MCfI IIN DAILY G. Ho WIl)C. 311 SO. S TT I~ ExcluisiveSy For U OAVERCOA S? and, The Lcaio4 1c 311 50. ;S-lU S BaseB1 A,, Sportn We carryth in ;C line of. See OurtWndo Fipa Stjdrnts BnL THEMICitGAN DAILY1 Maa +i TdI IL K ii' N . q ,iOi... .i..o..I..t Nh si and Drama .*.. OriiV qv iajigis and 1k-n Ao; ll ,Hwy AthurJ. abbot+. G S hsh. y PaulCLeiiy, NIGHlT liiiCiii. IK.J K-oigrioutli 1 larol l 'c( - irialii K iii;c FI , CR il i 11 I 1 iiii 'i-i--i ,1ii=Ii* - i£. u1 'I' I VI. K. - vc. GI r,-- s 11 t it i ss } Ki) t 4 R 0 0 r> 0 0 0 0 0 II 1(4 07 ii 3 ii 0 A 3 t{ O z 0 z c 0 .1 iii Cr; 1 i( iiiiiO3iT 6 4 zS1 0 ii 1 aiigo CiIi() 0 0 i Ci 8 2 tiioi_>1 ht ;k u, y Camipbell 8, Iby E sc i r; ioe llase I, B nr sin. Mitch- el: , )0 111, Ii'.iiiiCC il aiiini T lli iConitined Crom Page 1.) IS141 I N 1111Ii. {Continued irom ;ag0.C 41. I.a ,, 11 }. . ,.,. i wiic. << a ii I I; tiCle . LEtiN~4"IL.Sb 'O.AF-F Ru bini. IKeti;; I ICIGA ILY and ii :o CIf .0 1) 1 llsi 1Man aig, i I;- 10. bulol-iCBoth .p, / 44 R Dill i ) Ia~c C4-, : I- K~l rags. I 1VI Si. ri t a )( It' 7 i K,_ lV ySIrNI'IK . ''c Icsi are ili resinto theiiiiiiii I; citi II; fori a .,ii earli and ;;i a r iii of i t i xp itnr;I earni d by the;Ia i - (lett. hll (tn soo I)ank " f rthr i- - K;; 1 Ii qucs io (m fmn ,maing;in 41 ; ; rc rltkeIt)'.;lfinani ci -data. ()nc ctuctiol ofintrestin Il\- io K /i li is, Al l howiiil ac-e n annals1 fee 1\ oil l%il hay eKlwelliirIIillg o pays atiii art rathethan lseiCrlIC; at t 1 IV ii wi-ic 13o6secetar Play Ball! The season is on and we are prepared to supply your Base Ball Needs It you require a pair- of shoes worth $3.50, or a Mitt worth anywhere from 25c to $8 oo, or anything else tinder the sun, we have it-every article guaranteed. TENNIS RACKETS WrighDi t lson's trong lineals Scalds.. Golid Medalad Le. & UI;di chili 'indtled Throat iRackets- W AH R'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage For each Oouple to and treem parties before 12a'cloeh $1.50, after 12olock $2.00. Foe each Trunk to or froms dear, the price will be 25 Cents. If carried to or teem up-staira, the price will he 50 Cenin. Dnrers are required te collect eash tar carriage and baggage servrice. WALKERI'S LIVERY ROBINSON & CO. W. H. STARK HOLMES LIVERY [astman Kodaks Premo Film Pack Cameras Hawkeye Cameras 35 different mlodels in slock. Prices from $1.00 to $6i5.00. Old Koda ks taken in trade at reason- able prices. Good ene for rent 10c per day. Films for everybody-enough to photograph the whole town 10 (noes ever, and they are all fresh, no stale goods here. Developing and printing done hby modern methods. I have an attractive Ktodak proposition lot sommer tooliloll 01 f01r yiur vacation. LYNDON Plctores of Everything l'() 11 "ji I w P r l El I1 0:7 t~a rihtkid t 4 rgt price-and all other FIX!"GFORkMsEN thes toreMai~n St. Get your MCIA Pins, Fobs and1Spolns HALLRS ,,. W PH BETA KAPPA We make charms and pis Get your order in now for engraving Exts NHesy Cbaims $5.00 Win. ARNOLD Jewveler 220 South Main St. . f I FSale on P ire nd allSokn Artof . Lunches, Ice Cream Sodas /land all Sumnmer Beverages ~, s J LLY WE OTH LOSE Iifyu n'tI lel s i 1 sn urCliithes and do all you Cleaning and iicp nin. LET'S GET TOGETHER. We wily oyour wor;chaper beter, nd more pnomptly thanitas University Suit Pressing Co. 700 N. Univnrsity Aven Beth Pheones 266 Optical Dept'. Fine Walch and j- c i HAL[R'SJWLIYSO[ 216 SoutnC M i ; LL PA CK IPotographer1s Phone 598