;._ _ w G. HI. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. Ht. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 SO. STATE STEET TpwrAitcrs ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Roson 4 Press Building. Opposite Majestic P, P.LEATHER NteBooks \] ii 55 sizeias forstsoot ,,:, w1,x Ii1 all I /s 55555 m j /" il's isod pape n trtote books eon tai a lother ipoclest. We sell the filler for the leather note hooks by the pound. ( LL ANDSEE OUtiL INE St~zdesets' Bookstore SHEEHN&HCe THlE MICHIGAN DAILYe Managing Edit or-Lut A WHITE. Business Manager-NORMiANs 1. TALL. EDITORS. News Editor........... Harold Titus Assistant ............ Harry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant............3J. Fred Lawton Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Filrs.... Din S. Birney EDITORsIALS. Arthur J. Ahhott. G S. Lasher. Paul Leidy. NIGHT tEDITORtS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward II. Robie Maurice Toulmse REPORTERS. Lorcn Robinson Harry Myser John L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. John H. Townley. Wallace Weher. Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. C. Harold IHippler. J. Selig Yellen. Robert M. Gillett \Vm. T. Daugherty BUSINESS STAPP C. A Bowmnan. A. K Dilley. Myt Ruhin. Kenneth Oshorns. E. Ray Johnson. Eisner P. Grieroon. C. I3. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managinlg Editor, s-a p. mn. and 11:00-11:30 p. m. Daily. Business Manager, I-5, 7-8 p. in., Ex- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 960o. { SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 19ir. Aright Editor-HlAROLD G. McGi~t. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. '.larch 3Ii' Women's Alumnae Banquet and 3Junior Girls' Play, Barbour gym- CANO5EING. Now begins it. For the next three monsths se will he surfeited with cc- saris of caiioes upiset;C imiracuous es- cape~s trout drowning; heroic rescues et cetiera. The mans who thiinks a foal- sorely chansce, -takens is company witha girl, is a signs of cleveruess, will give us ti a vividl aeccsint sit Iis assininuity. Per- has asst fatality or ties will add to the, siessNvalue of the seasont's escapsades. (Ce iloi'.t reich row hoats airound here; buti all else feoess ini creation do not ex- ercise their pirerogatives with row hoots. Dis canasslwsays adltos the fasscination of as silvery smosiight evessing hy chasng- ,inig lilacs's with asic's compioniOI. IH x Mt ]ItAN DAILY I1II FENEW RE CORDS SET ithsial. ie mstsos ie oifcatthree Ihisg, BIUT CORNEl, C1\INS 11](UI.5L,i: . Busil,'a niiiswaeles1n0t; 2. a runnisisg himself cnmpletely vet,bri oiii the lresitsater lant andimiprlovei landing third place by fsishisng ns afr it, osr 3. +Mike a snews'ctast iwiish she bhlindilBemona ssiediell aheadi ot Fnchswaesr compseanylix swhihehsler saeltgree whom Hassavass hai laspped. to impirve thesir plats as isoIfurishl The quartr w s ano.0'theeithriller. bios ~ 5sgd fi~ iti''i i ledi mstio(f le wastirliiambsislle slppedsufiinlupeo uewtra es lii Iis teasissieearhesensdeslystoli le susnable rates 'sosesd out is' Nixon ofiiiCrsnell ini a Isair (C s ster i Issne tusle leone isthus raisisig finsi issh Ro ssd Itff swere bsihls lbststwosrs.eses iaefer sial i wis close besideeGambsile bl ass1s.cirthu sii beisis lateisIssoii Iisli lntii. Ussisget- awsredheill th iird. ells, C'nesll's 1vie matteispiostpiosne1lbeanI lives elosigeileil jumipjer, prosviedimuchtiselisiri- issute lcviisy illle a lies'sieysifthill snst fer the rossd rtleapeid the liii water compan.ir 't 5 feet S issches, sit inchsetteieHi (ss(is ster hs Abr sasn answisthins its hlorsier cousl acompalish.CAfle itss- odrstosrtigoodssor torolstsronsg tohol tpsissg esf 1Hsorner sitd Iilisst inthuepole vaiult, the Ithlacantscasslesssils estacesdsesthe ifiesofa yoisir adtel elcthe iled- the gyistrecsirdl iiifisfeel b iches, hld Ing srs s inisater forsehe tescxtic'so biy Freenecy, lbuntfailedlt0s ecten ielit. 