M tqgnVol ,XXI . ',ANN AR OR, MIC HIGA N I si lSD ', \P I Li.6, 1955. N oi i GIVEN A WORKOUTI ON FERRY FIELD Entrants in Philadelphia Meet< Get Light Practice On 4 Cinders tit CLASS , RE LAY IS +PSTPONED W ith butthiiree and one half eks g lid sn efoe the lihigan tnck -ocn ns cai fr Psiletlpianto cos- j- is ein the lg I'snsyvanias. et. trrit lrafn~en gve a few of his athletes a taste of otdoor taiing y es- iedcaternoon. Kolle iaudl-Smit several oft ltidisnceruntis o mpg.s-le liii hito the iunlesousete c indtet pah.Tetraktself-tiisin or cai In aititiotioiitheits ly amts iit~ch- gn ssItipotinlits siter IHoirne, Ctaig andertapeKoter andilitiearssles tan siitiniil cCisitsti . IiherC is altso a pscitititpisof 1 a to uile team. tteIiiia- tra rnl ina tsbank iiitnii ithis eent sitcoisingtof Illais ten, iliMulth', Hall, terste, Rectk, Piere, Alcletagh- Ross anlte. tiff ansi Ciigwilit prottily make upi si litiisisstie sile celay iquaritet. 'Teseiiiei ittllisiswei class iiiidioies, iisiutitcsluie is colect esi siltheitoussidose. tIf the stlesiecti-' thrilr ecisis to centee1Kohllec-the Lans sig hisy stiiids a iiliisslciieesf trientginsg a fsis tslick sel shslto A sirbr i te shtot and Ihamiiimeis evesits Ierslse Is}shesestrssl ini tihetwileenuhc itlHe ils titis ni reoeresId o l st stasc f mupadis eped s'ts' o eport to i- Seealists swill resiisi listsmAr- is i dursisg te spiin s iscationsstosstrinu. Amonssg these c r a -ig, Gassbtle, Rsis. I laff, Red-i sldIisi still undecieds truits attmindlit- stinsnesofthe sillr it sats t onhadi hes telaciasslcaesllei es ills atilsoon. I G tamil-f te lits team lcaint usi lsafs tososis ssit will prossly heis impostsibclle t get tse twosifousss tgelster lb-fre vactiontiil. It ma iht- lsits'elamitis h iputiill le sc tided its a l o relaypisills saclmantunust- thug2515 tillds, saltoussglCaig Islis ills iworll C's cIdst stt i-idistace anal wol iveihelit- a dsied-advantassisg. GiItS' GIEE CIUlt ti,ANS CI NCI RT IANC HAIRII, 20. Assoncerttutu lasnesisill legvess lsy' the girls' glee lubisniBattrbousr gmtn oisite eeninsg f Aril 2. :lter the I utis sp rsgrasis its, Strls Cawel hi- gel Ilsll daniscig isill be i irs li-c its this gs isissitpsatslosrs. Tickets st 35 eits geso sitatle it Whslrs tisidny Thy stayipalsi le si- Isis-i Incusrsitsan sse-ssser sf the clubl. I f testftfairisoes-asucesiecs, silt yehr idanc iliile gvensshrl sfter. PENNY ANTI-TUBERCI,,I itS Air EASTER STAMPS AZRI II.ESCUAPE~ DEATH BY Easier lstmps, fusrnishd lces.l thnt A UARROW 1ARGIN least Redl Cross sassocisitionssof Aissrisca hare sects reeiedi ltthe lscit ,ro p of sine State Asti-Ttsiicisis .s scci- tiisist , w nill lie placed.ioill stileits-tills psrinciptal stores iof AllisArbosr. is. ssssss as slier' cai le idistribuited,. The tirsiCel-ls fromissthe Esaster stile isittllie for tiewneIts- cfiii ifte Stasiesassoeiatlions, andiilit Isis isseal -workl. Tiseten- Easter