THE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifield 8! &Co. ! Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guas-ants-ed The Ann Arbor Savings flank Capitol Stotk "300,O00 Suplus $50,000 Recsour'ces $',0,O000 A Cleneral EBankingugine~lass Trasacted Urricis:sChas. E. tiiscock. tPses.; W. iD. Htarriman, Vice Preo.: M. .J. Fritz, Cashier THE FARMERS AND MUHIANICS BANG( MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capils tOal,0 Surplus and Preftltt$iOO,000 General Haeking Business. 3 percpeat paid us Tire-aed raviegs Dleposits. Safty De- posit Hoxes to zsees at 52.00 aed upwards It. KeuP, res. I-s. iiG. PRTte'scs-A., Vice-Psres. l{1 A. WILLIAMS. Clashier F. T. OSowe, Asst. (ierman:4merican axiis Bn Corvmercia. ,a C Maex, ra .d 1Ltbec.t',r traowt FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oi ANNsfARBOR, MICHI. E. D. KINNEt, tARIttSON SOtLE Pres. Vice-Fres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital. 11.00000 Surplus andiProfits ,0$5.000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital 050000 Surplus 75,000 itesoccs 01,250,000 Wnet J. tBooth, Precs. Wmc. A rnodiccis-cs. C. J. Walt..Cas.hier CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Allmattoin'. th1il.s clu'.iiimust be (paid for ino advan'ce. Office lhors: 1-2:01;7-8:310 P. "nl. LOST. ( a ;.e, 130 J. 1 39-401-41 Taskeni M, llistake' rislop 111060. ro'is- 1tr1ar'sifice, hlos'.'. icot marled11 Mas Detr Io-ri'. Leti aoter oa wthich'.I lohave . \".T. 331'.'.'. 41 I? Joflo rs'o. 4(17 J. 1319 WANTED II 0115e1-Enersg'etic sle'.ol lessiing t0( make16 11111105dsinsg tedo mmerl111sva- ca5t055 1o biusy loi'.self nost 110fo(r111 islg cr'('1s0a11d(1aler inshadingslsaid s crew 1 s r convsso ios owitshoeeIst ans oss''1''t ttrctiohsousoseisosld artile ever isstr osduised 511111e11rseos'an vassers attleinisding stheI.. M_.3 ,last slismitelr dclee 3 sIC too 0is>.oo sr sloo. Smassl'.ssl sam s'leowigsi ossalsly w' isounssolsprsoes $1.? o5$,5.01) ascordinsg Is) Ilt .es i se: sa stvl. ( Lib lsc o es s- s10111. 1T115i0tor 1110open eeryhereIsoccs thse Issssosl Statesossr Canoasla. .\dress [I. .VancesW l i sston sBu ssdim \lasoi.'sss\Wis-'osin.sss 35-T37-1130 Usiveristy studsolsssssIo sdesire o lp re- MUSIC AND DRAMA Posts ,'sslRuss'e..oll froeshs frossthls' 15u- it'.re'oftill's wstsek'..shill sat Ito'eiM ajstic. 51 1 \and \'~i sois I lcsssississill o ip anssd soascissg. ITse Tlhrcse'.Yoscarsc, s oe'. gs'ssistss and Asslf.3 ihaossss 'Iheirs, is in ovel sffecissg calloesI"Veiol- Thess'programsiIsto' s'sssI cs's Is'. .lasi' tzss' los, otse s'oleblrated'l srimssIdonsss m-oilIsectIlhucsat eenioocs Apllso' .\c u)l sc prisely thes .los's'me's se. gacsve ryseiolusts befosce P'rs'sisdonssTosft an Mcs. TosfstsatItse'NossNatosnalo 'Thso ee ill 31 sclsslssss rcentslys n cr nme swill blshe Iso-1011losc ssss l lss's'.'sths' Ro'.'' 