Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHt IGANi s' k\171 'Y Pll p . XN'o. 132.' _" REPUBLIANS REB-EILEC'I INTER-SCHOLASTIC RTWO UNIVERSITY REGENT, S. IVIET JEOPARDIZED rBniii i lnht fGadRp - - - were elcl td to succeedcitlhemiselvs asci Schoolmasters Club Passed ,,uembeirs of th university board ofre w e tso ie enlia ticket last NlI- Motion That May Affect 'y Local Event SENIOR fuo~,,S ossTc~ei,,C' fOXK" _____ The senior ecgineers cwilliv thi WORRY CAUSFD BY HIRSUTE GROWTH Minstrel Management Seeking to Solve Problem of Max's Mustache NEWS OF "STUNTS" LEAKS OUT Ili.,,NOIS :LEN MEEIT ANt) PLAN TI) IORMI ST ATE CLUB i. Oing l toincclemnit cweathcer onlyabou cis ctic c (or thirtyrIlii osans were pre-rt cat the minhg of1iiCen of that slieteteld iniTappianihall yesterday. Coccidterablte eothiusiasmt wa-s showncc in favor of a statreAttic, icd althccchno dlefiniti actiocncwoo taken,. tenccaticvepln wcre drawtic tp. A tpiitcicitr cicmitte ccill Wc apotincitedi, aswill a ccicimittee Ito inv etigate 11ce methcoustied icy thecItt- er state etclsicn organizinig. Thei presicd- bgchcaircicccccJohcccGtiticcccli, ~achos- ecc to ct ccas chairmactactcthliceccxltes-I-- cccgcticiicchciti e icc ticecciatire ccl a massic I I' RESOLUTION LOOKED INNOCENT1 formal udaicec aclGrcacgers April 27. lDecan cocci rs. Ni. F. Ccccceccwiltlcap- cricc thc affiir. All icincicc ccchave lidk- 'Thccexistenicc clflhelbg iiterscotas-c tic mceet cwhIichcis heldiieree each csprincgt is threateccecd. At leaist it is ii a resoc- lccticcccassec te crSchlcccmatcsters'Club at its iceeticng ere Ilast waek is acted cpninteciccccicr thcat is icntimated ice Pro. Jcelync, of Ice Icceal high schcocci, who ic e chacircmancof ccl inv ccestigaticcg ccccccittec-.1 Tecresolutticci. iticcicccs inctrodccedcc icy Jesse B. I0)cc0s, princcipldcclthe Graccd Rait 1etc1Schccccc. is casfollccwsa:"Rie- solvdci, tciiacc inte future wcchldcalcc icnterschlaicsti cccmeetccf curciocn.'' A cciiiit iccascapiniicctedi cccicce,-tigate Ice feasccibcilty ccccd ispcciecy ocf lie tit a clcgec thacctlice icicpcd gtco ccitt ccci t ccrccccgict e tl'aedcwithc tilt'miccnicc icc cc icic cc-th a -istccrs erceccitertinced lcastcciiar, cccndccacde-i tocthis numilercous ecmplaitsiidlc icac eciceen icitic that i-le cli- cililice dcccl cireccccc cia werei cctisatiict ecccccgc. lic stiuccisic of the, r-ccctciccccProf. JOcclvic scud: "No we ciiic ecd thacicth1cchigh schoicl cathcileesc cculdi ccc tic-allowcctocicc cccclntlticce1acniccucl lUni- cversity cf M icciniic cicr s-i icclcsicceecc-i hut I feceI certiccicth hcc-sicntimlientcicc the- cmceticcg wcc-cithti ecfleet. _Iliantcal- SOc scirethticitci wouldci iesaife ill Cso is- cccccc (. 'ilciil-ccccccwttcteret-wcacitcillti of cmlitlist uceir friccctie differeict iigic schlccccthirccgcutth ie stcatecc-len cc cwcs lIcrnccthtic te icciversity mccc hacctac ntchc isi cat cciccihachcccclatil- letesa dccciccwci. cclct c wefeel elict such Sho",aS cccmcccr andi Iecis tcstitciccs OfCiec-omcidlice IDetrocitiv iiersiti Stccc cchshud ccci iecalclweci oipartici- ptc. A t- heUivriy. ct-cmight accet a cinitaionccccocholidiouri imeect on cUe c [1edlori we cc-iii deccc-dcciia Ietrit r'A .iste iettec dcccac. Thtis cccsholdccincisc-ct cccl ccoweve r, thcct cccechavc- c-ccirec-hacrge- cfdthedccii.'' 