T:l"ESMICAIGAN DAILY ;tp FOR Sam Burclified Arm Arbor's Leading 6 106 a S'r-n1.pp. Court House J. . C AP±ANJeweler AlrmCocks 79c Ala !Cocs $1.00 Alr lcs$1.50 itro lcs $1.75 TheAon r1~r Svings Bank. "opolo',w50,00 _ aooTasacted fI> a 71. .1. P')n. ashier liltS~l ) OD XU=PIANICS 0BANK N N) IJIIN STRfEETS 0 . l )~' 3 )percent paid I .a a sits. Safety lDe- - 1-),aupwards 1). A ,ls~ 6) , ', 1'. '°. ow);, Asst. C+C 'ao9 oeolm.1atv.'@ss CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (pai for 1in 1adv1ance. lOfftilehP urs 1-2:30; 7-8:30 P. 1M. WAN TED for board)01 i)))med~iate]\i. I's l Omega Dental fraterit\)),1102 ( bakom)c, ph)Io 268. 127-130 LOST. T. a) -'air aof(kGlases, in as1 i [pal 11I),1 ;.111 1).I)l 11)1'ld12,4 1)7I 1,. Liberty, ll)))) 164)1J. RIS 'rd 129-130) afte~r Woman1's) tIi )I1uct, pair)of wh reunt Ia,) 11)11'). I30-tat IMili) i a th 11. o tfe I o)i 1))'' f frrl 1))) 111 1)115' 101')son,)te 1elaltomedinn wfl h a hunh of ew sog 128 les -13)1s Walk-Over Oxford Spring styles in low shoes arc now ready for your inspection. Tan and Bit ck, Button and Lace, for Men and Women $3.50 to $5.00 Get fitted by our rule system and notice the satisfaction of perfect length and widtih. SPRINGII ATS and CA PS HATS. ra H ATS CAPS CAPS ,r.1 .Sale -T(Our 111 1 1)1 )~c aIl. 6'hIA ('I1 12" ) ") 51(1 10 ')1 St,, 1)65 I,. I>'- 130-1I 66115 fi' I I F'. FL i A'IOALBANK T~lP XVN~1~BANK 111)1.. ' oo P- A11)( -r rs 'Panisepic. Office.1h1urs: 3-12 a. 11, 15t , . . 78P"51'. 'Miss I;. J. Ale, 152) I: luon St., 101 oXrth 121)h. 1III pare fr te'Iacifiical601ork'of Ithe IZ S. 66:aiu;oail, 11. 6. 6lOI'al', 101,1.1) ' 13-130-1315-r36-140-~1411 HATS Get Your New :Spring Suit at WADHAMS & COMPANY 121-123 Sooth Main Street "NO NAR 1H T HAT EH T r j[ Easter Ta iltoring Weil take your order for Easter delivery and get the clothes out on time-made in our own shops and made * ight. p . Wagner & Co. tyct rolIaso VICTOR TALKING MACHINES Aned a Choice Line of Records U crst ui os Press Butiilig. Maynard St. We are always pleased to demonstrate the Superior Qualities of the Victor Goods 1. All Studellts wh11se names are giv710n0i10the Studeonts' Directory 1w111 receive soon0, a copy of the flAY FESTIVAL ANNOUNCEMENT Helene Allmencleinger Teacher oi Singing Voice Placing Song Interpretation German andl Eogish ilcptImI Studio: Wanoer Block 30:3 S. State S) HIours: 2 to i 1. M. CHARLIE'S BARBER SHOP '1111r HBson'sBooilliard Parlors1P Charlie Weiganid, Prop. CHINESE RESTAURANT Fancy "Chop Suey" and American Dishen, Chops and Steaks at all Hours TAtLES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN W AI KING LOO 314 S. State UPSTAIRS Students whose names are not in thle I dieto)ry or woseP Pad- dreOses have been cha-ngedl may Bre the lco01)7intended It, thorn by Pc1111ngat the School of Music inI 01100t aweek. DURHAM DENBY SAFETY Razor at $2.50 Si iar t D r1111 D ple At State Street Hardware .+ . ;~ 100 Yrh ti Qi liii in ii iLL - " , "' .. , I I '. 1, wor w- - -