PHU MICHIGAN DAILV 31 SO. STATESTRKEET mer Iolensof EluieStyles OVECOASand THE MICIIAN DAILY. Managing Editor-LE A WHITZ Business Mlanager-NORMAN H. HILL. LDITORS. tews Editor ......larold Titus Assistant ...I.... t. arry Z. Folz Atthletic Editor.. Walter K. Towers Assistant .......J. Fred Lawton 1tosie aitdPDraoa...Eart V. Moore lt ilges aiid Fites. .... Dion ;S. Birney EDITORIIALS. Atthur J. Abbott. G S. Lasher. Paut Leidy. NIGHIT 1DOnlon. A. J. Wohtgemuats. ttarotd McGee. Frank I tPennelt Edward tt. Rosbie Staurice'T'oatiie REPORTPS. Lore Robtinssoni t arry Myser JIohL . Cox. tF. I. Sthaw, Jr. t.riieslt Burton. E. M. Wakefietd. John 1t. Towntey. Wattaee Weber. Gerald J. Stay. Emmett Taytor. r - - --- / 't M.5 1 (ilet i nVo . PDtaugtherty G.t L -COo .Bwa. b5NES5A. R Dittey. tileLeatO w1 Ttattllors \lyez Rabin. Kennetih Osborn. 31150 ,SF TEFTE RIay Jotinson. Etlmer P. Grierson. - ---- - Alidress: MICHaIGAN DAILY, Press Btdg., Mayinart Street. Base all hoes Otice tours: Mansaging Editor, I-2 P. nst$ ~i. aid 11:00-11:30 P. In. Daily. ,n I ' , IBusiness Maitager, 1-5, 7-8 P.- 1., Ex- p tIES 1 2S t Pt Sutnily. Botb 'phioes gio. rtn OI{l -l\,SRt o LAWS WILL GET CITY KEYS Toledo Awaits Barristers With Open Arms The Ho. Brand Whitok, Mayor of Toledo, sociologist anidtsriter of note, has coisentei toIsmake the address of welconie at te seniir an-anute whtichs wilt be thele isToleioon011Stur- tay, Artl2i. The laiswilltleve 'ere til tir Aim Arbor rairiodat nssnad iwill stenthetoafternoonin iisight seeing. The banqeti will le serei at 7 o'clock at the HoIttel Ioositetiand it is exiect thist be-weeniit5 o ii20meniiwilt Ieir~ attendanle. One of the guess f hotnitr witt be hustlcer Blair of the Miigan Sotpremel Court, whoi will doutiille~sstaysmeithing woirthliwll~e io the bdnitig jrists.IBe sides tLeani Battes andil Professor Tomsp- sosi shonrtlbsiwl le madile y C. I. Vanb'inkle f Illinoiis anut Allai Bondlt of Kentk .UCar (Grwni, 'it, wilt act as tatmas~lter. 'Thl'ecommnitte f wichietsArthr J. Abbouut is echairmniuhaits lbeeliat swort tin arranigreents fr sriverslsweks. A spe~cial comi~itte is preatring as elsib- orate'opiion iiin he "ueti" of tir Peotle ex rel Srniosr t Lw Bantuet C'ommiitte-r ss. 'T'IurSrnir ,tw Clss. Thisiiowit ll sct oiutithle aidvatags if the 51ciity I otledo 1as5a titterof cen- tenturleiiof Ia'etpits netreotitliirl- di,ill ustratedt Iy aiwell kniowniulocali artst wii iill issue. This is idesiged Ias a souvlienlirltfl the occaioun. 'ag hileariii the slgni "beet le il Ohio" will be wonbiy eery matn sits iiiendis going. Anthuter featlure that as iever before beeniatitiemptedt i the histry of the law depairmtlis the isuance' of a sotitle- hent to the MtIH11IAN DAILY. 'The cmmlilitee is builiy at work coletig legsal quipsmitt tadvertisemenets. The supl~iemlenti silt llsoicontain statistis of theeelass, biiogrpiis of the stieaers, half tithe cus itf the glits of honoitr, aiti is tdesignieetoit te a resiw of the biggest social eiest.in1 the history if the class. 'ie roeo ell oprsle are mishieetulsedt over teuidea tof enttertaining a Universi- ty tf Miiehigsn itity and11 troise lto handii the eys tier to thu bltssominslg barristers It is ptlannetoItshae tir trainleaveis IToledol iothe' returniatit 1:0 p. 1in.. IFMUSIC AND DRAMA Tliitigli exceceligly mloiest abotlieshIis owisi isorkTe tschaikoiwsky unlitike Moziart, whomtii te ounrseredly ae- miredt, wasi iinale to attniithe si- plty,, indithIle' terfet freeetmiifroll sivinlg for effect whieb gives Nloart's m sitc muchlsof is lrl. His aimlis ailiwaas intensity t any cot, tiiiitseek ing tii ateimltishi thissailie frequenllt- 13, forget s a the solltorlieatert Imuis eitate, anid sot tesebriii. A wirkl in whlich. this is strikingy i- lusutrat'tt is the Snlata, Ops 37 b, wiliht is thle first lilullbero00'eesay'i ti- grainl. It inott. a plsistic cnlceptien, antI Iligt elt have bien a symphstoy. 