The MichigaDil Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, 7IICI iIGAN, TUESDAYX, OCTOBER 18, TgTO. No. r3. VARSITY PREPARES FOR 0. SRU CONTEST Rooters Plan to Accompany the Eleven on its Invasion of Ohio LOW ROUND TRIP RATE SECURED After narrow escapes i the first two strusgg'es the Varsity eevns is settig donin(eadlti earnest to the tasa of prep arig for the game switi repre statises sit Ohii'iState Uiivrsitv sext Satuirday. Alttiough Sattrda's shoinig tirves thialt te Woleriss pace gainedt is efetiveness, there is r sofr sassmucth furte'improteetei thte stiffest of (rittaswitl e tte lts ofi thes rgiars ttisiweel. Itisaiot usattey'Yost's praeticie t 'itm Iosea high ueree ofS deetstiset isrly inte savso, the eeeni beiig p it isfo ste ial gams . Ttisya plil ste it ste setofidivtidituals listsbIees isis .1,tetieamis si fin ishateditacieie li hesp allsilowt i di evelpmssset le est ntesand siiithe grwsth of tir. aelaertchols ave stadee te earl amsisbtIs ardac as the ial onses anlii at vesit eii'tioslaare ole suses to is t'Vrsriy hio seelte Oioanss. o this i acstcounst le gates at Ferry fiell sill beecoste tery saduirig the n-eeel:t \\'esitesls. 'The facistlisthue Wosleritesisiti play tsesextguie iin srigis territoss makeis athe sulhte sitoite esontest miore doitf. STe If. S. U. elveni itill le paeloits tisis grosstsslat Clmbultts. 1l1st' Usat iwili ut lacelsuppoasrt os- is i, esan eusiontin wsiill sei teruss lviiiAnnAss' rtoitsearr te rosters toi Clsh s'siii. \A the rte is etrettey sitwissnd ts' rundt Itripcn esistimiase sas Sa i atiers is but little doubit tiats a lar ge'itslegatioiss will smsake te trip. is isis isR RAis 5s'r;5C'titI. ''(,ondtipi ifare t ttoiubsasta lit'sfixe alst $fl. : Atiepeil traits till lease erhe Ann 'stuArotr rairossass Ssatirdaitstesi 7 si a. It., stnd is sedlsedes t arrive inii Cssisssas ii:3. Te retur tirip iwiill le egnsi t 7 oap. sit sithlitsAnnssrbrirsay le rechedt le- lire midsniigt. Tiekts are itsastie at te officft te Attletie assoiatiost an t te rislrtoadidepots. It is impt~er- tive thaist tesle spurhasedt immsseiately. IS 2ssettiekets sre ntso iilieyatt early daste'lt' rilwa scitspnyiewill wirih- srawste' tifer. ME.3tLitERSIt t5 OF LEAGUE SiHOW'S SLIGHT INCREAS. At5 le presett timse te Woma's Lesagut tetembershipli sstiabers twit hutt- dredi sni thinty-fouer. These figre, isow a slight intir ese sver toise atthsta samestieltestatyaear. Tia liesresll- metsIst arstwasisablsutitsirihutdre isd fit, issltdintg parsctieally every ws'smtans ithesitttsverst. .A getertl mietig is oneciistiniwillshte cta- paign,till le hseld its Nvembiler for the strpssse 555gettig tlt wrtisessitterested its teletgie. ing Satusrdasyafternotosscisa deeee otsits prssgratmt Str te yelr. A series of talks ity Staclty latdies htsssects arraged. Rlesides this imtprmtu tdtebelates will lie' hedisittopics of-itteres aou te 'Ihe dstae of the taeetittgs aseett Chantigedl Srotm eery seesittdlSaturtay ts eery thirdi Friday. Tet ime of the maeetinigtrill remtaintthie sante. DEAN ADIVSES FRESI-11iEN TO LIVE UP TO ID)EALS. Its "A word to