G. H, WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Go H. WILD Coo The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 50. STATE STEET Base Ball Shoes $2.50 axv $1.50 G ym (oodad onlShoes E. R. FROST, 302 S. State St. Mlasaging Edior--Lrr A WoHITE x Business Manager.-NOssea Ii. i-nt.. 5x xc News Editor ..........I larcid 'Titus dalaftcxl' l Assistant .............ITarry Z. Icla 'Ilie1,7tr Athletic Editor...Walter K. Tovvers ti rn !( Assistast ............J. FrcdIt tinl i r !.c Music and Drama...Eart V. McX' ni eru. t Exchasges and Files ....Dior 2. Brrcy 1-, l .EIOIL.It . \1h xl Arthur J. Abbott. GSLasler (,I r1 2, Paul Leidy. NIGHYTuEITORS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold Mc~ee. Frank Pennell Edward II. lit il e I ): 11.11! Maurice Toulme Ilainst)t tLoren Robinson Il:iarrv 1Miner hays wex 11(11 John 1L. Cox. F. E. Sixaw, Jr. thix xl' 1111 a Ernest Burton. E. M5. XWalixixlxi. agl ;ou John it. Townley. Wallace WVeiner. Gerald J. May. EmmaettTaylor. -i~ilxx Ofi liic C. Itarold Ilippler. J. .Selig Yeileil. \X lxfltin liltx ixl~r tiobert M. Gillett Win. 'T.. lJaullix rtp 1111n 1 s BUSINESS STAPPbFF)~'cc 'C. A Bowman. . A. lit lil'ey. a111111(1clcct MyersRabin. Kennextix Osborin.C E-t Ray Johinsoni. Ehmer P. Gelersoxi. o lc F. C. Ii. Kleinxstuxck. Josepuh N. Foux~cihardi. c I h~c ,'tddreacx MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., }7 !a l ' Maynard Street.catn Office Hours: Managing Editoi, 1'2 ~ _ mi. and 11:00-11130 p. m. Dai)e. ,r 'x'fxourxxxxlli'sixiy 15 iL .11 511 .. -,. . .yx xi ~xx xxxiii, li c71 7,iei iixii. x ixxis the ial txx est ' 1, *% ti x;exi f r XX x xxxxx- iitr t, "(, for t ri i i ()f x~c Mxidi xxd ,-old 'ill i.r. Tle xIit cuil 'arefo xi'O. ti: xt~lini lffIx it i 1 xii xiiconx rat- hosc, won iout ilith Erslatici iiioxrxi Per lx. toi fe )l's li "t y t 'cIi7 rliiis overxtheii t .1111r isxa lx - iiilxii !i- chaptcr -13 xx, andi to thoseiw1, W Who xima %xaxxd lxxtloxx . w Niihapesn a (oninuxedifrxiiiPnie I.) Oweiig tinthex, xxx ilix xof.1 xxx ofx lie two --i slesiiiiI'x xi ldix itxlh xie I xx' the gax i In o e laxinihe iii i tr llii xxipi ccsa }. Ill( xx Ni1 'xx i xi xi xllii'ix wllxibexiiplayedxtciiiiiiila ri'xiiiii'xeii A lii of i c xxxi lci li re giaii s to it h x'msc xxii xthelixoardi iiiiConiolhThei ~i;- : ui iwherie eXXovriesfceth 1xx Il (lxxx ei xii Iii tomoxxoxwx xxx Ilxxx i l 1x1i11 levela thexxxxx mx oveili souXtix ward x Xl xxi1 dayibeforexxi ssi ng nt Ketu xxi. xh Un iversityofKxi ck wl ".l; ll sseis tla ait a iiiosiionix illli . n the lst t o da s, o theii l wxiii e slsc~ntat Vand rbilt. he itri Crawfordix lle 1d, ,h r h 1axc littilix xii plax ersxii'iiiii iii xi' ii l 11111e (ilxiiipril.i icky Managerix xx l lwix xald i rco E 1>u'eli leavsx ovrxtiiiil)rxixo \'I Mihigan Stationery A fresh supply of the best styles at 35c, 40c, 50c, and k~ Per Box Have just received a brand new lot of MICHIGAN SCRAP BOOKS At $1.00 each W AHtRS University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage tFor ech Ooplexiaoiaid.ifroowpartles ixefcre 12Iao'clock $1.50. alter12 occlxck $2.00. Folax Trutnkto