1Fu11 of patssitnate intensiiyandoeltw-- erefull eimaxes, it is a51omolsitinll ve- cidedily iwtrthi hearitig.S11repeesets the aiges tofhoelees sufferinig of theSRus- sianl pesants, aid tis is broigt ot in the iisisic In a device peclliary the comoposer's owls; the excessive repe titions of a note, chorid, or tphrase, Thle reisaintder if the psreograml is waite sit of shorter compositions. PICRKANINNY NUMBER PROMISES TO IlltIlT "Gertie anet ter iickaniunnies" is the first olito skit oss the t rogrami of the Uno s Nl 1instrels aisd otughi ts to e sue of thr tig hits otf the sliow. Vicltr Jtose is psittinig it iii, sindefrtimisosmte' tlae ini Aiii Arbstr tie tins gtheretd togethser fitir ctiloredladstitwioshusavtereail souuls for liairismny. 'T'hey're list ging lt sing aiy la-etssicatlinumblers hut iswleu thee tithiit h tutmlrilitup chsord, it is einioghi toiraise 7ytin 'leato ithetiteli." The resil title ofthfetisit is "Wiuugn I %,'mtiigs- I.' Woo! " iiiisetdafter itse fesi tire sonug tofthe tict, aiidl writtens li IHerblert tiindtVictttrJtose. 'The rehiearsail list iiight misilts thle futll orc-heslta. Eatrt ltotre ideclsires tiat it is ai bet-ter orchestraItians he thaii fisr the olserai. At toy rate, the re- Iseasssi ensi-rotffiwittihits if 'ties,'' the istorisusmkinig siremasrkbshleshsowiing. Rehsearsalts inivusersits- -Stltlisill lit gn this tifternoion.Thflidrst siittlibe at 4 o'closck. Anouthter stiltlit- fieldt it S :'clotik. 'bleseith ilsa iieheasiasl ti-itl aifternsooni,siill cottle te titelrelisilsist for the ismui. Es errti irmisii ttie tiresn sit till tliee. 1T1111ght's rt-ehesail i1 bei "dress" ftor belin ennuttiiili-si - aindi the i-huhliti-s-hwittlite gonlesurer. initiiuse iiiR P'SVPSti LAsis Il IItii. Fresh lawsis- uidents isill gaithetr it I islet SGriswoitld in Dtrtsit tFriday - i eninig, 'April 28, to hitlidtheir elsstiau- cutI. 'Thoise satteing wh'miill, lease Ann arbotr sit 4:50 itier til'l. C R. J. Simiiisit illbitttie s'toatstmaister tof thseticsions, saill Profess stiBk er, Knowisttittu, C'lsrke anittI hillirtik, will nespotnld itotasts. The stiideint spesikers will hi' G~.IF. Telhasi, IR. It. Glmoie, WI. 1t. Bulee, R. WV. Powens,W. II. Stewasrt, J. It. VaiiiAsikeni, aidT'. W.' t~aitigsi. It i is lneditolittenitth'i le- biaseblltgaimii'Saturdayiaftefiriotntinii a1 Itity. i Play Ball!I The Sssont 5istn anedwe are prepared to supply yo r Base Oali Needs It you req~uire a pair of shoes worthl $3.30, or a Milt worth attyswhere f-Olli 25C So $8 oo, or ansythuing else unldern thle su11, s-e hiave it-emery arttce e 11'r'i~tlced. TENNIS RACKETS Undeill'ui. Sltute ThrMu-mimi, ves--1 As, to ye' ii, uu W AHtR'S SUniversity Bookstore Carriage and Baggage Son earl, Couple,'it a n iompanties before 12 necnock $1.50, afien 2I'ocnk $2.00. Fonn each 'Trnutn tuorfrnm dotihue price will bn 25 Cents. If careto or fromiu lp-stains, the pitrowilt be 50 Cents. Drives etiereqnined toiicollect cash for eca-riaend ubahugage sereice. OVA i TIt'dIh,1 VERIY tttsihSOiN & Co. WC. 11.