''"HE MICHIGAN DAILY G. Hs WILD CO. 311 SOI. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Go HI. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 SOI. STATE STEET R ase BalS h oes Ei. R. FOT 02S tgSt. Sporting Goods Base Ball Tennis Calf and Track Gods WVe carry the 1m1(st compl1eite line of sportinig goodl tinAnn Aribor. See Our Window Display THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-LEI A WHIE. Business Manager-NORMNsxHi. HILL. EIOnS. News Editur........... Harold Titus Assistant.............Itarry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Lawton Mnsic and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... Dion FS. Birney EDiITORItALS. Arthur J. Ahbott. C S. Lasher. Pant Leidy. NtGHT EDITRnS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Htarold McGee. Frank Pesuell Edward II. Rohie Maurice Toulme RlEPOlRTERS. LorenuRobinson tarry Myser Juoiii L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. John H-. Townley. Wallace Weher. Gerald J. May. Emamett Taylor. C. Harold Ilippler. J. Selig Yellen. Roble ritM. Gullcht Win. T. IDaugherty BUSINESS STAPP C. A Bowman. A. R Diltey. lMyer Ruhin. Kenneth Oshorn. E. Ray Johnson. Elmter F. Grierson. C. IL. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. Address : MICHIArcN DAILY, Fress Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managing Editor, t-z p. ii. and t1t:00-t1t:30 p. us. Daily. Business Manrager, 1-5, 7-8 p."in., Ex- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 96o. .A'h(lZC) i.Y, ililir , ,1}z \Wir~tEdolr-FRANK PEONNELL. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. .ril 21-22.1notn NMinisirel show, Urni V(1sill 1 ,11 S rio0 . 22. N. A. C. vs. N icitrii, IFerry lWiid. rent il22-Ferris Institurte baniquietNess- hecrhall. .April 2.-G-O ii s.:Michiiganr, Ferry TO r i. \ K1J- 1 c i allfer-is 111 ;-Illy honoredu itiih i ire soi. James1Z. 1rriirii.ereiater to th riccii-n ir rof lire iiiccrrrrr l ri- sih. fcir-rsir..Thei, lirnsits ulicsirost e ii:: 1 ill- r omirliher cirprs if teacrers. :1~a ii s of oth're lier istitiorrs iigiii the preserteniers rf the faculty, Prrrfs. WViliaisaisnud Merrick, were for- irer Techiic rmei. W. J. Case, '14d1, In J. A. Toer, '12 E, ralsr spoke. .j E. Mtterir, 'iiIE, wsasiarrtmiaster. ADl)fiXlHIi WINS IDEBATE AGAINST JFFEFRSONIAN. "Reslvedl that tie initerd States souolr friyteP nma Caa," tie subljet ribted ithe lii Nlpiia rnt Jrffersoiiiri soietirrslistnigh lt. wslldreidet iirani- mousl inrir favior rrf the formrrer. Tie ridges iee eart Strm, R. W. Cria- den, ran it. G.Pretyman. Adlil rias supprtedribli C. G. Shieffel,K. .Vetr ndnD.iFIMelorni, anutthe eg aillserfor the Jr feririasty IP. Brt- 1111a,1 NV.ITirrien R. Hlli. ivurllrowiii errning tie A lra Ni wiill debatelie lWiiester society ir tie saesubjeic, tiefre-m ner iaking the af-. firrmNativer. ecr~ii-i rie Examrrinactionrs fire reimovral f cn- diins bega1yeserdayr anrtdisill cr1n- tirile rida. Tie sheulies fir tebifel - ferentrdepartrmraets a're potsetirile burletin -bordrs. liefire taking ltar x- amnatrrrciortns he rituent soldiirlsee t-eg- istri rll fiiorraissioncrretiicrtes. MOVES 'rITHi tANG. Cetir etateem Page 1 '1hereniwsee jokesrant sngs; slos and111chorrss;somerthtrnmurie'ig htais rn siome turntedilrt. Sirerler, Meiz, Palie, tGoet aridrFerguisonrisng their sonugs.lMnt . N.S.Lerironi, PrnnirAror's nortie hairoris, jirier-rtlie pacrdre rnt piiut n aireverrr 11 reirad nsulseicly.- irere noircedim ia. It iugit ie reliliiospase c aroenart ar-ire- rntioinrrg Ferguso ncuse Iis sonig wiars thei-iris'bestie-if tie eei- ig. Tiar a cliiit '1O-Hi-o"'ardriti's illedl srw iitts f sbs anetrorrs andunniyr rnoises. 