'ioloo', swee'1011e. "Asnsie' Laurssie.'"'anssl Sss oseeRisver," Is Jososy Lisdssi sso to sill-thseomeosly 1 laooitessto theo s'selolrilio'.s )fsocr loss.j Seao ol'.tIp eI1o I,,troit 0conpe'tpm1110 e (rds Iedsfro 1hon ssolls or, care {-r(n- hlis'ros. Goosss tsI- casnessseshadsosat0 $.311, $2'.00ss ssss$2.50. Mnessys iorerssssl Wal1k-OverOxfords Spring styles in low shoes are now ready fsr your inspection. Tan and Black, Button and [ace, for Men and Wonien $3.50 to $5.00 (Get fitted by our rule system and notice the satisfactiosn of perfect leng~th and width. Walk -Over, wShoe Co. parc fsoc thelchnpsicoal sorko of itse U. S. gscsovenent .sssulsd soie fosclosolosl 1 651 ('N Il)ON SUINDA) D3'ilN N 1(1 'isol 3 s'.Ishissplsss Cisvil So'rvi'c''o Schsoool, Grooleo' rust iss lo'sscs.. sWashionsps, ID. C. Cssss's'es prbads osso I (b0055o llsRoal. Cream osssf Tssoao lb' os "U. of 51.." 110. '1' osososloso''. C'lery. 123-130-1,-35s6-i1o0-i46 oroil Sadlellrcoeoe, 'Taroar Scse FO(R RIENT. l(s Ro lssTedelosins of Beesf, Muoshrlsloomll l'sgs'. ne oscs' I fr' om ' c11 ampusl ', fsusrl Al-se o tt o e s. Sssgoss'PIas .isoCr.'oss ed o' c Ii''. iSiss . 22(1 Si. 12t1 Sot.' ' ruit Sald P11'.lss'7012 1. l3s. 139,.1401,\s,' soslsO soIce Cres . Cak MsISCEI'.IANFOUSApe .S ' es' sosrss Shssssake. A, DuirhsossiDuilexsoSafely Raor-ssa .HintsDrops. onew ideoo isscossfort. Scce(.Quarry Dlrugp 1-3 P 1 - -8P.M C's. Line. If Suday 'Apil ,3,oss i i SPRING HAKTS and LAP HATS n.< 02 HATS CCAPS HATS45 HAMTnoHAT S Get Your New Spring Suiot WADHAMS &CO"MPANY t21-123 Sooth Main Street A3 highcloss 1(0Ipictrs' tik10n0in50011 .111 iso111 wiill cat'ous 00110nosoreo' a soolley 'lhe re'sultisi'.betterc. Gs C. Moocoll'. P101110 473 J. _13610 NIS'lICII, Thec Clifitoni II osso'at Wohitmoorelk hsoseecnolelasedbyMo'. andolMrs..Iya Starko'sul('and o solos'no oond 'r their c llo'lo' managment ThoeoosI.l' 1 patonagofp'hil Is' sos slosh biodyis h'. reo'i'o' spect'fu00'~lly solo- hoel. Irons saddlils,(is, aodsool '11(- i's's soil lobesorveooila Ii so'e inotboor os<.sos. loll 111ho sfs ,'s .. D~innerso7'.(Tensc. \ls'.soblos keI Isc'hoc's Or s' tra''oo 6:s30-7:0,1 I 1111 s frnt collNege33enTandI out le soI s iros ofeohot o 'pa s Ou o' teos s stuto sOA boos firs.. hos'Imyssthsoml sampleos iso 011110 l s ent o osil aon' add es 'io111'.or . o s $r. e '. s o rso lays . im-o o-(_, 1830 F-11.scolbsSot.,Clevcoond, OS. 139) 137-138-131) I ~ Why you Should let us Make your clothes WAGNER & CO. I st We design all our clothes and have thorn nade in our own shop. 2nd We employ only the highest class tailors in the making of our clothes. 3rd We import our Woolens direct and s ,ye you the small jobbers profit. State Street Tailors All Songs Sung by the UNION MINSTRELS including Wingee Wvan1gee Woo Written especially for this sliow CAN BE PROCURED AT Uni'versity MT1usic House Press Building, Maynard St. Across from theMsjes-tic. r All Stildeilts who-csecnacs are siren iin the Students' Directory owill receive s00n, a0cpy113'of the ;CLAY FESTIVAL ANNOUNCEMENT WE French Dry A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, 10c REPAIRING Fuller & O'Connor Tailors. 619 E. Wiliarn St. College Laundry FINE HAND WORK 1 !633J3(0005.11 lii 3St CHARLIE'S BARBER SHOP Under iiis--on'. Biliard ' m., los Charlie Weigand, Prop. CHINESE RESTAURANT Fancy "Chop Suey"' and American Dishes, Chops and StraksI at alt Hours1 TASLEtSFORtLADIES AND GtNTLEMtEN ^WAI KING LOO Studlents whose names us-nrnot ho the odirectosry or whose ad- dresses have been changed may got the copy intended los- thene toy calling' at the School of Music I I -none i _ __ I 'a~J 314 S.-Slat, PSAR Portrait Studio- _iuo East Huron Street www ,.-