.0ah MI II AN DAILY GH. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. He WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 50. STATE STEET ]Bae SllShoesI * $2.80 &1%d $3.50 * Gym Gfoods sadd(Golf Shoes Sporting Goads Base Ball Tennis Golf and Track Goods We carry the most complete line of sporting goods in Ann Arbor. See Our Window Display SHEEHAN & CO. Stvsd-smts' BEookstore TI-I MICHIGAN DAILY* Managing E'dior-tLas A WRTE Bdusinesss Managr-NosMAN HII 1-f .. News Editor ..........H arold Titus Assistant ...t...Iarry Z. Fote Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assa.......J. Fred Lawton Music and Drama.. art V. Moore Exchangs ansd Files.... Dior ". Birney 'Fit 5, SP 1lt. 1, nLead .5 5/ t1"Iiols i' FisAlisI, I. t{Oilii. S NIRSITY CAtLENDAR. T *lietI is'ee ll cit'ivs lliithe Ifad ~ Ii'cl itots ;( iai ills forthe' n~ti amdtorllnl;the equ s oithela ts' 1Z g nt Eill. \ is lv, he 1I11 Iitts l ea is pI it tllts~tto in lIs 'tush siat (11 1 5 511111l 1 t Ibr sl.tws 1 tusnt Iii'Y fl iic 1115 o Isiltbingti m oisi (0I til' 1 1)V r 1lt 1 lnt sitll iliy iii .lutitorlll nca l (~icr th siz of ta Illc l", T p i ll sre.s is ell' ha )1't)1 111 t ip t Isli ll' v-I 'iii 'i' iatte , ' c o e n 511.5 itht ii l:;itch Ilosihieisi 'i I 5tcr 'isic {t sth itd sits, 'iist- c. 1~e si l ofl lthe ai ii es t p'in.a il ll lit lths'Uitoniii nie i l he produc~tin iiof 5t huh d alm iltaisiil illi sill'es' e isisĀ°i s tt l ii' 5t'5t'15 1,an wIlds thusr 'icit 'im ill w s ei er isubnstelil wmlci~ sssssssstescsst te ,nO 'stsd Itlls sit iwouldiibe frpilits cone eptipis two years fago to its. csitnlitialios, Flsruary 4, tast, iCots are isertest of Chief justice lDsy, '70, Earl D. Dahst, '93, genserat chairmn, President Hutchins, Dr. An- gell, Governor Oshorsn, Bishosp tBsich, '75, of New Yorh, Dr. Copetasnd, 'So, Piresidleist of the Ness Yorh Association, suit userIsweinly alsmisiisnow incongress. A idousle tisge silt is givens of the tiho- toigrasphltakens stthe stinnser. 'There ane asos dulssicsatsoifthe msn.cissrns, song, bosish ws'tichs were dtistrifbuted ansd the souvenissrs givinig the seatinig list of tthe guests. Alltthte speeches are givens in hilt ands the sissssber conctluses witti ex-1 tractIs fromuns espapter accunsts ansi "thse sftermautth" of consgrastuslatory tet- "Lt m ne tashe tthis occasioni,' says jus- tice D~ay, "to retleat my appreciations of tse hsitlityeoniithe oiccasion of the Ntew YourhD)insnsr. I save sever seess a fusntiosos i thourougtity welt orgasizedt ini (ve r3' detasil andstcarrieid through wsithtssslass''hinsitrisce' sr strawbsuch to a successful C.oill lsiiiii." MILE RELAY IS ONLY HOPE Trainer Kraenzlein is Developing Olen to Beat Chicago WSitssith'oniysa ets -left liefore Clie .1 ietsigsis athletes'.eves'fsirPhiladetlphia toi competlisllitheiPennssrelay ganies, the caniidaiiutes fur the lise nile retay teans weehepstlard sI worts yesterday af- ternoonlini ip repalrlitionl for the tryouts 1toisorrowi. lIssissivustitestlIby.'his steams ulrainsiigthe iouisisdspath ini the suitsye- Isis. andskno'iii g;iiithegreait strensgth sit tic ChIicasgoiuartiect, tDr. tKrueiszls'iihas bes'p-ndsingisli mac i tim iie wii thleisiie nsie' stringu, sill hoipte s if a two sir fur iie qssriti in lg bessis-sbannsseid. IDavsenpollrt, wlssi iss couvered a quarter ini48 4-5gseconisis, Mensanl, Straubl, saind Sksiinier switlretpresent Cticago -in 'the sils relsay. X.\t uit is a veteran. Sbis- sir is the sophomissore ishsi nosed sut 'iuslissfur fourthelasslce ini the recesit tryosils. Tiiliun liiian igainlst Michigani if Osisalsa. Msercer, the spe est enniirelay. siail s-itu hasIseeniIlil ut)si illsa stiraisseid siklhteiss almoisst recioveresd and swill lie ingodshaspe tol russagists the Wo'l- vcrilies. Rassisdll, whssi:seat Craig out is lie ioo yarts last year swill run agains. Iv si h ssiadfoiir years of competitioni hut isill lie sllowsssdslto ruini ithe sipein ART ASSDCI.TION OFFERS FIVE l)It,t,ARS FOR POSTER. The Anus Arbsor Art Association isill ldli its thlv ird ansal exhsihit fromi Nlavel 9 iii 20 isictssive.,tFive dollars is oiffereid for asi te1r for advertising piar- hisses. All usesn who ;wiish 'to compsete shlsee Proftn1. Lorcs, Saturday omorni- ilga tsitis:sio isl room 441., engineering~ busiildiiig, sit silsichtimse the nature sif tie pster sdesiredt sillIsv masde hiiowii. DR. i'sTflON tO1 pTsmgs S OCIAIST CLUB. The Isntercollegiate Socialist sosciety wiltlsmeet in XtIt~itlan halltfosnight. 