'lireipeplre likedritiisri uelithiat lahe inrr eegursonirsing it oir-until everyoe rr ir e aiouse lerrnedrelit ills hreart. fn-eroung iso01a1n wihia umie roil le irsun memrorrzeres sierryan dhrun rai thre-parealfor sone imie. lTcien 1ired Lawtionisang ca song, ''Cur- le)" Dis is thingiis feel for ci fear rin- rils rnlOrvillr- Whie eindeuprhifs edr f thiar-izig Rfightitiarre things sopeiilr'untrail Frak ilelhaicoulcidiiiget ilullerlirenrgeie gerrnasn trkertire-sicage uillsArt C- ienr i ir e skit "Wantie-A Pcrtere," byi '"Cork" iirrioi, wis-ilsrmusic iby Law-r tril -rn oitore. iBot lrciarian Cohen reriadceeblg his. "Vie'' Joseparacdi-tup cruetdwnraira lioretIskits tlitmo iade hmla ook eightl feeitctalliccoimianiri ire byforir ro lick Johnrsir s -inairosant toie rtris. T'he- ac madcleca hi, epecicllyienaitahia cids sprrree'elonitie eriicide andnruew- edi grecat gobs out f ")ownii rMoblile." The Swerishi GrcandiOperaecomranya1 ie-xtswcanderer il nd ieift,ramicha toi lia rrrelf if o lks across ltar foos. As a iri-windu, RiorronandiielLwrton hacdriprepacecilsrurme'hinirg on lte ordere of cierorsibetws-en seeaenirt centryr ruaa nBlackc Creoecomeayitalele 'Tire Vitlc Miiis lH ac." It Irol pre seel. Macrx Beneattlaid Jimmiay Raiss serevery reerry ny, anarIthey certiniyieput11onl somraeprie ight. Tire IlAJ illatitell maore rof the se- cret's f tismainsreli sow omlorowe SENtIR ENGINEER NEARLY LOISES HIAND) IN TEST PUMP. Elwyni C. Bach. 'i E.iarirorawly- es- caped losing a finger ii lharsir-ar lab-ii oratorre of the engineering deprtmiaen 'Tharesdayar- fierrioonr. aichswsron-ri duscirng a est oea pumpiaairwien lir li- gee rar raught betwaee tiereveoerin ig crank of the'pusmp madtarelarcomrli done. At the anae momainrl lie'drmerr broke orf and elreraserd iis ihadrthurs sarinag i fris bing crshre.Tleiarfi- geerarsillt iijureedexcept fire a sligtl "It reasetremare-luckya-for Blchii ihatliareloeroirrke caithat riaroaet," scairi ntr. Finch rehorhacd ciarge oflie' labraorecly secion. "Hail tie eoie aivi ire ia-erlanharie'hart a ialyesiasaedi finger. last semeaser a simiacre cci dent currederandn liarsudrentraee ieare losingacifinger." Yesterdave- afterorrnrtliaroeair cs replctredandcra cisedt higa enough 1o re - rent ca repeitironrof lie accirent. srrs r'rr TO I SrrCrlUSeRACKrs.Srlurs. Adselpiiiis takinig uir lie' raingel i behalf fcsirinirg tracke cndrirctes Shor wish lo eer the "N" That tro fese mirar irel r eecipientsofihracrkicwcrdris is har eliefrof -a pirteionirofliareciet.- andirhtie macrter asill formerrtlie-srubjeel f a genraer leat'at Fricareein' rmaeting. 'Resolvedi, 'i'lnitie rseiri Sysitrm of Awrdrinig Tracic M's le Canigerd," islii'h ea liarerqresirrnris Ows-ig htoine-salnrra tdes dir nt mee1-t hslacsiser yeserca. le is ex lie'teid in ie-ot ni a dacorlcrrwori. ,omerrrr6r. r IS'g1. Ilili r igns-. Thtrhcrek igra iir-ich lie' ncas elecri rle'comot ire reenitliecirnstriciriir)'lie suirentrin iieechical eninreerg'-sill ie erun, wscsi rir linrg the sringvrcactiorn. Iis expetrehatitheirilst tessitrrh liar engriner riill leniacrele'ihirira cfewr \GGtIFES C'fET'OhINY FORtiOPtENING; f;.MI. (Coninued fauna Page .) perfet rdefenrse aginstrehli u'candu shoe rthaertirihitting abiiybypi-n uph twenty-iasfe di ris ucerhliA- 0g gie sarniehoi pithredaeirnun s hDs 'uri- is b oilker-rhtinpaho inrt toal. ThieiVacrsity .andi s to he on anrdr to furanis-lmicurefore tie iopeia.The cuntes aill stunt t ii23 ooc k ihand rhih is oae ofi lie inoshatrlcrtie eek-nil enrgagmaeatsifIthieseasun.'IThe eglr admaaissinnof ills enears waill iecharge. Stevenrsonarof St. Jon iansantinharnnlerth- indicator. RreA TILOETS,s-rrirs urn ils Ra-Iliil\, No uniy wsil tn' fas lire' curouno- ilirit} tin see ther bacliluceam iaetirnl fori lh irthutie tis rfe'rnnilnntie' traickmenrare eeats oedieutincomethre in the rotenufor-thelirhtsimliacof lhe- suasonr. Theirelns fire tie' niiurelaecu