TH4 MICHIGAN DAILY _____ 1 This space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfielc SL &Co. . Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.0, Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watca sRpsArlncles a Sp~aataty The Ann Arbor Savings Blank Capital Stock 0300,000 Surplus 050000 Rlesousrces ,40,000 A Gen.ealBanking BHsnessnaTransacted GeescEns:Chas. E1. Hiscock, Freo.; W. D. Hlarrimcan, Vice Fres. M. J. Feltz. Cashier THE FARMERS AND) 'MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND "UROON STROEETS Capitl $50,000 Sarplus and Profits $100,000 General Hauling Business. 3 percent paid on Time and Savings Dleposits. Safety 1)e- positeHoses to sent at,$2.0l and upwards R. Knuse. FPres. IT. G. PIneCTsTYMN. Vice-Fret. H. A. WisosanoS. Cushier Fi. T. STOWS. Asst. Cons-rtera a %,d Se.vauss Cot-. Mv..lem and Libstv Ste-.ata FIRST NATIONYAL BANK OF ANN AeBOR. MIcni. E. t). KINNE, HARRItSON StIUL3I Fees. Vise-Fees. S. 'W. CtLARSO~cN, C.ashier Capital. $100,000 Soeptas andcl'soils .Os6100 STATE SAVINGS BANK Capitlt$501.00 Surptusc',5,00 Rtesoces.S25.0 'rNa. J1. looth. PFeet.Wn. Arnold Ii. Vise Fees. C. J. Waite. Cash ie CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All smatler is this colessin siust be pa id for is advasice. Office hours: 1-2:30; 7-8:30 P. Ill. NOTICE NVotice-Fratcrnities andcl C~as ctesms! Before placeisig your urercfor Baise- bsall supiplies, get orsie cial rates. Cisbcisig's Phsarmsacy-. 136-146 LOST. Lost-ILargc Faws-isColoreui Great Dasse dog. Nasse, Dube. Auy issformiations reailing to his whreiboists swilllbe rs- warded.Vlsi 1DltVlsi Ilouse, Botls Phsose s 184. 136 Lostl-Vriulay eensinsg, April c1,lbtwceen Stale Sireet aid F. VUnivcrsity 21cc., a ladies' gold elgisn sttch, mioitogramo 1-1 on corer. Rewcard assicn lts tionis asked. Call hlclI phsone-14(67 J., L. S. Ilbtert, 1003 E. UisIity 137I MISCELLANEOUS Martins guitars are cosccdcsl to be Fhc best ini the tsiorlit, cosmscin asid try thesi. Schacharle & Sonis, Mussic (louise, sfo S. Maiss street. ii .A DiurhsamsDusplex Safety Razor-a sew idea iii comcfort. See Quarry Drug Co's. ~inse. tf . highlas splictiure tlclsii in ou. own i homsestill rust uoniinoismire ta < allere sercice. Thse resiilt is luatier. G. C. Macdie, Phone'u 473 J. i 36tf t UNIVERSITY NOTICES t> lit liasebIa-ll p a tc . e r i eld ., :3 . .1 uti s i.I. li i-i litil I rcie S crY Ik d Sioril enl i neer ( si l al tiiInaie ri-i dayi ;I 3 it. 4 Der-i i ldt .il cadidtesforthesop isoc en- sy il d t1is ateo on t 3 3 Sor it Ias ha llirci. Fidat 3:tIccti i liilii cAwes, ~its 1Istitutcr cl ub me brsims cidetiril cts toda-. 1,a call Mctiii ci he OraorialI)ccdio. d' i 4:0 i oit 3 . . A, I Me br n e fic saerius( WalkOeOxod Spring styles in low shoes lu re nlow ready for your inspection. Tan caldl k,, utton and Lace, for Men and Wonnen $3.50m $50 (jet fitted by our rule sse! ln notice the satisfaction of perfect _ nixsidth. dl av i - 115 t. Lla i i L~~S Ci'ct t111is's i'c i Smsiitcswcs ill ranCRaid scc RegnI s il( iii c-t t t' s. IcI i ct'c toi re- - -______ I 611 tllI 1~ks-1. (atis (rcestsra, isiccici o-. I{I xttslc'tc I 'sci (i I riic ccii..) titv~ti-itf No lxcI;scc (oripcr"pls shacll(splay tics asle of(ccii c' ei pc- is balcl, ccir'(cut 01.D TOWVN CANOES Sendilsotlfor "Ccanoe"' catlosg tos S.. 5,Scott, 702 S. Iici. VPhone 63. 11iitif IE. I. 1). I'isiseuf-l-scsrgetic studientl ceciringto t masckcmoneyiurii- th(ccSusmsmrc v- ccca ion (to bst Iiisns-lIoisnis ficrsm- lngcc-sswsindIcter in handslinsaid cc cri-sis fur cansslccinlg scills lie (icst issidsmssst attrcetive hosehscldarltccle evecr isntrodiced yei a ci srnce-st cciii cccserc citlestii si e M., la. cst osmsmerc scared $c 00 lto$t;.o0tiper daity. Sma ll saisisesweighcingsonyIttiwc isistisst iprices $1.2; ito $5.osaccorirs toi thesccissilndstile.ILiblsccslissis-' cocos. ITersrsito si opeuev ccywsere inc the. isnitdiStates sir Ccnaa .Aress. 11,.11. Vaince,\ cWasigtons Bsildling, Madciiisn it6 iconi55555 3-31.7-3U) lc:cc sorchiellsraPhon 10os J. m-c other (stckscls' llc. c (I- ill cc It a l- Ii (It llcscc 1( ) Wc orc ccb ll o1rc'c'c. allyll te'5 9' kick n SPRING HATS. CLAPS H[ATS HATS, Ihisl itite. ihr h ll lists 1 een (lciccil thcrcoc c lawn ior lwnicxt(c cioini'l pblc Istrstll'etyic-cc vishms o this isc cc thill l(cc' nl setec sti ndealt ofthe ii c of suh fie cteofe dcr cisc (he im- prm w indeana ail for te5cci tvoi st 6 dc c c tillit ttsespscmsnI thr1 t cicacWiclad n~ cc ccl i WADHAMS &. GO' 3 P«ANY 121-123SchManSrt 5.i171 F, () II) 11301lit :36- 317 Why you Should let us Make your clothes WACNER & CO. 1 sf We design all our clothes and have Ohs.c csd in our own shop. 2nd We employ only the highest ~cIst~.s the making of our clothes. 3rd We import our Woolens dirc e os 0 the small jobbers proft. State Street Tailors a 9 All Songs Sung by the UNION MINSTRELS including Wingee Wangee WNoo XWritteii esped shly for this shtow CAN BE PROCURED AT UnierstyMusic House Press Building, Maynard St. Across from the Majestic. All Studeilts swhose naies are.given ini thc Studse nts'tDiresctory swill receive 00011, cs copy of they 1hAY FESTIVAL ANNOUNCEMENT i 41st yer- DICY I 041st year- Ansea Ar-ba' LE~GAL . sLA Y AeIM"As-so.- Callagh - Co Assa Ar-bov B 005 - I t.ieedny "Chop Suaey"' and American Dishes, Chops and' Steaks at all' Hocets yiTABLFS [05 [L0DIESAND OtNiI.EMEN WA7-Z KING LOO 3I4 SStoi - UPSTAIRS Portra&it Studio- s 319 East ifuron Streti