te Wiise" Sundavst evessisig ai MeMillan hiatt, D~eans Johns 0. Reed admusished Soo stitieists, large- ly freshmnts, to lieeetp to t'e ideles whicshtey shsossldlhase isrougist ts Ansn Arbtor, asse to aedd to thes is l-s stantlly. Itsisinasitedl mannter, lt'e seaker set forth six prisseiles for sucecess for te eollege matnstwhile in, andu sfter lit liss gradtuated frostscollei'e. "Succeess," said D~eans Reel, " sites sot hapapen-suecess is pids for, it is earsted. To acquire it, oeimstless- serve his htealthi, letad a tempt~erate' life. he ssilingg so learnt, ractice'aslf-isntrotl bte willinig to wont, asse, aibsis'e' all, tilts htight idlels.Seek te stngie'ofsiti 'stiissratnge, andsiresiembi er lust te itdeatlshsaes te real." BOUND FOR TWO THOUSAND Wiil Now Canvass Fralernilis and Faculty for Union Memberst' Ip Thte 1 Uits iseshis's stilts lsntsover. 'The lhssise-to-se canvesit is finisedi, litsttu iswa stnle to lists iMtrytsote struggt'le t1imsthsielis if msestblers lose tt the t's lhis '.ii mtark. 'This sve'e'k, indiert'hestdsirs'eltistn is Iarl Hwss askitns, ts' fraterstitis a st heissg invsdedsie'llits e. teress m t Uionsi, asi a id s consierabsle ttuis'r gedsto ets'folds. Imtmeiaistely'dtupotn st'essoissiseli sitW te fratierntily ecampases bign lit' .\rIsss' trill leade astitu ca'aign tif'st't tttssic' It slts itttrtttjtto ri sits's' miiWh, lists ntstasyetjesitiesd ste' msgausuuetisss Islont'bielieve' t'e fsttti' liss ss s' bseens propterly sappsroacedt." sas ap tinssSestlt'. "'mstsite'thutsltes'e'set enthusssiasticeUios uppoas t5r terasuitsolists slits heels givessansitstun itityto jis1 andi we're giig ts see tit site isn' te estse this y ear." "MISSI..S" RUL'S 'IlT Il's I I.h tF, A FIELDINGI 11. .L N'IOR. "Fielintg I1. Yosst, Jr. Thtuswtu te 'siississ' ws'ntsato hies im's' namedis , ' asid twhat site ssays goses." 'Tis was te statiemienst titds' i Coacsse sts,wtrite t isersis'widst ster- slay its regarsd to "ste babyis." itlist samse timse te statuesicsiespresadilieross Itis face testiieed thast tefatherwse tot a uitiletpleasedi iith slits dispaisito f authiiority otite psri if lila wife Mbeanwhriile te future's'gr'iitsn ists'. into promiasses fairts exceedi sllcx iieetstiiiits, isttm'akintg greait plortets. STUIDENT COUNCIL ELECT1"NS TODAY Representatives will be Chosen From all Eligible Classes on Campus WILL USE LAST I EAR'S SYSTEM hFleetissis Ifor tile Stuent Councisul i ui. is' heist this sille't'noon.u is' us's'sidhent. )f thus' u',u s'i clua sss wl moic lie' isle's ls ct hu s sit thi' e e art- suenst bsullih oardis s t is m iniig. 'The a) sis uS uofsnominat'ionsandsuectesion, still i'uhiestsul Itd s tuls use'stlist yells' mach meber t'h iss sill hue al situeds fourtn'iiisi aituionsia fits' esi ou tcilist tis hu e' e d and of its thoii se t'eeitiigli'te hig'hest ussiser as1 lit's he5 stills numbeil wilistlhe'costi ered'us' aI ussusinusis's. .A S a'n examstl:t he:ils J titlist its "tie'it toec t tu t u's e su eh ivote. sill noina te' sight sliest hus htie ei";hi l's r ' 'is tug tu' hithiest lnumbi evr io stsiil'uth'1's uiiiiso, each rte; stits forStir oii us ttu. Th ts' otssueceit- l; this' I igiest susuuuuher oi t es wl '5Studen'ut i.'sitlt lutn ist lsu hieit plaesetsi .1515achlctIiti Isecrl tit is ilsijilri_ silir Ilaws;J uittI' i''si'st'o t eS c.