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March 30, 1911 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1911-03-30

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~UNIVERSITY NOTICES ew Whitney 'Thfeatre
, C- at- 815 P M. L a orner rnotseated promoptly.
:;up. oto l eLTht xt.1v, March 30 ~Stllday Api-'. 1
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NE. -t lutoIP.mItat First iFouri Rows Bal r \syl$1013T
Next Four sews tr
JA KA I CL HA VC P L itPrie. 0-Z-$l$e5-r2 GaleryTownAa
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eeOMIN ad-Mondayt 11April th3rdpy Lastlngaecsews $1f.00to
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LAL A I E H i l t rIto o atiulubc liti3IUII Last SixBows - 5aC
e C hei1 - t:I- PceC s 5- . J- n - $ . 00 f Gallery Unreerve - - 3ec
Bolt Steats . -ote Cumberla
rlU i it-ts Ittt (Ao1't. otototo y4 st 1 ool w -s.Prut 15
711 N.Vedveslty ve. . tICollege Mealcn Ay sWel1ome
GAL . ND EESec i alNex r mw s fr oleg 7TasC
hiIlt~cl, i.. i The Choc lIdealier Lo -aion. Nar T-e- are- ,S5oC
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allteoicorscao risuaterhOttrsrt,00\1 "I Iran lent Bratew y$2at 54tthSt.asla saxod Y iR
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stri z eo ug r ~}'i~ itI calta ntioi I(IC )iC).\CIIC N (1 1T a sen Q enihdf A 0lt, n 17

TI ! Sredded Wheat Company I Oc Never igher
as. a - - - -- - - . . erit United Lines ttostI otoot.tt
)S _ i°NUTWOODOnislotma-tolltsoolviulon Iiuier. O EO. V. STOLL, ?Proreo
~~ ~~4oe so t loett 1 tYpsoit si,ovat h[)trots Ot o -[ t oooofom l-Freddie"'
0 1 S In t-tiInes bylosolti -ou-uotVrsiuty tr ___________________________
-nio nslo ts te o tottuts beyProcs
it - ..aitly o there ogulr orolui, siTypewriting and Shorthand
Brnd s patto tot sSer8t O rtttu t ttttr o ss lynn 00000 to toTotorS teo tn Toutt lt to
Ptlosextra cars and exas service o ttttpittio lttot- ottot
'2 for 25c will be promnply s upplied. 4. D. MORILL
'Best Made-Merit in every Thread tWo Notitni ttettty Avet Ru1i sitst

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