'as The' summasseriss folsw:s'Aftiesrfslltissdlcrefslcsidsstelrain, Sishsss-I is's sc (11, ist; IC si ItsrI)Drliss has seesselectsd by thse- lee (U),s condssl; Isigle (14), itird. )sspuicsiss ithi'es-blesia'istslcm ass t"i tnsec 48 feet 3 45niroiches.s (NseisRec-'itake ti siioeita ipsistiosssss esss stsssss' irsd.) It lare'si srapinsibiliis t ass srsswitu i. 35 yardsh si, first hais I IsssssI( C),lDr IDali, hass sevedi tessiisi'suceia first; IIsorner (M), sconsd. ITie 4 1i5smayorcanditse s e' sitliiocde a seesossis. Sesonsd liv t--Crasig (:b), firt ie osssy theli'blstsansissfe/st sansrs Isat McacArthusr (C.), s esosi. Tises4v t-5 CussnAsrbsr s'v'sr hads.l.leis a5in 5of hFinals--Ho~srner (\'4), fist:siBennset (C),smaturei sanid ecllsns judgmentis'ss so-u secssasd; Craig (1I), slitsd. Timet-5 si'~iie/sidsiississ it 4o yard highIhursdless.firset heat-S iwt iiofiiwstersicompany sock,norsin i hsalt (C), fist; C's'ig IAl), sivcond. '1Tie'an5 way oneted wi'i'th 5 anyipli licid s'r 2-5. Secosid het-IHorsere(V), lists icescorprtion ss, a'sisiwstll scosipspe Iti I hill (U), secondsi. 'Timess 7 25 secs'vss hasnsdileis Iimportant m'tiii itier, s iwell tis Pistls'Craig (MI),fiscs; Iliiier ll tesstsestsliet'ain sic tht f (Mt), seceosied;Stiliaolt (C), third. '4 ive ViWill ysuposr hims sisipril 3rd'' 59 I-5 secosids. (Nets World's Reeord.) 1Ifnscs i sil ts:si 88n yard rus-Josses (C), irs; Pt-CctiAti TI. stain (C), secsond;'Reels ('C), ltistsd. - Timse 2.00 mnusite.sssTOics 'ssu NOs.INIss NS us'siNCsMsEa is e4o yard dash-Nixons((,) fifsia- Nosmsiatiss petisaos fsir cffiers Ile (M), seuisnsd; Mav cesrthr(C ),thid. foe le' Oatoicai a ss isscitin r' Timeic532sec5nds.5 sassbeiiig csruelted1 upons the Hight jump-l-Challis(C) fist; Iorsnser campsusi. Nsissnis Isuions focr e Is (MP), secondel; IHlller (Mi), Cnoviteisflowing oics aritohe Ice (M), Helfrichs (C), :stfiInIssklesi(C'i, tresisdestf itas NosthersitOratoricaitl tie'd for third. Ileiht - feel 8 iches. league, Ipresidetvic slelpresienvit'sinisc- Mile russ-Inavsns(NI), firsens8c rrissotasrs'of tliii'or icial sselsiatio.Pe (C), secosnd; 'McLaughlin ('M),third. iin MSTctanhesgaur o Tine 4:25 2-5. (Nen' Record.) tit embcsses t isesvlid Pole vault--I ' Cislectaiis(C),:Bragg (C), flacke(C), tied forfr scsi Ieight ses feet q inchies. Relay race-Coreseirhst (\'I se - thes, Benntt, Ford, Nisxon.)I Final score. "Cornell 38 t-2'liigaiii'O.W NES :33 t-2. --___GLO VES- TO THlE VOTERS The way they're made has OF ANN ARBOR a glood deal to do with the - way they wear. G~entlemen i: - 7 'Fhe mssst iiiilsseesrtan sliest in snss ie- forec the Ipeolel 'f this ei' is thye.se quiestiosi. ___________________________ 'T'he excltssisv frtanchise of the isaec Martin giiterseatre cosceedto'lbis fii'lii co tpany sill epire iisiiinaot fou es rs bt'cssI inithe isoril,scosie' iesssan Id'trystis. stnd uniless see sishi toigo il sissticaie sts' Sbelele & Sna si Itil Isi te'.to usinig Iusinsrine saer 'sndl lit eesui 5S. (lesseessreet.t Michigan Stationery A fresh supply of the best styles at B5c, 40c, 50c, and 15c Per Box Have just received a brand new lot of MICHIGAN SCRAP .BOOKS At $1.00 each WIAHtIR'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage tos eacheCosuple so sened trmparties biefore t2o'choek $1.5, aster 12 o'ilock $2.00. tune eac nei 5e kenosir fissuerdrsos,te pice stiltlbe 25 Cents. It carried en or troussps-stairs, thee pric'e wilt be 50 Cents. Drivers are reeslei tit cotsh fnr carriage ansi bazza{geservie. WA rt .RS ' I,1VIete'r ItrltI ilN & Co. SC. Ii. 'TAii smIict..5iFd ItY; A FREE PICTURE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES to the person in authority who arranges for the picture and will hand in the follow- ing infornmation: do.Lydn ua r alidori. C otae LYNDONf..... .... SPRING i ti CLOTHING The Kind That's Right For Men and Young Men Main St. Allen' Good Clothes Store Main St Gel your ICHIGAN ;Brkn L se Pins, Fobs and Spoons BrknLnes SlEnPie n BOTH LOSE HALLERW 5 Duplicate in a couple of hours, all Smoking Artiles Ityo dnt esus PsessyourCloLies onedsitaltousCeCiasisg CO5PLOTR we grind alt eyeglass and spec- ai et5Im E' E O E H R i tale enses in our own shop. aaRpiig L " L T~E 8 I.W~ finhjisal a Ocuists Prescriptions itted Lunches, Ice Cream Sodas dosyuswrk ani v t ter s, admouiespomptlylhaneem mus Dept.55t~ Sho-on Headquarters and all Summer Beverages ser misue enre. -ptial jEyes Examined ie Watch aed est ry Reiolel Wi.. NOLD K*E.J L Y 70NU University Suit Pressing Co. HALI U 'S JUWI I RY STORE ARlier.lyAv..OthPhoes26 216 Snnath Mairn St jeweler 220 South Main St. lX9N nvriyAe ohPoe 6 121 Washla too f, RANDALLr & PACK, Photographers Phone 598