'sticlicic ccr ccec- ate ccitt-icnccsi- ccl cclccchicc'tionglct ccf the cctioniothie hihshosiccccithdrcicccncg thcir csic- or1tfriccitile icctecr-schoclatic meel. wichcihasci trcvec to icc icccit-of Mieci- gl i'iimsi successfulcthdclcccs if it- cove ringci icicg cathletes, scid, -- I cc-cu cross icihecbridge unil I coe ico it" Ni I. (N I )ER idliRlif y1 IaLE-I-)7AY SI"ARCtI E IEoDlOR(iIISE l1A\VS. Chaleis s .lt ccitt '13 L, \\-hlIiisicsic iciciiii a lmus )., cin'i sicuciig crk ic ic h e-ciitclii ccfiState'sfoflcecis lice cictim Strayc ca fcc ccicpilCFciii'juice thtici Ied-himii i a id cise thcrccghc tic stit capcito t nsei-celof aci ccciOfcitics soctcicued goose icciws ice se-crtcethe 1c eclint ir tiiig f rocci1cne offcet-ano icctertutilithecrforicer Mici- gcncmancic na ci liireitzerd tatIcc- wais ie-- ig is he utt cf ai"fool" joice. 1 i _ __ ._..1__ } t a.._._._ ens anidlaien t l inillg are cskdci t i -1 ciIc lanumIiii cc -ic -and is ccrat sarts cmee-tingfiiand ciiii e held shocrtlyi acft1r temiin toicclie coiciucittte e. cic i ii onii b( i t an,.c cii f tie cacicticon. n(3 r1stL ;<(1"It1 t1(toLEFT WITHOUT CEREMONY timei icar ciicec ~rii ccc.im arc- PRAY FOR FAIR WEATHER Senior Engineer Betook Hlimself To (ciii ccrlli esi?,rltti -c the 1(clii Ball Players in Great Need of Ont-v Parts Unknown - - - -O -er li' 1irs.01cedoor Practice Keith AMc~ocugallt, ccc engineriicc - ti n),thcher ntsink it cci D nt fiogttoc pray icc tie icc-air y heeic icisicig fromiii nncii r'sitfi r ic e iiti t 1ri 111\n lc(ur micc-icc acid C(ccl iiDicey ito thei Ball ptis ftend aylis . (tic i-l ccliii12, h t icsc re- iii cicc cc sic t cc1cc ierccicicc cci liiatcllic ilvr5 ayatrooittci lsr ibst-nt frocui.his casea ndcinceo -~ht n tiI has nccci ongu heliit s c1 eti I -is atit tic Mac]c?,etti ccciii cci f tith el ccp t ais I' heeitri-ceivedi iby-Assistanc t-en ici tsthiiaeilir iii ildi debachi is 1 ciccilcicig ic ct-cye frill his stepmonthcer cask~ing forccicc i- hadofal c-m n na11isr Io oe -eiu dne o M ciansrt illation regardingcha.t tiila aclcnsca-ii.Niicitigcccihitccch .otatioct regartheig tiiiii ciscbi ll alccess. 's'siti u tccilic-c-iiia if ] 'fle aucict tcieis icc 11he c-ngieccriccg (ies h - t m llr. l i c ci c cc 11c dci tclci iicc iatitielt hacie cccii osiong c-cvcry i nlscccii oat-t ccciii it Ma o ly thrie daisi remiingcic ic i c thcii pocssilei itiotind soccsluic o Iis hee anirii i nnccae.'Icc-cct -a.e spin iii ii l te iiccclrs aei acii or -abcoccts hut cithouit resultis. iicc c icccc'itciheii < cc shunr t tme agii Mcs- ugallcgcc tt tcc t isli of iii l)ii i ccli(ccifccitit Nieudcc ditucicic c the -Little IHiuigcary. iccIuc roomid at ele'senticcitthceiticcit cciiittic icc uric ciilax th onrofT efhad .tn cri iid sarec iii his miist lacc I eeii ii c-att by Tusatics icutbreck. '1,11s tyh ecie t. cAimf tgacflit c vci rN. ic i ccci it~pt hi ,fced _ -~r r hsua williibAcidiced inngevticyicierthat dolilacrs is held by- S BN's. h iiic l,-it ih - g+x ts -Li 1c a e ta limcitation cc-cf ind o rsc-tcc i c c i thcu t; riii I perm iutilciApri ui ivecrici i efforti to secuirity fur acieits-lT hie "Ttte IIncccigccfollo i i ccii s xampl.i Rulecti t ihcccec ry ccaic tit a tctddp tlcayig iooticci ccci111( ti1ii lii1icibe d ett~ hilt ills liciciiorkcii ccc it is itoughit tht MsIf-iaiicgcc incccc a thic 1 11cc- cciii cc;tittgcttccc cciions.ci cdlci -ccci ice couldl cciitiasc 'hs cid ci.tsi ckldto prise s t() Ii c- the realiltsii cli ccucgtcc ti-chi- f tc icie lrc'cch ec-c N uuicutdccit l adctic . eci c iit ciii i hi ii5 'st Is ic 'sscsicationu. tradcesmeicu ii iciccd havec cttempted t(i> 1- I d - i ''schtsr sucuicdh icnccii cciiMcci seiure aitchmicuents cagcainst the uropety, ts Is f ii- -- c lii i-cc ii hit, cctiugintcic hut is c-cuciciscumcrue-thicnc scvred h -- C i schhli c ic- ii- c} i c liii tcs a.