THER MICIGAN DAILY __. G. H. WILLD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S. STATE STEET Ta~llors State St. Shoe Store S302S. Crawford Shoes for Men Full Lie of Ladies' Shoes 'Educators" for Children Sporting Goods E. R. FROST. Prop C. [. BARIB[[[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law atnd Medical Dictionaries Qutiz Books etc. Comoplete line New and Sec- ond-hand. - Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Students' Bookstore Gym Supplies of all kinds Stationery 1 pound Linen Fabric-2 Packages of Envelopes 60c Card Index's AT Sheehan's 320 S. Siate Street THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-LEE A WHIMe Business Manager-NORMAN H. ILot. News Editor ......Harold Titus Assistatt..........Harry Z. Fotz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant ....Arthur B. Moehlman Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files .... Dion S. Birney EDITORItAtS. Arthur J. Abbott. G. S. Lasher. Foul Leidy. NtGHT EDtTORS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Harry G. Myser. M. Mack Ryan tFrantk Pennell. Fred LawtonI REPORTERS. M anrice Toulnme. Loresn Robinson. Johnt L. Con. F. E. Shaw, Jr. Erwin Koch. Oscar Beckman. BUSINESS STAFF C. "A. Bowman. A. R Diltey. Myer Rubins. Kenneth Osborn. Address :MICHIGAN DAIsY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Of1icctHours: Managing Editor, t-2 p. mo. ansdto:on-st1:3o P. so. tDaily. Bnsinsess Manager, t-5, 7-8 p. mo., Ex- cepst Suntday. Bots 'phsones 96o. TUJESDAY, OC'TOt1tf R't1o, 5950. ANight Editor-Mssnscx Tos',c. Ptt(,sll VN Nf I1NESS MEN NV LI, APPEAR ON PROGRAM. Aprogramno tos clrgoot en tarraned sy the Conmmerce clnk, ior tihe cosoinsg" year. blany prominent bosiness sore hare expressed their cilliog(ness to speak before the moemblers ci thse organsi-~ zation. The enrollmenot in the ccorses in lusi- ses administratioo isthsirty-six ,ittihe tresenttince, tans increase ofthStirteens over the totaol numcber of lstyer IHowever, mcancy of sloe literary sctudents take practically thcis samcoe workci. ot15 coo sp~ecific certificaote- n icw1c.. A nmeetinog of ltce club cwill be heldl oo Tuesday of sextcreek, too acca;es ccotplete tests for lice ccoisng yeasr. SeNIORIAXoCLAoSS 'tOssINATES. 'Te fsliing nccosaylesseelsect sscttts- nacteod for ofSicers of sloe sensior last claoss: Ptresidtent-tI. . Shoiner, C. J. M~c- Faddcen, C. HI. Vests Ristic, 11. Stansley McCasll. First Vice-tPresidicnt-fElncsr F.I , Rosy it. lI tcrcssc. Seecndi Vice-Presidet-G fleamsCc oots- Ile. Secretaory-V-Williamt B. IS.leacc itt, J . 1. P~arks. Treasurer--Johnic llicIatle, Spiccr :N Plpts, CaorlSVV.:Ade Ftbattlscl Manacger-1. A1. l'intolctc Ilaseblccii anactcger-1\ccalter 1? Stcls: losgesce I cocos. ti'asketlcol Manascger-'rr pua , TrackleManaccger-l1. Wt. \\ csc. Sr rgeacst cotrs-If. IC. I liefendcc MUSIC AND DRAMA.-, 11STORCsccccce.'[A sno'R;Ct sesv.ccs 'Amctccstsccoeisot i ooceof a series of 1siistoricali piao recitals icy Albert Lock- scoodt. Thce firwill 1ce givensat 4:15 cos Seticesciay afteroonc of tlis wnek in Sloe aouditocriumsc of the High S,;hooi. 