing else sunder the sullswe ase i-esery article guarantleed, TFNNIS RACKETS t~~rI iI' I ' T ii-: Ita I n°- WAHIR'S University 'Bookstore Carriage and Baggage istoelae1i'.td cl $50, alse'i' 1 12.0. price.stu i e..25Cets. I rrissd to sr rrumitsii -stals.(le pre witle 50 Cets. Dries asr equiredl to rollec' tsi Wt' .os'as H.siiiaga1'A i i ' IAlitLIS115.1 Ready For Your Orders On iSpingiit sl'sill'Custs Mists Iwd foisr list sithisill l'i~i ch arsiteil s'ss'tsss'sr swis t Ii'sittaeuho lats's'. lRady toiibookssits i dersili iir mak tit upLorsiay foli sir's'ir i It'wash ii tot e'your mcait'll 'll' gei t sri ll suit insthe \voisis and sil l'lii'i'is 'sirs wivi ot ' a itsi tsi. ia gas in yt ilisig litssstaci'ofl eur Win. E. Dieterle Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street Shirts and Nekwear Made to order WE A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, IlOc REPAIRING Fuller &O'Connor Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St. I on yuway dlown canoe- ' ing drop in and get a box t)iOf Chocolates. 5 'slesi Johnston s - l 1ct i~ ' 1 1 4 I' 1 i - - 2 -i M C Dia rrmnids f Dance Programs, Ta-flly Cards, etc. Leather Programs a Spccialty C ss Records, Technical Journals, 'eriflicls, Magazines, etc. SI AIE!0NIS PRINTERIS INDERtS 1. i IIv 'AL 0OFFICE:011 lE gs ! 112 Sooi iinStC Bell Phone 1404 I 121 Washington t, AND 1i1L.PA CK, Photogr "rphers Phone 598