y 3Y kr r F { al it > :< . ANN A r{)1:,tICI-TIGA I i:Il)_, l 1R<'C 13r, irr. x Vol. XXI. A No. I:28 IJY RIDING PROVES EXPENSIVE LUXURY Seni or Engineer Pays Dearly For Automobile in Which He "Serpentined," S RELEASED ON $500.00 BOND "1v li"C5111 , 11 1111111.fo 1.111 111 _1 i1t~ '51 2211e the 311Zi "j r !-;(Iill" slat doo 1 0 b ll II'(11- 1;t 1110ta 1111llqu of gi hei 1111 1111 short11 it1is gin1o1 te1111.cinc sqa'11 as11111 ld'i 1 1it i cd t Bennett, '04 71., wounprtdrofit alan Hopit t o rriven Aio bell 1 in ll 11 1111111 1 11 1111 indoor11 ball i rai in 1 1111 betIp 1110tm of1 -.I11111-.i Illhe aIl 11 Benet1'411.,Fundr o 11 .1 . 111I.ll 11-. - .ct11 (,1 hc1 able \111 i on1 ti n \\tl 11c fotli c~d b him t 11ts 11' .Ara t1111 m 1 i Iri ,, 1c i t te1 111 sndns \ oIII- "1) \ IIse ki t I ]ass 1.1 c tnts 1 1 '1111 sttd~tts v~O ~Vll1I1111 'EI 1, dIc ~Ylo.-. '1 llipC 11111' 1,11I1; a ,dI { V 111 flak an i s \\.I XX 11111 111011 011111ti101111..:1 11 '1 S 1 1 1 1 f ll 1111 b e t 11 c'111111o 10cp c n s s ;1 1 1 1 111 1 11 it} \N \()II G1,11l) IflO 'I l.AM I 'L,l 111; .A M KESTO FIX , I-'.NTf1011) 1: Il \RVAID o'r L. hI :.FIVE iHU EDTO TrYEAR'S GRANT SOON I1'1101ik 101\011111 ) BAN QUET TONIGHT o t,:e Defns Fo Bg ppito 11 o-l.111 1 01~tboWomen Students and Graduates L() I Foea dtri t,I h1 ' 1 If II ll - il . 1t.r4 0 110 1111 11111. Sa31111lcte a 111 t least five101 0100u10de 'omn graduatesoo I i t e ?t'. t XXt 1 1 E 1 lli l I ' 11i;ti 1 ') i 1 1 i, " 1 11 1 111 fOc r 111 lll'0gr . i'I 11,. nael e urtioo n an q uet111 0 at11 6111) 11011101 II '-)InI sp1oke 11111111 1 11111111110 Motl~os- 111111 1110 01e1Ilin gil l torhblllrgy llllsillll. 1 ,rrtl c: 1 ncpl ' Ill . Is 1;11 I l 1 111 TURN l I X i)llIt: ,fMle011 1111 i Io1111 I I IfhI EDUCATORS ADDRESS CLUB ers 11111ll lde Presiident1 Foleritns An- 'orl . l Discussions of Perinet S bjets IlloNI secretary1111 -.Xi olte il 1ic} 1 ei)) 0.1ill 1 11 -tthIee .-e:o tnent l hl , ',0 lllnlia 1000100 lf 11 I 11 ~~~~~Will Continue "roday XXollIS1oti. Xis.Xi VlI, 1 1 - , I of 11 1 1h11a1110 1t)1;- 111 t r n~i u g iI < h len tc e o d tll II' 11110 I10l o llrelr se t th uets111 o1-3(11 il' hpla o-11 (X:l,1'01 17II 11I. Glf 11111-Olllo it ,ran p~i. lovel Chall' e11O' or-Ill om11'sed Lht s sees or'h1veag er I 1)I ,1o 0[N' )11lii111111' 2n t-tyIll I teI;II 11spek1a thebanqe111lt.is ecen1at FRESH NOW ENTER FRAY irtst Year Medics Register Comn- plaint Against Honor System 1 ' - s 1 ,c 1i7 d foldc o py 1.1- ,:t3- t~ li 3: c i lI " 1L f' 1 - V 1111- i vc -tli ' - -i" - C'- Sl 11i 'LS.1, I M1 11. 11,1 III- I-I ,:1 -11 1'1c ft 1c i' I VI 111s lcct CV 11'tl IN 1 1q t= it V 111 1 o 10Cml- 1 I 1 1' 1 w ill - ' it 11i 1 S1111 ( c<1 .l t11i Ii 1111 1 ll-rc ' at1 o-e 11 Ill~ 1 1111 alld t 111C)411 II 1 01 ;' g' v l : 0.. 11,-7l 'Ii I 1a l 'll(I I [i !)t1 th11.1 -1 al~la e a llplsze :l111h 1,11 1110 eSM ofvs clb a tIll 1T'ro'. F-C. A 111tro 11 ofJohn cl nd _l s Ill( 01111 11a1t 11,11ht 1to 111 t 111111 1111. XIlllhal10l.o 1 -1( 1 111i 1 11111111-. 