- I le. wast sttio ed a Biurchfiecldl's umortgacge-. se - condiit bas utcc hadcclittle - cpcc cci ci I a____ cto rs cani't c -I acse ii , i ii-rt. :1 --cto dsplaycc his ait tt heiu cl p1c osciion REt,[:i i WhMN I.'sl. eyIa(1 iLa111 t'sp-NSra(.0 ai ]_ee___sb_ hia'1r' u ~t i s - icmwswrk tth nta (' hiayccc--citecc idlti allid (Owcing o icc th atenic dii ancucce ducliii-hticc-l wciii t liiihe sutiiherni tripi untilthtics ice extremincclemuencycrcflthie cweat hicr, Ic11imclllittcctucecic. lie icc icorc(techtccgivc thocse inccehacrge upreferre-i cc c ' 1 ciid]lt o Cll h m all 1 c alyeic cue-cci11c sicaiccyc'.cs ui the teetinug ii icin aat (Cass-ell 'scugs-t .c i chc -a -tcciisi ciooppoir tuntity ct oggechic tres- hal y s ur a e rn o ccitt-s t11'1)x ollc it tvrut cciihallcc.icc ik- ccl c-i girl - ci c h a ilitcy ccfI lhe ccnitesc. 'liii-task cuocu'hiuug. ~ ~ °t cot ttsd ii ii =; (ru Iste icdl.- i g ht- ic-iil-c eii ciccis Nuutyiuc iu atciuug tic s- maii ucuihic c is hopels'dcc unduer lice citcucat~tccces . '11cce precenth -NIicc -ly rte s'siie, clucc c1ccochei lstc hat hue nec-dc outdooic riork shl i i c tte mteetinug, s-shutined Ithis turlciWILL..TAKE iNORTHERIN TRIP 'iccluwhichti iccjuidge ia cet-asucha for the proipiisedi reisidentical1halls cas liathe_____thiey-ic-i-clthec uOpo rtuityii fur ractice. crere .hrowncu' pont aciciscreecu. Mnyci- ccI ____________-____ litres conccerncinug lice architettctiurai de- President IHutchins to Visit Alumni - ci. ,1NS-a-.CTec lsle . cccr;'c-cRcccEc'. signso c-ire itadcleacr. Asociationstc.N.IRIiiifNuNus'i, The gcishit cciof thus' desircabiity ofc I - - - ccct1 y 1. Itchli il will bhutchic gilial cci tcc N. S. Iof tuhaig resihciden il huca a ds hcusscdIci c ' 'stdn vn~g, A lt i c fli a huaterpa t fthis-ci'eI. lie ccitt il pro anchd lion. nccc iiicii tip in i'ineets o te!slict ed cc nta-clcu hcdepar 'ct cc hilt' liiie. Antuher cimtilcur uuucticg cciiibe ccldi 's i .-icd sccciiol. i llgol sitdto lir.Rhein tcaceus ccinte-sdenct a dlc ol ct 4a iti tdaini icScirahCalcswellAgel ccii Dit Ilcuthi ad c hccl c ork1)chi r< I iicthe dlii h cccnivecity ccf ltPiennsylvi acuc bcc- halcu t cc i lidtimue it icis hopd a i c crguc iii hrti pni nsuacfc MWii -nac ard dies dcc~i huogis ra cticiii Newi ntutmtber ccilhis presen.c-idn tin rr r ,:(( yW liici NforA Noclauger ic-cldihe studec-ct' "busines"i;Ccc' (ci ccii'st, pich 2; 'ltrict ci sttch I '11cr; TheJi gf r5 aucic society liiiet list ntiti vciitor i -hi-cullro ic-cut' tile hpropiosedu I i s cc iAp'sl it dSt i. Mciie, a stietchdW. f. tieIRichacrdct Hill. hr.. ei chn e froulcetr iccto eases tandard Apccrt'ld i i0 Sc : ige°,M \ ;l e- 1. i lkei illi cndcI,.1. N (Caucir clte- hulls-e cuanilthc'lousof ciin I ucuur c-ccrocute- ii inv 1(_tycciin April24 acccmitcult ccrripresentcithic-scciei n ictiecs-cci icc tle ily ccf the Straits. iTdc-ces sult l 'sun 28I '5 1-u ailtttI d i hc iilccs wciill s ichueat i al ic- t h