^ii 1it t~is;b i tss J tI ''ssuF'ih uce ssi lltusu t~lwu eectol~e Cosw5ll it har har1cof the e ir inerhisiiiii silll sic tre ate Siter ous h FOILED BY DEL AYED TRAIN (Gophter 'Spies Faoil in Attempt to View Michigan=M. A. C. Gr(ime I 5/us ii Iht e i/us hils(ssIn 1 sihs I) 'ri his st tis lies tiller t17 hss'scu~s 'as hu s us stsan ilts " \ihiu I 'is- aiss~n slts lheasitsI.Uitesrsilt ifi 'list nesoa, nisso d ruts uscussuss hlls . Cluteno, this blushiy su A . ;its itas playeusNsithus utis beui ngue u n'' der 5' thus srtn ofthis fopheur usoachsawhsi were alit I lutit t 1stilt uiap li t c ;e I linse oit thes \ shurisue playis. IFinint ut i sahsi1e ts ire sit busts bostr in [tisue Isir this cots t lat irsandsuit itu shlIwn t>Citnpiosi where115theiy titis ss I hel i ca1.1 -I' ii s 151 m''1515 FINAXi'O) I11111 viHia'a 1)1 III LI' Vi''a ()1''.\ 15'sTFINl'S '.L.XA r 1?W A~l F2NPRIM A DONNA ruix1) 10R'i'.'s iBRBK'alI i ' O F A - O O ,S T I G PAI ile r to s lit s ittl x ' s ith t h e g r e au t P P T I ( ~ ' rush osf swort{ isabhsthis'fffleof she OPEiNiING CONCERTL1 Mi'higsss'ussisanl thsie phohstoglriaphetr's___ stsudioss, is l'Si t'the i ' ,res' s t ss p rieuses- isng te gostngltotruss ouSthssyusar-hssok, Popular Metropolitan Soprano as snewr lat s a siggeates wsicitt t is1 hosped still pryve uS consiterabsehsells Mme. Frances Alda First on its this mtiteur. Coa 'Tius pihoitograp~hiers wunitsvlists aysiChorasUnion doi te t ut sen soswo s, iRenstchltsr__a__d Sushoihsnsg thus. hiegimsuisug with nsta REPERTORY WILL BE EXTENDED Mondayisii, (October 21. tile aensiosuofuSthe ____ vaius laessaesstmai'guo ht sillier uSfte Zosituiols, seces it in gs, 'tilt Iwillsh itMadaisse' risises 'stlta, rsma itosuit ordsuh foStr .u uasozen ic'tre's, ge't thi s' opranousus of S thus' :Mutr'oipolitn Stirs sniors rates'of tuettius per'centuu disecouit , Comitiitpn, still gie' thel e'insg coi- mds ls u'r'e'eiv'e' a fuss' Irish for the' sunr tSf this' hor' l Un i onisu s suritsssit 'si'tguii u'ls ar tssn' lss Isit'srsiis I sll, 'f'itsrsd evsi et intg at 555 ,) $1 , otaschloek. For two syes shsie tins CLASS SERIES DUE MONDAY Sophomore atid Junior Lits wilt Stait Interclass Football Pll il tlCe iilteclta hfitbii all 'i'Ii' a sVill sat n i .1sl tus shiten suis. t+ in 2-1 th ilit s anlste 1 usisig is I sul hsie Jusunio tush Sophomoruuse'hits. "I)a' .tl isnleitit 5115wassediito1take5thtso- ltol f trluss ii s'i s I wluima-~''r it' thus ssism t i mtits hls s hltsis.mlihsts'ih is ho iesi 'ed 'ecus'sf heb\ ess htof schuh atit litte's. Aliioit e list's tsi atIt i1i It 4:0sio'clO thu 1if thiii p~s IIi teamittis notpreent()rre iyts play it tliss I ts'e, ithe gamet i ll st beii fo' r-u Iseitseit Irotsaatutuil 1 be ivenit notie this 5 ''ii' sui uif theu use handedis Orisun tlto k la e ,rtte ill i itslii'' Ihits ls hlsill thtselse ofiprstests (npaes lie e mt estilt iin at