,SHE MICHIGAN D)AILY G. HI. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S t yIe s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. I1. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 50. STATE STEET $2.50 amvd $3.50 (ye (Goods and (GolfShuoes ER.ROT,302 S. State St. Sporting Goods Base Ball Tennis Golf and Track Goods We carry the most complete line of sporting goods in Anni Arbor. See Our Window Display SHEEHAN & C"O. St~sder.As' Bookstore THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Efditor-Lao A WHrIn Bnsiness Manager-NORMAN I. I1IL EDITOnS. News Editor .......... Harold Titus Assistant.............tHarry Z. F~olz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towtrs Assistant ............. J. Fred Lawton M~usic and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... Dior' .Birney ErIOnlALS. Arthur J. Ahbott. G S Lasher, Paul Leidy. NIGHT tTOnS. A. J. Wohlgemulth. Harold McGee. Frank Peunell Edward H1. Roiei Maurice Touluse REPORTERS. Loien Robinson IHarry Mys'er John L. Cox. F. E. Shasw, Jr. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. Joins H. Townley. Wallace Weber. Gerald J. May. Emumett 'taylor. C. Harold Hippler. J. Selig Yellen. Rolert M. Gilltt Win. T. lDaughs rty BUSINESS sTrAFF C. A Bowman. A. R Dilley. Myer Ruhin. Keuneth Oshorn. E. Ray Johnson. Elumer F. Griersoii. C. HI. Kleinstucls. Josepih N. tFouchard. Addressa: ICH~IGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., I Maynard Street. Office tours-. Managinig Editor. s-2 p. in. anid Is os-I :3 p. in. Daily. Business Manager, I-5, 7-8 p. us.. Eu - cept Sunday. Bath 'phones c_ o. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. :April f.-Olivet vs. Mirchigan,.I crri 1-ield, 4:05 ip.Im. Apiril 27.-Sciiioi' lfngiiicci'foi'imil par- t- ;t traner', 9on o'clock. \pllii28.-Aiiiiialiploy of Crclce Irmi- gaii Iery IFiclil 2:30 IP. III. 11 iii 30 _nlris tut's ()nIt Chriian scince by 41,111is J. Iknox 'li. I.. it t1 I'le tudciit Council, ilin imnni a ica f,,- smple decec othe Ike oi' "tiil o class'. 't'cicsdIom ofgiving inkt lic 11 to te madlini condunct of a r j 1sallc1lecli i tont year''.cliv'. may 1>e ii (cstiiincil tt hut eifain>'.. iifliie' plais bI nint Criticismi. Th"I partiof lthe' 'tudetebonly which the.s i' i sriious value o niivser- sity trail tions hitsKl, icmh meiiid' at lii iv tl li'eta lisiliuu ii il theve lradlitionus illiicf ordefeatevincithalos hai.'iut li i iipm i i ii ii'If esrc i ' th tisiiie beeai t ;ilr, r : It i if muature'meiuai d iaslup iite ucvdnaeu4 tie mvti'uti n i :~'i '1dIIIe 'i it a''(cnvi i- *11 teeills'- l thabe 'iingluuck' c) in cl .S , wii le' unforitiiiatIe. its protiest i through ithe iCiuncil is iiiii'i- thecssjtltilcd lit e ei gency. ofkti ei lii vi iiil li inilrt 'ithapsiisiii" ' s ls il(Iithe 11,n) l iibserini.leI ireqiu't-'rll'if made. Fa . ilur it l .liiSut ill e ia m tt to h(.evc astllgsha e it me beslis' Atascitil; f tir 1 . o Il"i. to r. hvii lini i th Iug iperin l 'iili inl Sati-ii ura-a . III- i'Ir. fP St. C \eevlr ciof isuaFal, -.,Y-l l iv apate illust-(it(.] by sides iirthe l sricIa 5lllciief he 2al 30svtill u sidiesi Of te ly-daillc ad cecticliaiquip- 1~n ) il' Nciu tirlsyst hut i'. I 'i v rliiak111t1lengthivrc et 1 i crtolpii t, f \nilg .let'ri'als.to- cTI \''ii isli I Is AIiiilit iliir. churc. Ne iii)k xia Harisii l s's'- t lin . 01 1: i c'. iv ildls' rs rly-'tihei impsI faIimSg hea lth Ielwasliiicedi t r cl tep li ort l ec llture plat- iiiitit- 'Yesterdlay's rettetirsal otf "Let Rotinu cssiieo" shoiiweid aiterfect iiastery of the verses aiii the satre iifflesit situations biy thy' cast. Ailmsi. Ttausuii and IHnrt- hurt ini thie cii~r iy roles ot the tlay have a iurpiri'se it) the tiiic of somie real coin- rity fir lue audtieiice. The other= major rite'. .retbeinigitkeli eare if ini credita- Inliltwouvl ter cent. if tshe wiiuiiin the juiiir coilteges of the Ulniversity of t'liis'(a'iire' tlaniniiig to iiarry, aecoril- uii 0 acanlvass receiitty ad te at that iiislittntiiii. Ninety-six wsoimeii if the friesihiaii anditsiophiiomoire ctasses vwere ilerviewneil. 