or fromi doorie, xxii ine,25 Cents, ifcarrieilto F"; . from iup-stairsOlie price will be 5," Cents. ' IDiv rs are requiredxtocollect cash for I c ii carraeadbggeservice. IWA LIOFR'S LIVeERY RItiNSiN & CO. HtOtLES.LIVEtRY I Make More Pictures~ Develop mlort filmns- mlore kodaks anid photo suippliesi thana all other Phlotographersand Photo Supply Houses ill Alnn Arbor pot to- giethier. Why ? Simxply because 1 get better results LYN DON 719 North University Ave. Busness Manlager, 1-5, 7-i8 p. xi., i.a cepit Sanday. Both 'phiorxes xlxi. lilxx 1l ld i ii xxi' xxxiii x liii1 Ix " O IId dle Fraternity Seals 75c U of M Seals 50c. High Grade Linen Paper by the Pound or Box Let us make you a dye with your mono- gram for your corres- pondence paper Stuzdentis' Bookatore SHEEHAN & CON N~ightl Ieditor-MAURlcr TOUxjLi(. UNtVERSITY CALENDAR. .(,x il18--es~olrsms Apilxi22--Ferris Institutexibanqxetx x c \ - I April 21-22---Unioni:Minstrelx Sow-ix (xxiversity Ilii, 810o WI isix issuei, liihelx susipendsl Publiaioi n r lthe' springpacion Can ofx' ithe ciomonestxxirxequxirxxxients 'IiC i lxii ' x'x ixc tir'x . Xix xiii2j arivl iof ai ii'i i'x'xxi ~di xl"iglc .Mother andxx son 1Xir. lxxii Fli , lxxi illlix lxxiii. liii 1)).a x isii xxx tll(,ii A hlxixiOf ,0;X oplxies lxxiii, 7I liii liii. 1111he Ili ll t is sate nd as(lin Prof W .W . 1ellx ,I ii tlltls epa tm nt wllxix x theliix 1 sp ig axl x I n t 1ixi lix' i n is '' )i xxiii xx ('I E., -h()is il th emloy- Aiii 11.1-iOCT. the. M o Ai ofixal'mr VISIi SO. l th nliithe- iii' Ixixixiof .xx lii', C . - on -:e cia-zi.r. an 7nix I c ofi lie lIxtrclxssilay'liy eries x wxithot'ire ifor ithe lxxiiiclxw( fxxirunn' ig ax sxxi. Ittinediiii thei p lein igovernmenti xii xii rite tlix fi ls beicxaxsex'its 11111onientsl xxxiildxI'xliex' XX'xli1101 1 n 'liil xiii riunxati theclixneisci. Freqiuxniiilaxsxo XX inxigi, . ii. x C lxaii abeeni allowedxiixitxbcaexi'tin exxii lix iax' ofl."Xima' , ixex ,i ~ fthe quartet lxiiec beenx at xoihccr 13-13 Somexixi nheipiexexi ci Ja111111 Ivorv justi recivoedlbliQuarryxiii nCo. tf Co ii, iiitxroixns a ret edxrind cured.nox ligillili n1llx' anixsieptic. (Offixi hourxxxi 9-i 2 i .i111,xr- P.x. 7-8 P'lxxII. i Mxx IE J I' cx 9121 lit. ii xx'xxxxSi.,lxiii Northl12th.ix101 98)91J 1241l.11). Ii) iii d Sck c C El I G Of the rig~ht kind at the right price-aixd all other FIXINGS FOR MEN d Main St. Main St. Get your MICHIGAN SFsadSpos Broken Lenses Sale on Pipes and ' JE LO SE HALE SDplicate in a couple of-hours, all Smoking Articles -ioaiVxsI yx(iii.aaad s~ai COMPeLETE We ~rind all eyeglass and spec- aclSltxpaIirix LET'S GET TOGETHERt. Weill o cilooleses is our own shop. -_- -_ recritins- Lun4tche, Ice Ceam l Sodas Sn yo p aur oil. iiixlixxer , te, axiSmosuitortttaniiiy l xit was Shur-on Headquarters and all Summer Beverages everinne!eore ixxs. Eyes Examined Fle Watch and eee re Repairing ~~-iAR NOthLD - ' University Si rsigCo. iALII'S JEWt iRM STORE l'"'* R.. E. JOLLY j ounvrlyo SitPesg Bthhno26 216 South Main St jeweler 220 South Man St. 99N nvriyAe ohPoo 8 121 Washington St, RANDALL & PACK, Photographers Phone 598