staisssire ilssigites sistilar tos the Chnrisstms s samstit lits te face ocf tine prisst is dscone itsll its The price is sits cCent. MINSTREL POSTERS OUT tlanagement Also Has Plenity Of Available I'laterial on Hand 'Tite Union:instrel shiest posters iais aeasssred, situ sesyiatractive this sire. The iesissl sdeassinig tasilu p blits asisisslI psies iofte spatisi e liigreater sari if tiii 1oster ibeissg siccupieu it-il tine annssounceensst.st, oein ii iiisic lettinisg.ITiet(,shie iresesnts sitelti cii sittesi ippeasranscewis tiscal chicstse sre. Oyter lifts-emi-sti lt i tisteel ils' stes- liesnsst tish e eetig lheistlast ight. te shiow- ecommsitt-c is nowlsi stntred () hng ptgslny if mencis learitlitalthr studsies tItakeiss-islt ini titei lg NIsisei I festieval. t1cc itork scinte sitage\\-Iiihiaive sills tinsg ltotinisksaibouit, although tgl- sig rehs-esaislsiitnnotth d u i tse tics sins otf svacationl. AkmsssIt 'sevens-i-i 11)issn te choist as promsesisiedssitioii b e lskis Mondayit,hApril17, ishItnsiftll irehearsals1 ily stasrt. intshi- ittiit sits-,,slie isill havies-le-srtne-d te sngs, -si~tsh tis- - i re-heasssa srs-expetedtti-ili tes- smi itl test cs S siape. 'line iedsi ll rCi itn X'lchillauu IHall;tsillitis illhi1ci at1 7:0o'clock Miistiissevensing. Mtry* silt msitbeiprisenit if Its- it silssti gil, ints e tisshots'.Olitsreh~iesalssirs- t)lie hedintshie minslg. Th lsl sitnstill lits castcsill is1 eosisesble hasrd ast wr sill duissnsg vtaions. Tihieisi-etig wisslargely for the iille- tpsseof tiitittg iisup tiglns.dsitiilg te tiliic,,sarransgissg ifur Clnts C Thesa-aesise ast sls l ssi ns-sit muchseltargerstsi tha anse exe(. iFewi stissenitsswere exile(teil tlai'sate nlitles toi since Iseforevacaiosn, hut iwssel wistsiidist rilsisis-th-etrushsasc ih as posssible. Nesarly sevess istiss ls eats have beenssssoldis. Ticsalse nillesstinise its Chili ersifs- hall sitUi ilsi ight, whiell the isfice-wtill its-itt isistil Iheliii-i BULKGfEY, '92, AI1I1GiNTiIi REGEN TTO 0SUCCEXIChll> I-sires L. Blikley, '92,-'5 L , sf iDe- trust, ntis yesterday appinsttedl regest ci tine uinivsesity IsyfGoit. Ossesbrn tc- ceedf(rt. P. Cisils, 15, st-inwis i iS 55'icti yesterdayi- toifili tee iiis' sithe XVaysn-esissisly ibentch caseed iby te seathl of Plumse II. Riuiert, 'p 1 c Students Experience Several Thrills as Interurbans Collide NO OTHER FATALITIES RESULT Pt-TlliIC ATIOpN OF FOGRESTRY DItF.IAE N'l' Jt3SI ISSUED.L) 'fie fousrlsth issiser if the C ir i- ts if MichtigantiFPiestier appear-dteesi e- terdayup. It is sieliceec itineflen irt elanss is1 she fssrestrp- iliisrisiieiint w ith gesad- uateissi 1t904.; Sketchies. ssf the site Itr ry- Everett asciithe islat Frajisisjay Phil- hills sire glven aisilProif. R. W. -I legiser ofi ilhi- zoology sepistielsnt s iiconstrib- isiedi sil artice s-iisthe dsiraisitp of esn- tislihinug iaforcestry 'ustuts. rticles ft-sit a nuissusher-of this-,graduasts-nsre Coptiensitup- his-baiuiuInsistrm 1-. T.