cii heuc Aduel]htut societyi oci -the srinug electionc definitely sadded 'stI ccciii ccIron I si i tM lioidi oncA'silt.1 'he souject undicerdicscus- the issue ts- c the lc aucrmticloiciisthcat iccre tice,- ci cccli h daesforthseI ctcuga Ciniisc -Riesoi ld tcat the' U. S. should set for fice-thirtylcud Scatiurday ciii othventcccii chcilie .AtPtoic furtfy thue iPaniamua Canacl." cccl. V. rinug ct half-itast focur this cuaccucicg. key hetic llcc I cclii ccii essmens ~' sic1ucra, 1 .. . Smith -cnciiJ. I. Nidnhiighut is cill tiecs'lousingugrcci. CliiiOf it I d c un t ycciiiBlra scd as juges. GETS-% Wfl flany Copies of Aumus Will Be Distributed Iont y Union lOE TO PROFIT BYREMESS- Toccur thousuiandlcoiseouf lie Mich+i i-cul U'nionicnumbuter of the Almnuuus will 7e distaribtedlthiis c eciing camong tlio tridetbodccy ccl the cuiersiy As near dccs ci sitte eery personi in school wilihecv-scued cult a ciiy laed in his handsi. Thisicstepiis in conuraeion thulclii' general hlatt of etucaion. nnow- bin undertcikeni biittetnew clnliloue comtteasafcreruitcer to the actual campaiucugnu foicfundil s hut'inaugurated o cccidiic clpse 0cl the semuester "Not a little ofl lie success of the mov cect olid uclaunecc-hame for the hno eenduclaipuliihcity work Qem dihe parti oflthe large numbtuler of iuens whod chicnd tie spritg recess at home, andii hiccipecial nunmber of the Alumnus cntacinsc tc necessary information on- cerncinig lie hitoiry, scope and signifi- cane clute (nion,"i sal Manager Heathiyesierdacy In crer tic fccilitcte IlsI distribtion tlhe city dhcs cciiidiideinto 0fifteen i si- ticit;,c li udrcte charge of a stil- chirmian.cc 'fhe stock ofi tagazines has ccii appor' i t-ild tamotg te udifferent ascts andi11 cciihlis cfternoonuu cill ie irann tocentrdccl upoints. IFrom 1theeplces lag rusof iment wourkig utder theircrsct civeistcu-sccairmen w ciii thic cccin ca err ciocuthe work.r 'Pliceacrc-ccge cts lir covering ite dtieent frctenit housiueccre sonmewohat different. 'lie ditributuiion here will he madei d iurincg cut-cutites wchen all lthe miembclera cre present. George Lawon,. itomer c Ii ditid IHretciWsakinsc atd NiMatthewc hiichcarc ii charge anti will makeccciorcctalcscii ach :place '11cc iasks illsendig onf the Alumnus dco tie cal umncci body is going cin rapid- ly Sicven lcthusandl of the twentuy thicusacduxtrc opsciie which are t go outi werer avaierd lcut Satuday. '[hit takein cc the1c clcuuni iccMiunueota Muis- sourcii cNs iasuii Kanusas, Iwa, Okaho- ci NelurcutsandculIllnoscit cli he x- ceptiiinciiof:Chicgo. 'the sae ofi Mich- willi he ceedi tonorrow.' 'lhe Aim ArbNorcc lrescc eeni cihhextra help, as wo rkingcccvertimue ini order o get the bicnciiut outlucidtitte, Including -he egulr isueasome 32,000 copieccwill e distribtcued. Thee are o e followed cter Iy ancceqcalnumitnber of prospeetu- es, whtieic itt cntait aout the aime i- Iomto crucicon euucertnitgthe IUin, ht inc cociidencsid-dindculitexedcIfon. WA SsINGTON ciNi MgssAtic;uMEnY. 'lice Cbinetci ecionl hlcloth comupos- edi oflttu-d frocmu Wacshigton,ID. . dancudt hi C(outryi clilast ight Twentyii tccii ilccec were tn the pr- - culu wichitascrtetd ff ciiiciiiol- fs iondVirginia eel toi lie srainsi61 'I iie"Xi rtutunIii r. Percy Ah cutp- cro11cc-theicatyu. GENERAL SEAT SALE VNI1VERSITY HALL BOX OFFICE UNION 1 N ,L ARPIL 21 an~d 22 OP;ENS TODAY