tecmurrale tin ie heldr at 3 :30 nuntlie cl- der path arund tee giironrandannlc- mrissiro n:o lie hlcl gavea wihcffordricur oru ityuuitoissee this rae'.Eihgit mren are seeking plares nul te fanniethat is ton erainntie r elacylgamres at Phiil-. delphia nex Saurday, anal tuesao=- rg tinsafternionnwi leerierthie tressnnel nil lierquaret. Crcig wrih he excursedl fomuthu raece, inn Ross, G~amblre, Hacff, Ree, Whie, Dichk, annu Wennrer creepetedeto 1 meenupu. Play Ball! The season is 00 andse are prepared to supply your Base Oali Needs It youorequ~ire a pair of shoeswrthi$3 '5, or a Mttt wortha'tnaywherInromti25c to $8 oo, or anythuig else uunet te s111, wehavseni-esvry article giuar'anteed. TENNIS RACKETS wigftDti,.in an i ine, air ineiti snotun hrat aets-r W AHR's University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage "or eari Onustue to snt fromprte befure i12'cluohn $.50. sher l o'clock $2.00. FonchekTIreek to, tricentwil. e 2SCea, or froen np-stis, 50 Cents. Driverscarec rein fotarraeanunS-; SW. I. TAtute Ready For Your Orders On Springru its f ( ritrrni Muder Rind Genteen- tReady'foe your muith !ahriens whih rn' exelusiveowithn seves ha-ctiunaneutr- hathve. Ready to bookub your ordri or make hetrip today on later eletry.ecl Ready to ake youa'rreasre, etrithin euht in thewirnks anutdeivherit hijuet when your wentueih. 'too uanreP1tekingrsadnage' nil nin readiness tudan. Win. En Dieterle Varsity Taiors 117 E. Liberty Street Shirts and Neckwear Made to Order WE French Dry Clean- A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25e Trousers, tOc REPAIRING Fuller & O'Connlor Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St. SHEEHAN&C.I St~ademnts' Bookstore Co En BARIII[LL Law Medical Dental Largest Stock iin Michnigain Second-Hand Law Books Law avid Medical Dictiornarins Quihz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ond-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, -3265S. STATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 he i srng:unitheinusntneohnr hinr 'burri ihle irroughn thei high lihern aiuune ss. he ripined erarus if her elovnuburerside rnt-emeritusnine- Ness- inn rinlire tlowis r erge oithei'slice-seof Ii lie sindmini ii r Wih ill a if 0 s S l lis e turs seeniis ieurerxheis renc- glifun iby tinere sidernti(if lire- United -. ururiand 'utenderedi lie- high ofici' if fberal iulge u Ii lie' lurs se-rnhis soar I~oe i placed sriin acpoitlioun orf greten u'- slro-ic uiliia rndinnftluennce innhissarn ri rei ield. t: is nninetueroy rwh ir e mustfetal incut in utroud occansionrfuor Al inluigaills hnapinessO. FI11 \'h-F1RhNG rSt FIrtY Il(I hitS NNUtA.L i.NN~t'T. Fonrtyaenugnfrerssweree presrelnu att he -nunela-fiestcanrnualrbaqucireti of nine Ear gnu ue'ir"g surcetyatcrthe-Unon larst night. Thtin nrgi smalleirthn soveu ba hnqrruets of ill , .a1tlire' toastserc mucnhuboee thc iDeanC ooltureayrn speainrouf lire inn- sufficlilentclturalr prrertionu of slur- dlsof enugineceing, statedi that seeral lefive ennuixXacoursee'snine Peinng rnprojecedn. Prof. Hi. C. Sadlhee smoke of the1 opouitieiis rollrge mr areeccto id cenrpouities. 'Thioughr it is easoyh tohace nine fis ell anmern intheiurclass, Prof. J. R- ut -len saidithlitithesesnerer rot at- ina-s uhec unsen u-Inscemne nut inn thecennu. 'he suring rilewsrndescuredtoy Peof. S. J. Zouski. 'fbirsecried historya of ihne Technric revns torlluy l .1P . Congswell, 'ii hE. Twin sf We Print Dance Programs, Tally Cards, etc. Leather Programs a Specialty We Bind Class Records, Technical Journals, Periodicals, Magazines, etc. Artistic I-ork Promupt Seavice ight Price MAYER, SCHOETTLE & SCHAIRER CO. STATIONERS PRINTERS BINDERS GENERAL OFFICE OUTFITTERS 112 South Main St. Bell Phone 1404 . 21 Washington St. RANDALL & PA CK, Photographers Phone 598