'I 1l~ MCUXON O11'Y GK II WILD Co. 311SO. STATE STREET O-pening display of Spring and Sum- me Toolens of XExlusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCO ATS, and r TROUSERS G.F TI. ILD Co.o li edng Merchant Tailors 311%S. STATE STEET te.. . . ALL PRICES SidnoTypewriter Supply Co. 't 4 eo Btding. Opposie Majestic I.P.LETHER vi ook o W el th~ filerfor theU2 w B nte books byn S °tdr note Bookstore ; THE MICHIGAN DAILY.i t MantaginzgEditor-Le A WHITE, dat eci iiii iii Buoiness Manager-NnORMAN11. 11ILL. IttOitit rlilit iiiia conmpus mustihroom tt EDtITOnt. ready. for blinoso News Editor ...........Harold Titus ilji~tci Fits sttdtix ii Assistant.............Harry Z. Polo [ir. C'. II. atfll Athletic Editor...Walter K. rowers idteit, antdl.li~ss ;ar Assistant ............J. Fred Lawtonitartl.. . . ircr Mutsic attd Drama...Earl V. Moore 'wit I shotteott Exchanges and Files.... Dine_ S. Bitrney 1.. tiff 0 0 iii il laii EDITORIALS. to ce tdit,. tad ol, Arthur J. Abbott. G S Lasher. ____ Pant Leidy. NIGHT EDtTOnS.ofE ,1' A. J. Wohigeinutlc IHarold McGee.ii ti itii Frtaik ttenniell Edwaril If. Rotlilbencledfrto Matiee 'ottltte 4dliii o'clockitni ap itsrprreaiet JhL.Cx F.EShwJrtrcanbaktaltErnest Burton. E. M. Wakefield.IIsoilcns L Julin H-. Townley. Wallaee Weber. Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. 81r 88 l ' U I'ili1 1 C. hlarold IHippler. J. Selig Yellen. A8R1F, \iNi\\ 0 Rotil M. G QittttiW . ..Daugherty BUSINESS STAFF hundredit loreditlitt] C. A Bowman, A. R Dilley. dcipi tiveli of the In Myer Rubin. Kensneth Osborn. l"tetotlces n E. Ray Johtnsoni. Elmser P. Grierson. iet-san nvr:ic C. 11. Kleintstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. In h rtcss itI Address: ICHIGAN DAILY, tPress Bldg., lnitoitccmmotthe MyaSre.Office Hours-: Managing Editor, I-2 p. tih ll il il'ii . m. aid i11too-tm :30 p. m. Daily.toerpdutin Bttsitncss Mantager, I-5, 7-8 p.,Xlit eeat cept Sunday. Both 'phontes 960. ..____ -7777- iSi 3iltlt i t' lilt 88 tfioist an(I i1' r11 e club wi h i ,01'st ])t' ()11111 ittC t1"'a (ftm'; P] 11 it I1 lit tic-ito-i n1'111 - i1 11, 100,s ha Ia1 1i this a~ 41 . the iO ANN' xRlttlR ]lav1ing received-11the tteptiiliettiii ti- mii ii o if the tit of Anit Arboir for mayo, 1Ierntit -t soilicit lthi- 111111rtt Of i'iert citizentwholisioitterestedt III Nears is a stiofacttort settlemitttiiof the tity' waloterirobleml. I. blievit'evert ciize 1/iels ies aimaitoifr this high iffice' wh1oiti is tt I ntlitiepii eentonetttwho 11111o10h1 iintou11111d11111nto-kcombinatito iii lii iiIt e cpititetitizensi f Ann1 1111r-i ioi, when1 i teli wtrtto ioncoesu ini theiwaiter copll.Inii factio Iioiwnlino .,oc ()I- ho11aItlis ini inttpublicuteity1co1 mymwitto Iiveieverimitite theiisamtie carfu tinlicosietitofurftought lI tho ghtto hisnow I on iderit il li l:t'},11titi~ 111c ri s i f1,01 liie M icings aii0 0 ii i Yourlil rtt'Opt futlit, 'l'l?5SIIAY, MARCII 28, 1911. Migfh t Editlt -EnwAtiti11. Eon. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. March li31.---Woiiitt'iAtiticluma antict Nutterious ateraltittsiniclmtulipttbluild 11fro1nowtill the tcnd ciofittomtr. If 0ittelt's n otilIhitig whichi, froitithe s1u- ithe mtetitotd of fee ciillectintg tusedlat matti sctramtblte,or the tediitoswitt-this ltast yeatr it a poturinig rtain at timtes-is flit result iiof tlecrepuit sytetm,ithoee little lie uoficerso iifit'etitversitiy wtre to 'disei a meains of conduttitg this iecttsaryx buiness at less coot intimule the clerkc. Ititat' le thtlimontet-itill lbe ()II C S t 11C111CCI na :li i'ritt111 metittt it orittii 1111 ii i e t I\I iMI it-ilkehito i chitliii ofil(,iil'm l lith the.pbli sh rs itce,( tisim perativ th atalll m -s kisi 0xr Cls d e, il 'Invrtthei n 1111 11111 0 v pac i r cit t \' t thc ,las treasurert tu-t i itt ~ h n 1.11ot 11111111111tti I e S ,.A t~n m tti u roe flt r11110 m Ii 1:ooii i t ti :o.