° Crisis, 1". If. Coulsont f. XX'. IKnighnt sue H.. 1. Rituk. CERCLE CAST ANNOUNCED Will Present a Curtain Raiser To ",Lea Romnanesques." 'is-c ssecies-is Riilesss tus usas- ter. farce ibytsioli-eestillopn ti slroiri gramlthatssitin ece Irsnis wsus ilts-cfe oil Fruidayu-uvus-intg, Ahrll 8, t tthehisXIle- isev thieatre. It still lie a eartelilis s-er to - s i- suts uecstis,'iticistit cshlay' 1111111111" away Tl" alld pos;sibl,- cteatll i1 was the swilcGi flat cx a d()Zell 111(.,1111ers 31 -AI)d tlleir ladv fa'i l "I'hti -worc ltavill4 ti cIu' alid 11;"llilld t?'ll e:i teell (Yl*atlc , "as a lll;tkill0- tl"e111e11d0Ll,,; ll l;l'\'tail(, 111c C 11C1-t1 I c ta1 -j r M mruhn a tla~c11 I flc l lu. tp,- l c r >- pc( s t ) tl I Ii cIII- o 1 thsl 5 ii i ts . 1' el l sio t Ishi tse, irt hhad I ihaei, the suliesh is tbrif tohe us 111 t tuslo e. sits' 'si suli(ssttoiititairs-,1Is1dshunt ilt .-Ie h m o the i ll.' - ' - 1 car ssssisss c suis rttills cto FrIc h ushi \Vas I ii Xe earl 3 lro. lhe of thisseen iliten tilctuhit ndsit cs- i-s cc~ euls }tu- 5t' ivil 1-u ; is l- i e illI unoted st ' is lst'- thu elr dlsl or tcsussnusu ont , c5, of he renh payisghutthalt piswe 1111 in theismtelightofiflttle list-sit'l IJN~lUT VvRITES LIB3RETTO lustcsi I('f Iwitlois itulloiest iu's.it - u,,hurts 5 sutb this ofihisgte r li s. I Successful in Contest for Book of isimtle, suitis e~isilty- i thou ii to l Nest Union Opera 'tushest ties umnts uit ii c lll itt I onis iit, of liiSct il sl~ ws ii t h)i su e irt f l I n's-- lihen 111c111 i 1- 1 hit II I I usc un u i1 W s i usI thhiitI Ianw Te{,PI I }1~,lcll utcs I15 ill I'nlitilil g nd pa thin i ll sd hi ntcrst s I us 1o him "his as ) c Ilsi-l tl oil( , i l' s' c 'nate c 1d -wd.A liii ituit lis I tinat if tiii ii iii l ituo s piin-t o ii this itandsl ofi titus Ii- sfi I 's urpisecs bhisthus- stup' i1f thir mst ers, {tsl(." I 'hc> teat themstoIs this'ptiufotittiui i cis iot fthie-cutittladies.ic andth sl ls va11i 1g th e us nt sushhis'~ I Xi i rt}' in tse cust olms:c us-i-is C susii itsupe -tCat stunsrq ise eese . ..s .. ,n["t-v o he . . . . ....Mlc d tenshdeIt su sgn isXid ir a( [scs sill ,lgI s . . -Stais~auis l'eiersis utirt~. dle5- - --. Val [hat Lis-rtp- erll>< te I i G(ansugs. s 5pe tis rqhui-, .... . . l0el ace . . . . . . Ilsusssstl iFlowers us us ofereds. hiDs Cru-cr, hutsist rquis I I Ge - - - issg' Spusling i',lc toe-l isfiall (tiigiis- porieu ds h itss .. ..s .. -Issue-il- '.resSiichstl .1 I' sihic a i unite, ltiit tih ..i.i.i.. ... for1h 11-1- - ."...""