'Ts' pcrogiram is mcadlesop elttirely ofj11c wcorks of Bchl,.inscluncg lice great Ch1 romatcsic tasiscassetdtFugue iso D minotcr, ceverali preludses ascotfusgues frosts tile NVell Temspered Clavichord,:coasty of sloecsmaoiler w orks, anodSloe organs 'rectacocciFuoguse issnicmior. Icc aditiotct o the series of 1pianorc- citalsc, Mrs. Gecorge IS. Rhtead andociScoot cccl 1.'. Locekwoodlliigive sevensrc- citaols cf vtolts siocatas. Thoe first of Stes e ocw1i e giro vecedesdlay after- noon , 5Octobler aS. Thse rioin sostotas were atromsinttci feaitre of the Facuolty cocerts lost setsrocindtosic ilcvers cwiii sticcotco oscall opportunty fcl Iecoriss ttorets ots lottieleknown sfosmco cham-cco ber coossic. ieetoforse Stehtoc alcsirecitals cav en comaidb exlatr le Sct-rsc. cccrSltsseccsotsatoewsodepar-t tuose wciilihe5rsd. Thcere will ibe to 'sectusres, cbult istead anosaly-tiatosoes stl 'it c5c pinted i boe hic h wills. ho' clot scootmendstticitself cotssecveccl scorsro, tcteccalthtteporm wilnhe cl th le recadinog of iccoirec. cAolocce S tlcecc thslebookSletshscoos-it to be unsuacc~lly riic itMormtctictoccin Gel youtr Balls Towels atoo Gymsuosp. itccl Ctusing's Phsarmsacy. 1'-fi. THE DRUG STORE SA0. at. fenr Gilbert's, MacDiarmid's, Original Alt greiti CHOCOLATES Dealer in Htjla C ass TOILET GOODS Parker Fountain Pens 117 South Main Tice's Drug Store WAH R'S Metesohin's Host BHosttoms State St. Main St. Offers best selected stock of BOOKRS and STATIONERY A leer Prices: Kars Linen No.1 quality35 per lb.-------------- French Dimnity ___35 perlb - __ Michigao Linen 25 Ices'lb. ____ Fountain Pen----_ Engraved vesting cards '] pecr 100 from pate-..1 5C Engraved visiting cards ~ff per 500 weith new pltate $1,00U M'agalones at club r'ates Ltose Loaf Hooks 2te to $3.00 Mlake onu' store your headqnart- ers. Toy us. WAHR'S UNIVERSITY CALFNDAR. fec. I'leciost will hice ldcc ritt iics clt-t o Otobcier 18-Reeptionc S. C. A., Ness- berry salt. O~ectber so Mactosoe tFrantces .Aldat,, University tHail. tOctobler so-All Class Nomscinactios. Octobier 22-Mitigans vs. 0. S. U. aot Columbucts, 0. Octcoer s2-All-F'reshsvs. Almaot coFedr- cc field. Octobleo: 26-Jumpttcing Jutpiter, Newe \vltitscy 'T'heatre. Saturdtay ttoe M ichsigans footbalol teamto lays sefirsout-of-townc gamsoe. 'Whec sloe teamslinoes cots against 0. 5. U. ai Cttolmbus, it souldtetcegreetedi witsha rous.insg recepticon givent by at lecast if- tressnthundcredi loyaol rooters. Latstxyecar Micthiganscwonosits firessic- tory sees Pensylvanssia, athe S menoco coil declaoredtit was s e 'ino co smsall pacrt so lice fact that twvo hundscredt jcackies fromnothle boattleshoipsMictigans wvere ipresenot tooceerlice trac toS sic- tory. It is imoscsilte frcmantt tt u-5 lonteso toter toe lonog tripe east too Srrcs e assetPhiladtelpiao;it blotSit is posesilte for netarly every stuodenst to ''toke ino"lice gtamse wills OtoStatie. Thse sotlonsecessryexenes for Sloe trite are well undocer liee dolitars. 