THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES New Whitney Theatre " _ ~Curtin 8.15 P. M. Las. ionera not std p.*. ply 1 as do fo se n lesVisI'todaIy. Of s at Tic hur 9tor2-tSat t. wnday,"Apr. Monday, April 3 U al. heksm % , atd a ifX X, Matinee and Night bXXt XXXXX 1 THE WHITNEY OPERA CO. 7) .)1 DRCTION F CIWHITNEY at ,ragXXIX'day it>mI 1 traWll e'senlt/Vthe it X VII XXIX 1 cns1ac1t11thme ad il. 'TiX daning C A T C Hc1 V Pcr Idtforcinm11eThe C oc late wih yourX'warXCob'IXX EIater Xwil soon B heie-how will that old suit look on Jaobs.__TheC__atDramatic __uccess a bright I IX.ti1I1 Sunday morning? We oier you at the prices you are aT.atDmta ucs XXXXXXXX topy-ad XI1 uprhips a itl les--th snappy sparkling elegance of T1 \ph :i Cu 111111' ii llXbtI' PICE: MATINEE S l e NIX N XX Ik ty~ls "I',t English Nlode ' in all wool materials, and with over 700BoSet$15 Adpd rncorg tcna hr' NE W XIId exlusive pa tterns to chosVfrom, made to try'-on, same its any local wt tesoitys iniite team XiIg'LI. Sxlii - - - - $.1 IOX.II X I talXXVa14 'levy garmentS guarianeXdcon a "moiey ack" basis. Mee'I caleVVt30. L XXXIrXody Xo t intreFtFur LwRw Balcny $11.0-.0 «RiiyXIIXi i XD HE 1A 1 ComeIV'inl andXIget 1I IASI III I) fXrIa real suit fIn rr 111of ledin te r itiisisX. Net Fur fNwi 75fC BIX XXXI IX I FX X Id L eopol J.K A R L M ALC O L M N oe 111nt 11exe1r[leber. Liii lie Rwi - i 50c SV 11e1 J I(A R 11 Mas A iher C 0reJhlit c usLnXIXI-1011'Iat:30 PllRICES: NIGH c Music of Oscar Straus 1n18 EastpLiberty 0 1' C 1 ,111. L iXXVLLul Bx Seali - $200 iVIII IXIIIIIX 11 LVI C L. 1st X li13 Row Paqel- - - $150 Copany it 125 Th Famius Sing tin fnu erl %1 c , ! ofs