The Mchigan Dally Vol. XXI. xv~ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,\VEI)NESI) kY, 1APRtIL 26, is[. . . TAKE .ON OLTYRT THIS 'AFTERNOON Locals Are up Against Strong Aggregation of Sack Artists VERHEYN HOLDS DOWN BOX Olivets aminecaies ho terry yielt this afternoon t imeet the Varsity in te seondt sal test of the tone seaso. The Cogegationaists tave a vetern tetnshichi-thetsetseee the stongest thitvraeretprsvtvtAhyrn.sIt has at readty trimme .A .,adNtre IDamte as tcksto sswil rim it 7 to 6i The ()tvvlt sad illttlss conisto'igh for vinditiatini Lstyer it lyet Splendidll tvttfiis' iv'ruiiits andathaen startedt stragt tipsettiggaine at- ttue reord. Theie iuiias teds oitnlit tieeiimore 5151515habut tIevisitrs mn agesd toi aisist aIwobbltitithelists C ing six erosandthe tinlcont siiltod o tsi o. Seve ofte t iayesitno Iese so high si year ago are oming tack. 'te vie noit tirg~sttelttiv't' he y ti' drt ro theiitti'fans aiiit tey swit igtt itose' tite' goundtanditosiit W(il. Vvrtievui. wtio shut ouit tte Oieet crv'wvlsst year willt=ibe ion te' iisiiiii sgain, and ltte'\\olveries sretaking trinisti repeta. ''ai" Smiitt is ittiandi Campbistett is teiig saeeitfor tieWestern Reserve scutest Itt is'tuitely'thtBsiIse swt ibe ablet'ts to ly andt te iniii eilt staritout s itditiitSaturda exett fir the tbattery. Fisher is sats'dIts cact. _ o'saaa eati scsiihe atciest M40 'aildter ededs'ipriesof 23 cets witt Mihh'igans Oivet tIuorese cf .. .. ........R. Rsat iti Msitellettrf ....Iausitotui let If .. .... .....'..te rv ss atter 215 . . .. ....Saforvlp Iiil1).. .. . . .. eP use f lishter c .. ..............TI. tRoiya rf Marin ss., .. ........ ..rie' 31 Mecuilan 31i .... -.Soresosne Vertirys it .. .. .. \aliel It OittCI ER ANt) EVANS WILT, AD)OPT TH'I SIA PIE lI. Chatney S. Btoucer, 'oW, isetr in Ameran rhitiiry, adtCcil R. Evais. 't, amanaging eitor of the 1911 Mici- naneasian, have deceidedte htat coutry life is te est sfter al, suit sceoring- ly wil start frtsig st telsse of tlhe eurrent stoo year. 'Thehvesaesieiguss isist afarm aboustitteaumies isostli ot Grandu Rapids is this salste, in the hesrt of the fruit erising distrct. 'Ther are seventy-fe5 acres ii the tlce nearly all clearedl adi sitti a smsall pohlein already ii fruit. The menii sill continue genersl ftaisawgtseai nelto tracticinsgscieniific issrtictuure ass the schise farms is the chhrse of simoe. Next sprig they wsill 1akv' the iitialstel in this plant by ptting in mashy snre frsit trees, principally aptles and erries of several kinds. Their originat intetion was to locae soatesalece in the -state of. Oregomn, ht a aretul coparison led them ts decide uptonthkie Wolverhne state. MR1 (IRTC FS L tEAGUl.E VijIl\NPTE) I ONll RE E4Y MAY Wihthe NssrterniOrtcleitIavueas NOT cots utasotisstime us'eay iseitoc1ali GO TO PENII associationis svin3 g itslf wiv th tplans~ fr thy vse itsasi s I it f telisi ats.e Arragemtents fuse aulissi Iset istoiegv Haff and Craig Il, Bringingt eni stl theUiouiui oiatsay jsre ilprg ressuitnd Isipe is teicir ciulatetdi Gloomy Outlook to amonsslg the siiudents isntsrde ta~t thoses wishinsg toasttendvlsisy signify tirde-itsWolverines1 'Tickets for the cssntest hisve ties t placedslis the hanssofsi sevesnisisiessinD. KRAENZLEIN WILL DECIDE' tents instase "e isig sslfssr iftsscents aipie. Admtisssisnhis this vcon test is nsit provsivdevdfarinisthe Will'itcihign senassst emil ely st ofsth1v esratsissal issciatin, sthattsmsoi ptis s 'sssell'is This' sin ts isis'a evesvry sils' sttendsi ig iilst sssctsas' s stsa guss' lt -s ticket. 'Tisaiathis ttsti l that'55 se nsi PLANS REAL REHEARSAL sillnssa sf ndCrig sussositthe \\ tvess'' minstiays itis eventi. Cerce is Bent On Securing An Ac-~ t iatss firsgfsssiist curate Setting t iactofthsgipp..e "alishsbencfid Toavoi any'lr m s hi'us-g "isss n h is5 it i tiws' al o w r u ihl ctr iiislss-ussfori'thes'Ce'cets' 15s si plyus ac zleii stats tastsshis'isillno ths islv g iist uues'up irtist si s td la sts' lllsvs he 'is iilt s 'isi Dteis l is'troi ioiTh r'ay 'foisr ilstheirssare- isa srtisil's. Its'expertsiahiili toihis'o ill hearsasi l h i ill bev'compileini everiisifrom555 iouek tdayssis tiut sfrfrmsuraec detasil. TheIse asof itseasfor ii da'sithisaithe l iein i C'ounsssitionusisunin' peonetss' wasss'' bri hisk ts 's'' ny No urtis'r'sar''angement, il ilI li rusle wliioasi'reissnItioldes ofsitthismadesFt r send uiigtieteam'.iui 'ea s xl cuiutses'ticests s''uringsat s.i u Thusay highuntil ssI It f's c'niio sit his'centraliloctsususs io ofthethic(ieI Iof- is as's it. sithitei is n ava isilsbluts'suits ices ini .' nkivv's' l l sstthhisals iiill con-i atiuiis'or isi mtiu.Recks' h o si u ns aii good tisse ther''v'ssitil lFridaysu i sitd iof as us Isi, hs'not yeti slts 'cii e originaly sanisounsce'i. 'Thev ullsice ill fromishiisscetilsith he openv i \\i'vhs'stand 'suit r sda'itru m toi lii 12 a. im. suit o hs5 p. is -ICAE I -YMA sC NO GRADUATION GAYETY DC kSlNAAt ANL \-LTR VI ('at 1st Student Council Opposed to "After -'- iEvents" of Swing-Out ''The Panamas anl.'sis a' i htari mseasaise"eclar'vtes'sPro. . \\ .IHIt th is' 55lt sii'isisuuillus';' die lastatnigh. 'Fromiithis hiso5st i muistes asithelv'propose avt eofi' sil s ((ar(Idit lcncr ~s: such tisssi trevights s.uscar i etag , thi' I sa'he s's' hmg sit thei Sa udnt . sn-i u'inovmeswithle alittle iiiesrI$ ,oo i os utInlua'sveinisg there's'ame's11su te ar and C'osui 'si t ' s t I asiafignud afor id i u ii Iitesuj tof he- tr thast t ie cilsitssfoei wi ll beiit ha' lit sias' ofsthe is' swuij -o shinc e-$,oooosvu fussthu savmse tissu esuto th dicsonteCocl swhicehlessvs pravctiallshnsothig t ay5555'i ss to go on record i I AS oppsdito' ; u's''us tsr e hundred ill ioniudaollsr is i t sscetiils tt'sss'rcew srugh''upaosalheiss stay snothingsf s uesit'ialdiuponiithenis' las,55'ca '' gfatlis .abos iuussIthsestabsil-t euiialsin whicshithis ca ni uit lsts ity' sai -mucshhasensa it inithis pess. sla~ ld1 I ben ttsuiuassubhyits il- is smre ie I assw ilthan a dam;uh. Is '~ laseusv xterishasuve hialale siup sitam su Isis tse snimeints'ositthis Co unil tl hail ansd downss i le'Iuh'itsa'litutte over aIhul-ii o ass h'the 'carp 5s usndtgowss au fsparty as dyedulftet usnIhegtu h e I icanisa ill has' tese s -ass ltldt "ceertislisai a is as lass in 1913." ' cessi isi 'usal Orr igssihits'eflcsion u onusisthis The lecstureews'snonis-tehnticsalsiesltmesstsotthi seniorsusclass; ai ting wholl' sttv~endesusul ilustedt by masnsuiews's'a'ot siofke'epiniiithu this'c'r''mony ansud sus iauhsgraus sit the sortsiis rues' spii 'trhesinue t.'sueCioss rut slate.1'rSt r'rCU IL IItLhNOtS bMEN tL .'NCI I A .\ht'iINk'S CHO(SEN PT i iiCAD NEWV STATE OhhIA/ TII N. N\ t VIORIK N IVERSI'T'. S'eenty-five tere resesentst sislci- IDr. El uer . lFrosses. 'hut ctf(('sshi thuusisstic suectihsugosathu e nefrom U-sisst isug(us1,). C,. ties Sissescomsin hiuis yestueuay sftenooniuusiiTappa~usu erofes' 'hstti'' s I1aeunis appos'itest hasl, ss'Iesudetsinite pla s fuss' si ubis h asnusc'llors'of Nwin 'srlk Uiesit t s susie sared. "The is'Ii" wa(515this'r((shils aucesesvEss. lD. IH esri hutiei ull ss' seciceil utlass ta's'thuse i'new ss'gans'iztin. Crack' n'ess' ''ignes'u. A'nouter meueting wilt behis'dhusntusutu Af.'ter'sg'suastingfrorushe(Islits'sue twos wseeks aasmoker ius i 5tusis itdfuss' uhs'tu'is slt It. Itrownssstuisd a y'ear thse i-ui tihesmonth. stautle Germanisiy. i1-i hi95te