TEMICHIOAN DAILcY IDEAL . " OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. $4.00 and $5.00 WAGNER & Co. State Street Sign of the big white shoe ININBLANKETS AND CURIOS INDIANHEA . Arts an~d Crafts Shop Sliver Novelties fram Eastern Strsps Cur. William and Maynard Senior Caps and Gowens Seniors will please call as soon as possible and have their measurements taken for Cap and Gown 3rd Floor ]Iack d& Co. 3rd Floor Graner' nTool of Dancing 3jointelasses.any tuxxx. Thetx terbgins xwhen yoo do Clanses tee Ladies and Gentlemsn Tuesday and Thursday Evenings, 1:00 tn 8:00 o'clock Tuition w3.00. ler Particularscall at Academy or Phone 246-Oftice floors 10 to 12 a. a., 2 to 4p. a Seniors xleittiit of xlthe Ferris histtitute clt woeXet to atendx the bnquiot April __,ipease ntifyLt ;. It.Alisnt, 444 Si State a oniic. 1l:isi ts xix exrtaitas liteitmust i,(irevin adii t~vace. Tihe .\c tixlogical Club xilihodi its next ittctiiig I xcat eveig at 7:30 i tu1tsemi lecture rovom. ()witg ltote a:lxxx xov Dean1t es 1t andtiPrxofessoxr F". C. Goddartdv, woi arc iitt of toxwti ontbtsinessx~ the late facl- ty wiiitkexxio atiott ottthe jxior lusw noinat iostreitriiofthe Slcigtoi lxxaweiv ew uttil ater sringltvacationx. xiEATHi ext .sTWOxxxii xxtxv xoix=,t. \1 urisn iand WiillamttSlxtbhae beetritealed tix txie Ixx irh e i Devevr Coxl., by the sixildeix iethliofi teir heth er George. Oiveronexhundredxxlrcliets Ir ifor- imtatiin lthave lxiii iecived bylt te tail oi the Kansas Tree mloxt tvytttAbis reamt irixtixclege imten iSas trsplecs fo wr i he avs ielis. Te re jenp ihveaple r xnot. HOMVESEEKERS' EXCURSION VA Michigan Central to the SOUTH 0AND SOUTH-EAST Tickets on sale April 1, 1911 Final return limit 25 das. To points in North Carolina, 'Txnnesee, anti Virginia. on thu Cespeake &S Ohio R.x Norfolk &v Western, or Virginian PY., return limit 21 days. Delightful Rail and Water CIRCUT TOURS Galveston, Tex., Mexico City, Mex.,x Mobile, Ala., anti New Orleansx La. Michigan Central Reduced Fares for the Round Trip Rail t NIs x' tni xxiseaterxtoetiaxtinx, ril to lxtixxxi loitoseier erox:_ Tickets on suit dily csmstncin Apill23.1111 For Particulars Consult Agens WINNINAIN 02401 - -.- --- j New Whitr~ y Theatre C.arta ls-. 8.15 P. M. Kle c orecs snot staesromsptly. I I Satturda Y, A pril 8Matinee a Jos. M. Caites' Latest Musical Comedy Tgrave rid Night sty Aifi i tilIINl Cornposxerixf "x Three ti ])'.lt guit ayvs"'"The, (irl of:f Mly Dteaiss, x .cYltttinet Shterry," etc. took bty ltoxx itOxttihson 1 eticy in i. C. IIi1 Company of over 100 and Enlarged Orchestra Introducing;i LA PETITE ADELAIDE and J. J. HUGHES, MAY VOKES, Claroose Harvey, Beet Raker, Freddie Nico, And Prouty, Florenco May, Josie Intropidi, VioletColby, Aona Wilkes, 0. W. Merkot and 00 Others in a Swisng, Sway intg..Swi~rlintgFlovod of 1Hilariouts Funt, lInpression- aixie Itite andviFxscitt tixg banter. xxx ui. iin lwixhoam.xeint erxest, aiRedtiait. xe Itiii xi rofTxtxxr Ex pti xx Prices for Ibis Engagement: Matinee: 35-50-7541l.00 Night: 35-507i5-$1.011-1.50 Seat Sale Thursday A~b - ey i cees e-NbC fl a ° v7 CXN5' { fF .4 hei -°;W 1 15" r xs ;;---.; .: : i t/I Don't forget to leave your measurements for Cap and Glown as soon as possible. Wiih earh puckuo lion of 100. Keit a Eg~ c~ o °