,H 1 P4t~t HlAN iAY G. H. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mert Woolens of Exclusive Styles Fo: r SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. H. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0.. STATE STEET Bae all Shoes Ba.se0asmd $3.30 3 Gtym Goods and Golf Shoes E i. R. FROST, 302 S. State St. Fraternity Seals 75c U of M Seals 50c High Grade Linen Paper by the Pound or Box Let us, make you a dye with your mono- gram for your corres- pondence paper Stsd ste' 1Bookstore SHEEHAN & Coo TIE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-Let A WIMst Busioess Manager-NORMANo H. HILL. EDITORS. News Editor........... Harold Titus Assistast ............ Harry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towcrs Assistsst............ J. Fred Lawlon Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges asd Files.... Dion N. Bi rney EDITORIALS. Arthur J. Abbott. C S Lasher. Paul Leidy. NIGHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward it1. Robie Maurice Toalnoc RPORTERS. camptis lawn's. Faiiiiniiitgotr I Ptool va Idit i t--i -corner of State, tid .Iai-vi >' 10 d always a popuslatr dtue nul when thIi, -rtti iisnw mltedl,111 the StriI1g.flysmu mistake lie ivailks thent rebtitlitotam ner were elevated a few i c>- d ot i i F-V a the level of tilt gras-. itio.TheyIart totw grading thy lawti t itett- ite wlkii WO. F Traditioas arce tlit tot-. WealwysvIti it ,ttII tl~ 1 Yest-, iwe Iitiad avery pleasat: t il" ,il ' 't~hu l: t''it t t> i-i- lOIN' lflYi11,01'.-N. ttt) 1t7; ~ 1 i t71 dt dt 1 f I I . t Lorein Robinson Harry Myser (oltie rttte John L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. itn teoert - Tt- yu ii Ndt i itt sot Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. i lvdit i iii iSttiiotIi John H-. Townley. Wallace Weber.itCeeadtIthfitStudyfdc Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. vaio~ittt Campbellitpiictitil ti itt titd - C. Harold Hippler. J. Selig Yellen. ties tt a 5 t it tor n no ti F. Rohert M. Gillett Win. T. Dausgherty Fttrezatdti Veritt t iiitit ee pitchti BUSINESS STAFF OhitodWesieyanitt it day.ti Raitsileait C. A Bowman. A. tK Dilley.te traveliers ilt-n itt i iii ii ti ittot : Myer Rubin. Kenneth Osborn.ithe gittie iviitCn trtit nivttcsiituti E. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Griersons. the wtoerty ani iwast iattiit: t C eeit C. H. Kleinsstuck. Joseph N. Fonelsard. ott te fttlttowt~ing afteroo. smtth started againsti iinttiti hImitttaitedieti v Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., caled ini to save tte gattttt tiiii M- Maynard Street. igai toottk3totI Office Hours: Managing Editor, I-2 p.'iThe toats a aclsi> ' t t bd in. and Ii 10-iil:30 p. in. Daily. leami wvhet t hit tcitteit T ennesstet Business Manager, s-5, 7-8 p. in., Ex- indtie stitt-vis io, toI 1 cept Suniday. Both 'phones960. ytung fooii p tuttleeuidcr iiit tt 4 itt Snetitsi -s i t l {. oii it 'I NiIN INSI)AY, AiRILi. 