THE MICHIGAN DAILY CATH UP a cthv71r ,i I 0oe Eater awill coon B herec-how wilt that old suit look on i; Sunday10morning : Weof(11r you at thc prices yon arc ac- cmi t, ILXy 0(1 )Lrhars a li/Ih ls s-- to' snappy sparkling elegance of 0 01 CIXcc. The nulisode"loi in all wool materials, and with ovcr 701) NEi i 1V 1) 00 ILL tIc o lchlooyfromL, madleto try- on, Same ac anyo local >ry 01 X'r -t (aarwo ntiL e on 10a "m1o1ney bark'' basio. i an ig(t I1'ASU Illt 1 Ioa e I al sult J. KRL MA L COL M 118 East Liberty CALL ANi) SEE THE ,e--urry and Compay ' ~711 N. Unilversity .Ave. UNIVERSITY NOTICES \\ll. e o llcillnc 11l ll - \Iii' -Lt ilt,' Slo111ol I dangle0 11100, 11 : (1 S 1. staele \\. '1.frIe(Crr,: . urie ; A111-11 AV. A .1MCc1a 11111''1, ii tI C [ITI1. y fauty i cl l itl r Il Icu c i '111 01)rlit 1c l sn ii i lL today 1 .l :()o lcel ( 'lll , 4 'c . l Ic iilc 'i : ety rc '\l)(ari 28. 111 11 New hiliteyTheatre +Cxrat.15 P. M. Lae cerasseeeotseated prorXptly. r 'Tixies., March 28 Ne Yor ic 01(11 Thate-r10t ByaEl;lere Waller T110 s101110. the 1111155iosherc, do- hilolinL-g t10'010m110lif'e(of t11 (Ilaian00Wods. 25, 35, 50, Box Seats 75c Seat, 011l1 o111n"coSat.nmobilg. Mar. 25 Thur., March 30 Montgomery and ;stone In George Ade's 0111sicalt 0111 dy Maserpec The Old Town C'has. Dlingham%; 1no00ab110r11 duction 1f011o110theGobe 'Theatre, -New York. 95 People 95 Au(onlentcd (IOeoetla Prices: 50-75-$1-$1.50-$2 Su1101'eope los11110s.o March2 SO tIll1111111as 111 ll I'llt 1Sctn (f1110 'CILYIll c111chol il00111 l1w (.110di10, lc t wihl~ oo d 1110 111 0of f1110 1the 1epartment o 1a%\11 reoled that010 110s1a111ma1A the 1110o1r11 of lthe d111 'aw I"Y 0 II t 1s 1 11()\-1 M 11 (11 0 a1hIleard'1 COMING-Sat. April i, Matinre atnd Night "Madamte X."I 5101101 ot Apr11 3,'1'The Chocolate Soldier." samn c c 1flj)01alid pt icti )111tltat tis1now appearinlg at the Garrick i'hleatre, Detroit Hotel Cumber'land S. W Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK Near .0011 SI. Subay and 50d St1lev1te Grangecr's School of Dancing I reLadies and GentlemenTuesday andThursday Evenings,7:00 In r arli'odlI Academy or Phone 246-Office floars]110 to 12 a. in., 2 Ia 4p. in I Alt 01 < j 0a 'S 1110 ' '7,' -' I1 IIIjo0110 KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special ferms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproo Transient. Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Lip. All Outside Rooms. Send tor Booklet. I I 10C11 A. I F. r Drelssoing, Slhampoing BAILEY & EDMUNDS 00 1 cI w 1 a 0Specialty.. All 1s01 terilizd bef~oesing lGuns,1'tOihing TacleIandIL AmmILuiionI S . RIRJANO0WSKI ll 1011011al I '1111110tty All'. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, t'iobigan Sft YaV.rds - t Ita runner ismd of Th s ad o.Ths dui'a ace of mind and- 17 10oi'voilthe final sprint, -- ill .' wheth-er the athletes' :; 19rwnbrain, and ner- ... ~I c ave received full , " k YI' 110iitfrm.his food. so tho ,i' ?11°1sf ll food for the athlete, . g"^ylaltL't atid St~diit. Conlsisting of V% hol.0 hat shred.'s from which no iiii'ihigquialities havehb'en lostis tug, t is de'Ii iously p 0oltitiV.digests,# titcloy and is tulrne'd . onice iinto hone', 'i and ) aI miseular - . g e ehat Company I' sN.Y 11tut Iof11100 1 ctrc1 fines ~ ill Detri tL' 1011111l III'' 11 ()\1111 1 11011010 eprell nt'11010 ec tr111 1ca l n Iof Deltr~lol1"it, 11ebes 1f1theC 11 fcty oaf the 161 erst11 and 110111 Ioc lcalin .1.C.A al I1.i .J.,LCenmant1 of I t e tri )o UNDEXO THE MANAGEMENiT OF Harry P. Stirsori, formerly with Hotel Inmperial. R. J., formerly withl Hotel WoodwvardI '1 (Co11,, i11 ' 1 IiN111111 1 j farfamed asI1 11 the'iItil i Illin0 111111 1)111has "herb" 1 'llo 11zi LI. eiill 11sit c a1111 1111 111111 'le. ' 'L0 COIC ( CI, II'', 11 0Ims 110011 ctIs iderble11 put1io 0110s s1t- 11ad flO'ormed1, 10his quarte,lanisc 111 1111 toe d111111 rehearsal.II 1 lt 11111has 1en- tere th Tllloco e Ring." 0 11 "A1r101111 l )1>111- Cold theI rI'talShi, is 1o1 0100111 1011111 11 ltIs ar toa orrodt hcrowdle 011 10 1000100 , 11 NUTWOOD lgrand 2 for 25c Beal Made Merit in every jThread Detroit United Lines 011 inflormatioln to Division Superbn tendll 11!A1101, 0')I 11nh1 ol the letroil United LiIIes by off11er0 of Varsity 00 O taL/atioOI, the ov000n00, heyO011 0111 ciaa~cio'the,01egolar sorvire,olI any grolup of -tudents tto or frorn A ni, Altbor extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. Sate on Pipes and all Smoking Articles Lunches, Ice Cream .Sodas and all Summer Beverages W. E. JOLLY J. A. TRUBY FOR High-Grade Confections Pure Ice Cream 116 So. Main Phones 166 Typewriting and Shorthand ly 11 1Suple roib 10 511Ca111o110 etc. 0. D. MORILL 111 Nlort I '11101 rsity A 1'. Blt 1101 ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 lobors frsin -"Freddie's' THE OLD PLACE REINGER. ea.CO. We have a fresh stock of Prince Albert and Tuxedo in pound and pound cans and jars. LWaA iAIL S.MILW RD, T .O ' O THE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING