THE MICHIGAN DAILY G, II. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS TH E MICHIGAN DAILY. ."liay ig 1 iii i- ,ii XX t itis,. I uzs iss illls/i--\sRA N 11. I lst NesEitor.......... Harld(iTitu sssat........1ar .l l Athlietic Eitl.I aterK.'Towstcs . ssistit t.: .. Xiii t}It .Ioehitiis tssi 1ntsiiiand ii.m.. ii-] '1V. Moorec ~caigsilId ics.l ists S..i irncy Ar tiir J. XAbbo tt. G. S. ILasher. J"ill ii y Ai. J. "X I lt~c iii iou. 'il)rold Mciice. I1ilirry tCXi) ysir. XI. iMaiRyan lt i id Pennell. t rciL awstsn i e eStudn~itt..iouiici l cnidenciseito actting is tihe reiresenitatve Ifthe st dist ibodii=,itopintoisfsosise. tsieICftitatl ofiic itit appioes M ii ersorl (Tnzto ,icu i ;thoii ise 'eleciid'Tues- day, can fiul ppiate i hei tudents sinisit ie"', yei ts tsiktits iihe coniseriv e ii iiii11ttot fotit s inter ts ofnilttict iii 'sisv iS citisuti tandiexectsivetibodli, crt ed ' iis'i S ii t n t ic 'ii tile stillti ii its ci lstiisii titled toi 5 ii and tttsh iiuld -e' whiciss''i ition'sistlith t nt~ s ii i ii '' il 'isurcc u1 7 F, I?. SihawtJr. XW IAIi.)AiCXFii\ N 11' \\ [; . A SPECIALTY 1t;t-uis i I isiar ckis.I BUSINESS STAFF .. X ioi issiii...R 1Iiiicy. 311 50. STATE STEET ii i 1115 t 5 rs oiicc I is :, il"1 "Ai'uituur, t,-2 p. iiiiusii s s yilanacr 7!-uts. it.,i 1K~A H 1o rzs iii 11:111.1 tl )ocs c.Dsi ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP ssNiAlE~ GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From "Freddie's" 'N it iii ii/0 I 0R . iisi. Studlonts' 9ooksto re Gym Supplies of all inds Stationery 1 pound Linen Fabric--2 Packages of Envelopes 60c Card In~dex' s 320 S. State Street itl L'niv rsity 110i ictol tititSccti it -; it ;. ew h r- hal o p. I I'll tils O~thc 2 -1 gn i.theitit t'titi ll Ci s\ ell 11 Ie ihtall at tistlip. tt1. i s la tilts -ii it'r sh I itst 111 t ~ 1 ii it its ii 5. as Solts slit til iti O ld2:0inI n.i itittittit ci iWl m it ti lt ii t at'Vho 51 11111 111.1 ii it u llt, is.I .1t~hi An t i isii sipigtupte, tiws pediu WhA ny Tim . NIi that he h~s 111111 it itft l1 i s Clatsit -t 11111it' Inl Sn t( l n Ionu tt i tiu t a5 sti - i 115'1 ialr. club stitstWibeh l ls)tbl-2,a fall, its the isusit ofthe A1i li is limtited ti iits'stH entutu c s i sisf tth iep 11t11nI. MXl lydai a pa nd ss, tilt t s flIIi )SS iCij itti it iti T' TAI 1 SIRI. 1) LNGi1111t' e h sit ll f( orits c i i uors' ei C.ii' 11ittntititlist 11expect toiit eavi 'Ithett squadimsst reistcr wiitisap. isetsit taitit lt itinm titr cili NDB SSARsVsitu II,; I i1) here is siti11llioo titur ainumtirts 1sissirs ad its sil te Mo a (Mrthshtthesr sticyear s511111tha' stilt eit sith to1,11its Sta l i wi tie ltsed i imet thiii desire ito try- ou tay dy ti d i1, i'ke lisetryoutts for the 'it's n clubti hedist' nightilt i titis it it t iii 1a larges t urout o g its tilt tdois, i~t tesisttis lit 51 wichit aret 'utt Christmaiscation.iahis t hiss stiltaitraitin,", sittleader ''ii 1111 ii Situritsa itt. in '.acks i. Xii's. It ii iisc takit\inggautetc tude MUSIC AND DRAMA 'Ihits afterntooti at 4:t15o'ciock in Hiigih Schlo hali, Aiibert Lockwrood, piaitil l iiopenithte IHistoricai recital se iwithiteiltslowsinig prograimmance tip if te comitpositisons of J. S. tBacht: Citrotmatic IFantasia asdoul gute, I) mio 3 s'oices) , welli-teimleredccavi- Presd i anidtii FtugiucNo. i, C cantor iseud sinu ut tgue No. 2, C minor Preiludi aitdlPtguic No. 3, C sharp irtlud isaindii Fugue Nit. 4, C sharp 11111, (5v iccs). illud ut ndutiFugue No. >, D nmajor (4 soiceis) iPriludie'No. 8,iF fistatminor. Preludeisicl.g, Itimasjor. Prsiludira'situ guic Nit. 16, CGinror (4 votics). Sarabaindeiti nd situ leii, fromstht(tl .l1tgisit Suits'.. Gartteic dsitu iitsitic, frouit 61i lii- iissl Suits'. iticBflaitrinfom tatitsltlcPaita. Ittitrc fromtit'Cello Suite. Tocicaista nd igiic, DIinoirti, for Cr a (I ''ilisig). i)i,Xi ii N PRItit1.RES A NHtXX irf . N. Decmimonii is it wort ott "'The Decennil(titsilogiueosithlie lichi- ,tidriesse's iof'5some1'40,000 aumniiiii. It is expetctedtioiibiccompiletedl early tixs L'tcethe sciladerlilshit of D. J. IL. I t e e , li itth 0,1 i en'ul l iiiis'csti clatss ofi th'FirstPre'sibyter'sinciiurc h is i'ut'yhls'meimdinsciiasti slliobles at11 its at itstSdyllooitiIiiimetinig held init i th u'atics sit the cituichi. The glove store that car- ries a good tine of FOWNES GLOVES I is to be depended on. It yoti ell ooitkiing tor the liest Guitsar tic, stanilisee schIicMartiai Inustru- menctts. Xcii stocik jstl arriscei. Scittici cc isR&Soni,.Xlusic I loss, tin S. .Xisit St. 13-tf. WAHR'S Muchi,;an's Hunt Bookstore S State St. Main St. Offers bust selected stock ofi BOOKS and STATION lEVY A fets Prices: Kara Linen No. 1 quality per lb.-----------JIJ French Dimtity 5 per lb -- - - -- - -- U5 Michigan Linen pci lb _--------2bC ' Waher's Special $10 tFountain ten____$10 'Engravedi visiting cardslb per 100 from plate- 75 Engraved visiting cards 00lf pcr 100 with new platceI ~U Magrazineo at club ratcs Louse Leaf Hooks 415c to $31100 S Make our stoies your he'adquart- enr s.ryus. tW AHtR'S Billiards is a fate game, usk those who tlny. You need sometue icreatiionandwhatit s betcer Ithan Ibis' HUSTON Iitos LYNDON Plioto0graplier to Michigan Students I lead, others imnitate in Photos of College Life, Am- ateur Developing, Printing and Enlarging. I offer the largest lines of Kodaks and Cameras, Pho- tographic Supplies, Films, Plates, Etc. - P " Sc ra p Books, Photo Albums, Col- lege Pennants, Banners, Pillow Tops, etc. (Get my prices before buying. EDURESFOR lin' ' 7XX s sc 7 LE:RS Ale' Hvand Tailred tCotheosY eo1J~ia~ The clothes that demonstrate the strength C o H of individuality ofesStor Allen's Good Clothes Store Main Street Main Street Geiyour MICHIGAN Pin, ob ad pons Wm. ARNOLD TYPEWRITERS When Wanting Clean Clothes 2 PnFb an Spos220 South Main St. News or Scond t iausi Call Either Telephone..... 92 HALLER'S COLLEGE JEWrELEILOie L udyC ci" t.THE BIG BEN" Uniderwood VarsityLanr Co Optical', - " Dept. Alarm, Clck yu see Adertisd Typewriter Sple Nne Jst as Coed. $2.50 Typewritinmg HIGHiEST GRADE OF WORK e PROMPT SERVICE flne Watch aid Jwlery Repairing OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 UP HALLERI'S JEiW WIRY STORE i Michigan 100 Paterns Morrill and Grierson 215 and 217 S. 4th Ave 21e Sooth Mai- St. ( Pins 25e. io $5.00 t0ll N. tUniveersiy An. 101.1 121 washigtaoEn . RANDALL & PACK, Photographers !bee 598