iseat todv elu h istgm.A ststsvlits ltist still nsthbe uI10ussultois iii thpiysiat e sanilKs nis .151us lst aesuuil beforesssasumanswillsb tl~v- hito 1 partipti.Ie htstllit Its is hi's diff'ertentt teasusmustalhuandl s in list o:' sligibile sits tso ''Iss'a " (ktitiiii' at lat isiwo iudasefore's'hts'openuingsf this sedulse. TOi nettle' titpstmetetisit iik sill iiii final arr iigement'tis i t's'se swill hit' a usussuisg uS thus' ''st iua suMit agr hcelsasfvorie' tilth Me1tropitanlssasude- Ienesit' hr appes'aances riith she F.'anscessAida,silthusgh ofiEnglish paren'stages', a tiveuis'ofi SNex' Zealandss. 81.1 studiedl iniMetlbosussue',asuetshiest becameiapupil uSf'Mhuts. 'ilsruhesilit lais. His's' ut as sis adesshs'i "Mssa- sui,'' sIt usie' Stun shlictsslit' s peitrsonaltlhy seecedbyMtiasee. Sits'tasshiest e'iigsiOsue Ifuss'thit''s'sesossu itsl IBrusssels. Her r russels e'll; 'ttt'i I win follosw- hisbyoneits tCovenssititlrdst, huiLodon, tind5ern Campiu siswitelusshalt'stintgithl Caurusoins its I gssli 'si Atia cr foir- hOCtis ushe hisr uhe u'seg'agedsi ter is icreatell'otic t(aScalas,ishuere I sies' ofss imporatiu revli i vtu ls.t it t Iro nusts lt Muss bliss wenutisa sti's:rs, rtnr i g th ais afterh \ttee i~tltyt' acptathree yeasis' cotatinithes Grantd ()pera'. It was suin;tis 1this s e hshes' stit's ise foremoh st itic stofuliAgmerhia- :res uni cnsi 1-s trcc'ib h p Piusis. bil asreeroieincuesssa' an1 extendedi iilstusf'iFre'ih, Germansit, "slush, Id'F1 uih sogstil MACIGA ROsOax TERSiua HAt's, ;A'C 5s5ES5, 'T'is etuulsof 'Senatorss'Josuithons -'. Undeisr the captuions of :'FotbatllhaDll I h1es' if Iosiw',suitSturdisast,leaet's tights,'' s'. F.,Fotrdl lisswritenssthat'oS1-h usl os dtitu "1isisthus'prougram ofs ill lowinsg sarticle intshie tPhlialphittiia Prs's Studtits' I ,etire Assciasts. S suits uS O~ctobser 13: tosueILhisli en ewa s t s''ve sappeardunslit "Spsectatlors at iFrankhlins Fieldare siedciCl'iter sitl' Hsll ()tllNovnembh ee30. .'s to wvarsw'hoopssofevereysvsriety, Sfnutsyet nusatepu tst'av lueus takensr seacuse thte fierce battlte call itSfte origuitinals' 'suit her spakerui, lutaisseetinugofthis 515155cr of te Csarlisle 1Induias to iithi S. . b'sa1dii will bedi hutesildthis ee'nilg siren "bisioyluily hto" eof tutt th av itocosidher themst tler,. list stosneoftaemusastinsysuthinug son' A-lichtiganundausergarduaotes its tile tutu'ous1 slug; e'li t 'its tituIao is 1 tIMA.5 wrakisig the seadth ilsnosise. A.'sitt a h iundrsed mssen tredsh uit Situ "Whets Petusplsyed t siA'sitsArtisteintshue Usniversit'y t'lee clish lat 51907-08, liars' heardi the tbasrkeof this sights. 'I'isaeits charge sireuwell ilets- trolverisse, te traple oSfte ibuffalou, ed stillshte mast ilusshand. Thus'finlss the noise sitvictory anud sthings IEdisontriantil lihue'heist suit enesasy evenl- records cossulstevenrtroduce. The its- tug, as tse Schsssiof 'sUSsic. (Slitssess- stasnt the kickoff flew' dox'nuthurfileld, lues shouuisu shnoifyv IHowarditSmuithsif .Michigans slanted anud steven sistipped tiey'intend toiisyins rlte us'shtagasin. yelliingsdurng the halves. 