2 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY I '4 ci fiSH E $4.00 and $5.00 IDEAL OXFORD Made to our, specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe I INDTIAN BL1ANKETS AND CURIOS Arts an~d Craftp Shop SilverNoeloties from Eastern Shos n Cr. William and Maynard Snior Caps ad Gowns 3tt-5-mor wxill, please call as soon as possible and have their measurements taken for Cap and Gown Es 3rd Floor M ack &JC Co. 3rd Floor tVlf t Shirts I_ I i f Y II When down town look at our windows where you will always find some new sug- gestions of comfort for the warm weather that is coming. This week we have displayed a beauti- fut tine of SOFT SHIRTS, with seperate soft collars to match, in soirettes and mer- cerized materials at the special prices of $1.25 and $1.75. Also a few of our popular priced Paja- mas, in two pieced suits, for this Spring in white and a variety of delicate tints. How about that Easter Bonnet. UNIVERSITY NOTICES President Gorg ft Stwsart, 1) hD., L ..D., OfAulburan, _.Y, spaks ttay, at t~ t~ttft mornng tidtefningseri csatte PTresbyteraouchr. All girlsitttnidiigto partciate ithelt gymnaitstic meit ciondayttinitgtt shttul r- pott 4:00in ilteafteritaon. lDt. Headiilad's clss oii Chinaiiwill fill itsT-last meeinii ttni tilt ihal this tttting ttitfAt 3ofi Prof.F1 '.'Scott f tetrhtricatdte- partttttil sp a:iitihe BptstStt- leitur Ioftit in lter co irse ini'flit r- i pieces of fiblicaite Irture." All 'ftu dents itvited. Ih foltlititmentutarci.ritfuistd tt omcee ftatteSpsihii cinx ingc roittiti St:i30i Ibi ttt it rileWie Sht, Jaty Curri, I 'rilt adtz. i S'TAGfE ff1S8ANDI STUDEINT'S C4 \N f 1 (Continuted ftotttag oti.) fte Vifiitry teter tppeafifiti f1i c scin tc i fit fir'tiff iff t Ic stifi nd iiffull settlecetiwaOts mai. notimipi~rvised'jut'1appifift ii f lt'csit scnc:of tefourth at. it, fit rfetr ia inihifs poc, hl dI teplcs aspe otirct ',adt sagmngr ThlatItheicitutsuld hae ai etnin hoapitl gts i w itt 'witt'' Inre to cairyuout thlitfottiitionitt it is neccs- situ fat i Ith out u lehilb ifen e to ctieis cniiment he i it ifharters toicit- ablc thecito iiistut'fIonds forpbi m povemeiocts. Sits fta bill ft S just ft is's ft' houttse' anttisf t tlt e ae. 1l orNif W liftas beicitLnit g frr with fthesena te ctotmmi itte tiandfihsas suance itt ithefitl if lbcmalw Th'isis o5etmore tutu f ata %r thismitteitr aitid ififse speo l itwill rtef the bondtifissuesthes iCouttii ipfopofsed55 byirsoluitin Jatutru ' atacec1 ti1 ot Isfitaifis as rd Leave Capanyit iwaitmauent Mlailck fit liii ii Nitil il1,to insureii' dlivein'utuftiefit' out t''hifrd floor 91 tik & ('i. fit WE French Dry Clean A Suit or Overcoat, 75c t Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, 10c REPAIRING Fullor &"ORoomlu Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St. Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superbn tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines by officers of Varsity or. ganizations, the movemsent, beyonii the capacity of the regufar service, of any groop of students t or from Ann Arbor extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. n r t i a 3 I i . t -+ w b .:;- a , ' ' .4 ,' i , hi f tx t '2 v. k t* ,'j : ' a jj. ' ;i h ; . ', _ i ' °; 1 t r : P ' __. ALECOMMENCING x Matinee Wednesday and Saturday at 3 P. 141 An Ant Which in Gorgnous in Scennic and Eletric Effects wy Lize W lo AMERICA'S BEST GERMAN Uzzi i Ion OMEDI 0NE Harry Sullivan . in "THE FAVORITE" a thrilling race track episode THE VICE-PR ESIDENhTOF Billy Man M1 Y ~~ "The Clown" and Les Ar do "The Demon" Souve mirMtic At 7:3 C anrd 9:00 E c IA r T~.xesdacyn April 4 Best SeatsZ2 1.00 Pe eat5=7 -$1.00 Greatest shos of the season at flesprices Snats Nonw Selling Moniday, April 3 A few $2 seats left for the Choulte Soldier Sfanfing tots SAft on Night of Play Comifng Saturday, April 8 Matiriee anad Night JIOS. M. (lAtTliS "Ktie siD Clid" Fly Carl Hosctthn Prices Matinee - S-3c to $1.00 Prices Night - - ifctoI $1.50 seatSSaleTh'ttsay r New Witnvey TeTr Csnnrta r8.15 SP. M. Lna o-rs-nxriot seateSd pnrns~ptty. I C IcCo llon & Fiegel Special Election Day Matinee Tomorrow o(rri Streeter-Blancbe Bryan ANDi Six Associate Players Os theCedtstiy5icretii The Wise Guy and the Actress 3 ..Other Bj Acts -- 3 E v're ry E veniuin at 7:15 1 8:15,f r d 9:15 , M Iatinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at,3, Ladies Gold Watch Given Away, at Tihurs. Matinee Lades' hle2r c itmesg BAILEY & EDTMUNDS ianicaning, Face rU sage. Rain. IASI Wter Shampos 'a a a cialiy. Al } Gits.t'isuimiii i i ny(iii 5 i i ut tootsnandtoe seri ei od beforeausing ic iii i~u MRS. J.R.TROJ \NOWi~ SKIKefisa.piit Iiilo Soiutt-iti tityAte. Litstrty St. Atm Acb,;t"ilil ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP SJ. A. T RUVBY GEO. V. STOLL, Poprietor- FORa High-Grade Confections Pure Ice Cream 116 So. Main Phones 166 Reach Cork Center Base !Balls at State Street Hardware AT T UTTL.E & CO. LUNCH ROOMI Yea can find a fine ine of Confeetioneey ', 1~ns n ~ ~ a q!s ALWA%7.rYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILDAT ' THlE BEST OF EVERY THING RN TAILORING