1141 l 11.1s 11111il11t 11c III II I Rl ed0ki llgf. presid111',10111111 11 111111 1111 S XXll fo llw. Ill o he- 1.11111 -wil. he1 hed IIItile' 'fM-110 11 ;L 111111 ne.1A1111l1101010r1g.'m 1100100 Iic I'll 01,4 G''ll kII X I'. GYMwil1101' 111111 111101- 01111on111. 1 Illlll 70111. XeeII 11111 of0'e.il 1' 1111 111il l' ' li- Ohesl llheI4 .1 i n sesion1 I'toay . A Nel- 11101 rtti 11 11110Ic 1111111-1-11-1 1111111111on 1of111f- i. rswil ta e 10.Itei -htoco kti TEAM IS HYING WESTWARD Five Track Mein Left for Omaha Yesterday Afternoon trace:' ( men111w1o11'1101to '1Compet'eIcill 1111' letic Assocoiatlin 111 Sturldax eve111n1 -.101111-Ilaboard the111.- 2:13.1 1train 111oil l'h MiOcligllr Central 01-11t11110y 1101t('111111 11111111.'0it l11the0strange11001100thea111001 '111evstill u1s11111(0very1 opp11t101(1 110(1 lTey w1 ill 11a1'110have1 110accu11tom1011em1 whic1 11r- nolt ( used11 i111'them loal11'gyrlo n 111101r101'r lt 11it11 ut1 1110 1 ra.s1 sh11 , wh'Iichwsmd o hi teho111p1111'tlls111 1 6'0111o(f 1111. lhlgillol'il1 depariItmen~lt and11 101101 110 has(1 a1way1)0u(1011 inVarsity 0111pe'il- tioi. T1he A1. 11l. 1' regulatiolns 11111101 wohichek 111 ((((01istoo 1e0conduc1ted trequirelll' fortnole e 11'm11111. who will compellte in the 001(y'r011 '0. cent1 1011111in swhich11he slowe(0st 011111e0 cover' trl he quterI mile(11ro11(10ill511 4-0 11''lll(1. Th-ir flour'is5ve00111 uge than theo'ne1tha't11111 th11(111(0 00111 ast y01101s(meet. KOCH1 \1it1 Tl foss IN I'll (10111 INS.0( Erw1111'tin N-oh .'1,111'hasoa1(11.,ed1(a0pos1i- 1(00 as10('techer(illg Ghelhih s-heol at lola, Phlip11(i0-1(0-la 101,Xnn pXrnsIt' sail 111k0iii11a1(few10clayis. Kohs bjeeno p110i11 to receivin~g hoisaltnlilOdegree0. While in11(e univerOsity he waslO llOsidi~it Of1 the Detscooer VereinI 11(d11a memberI0 -of the Mte11noo 1)A11,Y staff. 01 0i p 1 !I _ i ott- 110110 1it 11111101 X)l.q 1 - l' 1111'-. III- -,1 l 1 as a'001' isl iti111r11 b XlR ' IOG LIN1 tt~fiD V I''tI'1154 110011110 1b1 1110l'. XI 0...of II 10 I'll]I 111.1 1KAPPA'' MEN, A'I _"'11 01 1110 S, Stmallethe secre1t011y1111 once ,order tha.t they 110ay11he. ' - ii 0o t111111'111111 110)t111soci1e0y, lINQlJ."IS 1 A 1-1.1 D 011 : 11111 11,0 - 4111 hIitr(ose11' i t,-was 1-. 1111 '0 the Oraoia r 0)1t10'01 I 111 01001lao t 0. -- tOo II I (d10 1 0 ;S1A ercn Wll n n oo X 411 or Prof.l l. : nn tkc.\; "T imi at a1chol ar na0 ttI, rn upy '~a - - Jo 11 1ci ,111111 1111 enino nor'l ofI the men whoIwil'IlI-. O 111 prsie.1tof 1 1\ rh- Pee er: n III t 1 11011e t 1111 ' - - II 11 O1 atri caIl~ll1 ~tg 11111 contest. oo t 1 111111110i1a0o1(lI~l cllJohn ol oot.Xoooo .X - sIdn o1 l~"f the OratoricalAso01' on 1. IvIIr1 WILL toDIlt too 111 10 1101 II 111 11(11':v NF M' 1 t (10,Ioo l l' ~i 111111 11 ('1 I or 01l-'lol1"[' olo' w ab~t M'e 114 '0 IL-s w iniedtooo the sen.'ll-.111 -1H 1 1 lfo u10100 t Nill fl o 1111111111011un1or10class, and(1 recve 1(his 110011.1111(1 11only1because.I'o110is offliceI.