'The tresenoce of two hundocrecd rooters wouldto sur the teamonocost tossnsscssetsuratsie degree, teexencse too each indcividunal howcnever bseinog, as elated, very ion'., Showon youor Stictigass spirit anod at least ice oo banod whentshte traits leaves Statur- riao mocrninog, whcetther etcsot you east got alonog. We hase the dirinkinog founotaino re- stored t t etsotlace iso U. salt, buAt toe scaler's sthut off. Asse it's juost as card to pltay eamel scow as it was is noue. OstsMsCDIC nUILDING oN cORtCHANGE At its sent moeetinge the Mtedical far- icly cciitpassSton lSsasis, stow beinog pretpared, for the remoodelinog of the otl Medicalobubsilinog. To cover sloe cost of dtrawng boe plaice two hundored dot- cre was appropriated Icytir Board of Regesots. After thce plaits save beets adopted aluni witl be asked for Sloe necessary funods. CECI cEFRoAncAISE nololTS TODAY. A Mteetinog of the Cerele Franocaise wilt be hoeld at 5:coo o'clock this after- 5c10 1in rocomo005 N. W. All active members are urged to be presenit as a stew presidenst is to he elected; Dono M. Darono of Detroit, president elect, was soot able to returin Ibis fail. Elec- Iisn of noew menobers will also take place. frosts4c0ooto :ot. RoomtttBiiI~ ul COOMi MORitsAogc S SOetWsIesY 5Nste icPSA55 Asca remsind ter of te 08th coco versasry ofIthe ciscveryc cfl 'scceic cibtrarianitKoct s arsran.isgedi acclisl i of .originalotoecisgancc d taterselcers t1 Sloe eaost cocrridocr of Oboe libracry. A5 ices col pocrtraits coccievccacocci loe ilustra- tioniesof Sloe sWcrld's Cccisiccbicccc [>5cc sitioic of 18933 crecacccsoccow5. 'lhe ic- tires wcre resenc ttedciitoStsthlicsrary Im Mirs. Johnso Stgies ccf IDetsrodt Ths ester so cccciyoscth eI.,awde- cre: A. J. teiscles prescodencod L.1. lbescltoctd i c-resdnt ot . s- incger, secretary; G.I-. L Isoce, critic; R'. I.. cItits, oreascooter; C.A. ._ortlo, sergeanct-t-aris.c A specil ottinco" swii e ccitt ccxt td ritay eventing too aditicfrees cclcwcscu tests. If yccoare loockinog for h edstscsitaocr ccc Manoltbcini seethoe 9inelstInsotmi-s coeits. Newor tclne just asenved.' Schaeeberlc & Soot, Sicosic Iicouse, so; S. MainSt 8. 13-tf. Ibesiocer's Grill. Choarcoal grilled poorterhouse steaok. 113 Vs. ii soc 5St, upt-ctaoirc, soip. Itierurbancstationco. 7-ecol if. IBetter Than Ever CAN DI DATES for CLASS ELECTION We Print Cards Artistically, Promptly Our PRICE is ALLURING Mayer, Sohoettle &Sohairer Oo. Stationers, Printers, Binders Students' Supplies 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET DELL PHONE 1404 When Wanting Clean ClothesI Call Either Telephone ......j2 Varsity Laundry Co. HtIGHEBST GTRADE OF WORK PROMPT SERVICE 215 and 217 S5. 4th .Ave. The brood anod exclusive lire of FANCY SUITINGS we are show inog today. Frost it every nman can fitd a fabric to suit Isis fancy. as both lighot asnd dark nmixtusres intsheo Seasosn's latest patterns are slhown. For a Fall Susit that's riglhs in Pattern, its Quality, ino Style and iso Makt-Visit Win. E. Dieterle Varsity Tailors ff7 E. Libetty Street AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You can fiont a fine line of Confectionery ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Oposit lct ie 55'itiongdRom GEO. V. STOLL, Propriletor. 4 Doors From t°Freddie's" Safe~oty Razo, 0rsS ON APPROVAL We have arranoged wills thse moakers of b-oth Gillette and Ever- Ready Safety Razors to pot thenm oot on approval. The purcchaser casn retunn the razor ansd get his monsey hack if toe wants to. E, E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. _' i. 121 Washl*mteo t? RANDALL4-& PA CK, Photographers Pere 598