'T'he'sutter- graiduates workedl just at hanrdlasnte assRtBI'l 311OHNStN a ,ussINx Uise st}slat.. stayers ontth~e field anttthey' seemed to i tshsiurseJ. Joshnsonss, 'so thrut, slies tsi thinik it was their dityito iwo'srkis siharsdlsi ishomes'its Sosuths fetis, .October S. as thsein varsity. I Jsulsuu l eftllsiegedurusinug lasstpetit "Thur east tasnsuoshsinugontthsirwilsiantush insg isaillishath; typshotidl feverwats itolty." the inamaediatresausse of his deaith, ait ihe assticsoffic'' e ivtcrnisuw' 's'sO'sIA'sNS'ETO STA'RT at fosur so'clscks. l'.bsiiSN it FOR iOf)II'ORIES. The schedtuglesillhu afollows:sausu Asapinwl esatdaog 4 tushir hits 5's. SushLhiss, (Osi. a t'e atittsise hipthis'Womn's tiu5tstLeague Seniorse ils vs. 'sinissur, Oci. 'a foruteh~e purpst'ofScollectinug funssuafun Senuiosr Itis'vs. Jsuniore uta, (let. ,;a. toiitl's dohmties . Densu i sic '.Ssv'i is(ts 'hiss' Ot.26hale Regentsavue expressedi tusie junor leicsvs Soh Mdis, ct wiligseshis fusrnshtathur landusorStiihese al. I ~~tisasue' nd ttu he leags'tus has udertaklenu Suioluteicsc vs. WI issuer, Nov t. tile project of secusrinug the fusnids fuse Jui t-u?]g. iS. Siuptli(tg., (sOcat suist2O, lcis (morninu g. as:Ms sur ut' . 'iuschaen'usraugemen'st us Sdeltsover ste s _Senior _______vs._Ninner, __ Sina.nirst srke' of te scampauignuits tay C'ity. lure atlargc gthesrinig of allim- -'siSV.'sNI) lIS' I't'IhN'IS 'sVILLt nsuse theardl sIisa Fredl sRitustieck, Site- a Slt's' I N(11,1) 'sRT RSOOiM. usertunes idlentiif this'leasgiue', 'suitX1isa Meyrtls' 'sbilts', sfeinani aseretairy, out- (isis of1theis' provemet'iit'tth~tlisti be-tt'lists'tis'eiroponei lan. sigtsahe' us tile g'erasutsIlibrtis 1 Miss 's'siictr ill adsusastriouus aert- sn e steainsg erosonsfuse susu','use'IStu- usgs I itsiffsrn parsiu fuSths'escunistry dlents suilthese' cond'uss floorsuswh~iere th tishIis tinitr. tint galler'y s'wa ts rer' lysuatedi.'T'he''''s''swill simts f iesttsobusildt ahasll araee n ofsgs tsu IsEhess'newus'ead 111ngsroomsto hossusefotta'girls," e'xplasinsest.Jose- stwillhue simsilarustithatsousthss'ge'ne'r'tl uthills uRank u'isutrda'. '"Thse hoausaes t'reaigiirotomu Ioiltthis'flrsthfloort. Inisue'suhiut'meatito tlessens theis' iiiutal pilusc' of Ithes'ldushemssinarysup u'ssssuafosurefreedomsss whish s utslwxays charasster- newt' ttuss atinl'bhe' proidiedi. iidthsiswosen us sit sichigant, but so fturnshaScomftabSlerhshomtusse'sswith ]seller BOAR'sihDSFtILLS VACA'sNC's'IN surrosundsinugs ltistnsre savailablse itmost 1, tzi(.ECI(TtgIE'SUhgi(ISh h1'. uSsief uts'snn rrsbsarsditnghouss." 'silsshuts ''lususr, '1a, hau ts tiltf - aSNDuS itigte.a'FTos 'iisTaves:sgulahas. pointedh tresurer uSfste 'sX' itiui'a bliss JotrsphitesRanskins till attendu th,ue iby surhe osardt uf('Control, uso fill Ite 'edthrions of Womtaen's Cluhs, liar vacausscy heft iby 'silssI,riisst Roseni- wiihswill tsbehdatlbattle Creek, frso rfell. Miss Rusens'sf ests sas uablestsor'- thur sMtshetste 21st Of (Octobher, as a s Isle tolt hs'ius 'nisp'ythis Still Ottlsue- heltesl'fromnatheUrnhiversity Wortanas's count of ill hetesh.Leasguer.