Y Y rJ AX . ., .. . __ . , _. _ , z _ _ _..- ______ __ Bursting uds r 1 C, _ ~fi } E t y ., _..- Suggests the freshness and harmsony of our NEW SPRING; FASHIIONS'. Our models are devoid of fiads s-vt Snperh in style rightness. We si f iit ynn with tnuecring precision at a price that fits ynnirpte ". JKARL MALCOLM 118 East Liberty CALL ANt) SEE'[lHE Henry a2nd f mpany 711 N. Vtiversit':y Ave. UNIVERSITY NOTICES vresh l it baseball practice today at 3, S. Ferry Field. Senior fits may orier invitations today, 11 toi'12, aid 4 to 5 at S. L. A. sintow. 'Thlis is the last chance. Tiiday ansI tomorrow are the last ays is hve cati and gwii measurements tailei. Mack's. thirst floor. Baptist studeits will hol a 1post-va- callsn in le tartors of the First Bal- ist church net Saiurday evening. Alt universiy sudntiis re iivite. Mhilly meeting Corhiusker's clb iostpsoiesdse week accounl~t.tjiioiiMi- stret Sliow. Juiiiir li laselall practice, South'Fer- ryeld anit it4oitay. Imiportant meeting of class aseal ianager s t Attleti Assciatio' offices isonigtt, Antl21, at 715. 'TURBItNE DEtStGNEDt)BY PROD, Z(WSKI tIS SU'CESS. Prf. S. J. Zoskli liss recently ter- fectedl a ew tsser 'trine11'which rev sluilis psIreseitav istas iithe con- struciisslof tesei' iacinies.Th'tuOr ie hs fistslesn test ii IHolyke Miss., aissn ow ack i AnttnAror. ft wiltle sittilt in theIhyraulic latss raory insi ftiv says. The great rsblemineetulrbinie oil -stctiiosn," ssitPrsf.owski, "is to get a iaximuimiiof spesid aindtcaactity for a givens-izle. Ns aivance has til to tisow hcon matetilolntg this le fis twetwiy etc.,I fact th~l-Anerican and lEu- ropeaniiintiier have saffirmeit that thes limiit adl Ieeti rachedtaneilthat any futhler icrease woild causse a loss of viiciscy andtholer -losses swhich woldi mosre itianliconiterbtslsanctheits'god gained. "The Tltrilie lias greatly eceediet niy ex'pettsiosehowvetr, 1a1nd1it is en- tirely .a sccess ilievsery reslet. Gi- gineers all over te cunltrvtste shwnel ts' greesistsiof iserest in ile newcm-tst chin te." Prf. 7os si wsil ave sdesripions ands dsra iniig f iiIls; nI ' 'All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. _ _ _ I I Granger's School of Dancing joinsh lasse:-.y-- ti c . Ilii lgin, 5i i yoiiiut(Ito Clasaea tor Ladies ad OGetmTessdayIi nd Thrsrday Evenings, 7:00 to 8:00 o'clock 'iiitiss '.00 for Particlars call at Academy or Phoe 24#x-Office flours 10 to 12 a an, 2 ts 4 p. m J FAMILY DIIJEUTR Folio/v the Ij1 er y Crolvds TI URSDAY - FRID7AY - SA'TURDAY Ladies Gold Watch Given Away At Matinee Today Morrie Streeter-Blanche Bryan and six Associate Players in the Sensational Comedy Drama The Great Diamond Mystery With 3 .0 Other Wor-thwhile Acts 9 3 10c Always Never Higher 10c souvenir Mainee Tuesday, Thursday atd Saturday I I I I UNDER THE MANAGEMENT ,OF Harry P. Sttrasson., fnrmerly withl Hotel tImperiatl. W. J. 1B1mghm..am, foriierly will ttitel Woodtward. The strength to throw off tacklers, the mental quickness to see an opening and go through it, the stamina to run "'the length of the field for a touechdowna" be- long to the man who trains on Whole Wheat containing all the eleentts which build muscle, brain and hone. In the prepara- tion of Shredded Wheat none of these elements are lost. The most palatable, ~l digestible form of whole wheat is Shredb a6 ded Wheat Biscuit ready- ° d \ yy, tt-, cooked and ready to serv e. The Shredded Wheat Company ,. s"t ''4Niagara Falls, N. Y. 0v-, ,' a t Solo Produers -.r " j 'Q d \ cI .,ss t fit 'N h - r7~ -- ,_ = 7 r Q lVts'e reassatis whly you sthotild huy your Spring Shoes at 119 South Main St. 1 st Our Styles are the Latest. 2nd. We Carry the Largest Stock. 3rd Our Shoes Fit Better. 4th We are 50c to $1.00 per oair Lower in price than other makes=-=Quality Considered. 5th We (Give You Better Service. See Outr NewvLust Ifeal, Fltat Toed, Custom Effects aid the Latest ALWAYS AHEAD IN 5TY LES 1V WARD, THE -ThI LOR THE BEST OF EVERY TKlINGl IN TAILORING