5, ti - iandCampbel ittiIiit tito )i cllinit i u~l UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. wshichlucik ovas a hi.g factr. h \V - _______________________________________ vsit platyer'scFtntttthtitFreliii heitlit Nil tF i ~t-v.died. i Sn. iutten a ititirin;the-iit tiinl-s la dAtril 2t-E~ngiiieerintg Soeieiy Iianiquet. wSorked-t. Campbeit-ii asit alled ut iti.t se-roe t' lic5t' h tanzait andIsit ped iii iirtil at-22.-UtniatnMintorel sitow, Utti- toutchetd,Micitigant 00111o1lingtoitt vesity iHlll, 8:so.oiiti-;atiiiictelIt Apreil 2.-X StA. C. vs. 'ilitgttttDerry N'eriuey eit its izeetd t{)fc Apirii 22-Ferris Itnstitiuie atntqtet, Neow- mttont, Camttilititeingit'heitiittai-ert - - Apil'1 .-Ol-ivet vs. Slichigain, Verr nt il Saitrda. 1 ia is >1>ist itk tiin Fiueld, 4:05 pIts. tihe sat.'Th- \NVlitit s twtilbtCinth rf, BlI if, N~aituer 2h, ii111i1it, flays SIC itiMIEIRS OtititNTISi ef, ?Mariiin s, iticl iinti3i, \>i rie>I'lpi iattyittoof iitestnisersily entirative Steventsonitof iSt. Jotinitwil i ith ev leebe>tottieesstlie aceptitce tfwhich hegitts at 4:05. Tite tttilt gemi-t l all the tieetttaiitiieti, bitt titotsede- his redutcedth ie price ill 11111 of -- t tettiss muay reeeive, ill addittiit a lib-iidtt-woeiaekontiessso mhat aitObi er-ai ed~uca~tioillfoot eaelrs, foursecoldls, piet-willtlce lt>' loyal fantintoday't-ti gameti' ieinog tulle ftthiosi onthtill;;5cFF1 tne attaec tiElat grippi', ottdla ttuchif lit. tttsiiisi. ~s[, O tFtI>S ON its 5ir. 'Ttiily. 'Ticketisittr eight gametis hits 1-c Tiih i ooldliso-er>' lasser ttanti titi' acedrinit tesasbokttilutittitiit111 '!' I Ti Ni. - ra (. is Tc 1 Play Ball. lT-e seasot s t on and we are pepared So supply your rDose BaII Needs Itout reqire a pair of shtosworoth $3.50, or a Mitt orl aiinotywhere ironm 25C to Si coo, or antyting else tunder Ils tirs weItaveiti-every ariesgutaranteed. FINUIS RACKETS 00, i i:, tIit a tasto g inei ao n I , o tt teat. otd Lee 0 S i si ti Troaso itoetto AR'S Un iversity Bookstore E Carriage and Baggage tote--tieito e auiin rmpar-ties i ,,'t o'clocuaeS$1.50, aftnertoacsock stetii 't-sttl.t to artfrm lisar, tto li iit ts'25 Cens. It carriedto it sti titiairo.ste price wilt bo it li- Eit requtired So collect cash t d beagt.r titi gage service. WlS~. ;RSLI01VElRY itOBItNiSN & Co. 0W. H. TARSK iiOaiMES LIVERY K[asinidoKodaks Premo Film Pack Cameras Hawkeye Cameras tit tlt ottdels in stoek.o h t=t31.0lidto 00. ~lOOld l, keniiii~t intraataSreason- Goooe for 'enS fo h\-bdy-enongh i ti ~cs erh nOnngdone Snatrc Rv odak t;nfr l etourC s ts LNDON iiof vrytbsn it1' for111 ddIsI III,_ If yosulke 0'to Ver yeas gloeshaste, cwroe They w, r just 1 1 1-c Id ytlm -}Ott I l. -- .---._ C ti \ k i r w ': fi"' ' i \n 51 S ' t r f K -..dwmmmlmw 4 'qIN Of the right kind at the right price--andall oter FIXINGS FOR MEN Main St. Allen' Good ClothesGo MainSt Get your MICHIGAN ' BT A P Pins, Fobs and Spoons PHI BEAKPA Sale on Pipes and LOS ______________ all Smoking Articles HALLER 5Wemae hamsan].___)11_______i 10 1. u eliirug I eli I iitd alyuCeaningi GOoIPLIIO iiili-iWuntLET'S +ET T"'OGErTHER. W til pins. Cot your order Lunches, Ice cream Sodas r iio y « ,~-hitt ,i I' and1 5 ri m ty lstStas Optcalin new for engraving Opia - Dept. And All summer eveages ______ r }i