FItSICtITCAN O AIIA Get Measured For nlew: Fall and Winter clothes, made as you' want thseil , Best of. Style, Fit, and Tailoitgn at a price yon can afford. 500 Exclusive Patterns F. W. GROSS LihortyS *treet, cor.Fourth Ave. Billiarcls is a fiue game, ask those wvhs play. You need ssone recreationu and what is bet/er than this? l fUSTON -BROS. THE1/FARMELRS AND NILCHA10 R~ ANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $10,000 GieseraltBankuing Busmness. 3 percent pai usr '05ipe asd Savtingsiseposits. Safety De- posit Buses to cents at 53.00 and upwards R. Rostr. IcPes. 11. St. PRiTYelAN, Vice-Pres. iH. A. Vo.soatts. tolshoer P. T. STOWS. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stoock j'3100,000 Surplus 150tt00 Rtesoces $::,500,000 A Gieneral Banking Business Transacted Urvcits: Chas. P.. iliseouk, Pros .. D Ilurreee, Vice ices.: Mi. J. Priz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK C'apitl50.000 Surplus 75,000 iResurces $1,250.000 5Vs:.. Bolsoth:.Pes., Osm. Arnold, .Vice Pees. C.. .W.tzi. Cashi:er CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 665>ONUt\~l''T 5.1FI All1 pIe zs 0ill his /u:::;: :lst :0 .., _ paid for is advnse, Q0//ce h:ous: I-2:30; 7-8:30 p. 111. LOST. Lost-Kappa A/ploa Sigma tpin. lFinder please call 463. 10-i2-t13. Los/-Bros u alligator slait:purean NWaterman fountati. penoeot:twoxeen0 Lanob & Spenocer's anod tthe goym, or t1:: gymtlaoodl8SoSOalanadl. Reward fot retuirnitoo MoSOakland. 03. PLost-''NI''seal rinog i uSitt Conr:/ 00 Returnt too laily.13 Los/trisir pipe, toarok1ed :wi1th si/ver 1.I~., in: or lear Cuttigcafe.V Un d/er notify IDa:ilyoffice. IRewa1r0. ..os/ JOne houiocrecd feet stee/ 00/1: Ftinder pleise retornt;;0Q104 Ch1;i St. ottodlreceiv e reorard. 13-104. Lst-Will pe:rsoon ::/sertised 1 0:ooto: toose glaosses tkindlyo'/phon00' /aily bc twvetn 0-2:30 to:oay 0. JLost-lDuplex s//ole rio/c. indo/er pec /00 tbl,,1;vastysoths egienolits. decthllow.;oneo:':f/or til :10 NIic'higano. ..0ot nino:romoal totrlg: thc att/le/ic autoitics tlkeod over Itoe situa:tio:00, suggested/ -toat t/he'splort bc giv/s a'n:oootheri'triaol, :aoodlthenoo ted/' agaoinst it. Theochio/f reaosoon for tios decisiono is thaot thle faculoty deos lot l;ook uothe' Io ind:/;oor gamooe os/ih/fa'or. It/ c'omoo:'s th/ose of00 0o/0010 .:'tr aond lt:'eI::' iing o/f0the se: : sheno, /in thle oti:iorofotheloc y, I/he studoents shouldgie ottllteir 0/loe tothoeir wooro. 0: / op/ed Itot baoskoetboallwotoul again b laktn/I. The spoort loos toever /been givenooaof/ir triatoolMichigao atoo, with/ I/oe ow:ai/h ) 'ooiaterial tthandoo, Ianl of/ 0 theo000/: rgraduloates thou~ght/ lhe inoor game0110' ' 't. /oe 0/veto anothoer chon:oc .Dr. or :onteetoiso 'anexec/eetlcotoch an lhuhh .o ietrP .Brtc/oocare 000 0f:vor of it, 1toe facotlty, objcotionls are toot liktely to be 0vcr-. Hotel: CumBerland S. W Cor. Broadway', at 54th St., NEW YORK .vr 0tH St. Stutway astti53td St. SKEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN ft College Men Always Welcome Special Perms for College Teams gig Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof L'Transient Rates, $2.50, will, Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Botoklet. VNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. StImson., fornmerly witit Hotel Imoperial. R. J. Biingha.rrm. formerly wiiih Hotei Wodlowardi --THREE THINGS TO DO- Join the Union Belong to the Athletic Association and SUBSCRIBE TO The Mic igan Dai'ly $3.00 A YEAR $2.50 IN ADVANCE retoornoto. Bent'o/rook, catre ofi //Rus- 010 00 .0' . 0, l0'05 , toot lBros. 1I3-04. 