THE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclhfield St .. Co. " .. AinArbais.Lead Ing-. 1065E. Huron St. =opp.'Court House J. L. CHAPMAN-, Jeweler -Alarm-Clocks 79e Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks- $1.50 3Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Repafrig a Speolalty The- AnniArbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300000 Surplus $10,000 Resources $2,,0,000 A tieneral Banking Busneics Transacted UrirEocs: Chas. E.. Hiscock, Pres.; W. I). Hucelsutus," Vice Presi.: 2 . Fritz. Cashier THl- FARMElRS AND MEONANICS BANK MAIN AND -ItUlOfSI )RESTS Capital s50,000" Surplus aeilProflts $100,000 Gjeneral Banklog Business. 3 percent paid usn Time aod Savings.lDeposits. Safety Ge- 'ps.1i okes t6'-1bct st$2.O0 and upwards R. Kassur, Pres. H. G. PsEcTYssAc, Vice-Pees. F1. A. WoLtus. Cashier F. T. SOwF, Asst. ;_en- Me ican aviii . ank Corn~emsrla.l anrd i aov. Mainsad Liba-tv Sit-aots u.-FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFs ANN AccOst, MICsH. I. 1. KINSIO, HAIISIISON SOULE0 Fees, Vice-Pres. rs 8-.CLARI(IIN, Cushier. Capital. 0100000 Surplus adlProfis ,$5.00 STATE SAVINGS BANK C apital 150,000 t Surplus 75.000 Resources $1,25000 Wpi kJ.1ieot1 es. Wsgsrsli, VicerPyros. C. 2. Waltz,Cashier CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All mattlerin t his column-mustciibe paid for iin advance. Office hoors: 1-2:30; 7-c8:30 P. Mi.- LOST. Cage, 630o J.131) 311 41 I,osl-LCear I Cli i 13badege cie o campus3-or betwreeii campus and 1iiilt r- ci Si..Pindcr call 231 hell 141 ositli lrokbeni iall, probalbly- on ]Ferry Field. Cailf upii374.- 141 FOR RENIT. Hfose for Roet-D~esirale iimodernceot- taoge, onie ioiik froiiicampus 1, foriiisli- *:.e oil urnllfulrnlished. 226 S. 12(11 51t., *"ou ;hir72 I,. i136, 1319. 141 FOR SALES Friti foi' ,Salc-Jami, Pre esee, C.acoed Fruiit, Jelly an(] Pickles, at1 220 .. MUSIC AND DRAMA Treer naiIoinalities nwill lie repiresent- rcita toili be rgil I \Vediiisdav afleriolc at lie I ii hSelioollhall. TheIIc nc whose s sare to lie 1pa1yedilare tall no I 1oand 1exemplify iithe 11moderii eli- n iesin thieir respectlive m sonatail1oflkissli. ioghiless intlerest- M111oolxhiiits ltheI Ililgariali stle. Ns 113 ll t l ei c. 331an11-1herlity31 palre for Itic techiiical svork of t3110.CS.'1 3 Ic 1111113 and1 pla erolare 11(11permilthe governml~entlsholild isrite for book1let 3 657 'The WashiiigtoinCivilSIeirice Selol0, 13ial 3111 ils. 1111ro1111tle par1.111 rd Washiiigtoni, 0.C. Couirses p repailredl311.-l,~ 3o by a1 "U.-of 11." man11. 3.Iihaiilrmall \i-silPart: Conli 123-130-1371z36-140-14(1 31111 11,111J. Aiuio'rrr. CHIIROPOI)Y 1411 141 Corals, IIbun31is, ingrowsinug1111isItrea-l _______ 1ed and1( cu~redl. l~rerytliig ablutey111 ,k'7 hg1.31lass 31p1ictr taker!cin lyour antiseptic.3O13ce 'holurs; 1 9 .Imil, 1-5 11o11n11ome10will cost- you1 110 101re 11111 7-8 1' m1. Miss 1. J. 1111ey, 921 gilleysevc. lcresult is b11cC.. 14. 1uo Srtl5., End INorthl1211. 13-3111111- C. 111111 31111111473 J. 13611 HE HATS c)""q J. 124 3,. 0.11. A Dtilrliani oi ulexoSafeily Razor-a1 1101 idoll inccomlfort. Sec Quarry IDrug Cc's. 1,311. tf Bate1's ordilestral, Phone 1050 J. 135-171 14(73) Som iiic upieces of Japan~ese Ivory just received by Quarry Drlug Co. tf (O1,1 TOWN CANOES Sendllp3ost1a11for "Caoe"oc" tl~og 1o S. S. Scoll. 702 S. UivsPhioiic 63. III1tIf E. 0 . 0. Get Your New Spring Suit at WADHAMS &COMPANY 121-123 Sooth Main Street tst We design all our clothes and hve them mvade Why youin our own shop. Shoud le us2nd We employ only the highest class tilrs in ! the making o our clothes Y Make yo r clothes3rd We import our Woolenobrs direct and save you ~ o rtIIII~the small jobbers WAGNER & CO. State Street Tailors }} A1 -Songs Sung by the UNION MINSTRELS L 'including WineeWangee Woo XWrtten especially for this s how CAN BE PROCURED AT Uni*versi*ty uscHos Press Building,;oMaynard ISt Across from the Majestic. All Studeilts whose as agiv oen 10 the Shodents' Directory osill receive so00), a cop1y of the 11AY FESTIVAL ANNOUNCEMENT Stodents whose names sreeoot iii (ho directoory or whose ad- dieses have ben changed may. got (lie cioy inteoded for themn by calling at theI School of Music NOW WEE FrenchDr Clean A Suit or {overcoat, 75c Suits. Pressed, 25c Trousers, lOc REPAIRING Fuller & O'Connlor Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St. -- Majestic-. TONIGHT All, Carm nand Iheira Today Souvenir Matinee CHINESE RESTAURANT 'Fancy "Chop Sucy" sod Amoricoup Dishee, Chops sod Steaks atliallHours T00BLE5 FOR LiDIESOAlD GENTL[EMEN WAI KE~G LOO 314 S. State UP STAIRS Portrait Sudo 319 East Huron Street