> 1an ftteitidutes iill be plishdiithimi tittiitt. tU-N 10tN Nt.tulE F01,U81MNM VA' hI1;,1It PROGRAM A (Cotittued frottipageC t. Debultssy, 'hlomats, and Gomes. tite. oratiturasopranitos ton the contcert ostage today;t sleitsita tetmtber ioi the Metittitli- till OpetraComipanty. I, iieti of organt muticiwill tave all fromt tteworks if one of the greatest compoi f thait instrumenttt, Ahlexandetir Gutlimaniit. Thiscticert will lie giovti Salturdatvttaiftrnoon1ontt e Flirieze tile- mialit organit li Mr. L. L. Rewick. 'Slu gretfRtssianitotpera "Etmgiit Ott- Cgiii lbyTschaoikotwsky, formts the elimt txof thflifctivatl series. It will lie it. I' Sai turday eenitig with the follotwitig attistsltakiniC part:t Mist Mutlford, Jantie 5ticticer. Sybil Sainrtis-Mact~ernmid, woi m as hteardl lire last y'ear, Clarettee White- ilii, Reedl Miller, and l I lortitio Coti- it'll. The Choral Uttioti takeo the roles If tiasatsolill-gitests, land-ownters andi officers. i . . - e+..:c-:sne r -ax°'-..x ..q 'r.:=_.:,sac-.sr-. -t cA -;* -. :z ? a-: Michigan Stationery A fresh supply of tbe best styles at 35c, 40c, 50c, and 75c Per Box Have just received a brand new lot of MICHIGAN SCRAP BOOKS At $V1.OO each W AHtR'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage For techGouple to suit from turtles before t2o'etock $i.50, atter 1to'ntctc $2.00. For taci T'Irunk to or frestsdoor, tthe prietwie t 25 Cents. If tarried to or from tip-stairsftepricewilt be S0 Cents Drtirers anrerquied to cotlect tuath for cartiage amid baggage service. ROHINSON & CO. W. H.STARtK HOLM ES LIVERtY cit,-- I Ready"For Your Orders On Springt Sits of Cuto tnitt ttl fli the iffices. If so, arrantgemientts outghtt to he titade for temtpotiatryt qutarters. Law Medical Denial 1igetStock in Michigi Sco,,nd[-Hand Law Books Law at-it Medical Dictionaries Quize Books, etc. $ Complete line New and Sec. ond-hand. fOld books taken in Exchange CE. B RTHfLL, 26 S. TATE STREET S cund Inloor Tel. 761 SCIENTISTS CONVENE HERE Michigan Academy Holds Seven- teenth Annual Meeting This 'Week 'iehtete lttti anntuatl ieeltiof the Muichtigatneadtemyi-of Seience till lie hitld ini AnntiArlior oi Mtrcli 29, 30, 3t, andt April t.Evertybotdy-ititerested ini 1a11y of thte tieetitgs or lectures is cordhi- lly itntiteti to be tiresetit. .'otmet of the tmainfeaftutires still it papersttOoniftescienitific andiduttstrial interests of Miehig-an whieh u-ill hue reatd tn the Multseumn leetutre rootmo at 2:30, 88ednmesdtay, March 29; the presidential tadduress,, "'Tte Reenut Actiev emets ini Patastiotlog," wich wt uill Itt deioeredh lit hr. . >Nioty ;ttd it tyttipusitttt tut cotnservattiont, uwtiehwill be tieliiiinte Mtutsesuts leture rotom oitsFriittytitorti- itig, Mtareh 31, The MichtigantiSehoolmatsters' clb wilt mteet Itere atithe same tiime. H YCthOLOGISTS ORGANIZE NOIVELTY IN CAMPUS CLUB'. The audvemit of spritug and the festive tiittlurooto has aroused the camnpus mty- chttutugists whoi will entler upomn theceotmi- ing seaton orgaizcd for lie stumdy of ion Ilirbcrof he Mi11i>