'Twocoesif'ss'ed that they iinteiiitoii beciiie tiiiiekeepers. Se'cretary Smilthifuthlesunilversity ex- tres's itnliisetf -yesterdativas tieinig very ai nis tiat thie stiidenits give the ques- tionaire tat ihnstieeiicirciulatedl ctreful Cos'id'.eraitionioust fioratd ttiiio's'iie- veloplhts w1111 er e inicorrectly tiaddresseil. Dii;i,'is 1. iiii 1152OLi~NI'iOO. A disitrict s'ciiv'ention iosf the Deliti Up- siloii fratsiinitin-ill lbe' tetidii ninnAr- boriida andili tis Stutrdta' Ofthis iweek. Repurentttiives f ro listhe iidlet est- eSae wilnivtibe s'ntertainiiidt-ty.'the Ilo- cal chteir. tFcr the first t iiie illtsaiiiimber of ties, the 5eitire frestin la ets switt get tiigethier at a smoker tielit at Ptir- lor gniuuoituivi. the exatt(ltate it wihhniit ii'eten airatged. 'heisophotiti ls i-itwilld a sance at Giraniger"s.oil Moinday tight. Dr. and -tles. Itatll aiii Proif. aitilMrs. Iti-a- phtreysw illS chaperoiie. Preif. J.A. trsler anid Mr. P. E. 1htnrslet' ltiave goile to 'Port Wiayine. Indi., lti atleiid tie fuiieral of their father. Mr. G. F. Bursley. Prof. J. C. KnonIl- lout accompan.iiiedl them. The Catholic Stiieeits' club ainoisute- i's its ainualt Pitcher party.,'.whiclh will tikee)lare Fridlat'evein~g. May T2. ini St. Thitos IHall. Ther numeber sit tick- ets for Ihis tear's funcation has teen lim- ied in eighty. Thter may' le procusred frmi Arthur L~eeni, T. C. Caildigait. Pasit Koehtler, Jerry'.Cnllins. andl 'im. PR. ITia-r'stNgTisiuT)TNuru I,ANNfS. Ata meetinig of the sopli engineers last night it wasidecided In give a joint ilnniervswit the souls lit at laitiaaore lake onl Nov 27. Tickets woill tar told at flt'. yceists. Play Ball!I~ The season is on and weft'are prepared to supply your Base BallI Needs It you require -a pair of shoes worth $3.50, or a ,miit worth anywhere trout 25C to $8 oo, or anything, else under the sun, we have it-ev ery article guaranteed. TENNIS RACKETS Wrighst & unison' strung line, also 8 adtng a (Gold Medalad 'Lee & Lniderhill'v Slotted Thrsat Racket'.- A li tose them. University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage For each Couple to and fro _ parties before ito'cloek $1.30, after Ii o'clock $2.00. For each Trunk lo on frome 4lsor. the priee wilt be 25 Cents. If careded to nr from up-slains, Ike pric6 will be 50 Cents. Drivers are required t.o coillct cash for carriage and baggage servilce. WALKERS LIVERY W. H. STAMK; HOLMES LIVEI X Eastman Kodaks Promo Film Pack- Cameras Hlawkeye Cameras :15 different models if stock. Prices from $1.00 to '65f10. Old Kodaks taken in trade at eason- able prices. Good one. r rent f0e per day. Films for everylbody-.enongh to photograph the whole town t0 times over, and they ccr all fresh, no stale goods here. Developing and printD4 done by modern methods. I have an attractive° Kodak proposition for summer tourist'.. or fot yotir vacation. LYNDON Pictures of Everything CLOT HuN G Of the right kinzd at the right price--and all other FIXINGS FOR MN ___Allen' Good Clothes Store at SGeiyour MICHIGAN Ps, Fobs and Spoons PHI BETA KAPPA Sl nPpsad W E O H L S ______________ all Smoking Artol's IHALLER' S em k hr sad _____________ If you din't tet usPomreyiur Clothes and do alt you Cleanin canleT s F.ad Rep'.iring LOT'S GOSrTTOOE~dTHOSR. 1L Wewli pins. Ct your order Lunches, Ice Cream Soda tie yuan work ishealer beter and more promptly than it was Opicl--D-t-i-n-- orenrain and all Summer Beverages eer one bfore Extra Heavy Chbarms $5.00 ?- IIALIIR'S itWI i RY STOR ewleCB. *e . 0Le 70 N. Univest versitytuitPPessin# go$ 210 south 'loit.-St Jwlr 220 South Main St. U-ese ne .,Poe 121 Washington St. RANDAL~L d PACK, Photographers Phone 598'