THEI MICHIGAN DAILY ____._ ._ Bursting Buds I A rx 4 Suggests, the freshness and harrmony1 of ou NEW SP'RINC' FASHIONS. Our models ar devoid ofi fads vet Superb iii style rigtness We will fit you with uineeriug precision at price that fits your purse! ir a J. KARv,,L MALCOLM 118 East Liberty i I CALL ANt) SEE THlE Henry dCompaDLny 711 Ucivertty Ave. I i i i i UNIVERSITY NOTICES _i iI iwhoiiwalit to ordevr Kralgs from he iovv roses t for outdioor use shouldtrepot iatithe range fromsT2I:oo tOl 'hc1Wil Iv a moetinig' or all 11t- niis nv cvi in telilveirsit inext Tuesiday aftrnonat4:30 Iiliittpiain Hall. tolnr eetiiat vIctiltaii I lall ait I:,o il, « ti lai it lall pgni. \Wear ttii S I'F v livlil t i9:311. II lit I iascball pracicii'i:.0,S. Fir- rv fii lit. lee II iteli antitvti ltl it btsttess l, afternooniiiat fouir o'clock ini Tappanii It: AR~l O II.l SI1 A irahsilk tiatemnskirt was gtven ai liv ii b a moilofjubliitiand exciivit stcits wheelthye vaidavivus v otinig dastl.appearediloni iteivcampusttboifthy 1 rgi eclii tl1 erivil aiiracteid livtheS ic d0id itivviflstrvtioniiigrowiithat tie blin o 1:e creaur~iv e was tiirved iin~llyto ,ek he rotectioiiif apo ics lie iien iiiivrsitie' will h hl iin iiiihicao0I'M liandiINvi' I cII',1 vi vi b ersne yPo. i.iM.1Tay- Thle li v fis ay fIII( letigiitwiill b dlii i ito biniiess adm1iisitration hile Ii i 110ig of clenten tar econi cs ii New Whitney Theatre Tuesday April 25 a-1 Prices: 50-75-$1,00-$1,50-$2.OO Seal Sale Sal, April 22 Hotel Cumberland S.W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK Near 50th St. Subviay antd 5S. Ivtd J A 'l ", rig ,., t' : Granger's School of Dancing ..........Ir' ' i itv iilii elyvuli i Classes for Ladivstii..tistsdii y and rsda Eeig, 7:00 Se 8100 o'clock 'i m, for Particulars call at At a: Iy.iv Fbine 46 -Ofie Hours]10 to 12 a. a., 2 to 4 p. a -1 KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special Perms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. S,,.d 1far Booklet. P r Ladies' Hair Dreasneg, snipviv AT UTLE& O Cfanicering, FaesKevev",i Water Shameno-s', a iieeliiis IRO"OM MRS. J. R.TRoJ. A?.NOWS tthTYouvan find! a tinerine oh tonfectionery TIhe ma1 o' e caught "off first"' 1 tI v whoseke5en brain and-T, E_ e st'1-. act together in- state--j.. Clevhich respond like'i t tI, and a quick mind i t iof righit dieting, in tra, :int4 - O .:a . X2 > '. W heat is the athes Itctd, It builds brain tissue and supplie ttoel eergy, because it con- tains all thztittthnet o c/oe wheat, in its tmost pafti nd digestible form, un- like flottr andmtot ti is of wh~eat which lose the most toi.Iingelments otf the grain. UNDER THE MANAGEMESNTrOIF Harry Pa StIaxason, formerly with HtueettIpriat. I _1 1 CHINESE RESTAURANT Fancy "Chop Suey" and American Dishest Chops and Steaks at atl Hours TABLES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IWAI KING LOO p314 S. Sate UPSTAIRS DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Detrait Lmited-8:t3 a. i., I10:1t3 a. i.. 12:1~3 Kalamazoa Limited -T7:46a. en 9:46a. Dio . Local Cara East naouad-To tDetroit, 5:45) in., 6t4 a. sm. andl eery two hiours to 10:45 p si. TIfs ilaniti, 5a45a. em. and hatf hour- i1 yt1115s.p.. atsot12:15a. nm., 12:05a. nm.. 12.50 a. m. To Sattne, change at Ypstlansti. Lacal Cara West Bound-5:40 a. m., 7:15 a. in., and Severytwohour's to11:15ip m 1 S i I- ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4tiviinrs11111m1-tritite's CORONATION OF KING GEORGE. V fran Sduatioaaditrsng makeilmorivnti e theiiri eixlinsestin i i4 years by addrerssiin. Mr. Arlte, Chichactar Heuse, Chaacery Lace, Loadon, W. C., Enganad BAILEY & EDMUNDS Gu snsSFishiiigTackle aiiiiAsmiuaiition tKey littiii alviie1ily Liberty St. Ace Arber, 'it hngac NUT WOOD Brand 2 for 25c Best Made--Merit in every Thread CHARLIE'S BAIRBER SHOP Charlie Weigand, Prop. -Made olyby The Shredded Wheat Company Niagara Falls, N. Y. ~J5id\ Five reasons winy yott should buy your Spritig Shoes at "Purfield' 119 South Main St. 1 st Our Styles are the Latest. 2nd We Carry the Largest Stock. 3rd Our Shoes Fit Better. 4th We are 50c to $1.00 per hair Lower in price than other makes=.-Quality Considered. 5th We Glive You Better Service. See Our New Low Heat, Flat Toed, Custom Effects antd thte Latest t ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES, MILWARD. THE, Th1ILOR THE BEST OF EVERY ThING IN TAILORING