asi selacisngsssistn turofessre sitthe ciesce 'us1-vssfu;1VSn .5155"GOWNisex ctvsl~i. suitthus'au'sositeschisgit ictigsus Sesior enginueers hasves'deeiestohissoin tefromsheee tste 'Uivesit sat -wear the cashantdstgowsuevel-c'yissTuesayCslifornisa. Ie hasusbenscovisussusi'e anssi Thusduayusstil thai-rust fthis'yher. ofsut uha'siins.ini' (till. TENNIS t'tAt's'ESS ARENOW~ Captain Norr'ingnuof t heis'nisem and horttrias ~ li'Iehe.I'esta ihe ass'r (tri sald hiarui wositk sill hs Lee'i h a his's us cusust sass' as 5 thisa sit; ual the us' lstts acsI's -cot5 is t i hes (isi thev mesn are (11i.11 Di n t (sisill iald tt sl- stir have's atiasiup ithe histsofi te an- t'ain No sis otisgs(hats c iw N a is canpla (to us(epor5 t i t il oas sitTer1-i esafteirnoonsfrosi (hi:ttoissuhI locktil NO MORE CASES REPORTED Smallpox Patients Isolated in tOld Homeopathic Building No twlwss it sopussa ts havus'wscii're po td inithis' iici s e(.11s ofs ahl us i this (temporary.l' dlsiu isis psasitl il this old lsis'iso stis s ausi g lh .itih onet ofitheii c'aeassems a scriflimor as's Ca th n (his'othesrs. Tea'movsisg2o f the ass (ill~s from5the (lo It lithc opia hils accompli~itlidsafly'I. s.agmsuits ha i ( ral t o i' a's'usssss thos afited sin ti his'"pestS houlse" sholdhul 1RE; IRE C It (' FI (I.WCC'Y's Ixhenskci p(rep'a(tiiillseasell' '2oiouu lasto luthis'a-'ul isentiliiiior l up il, to 1wi six t Barsur u ts' ( sltsl <,n Jan 2. This funciius asc at I s 5t1th Jior s Ill1 IIIithe scia55'lialendario the i vi s lis o s tu. h I.In r 1 1a t i t ' bei a sitri t aorialsash fasits o ha h (is i l iIIut- (a t i th. 551 ''5' utuheda tits' s s g sius ive y t senior lass, t is 'o t iii''it usual tis aloni ail d at lassvs aeictd tit tend 'i i thus lu i rst _el ta hi rsi or ls lse hills it'h ar't 'sit sti ft he suloucIcasn aThetul rina wil bteiin thhandsl tal sit sia ti 'ih as'etlosss Mchi gnSa.Nv siusdecogrst is' ClatYstlsw (hisblls are Thessu \sas'''h .hoset-hus s caslt,:ushu is'sbe'ingiltusedtwiIt uhmy ndhieiiandils Sweng issoly'e Aislithi tshah ll t rhit ryi ,,t5siciiid. InaSngh n ed ed about a5 ltni tnt adolass'sThe ca- 'Yestrdas'ysuis.usalna'e't:i spokenat s's'- htissiyh assilndsDli tilet'eftl,}esteri siituei hei' u t mi5so aryi exhiits cos - iota i I't%. ss ~s~~s PROGRAM OF MAY FESTIVAL UNIQUE Ali Six Concerts Are Chosen For General Effect of Series METROPOLITAN STARS TO SING Iltut fistenut ais refl tas o i s hu a tonshis silt 'I tinct ii''llirat i ist's of its is t l llsro hailstht as '55 he a ' t s ar ro}it a Opr ( 1p us . u-usa he '('us r ai i ur a' 5 Io h s 11c us ill ' it ti (ui tn i sI re aask as i ttempis li this 5aicd hene5 Iu I'wc ss ' (. it Iis e m r tr11 111i2 I'a iaa si a if I e thusis us'f.tit{ us \ ic's ( llt' s ahi n (oacIs Ithissatal 's C 'inge by tll Is 51r a } j;l im o 5 1'. ( tilnli s b tse il-u anhr for salhh rati-i de suit atre c h I t i nd li e t. ' litta W is t''''' "Amt .) th Oliqu where he''l'Ii itan s o ithe ra -a Chrt(I lil:al 5151~ %I I sIt 55(51 an' )t o c this ctintry.(1 ilhas yat us m ?(suc _ r V its Ilha iso h i'ss onehofusual h 1 u' njs'ss oitthese ui t sit thaethco slhers1'tIii'h itsthrvv 5555 wsillsfiilly "all wi i'i - susiss' rat It 15 III II, ct It(F 1ii'u.- ti It. sill oa 5l Whi his',ha W. the I~Et to I u i us('(II la csicert aasathat ~' I ' le i1' 'iiw I s, ils .- icl' :tit i i as )il h as .- 111111's' 1;1 usl u itsCtl t11 M i ii suits1)'. Itll I 1'.iisailst; ! (). Pro'~f. J. S . I-ha(s of t hets 1'olutii 's Sciece lc art e~t illS'S' lulls l's' sit tutu ti sii t si, It. I., wii t-cu 1wa wilt 'it'll aipaper lwforc sutth sAss' ca55u til I CERCLE FRANCAIS PRESENTS LES PRECIE USES RIDICULES Whitney The arnd LES ROMANESQUES atre Friday, April 28 i