1/000 C000t/othe a 0/0.at00 .o0/o-tooo:: 0no0 /i-c:sent t0etoI'0:.0ogoi3]mn cc' oooetoog T00 Rent- Des/ri/ole soits. Steml eaoo ot1 oI .rthuro' f. hKolt I0010:0poeo / football/ electric lots' 432 5. /Division St. 1. o 0'tol'. Root:Kuhn 0000010050o '.a.' 000:0: 55~~ ~ ~ of tro': ts /or e 0/ a toh'iso0/:0.0to':': i FOAUND. Ill ;/he oooo'i0;;; m t :3.~b onod'-Saotutrday afternoonoooioo 0th' Librttary, .signeot rinog. Ownoer may 0000 000::0:0,00T0 :ooo:o'RSI OINol'. hatoe rinog b/0cainog :0ato/to 00//ofi':, NIiss. A;;;;': Io 010a" gr'aduteo f 0 toay/logfor tios toad . 0:. 6/c/'(ls/c:, :wi/l a00/0/10 th'. 0/;: 0 o f the 0/0:1' itv o daootn:e eb0;: y00/0 ISCE~LLAN'EOU)/S ':o t ./:0/ot.0 CH]IRO)PODY. //ce 1/too:ino thl eold's.Work/"Mrs. B verytitig abosoluo//~tel otisept~ic ;S ito:;;J./tuss:e0 wil/l/100side:a0 th:e M4ISS /.J Om~5 letim ndtoooth/'.' Louils se )rt:l soill 02t1 'F. 1Hutront. Neaor Peli Parko. 0 It/liootoc o -~J. 7-ot. W\e ecirry thoe Genuioo ineWesbacheo Gas O oiier'os Gitea: 1 .1~olS 5Al/ r/ces. State Street /'atrdlware. fl-. / .01'.o//0 t ~o/00'1t ___cod-t/ ICu//er & O'Coorotor, Steoonoatoooe/ reone/o dr cnr s- 't-,,.o 5 Relmiri'. 61o R x ..0, - Detr1oit /:0 L~ndo', Branchofice5/': . all CPA A m aiA l nSt-f 11,14-.Co.rsrxercima. rxd L'argest stoocko of pooet lob/yes, safety 5~v~agsrazoors atnd revoloers ii oso./Stt N /56 5/l'):5G OVES Co. .Meaim and 1Libx,'tv Str.bta Street Harodware. I) A. Kill/to. 0 s . -f PaoPie 0rgaVoice C'oture, Copston. x,32 S00/; /le/'./ol St . Ask for the beat and see - /1 000: 00h0n/eo;10761bl. Ie:: e roar ord/ers how quick they'll bring FIRST NATIONAL BALKE' uy your Otis andiElleetric Studoen~t f-r111 p:/ti , o [,a p t the iState.;' stre'e'; ! / 'r; los 0; %A Ns AntOn, H . /D . A. /tinrs 5/. - . - - W N E S E. 0. KIN. _ iA RtietIsSOt/OLOS ' f 0ou otoc:/d0 ooor sh~oes repiotiredl brittg Pres. rTer-Pros, S. s'. CLXJIOSON, Cosslte'. Fu//er & O''Conntor, Tailors .and0/C la-' hmso o br .0 .. 65it/ioos. 'Iice catpitl, /oc0oo littius otid Profits,.$65a00o ers,.61o~ . ., /iliams St. I-tI. n 0 1/.Sl c Sl S/oooC TYPEWRITERS New ' o Srcnot tttnd Oaliver Uziderwood Typaurrlt..- Ss uppltns Ty ue',s.-ttxsg Morrill and Grierson tool; N. I'ttiv't'sity So:'. 1013 . FALL WOOLENS IWAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors, call your attention to their *collecti' n of seasonable woolens for men's wear. Carelul attention to details and prompt execution of orders merit your patronage. 303.305 South State Street University Music House Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music NEW MICHIGAN FIELD SONG and OTHER~ COLLEIGE MUSIC PIANOS F-OR RE~NT EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR GIBSON MANDOLINS University Music House* . CHORAL UNION CONCERTS 10---Star Numbers--4$3 MME. ALDA, October 20 McMILLAN, November 14 V'iolintist' BONCI, December 9 FLONZALEY QU.ARTETTE January 18 SAMAROFF, February 24 P~inist FESTIVAL of Five Concerts Th~oma~s Orchetsra--Chtorotl'toniooi andtol ooists itoitdti's "Judaos loe'cautis" Tschikowsk' lepu io'tiiiiOne;ti" ''iskots rtontsale at0Scooliof Music ooe frootostudenst utnvussers FURNITURE AT FACTORY COST UNTIL SATURDAY, 0ONL Y OCTOBER 15th __ _____ Youe 'oct11 axa s an ospoti tty tt buy HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE at FACTORY COST Our Showroom at 120 E. LIBERTY (next doer to Rout's Mdusic Store/ will be rinsed ax that date Comne-Pa%.ekt Fur~iture Comipany LAW IBSOOKS 41st yeart DICTIONARIES 41styea tIn QUIZ HOOKS ln. AessArbho- LEGAL MISCELLANY Aenes Arbho- Callaghan ( Co, CHICAGO Ann sAnrho.- rarnnuI%.State Strexet, Opposite Law Bldg. Portrait Studio- - 319 East lHuron Street