1.')r. C. S. Pattons (f the Conigregatiosial church willibe the principal speaker of tie evening. Everyboedy is invited. vioLSo I,ITS PSiAN i,ARsFt ui5'CNGi That -the Blarbiour gym dassce, tsi le given hy the fresh lit class oni May 6, is to lie the fesature dance if the yeair, wass determinedt at the class-mseetisig helst yesterday aifterisoosi. The pairt wilt lie the last osie of the seasoniandi .the classs initendss to get together fisr a granduwindc-sup. Duly a limsitedt nismsber if ticetes are beisig hut osi sate by the slciail conmmittee, ande it will lbe iecessa- ry to ciime early in osrder to seciireoine. ENG;INEERING SOCIETY tS TO(5HODI)BANQUET TONIGH T. The twenity-first annsullbanilquet if the Ensginueeriing Sosciety wuitli e held at ihe MhichsiganisIUnioniithis evensingsit :6 o'cloch. DeansiCoosleyi Prsof. Saidler, Prof. Alleni, Prof. Ziisk si, asid three undergradtssies isill gis'e isasts, Roys Mtterns, 'is 1,, actisig asostmaslster. There sire still sisme tichets isvilsible and these.caiii le seesiredin iithe rooisis of i the soieety friims12 lto 12:15 itiissniiii. E NIII NEERI NG STUDtENT A VI CTIM tOlF TtIIERCtUI,)S I5. lHaroldl R. Spoihes of this city-sisil last yeair ussmemsber if thes '13 esigisseerisig class idiesd yesteriday if tsuberculoisis ipt this sisme of Isis palrentls. This is the secondil destit he family sillhinisia5year. Last year ais olsder sristher, 55illissms tssshes '12 F, waishillesd biy'a Mieiigssii Cesiral trasinss she wsnwa~lk'inltg the trachs. NOTICE The Cliftoisn Ilouse sit Whsitmiore Lakse isis bseesisedssbylsX Sr. sant Mrs. Lymsans Shirts sndilis nowunsser their camiplsts' msassagemsesit. 'The IaronsatesiC the still- deist bodssy is hierebiyresspectfully silic- itsid. Frogs saddules, ists, anusp lring- ers iwill lie sers'ed 5sit aiodsin s'hiiri seaisons. 1hiltPhsosse f -i s, i I. 137-138-131) FOWNES GLOVES are not cheapest, but they're least expensive. 1 Sousefhue pieces of Japaniese Ivory jutreceived hy Quarry Drug Io f Ply Ball! The season is on and we are prepared to supply your Base Ball Needs If yon reCquire a pair of shoes wosthi $3.5o, or a Mitt worth any.where from1 25C to $8 on, or anything else tinder the sun, we have it-ev ery article gusarsanteed. TENNIS RACKETS W~right imliii'.issrog i, ssalso Sialnsi Gold Medalisan isLie & Uneril'slottedi Throat Rctase- WAHtR'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage For eahupelsetioand from parties before12 o'clock $1.50. afier12to'clocki $2.00. F/or eachli'reunk toi sr from door, itie price wilt 5e 25 Cents. If earrned io use frmsusp-stairs, use price wilt he 50 Cests. Driveors are requ ired Co noilect cash for carriage andsb agage service. iSA1LICFI'S LI VERY iCOI SON & CO). W. it. STARCK' HJOLMSti )LIVERCY Eastman Kodaks Premo Film Pack Cameras Hawkeye Cameras Is diffe~rentsmiodes 1.in stock. Pricesi..from 1.0hitCo t 5.10 COld Kodako takens in tiride at reson- able 5prices. CGsod Cli0 fuss ieut Filsofos everybody--enoug~h to phiotograph th whole towni t0 times over, and they ure alt fiesh, no statsehuood'.here. Develospingand priinting done by miodesrn umethoid'. Ihiamean attnractisveRoda~k psroposition fors ummierhi1tou11rists, or tot yours sacation. LYN DOIN Piceturies ofsitEverything 'i liii I luri.'ii'itake this , shtp i 1tt i 1 us i :'.i'i'.' vi's Issius 51'', fill Trlrv lis iui lis a'l. n si S It c , nt'ih' Ito 1t'i s 'h'l'FId h I~~~~~ ~~~ h1l;'i' . i 1..1N'. pclicit 11'1c I i 1 iis us liiti t tail 1's'I ii t iss '.thanau-s iis sll- !r,;Is 'i. ' pubhlihed, as Jui.is t tiu'siuu'ih 'ori ;Il c thes'lais t ions- Vi \ c is)cIs itis isv loss'.(utheids r,,,.....__ ,,.,_ --- r C THIN 0 Of the right kind at the right price-and all other I '~-rIXINGS FOR MEN Main St. Allen ' Good Clothes Store Mi t Gei your MICHIGAN jSl nPns'n Pins, Fobs and Spoons1 PHI BETA KAPPA W aeo ie d I~E BOTHI LOSE HALLE S -all Smoking Ardoles H L E 1SWe make charms and -____If_________ayouon'tlet us Press yur clothees and do all yui~ieaiss pOPEEins Gtyu re uce c ra oa and Repairing. LET'S 4GET TOGETISER. We wits -+I ins.n Getf o ur r deLnheingCea oddo yer wontkecheae. btter, ad nilium promtlsthnit ss iwas optica Dept and all Summer Beverages ever done before. SEtra HeavyiCbarms $5.00 fhm Watch and Jewezry Repaing1~ O 4D R ~ ~ ~ ~ L~ utPesngG:Pas 6 210 South Main st Je lr 20 South Main St. f 79N nvriyAe ohPoe 6 121 Washington st. RANDALL d& PA CK, Photographers Phone 598