."KthettruineSherw15551d. PHIETA KAPPAP ELECTS SIXTO: Ten Men and Six WoMp'0W1'0 Coveted Scholastic NUMBER THIS YEAR VERY LO Sixteenitim ienrbrsocuthue class of rat t seeetc tedilts Phil teta Kappa ester- slvafernisioit. Thsissner costitutes butah-ttle ec fousrper est., of the s- iee it class,swhichisgaduaes this Jne, anouth thi smallsiessunameduisissethe instl- iai~ f te htapter st Michigan in Ofth shixiteeni electedl lit sixs were womn.Three f the sixs isomenelet- et -rsiesembes fsrriies. Noe of tetn menuels-tiiedittiis ti fraternity oman. Ralhl J. Bloucks, Sioux City, a (teorge A. Crami, Ponisiac. Vesrnier W. Crasne, T1ecumtseh.- Gtersaldinue-P. iIaut, AnkniArbr.a- Xrthiur . ltckisun, hiieaii. Joh shutsCtknveeit. Cisiago. Lois , IGetals-. (Onsha. Jse-suie M,. Iatrs, A. Yt., Tenor- Catheusruie I. lrig, tMatruiett. titiec it,. utlecitit.K. A. '~.,Detroit. hI-s in I..istiss, hmp- ci. Righ i i Seict~riug, Batsislle,hInd. Naa H.tsitSuthesrlands, i. K. tG. tau- XXarsren J. Vintonus, _ iheei. XX usc \ lt, kissom kcrbor. ald utI. W iiiasi, A'kiais, 'leiitpropornntis1f mnntd woman listes notablsse its si' of te fat lust t Corsidl tand lIlinoiis, in. spite of a egreater udistparity us te snumer 5f w ,iunand ume site casses fount wh 1h5eecio ucwre unte, a large na- jsuciut f tile eciptiets o f te h nor Rlastivetot ilhestll nsisjer eetedt lihe recordtis f previousisyearc areiter- etn. Isn sigoS twentypfourstudsosents wen amedsils't heisi-ushavisg a slight'Js- vatatge ini sutsesc tini tctXJ thirty were electusi. iof us in tiuher Js1ieep e9 ere iset i:ut etces-it were ss-omsen; ti tito thty siC erielee, witltilethr sotles itir ai-scendancy, evtertty-tlsgi g witsg thes isnr slum against thireent men, ite totalciuiutitttiug abutsit esslter ent, of he class. iii thossceleed its t9tO, etswere temersio-s fratisenises or sororities Ilu(echasrtec foc te local chater was rsssiuei cits eesier, 197 assd ntststtleii Nssscsem p. 13,of he sasus year. (ntsscsl esiuesctso, a forer stdent of te tsiersitp nill returihn etroit ust userk ius"Thur Bhue Mose."'IDur- lug thi s-it year lehuestnostubeeni with tht compnyt uiscnittiinousy, haisg gnse its aevnsile. Ar. Mhitissinoiiwas us tineusitieritypabuhstsi190g anit was a muneme f te Comedsysi uth astl'the lctttteiecVecens.,,-,-. Membership Social' MoMILLAN HALL Tnninht 8 o'clock 'hessfisnl gamess-itsths-girls' chait on-tii shill bassketballtiseries hbetwentheiscenii sirs asndl fceshmtientliss hue-nhposstissues nil afsterliu c stitls Nundfinuite- ie hasi been snet forthu'e ontest. -Akeeoutics" is -thus- subijec- tuon whsc isesProf. it. C. Sadlier if theus-us z eercisngsdepacrtmuu e tilstpeak biefosrethns SigmnasXi Thusdavues-euntug. Thei tus- stress siill hue gil-nt i XXVest hicsicn room ssas eighth o'clock. andutihe ublsssic is isisitsed. IsaCH5ttis is-goi }tI iTOl\ut3Nitttic --1j-- Exehssngcc trn snung' gis rut situ the Esngineering Socnietyproonul IisusI Meimbesrs swhousbrinug tueirmeersh ip15 earths inaupget their boos today h rss o A - mnorrows, ini the sunuisug'f c~mSu t

f. 11nu a.l E le o n GENERAL SEAT SALE VNIVERSITY HALL B3OX OFFICE UNION SRELS ARPIL. 21 anid 22 Get Your' Tickets Before Vacat in