THlE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifiel 81 &Co. " Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Atarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch R.pair iletaSpeiltty THE FARMERUS AND NILECRANKS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 General Banking Btusiness. 3 percent paid en Timen andi SavingS i)epnsit. Safety De- enos Benes te rent at $:.00 and upwards tR. (cuF, re.Ps. . t. itm-r e'euN, Vice-Prrs. 1It. A. W~LitA se. Cashie F. T. STOWE. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock J30000 Surplus 050,000 tResources 02,E00,000 R Gieeral Banking Buasinss Transacted GrrsEnu: Chas. Et. Hiscock, Pres.; W. 0. lirimnan. ice tees.:0M. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK aitseucX 1Sur2us075,00 WetI. J. 1100th. Pres. W~in. Arnold. Vice Pees. C. J. Waltz,, (achier {cmn meicn$nsJ3 Comesnmr ta.I .amd So .v~nsa Co.Mla a d Llbrtv Sts-.a ts FIRST NATIONAL BALiK Or ANN ARnBORMaCH. N; . I tINNE. HARtISONSOGULE Fees. Vice-Pees. S. W. ILAtdlSON, Cushier. Ceapiicai. AS(0ce0 Srplsat end Profits, $E55.00 CCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING paid fer ltin t'ttttsce. ffi tcihurs 1-2:30; 7-8:30 P."Il. LOST. Lost-kppao Alipha Sigmla pini. Fit h r please call 463. 1G-12-1,3. Lot-Ladies 111)111face tchiltith Probably' GilStats. P intclr call 71 le 526-L. Reword. 12. FOR REN T. Fetr Rent-First flootr, ntcely /ttrtthc stuite, large roomtis, steml eat tt, elec 4171IE. ULiiversity ve. itItt-12. Itor Rem-lLarge , slim111,swlrom stea hecat, electric ltd ttld wter ini roomlt; 417 E. FUiveraityhi . 8-I10-12. IISC1?IlANF,()I' S CIII 101/4 ' . Everylthitng albsolutlysatiseptic. MISS E. J. "ODLEYT. 921 E. Ifluronl. N'''r IFelch ark W11e carry the Geniei scleitacit iite Montls,. All piridces. Slits Streetl I tardware. ;-ti., EFtiler & O'Cotntr, Steoat itidFrencth dtry cleatners. Repairinig. 61ot I,. 717it- Iiatts St. 1-ti. Besgint the schlttiesarcttithai ti itpewriter. It mt enstter uitwte univerrsiltctttrk.' Tha tlens""itt fo~r the Oiiver and11thut'TFitirttttt . If maittlnte,let Ius do youtr typewlrittinfo luIORRJLL & GRIES(IN. Latrgest stouckhofpoct niveatits, sft Street Hardcore. I). A. Kdillinse. ;t.f We carry a /fulltnetof 1((t ttitle. Btish:etbals, Boxitng (lt'es, atid Slip- plies. Stale Street Hartiware'. I1-1 Itillin he of chotintg dihs atState Street Hartiware. I). A. KIIlls. , r 12. Nec Tenttis EBtlls. Julet rt'sst' t Statte Street H ardwa'tre. 11-12. lBttyottr Gas atntileis c Studet1 Lampljs at lbs Stite Strsst Ila'rtltt uct o111 O[I' 51' sIC 1.50 ANNEX1. 'I' t II tl(O10 t lit hie ittcreatsed cstil tt ittt ilte tt ut's i i it ol of M uicc anait,' a bei etatrtthtstabtishd crs 14a n i d tu street. It is ttq iipuhu(I -N t11lt .tieasotsevetrtal recittion11rttuomls. \N NICFNI?.l'2NI' O)12CliUiSFS. li hc r s-tct'ria u urch.t . Ii Atilitcai 1 /tif te (tsel t Stu' Sia ettiOfToedai-.e Itibor,110 I 11<-ainSoiic it.IllassIufor It i tt cr I t itt C11111 1_'tt eetti I/itt Ch rI I 11 t I tic Il,12 10 tt/p tt tit. ultr. 3. h tcra Intrp tt iti otftie litit'. book o Job. lass or bot Ime' t',t II ttmen iuSacketi.llV61Ic1: ICutit t IttttoifIlliviittitrS 1.Th ose urcttss'eLiCtllnto u It'% t Tttcne11 Geek. ttti Ci 11e 01111 Signs are Beginning to Multiply thtat we'cc gttttg t hae the F Oct tage cf til argc matority)of cohit gc tttcttlhtis ses( as ein 1te past Th('1, ;c tothttng v remlarkale at th lis 'a ht itn yoreflect i t VIALK-OVI R shtocstoffer a chatce c hoiutcse as regards s1a011 sItyIc and pot- tecn ttot affotrdetd by atty other usIe. $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $6.00 THE WALK-OVTER BOOT SHOP tI5 MAIN STREET, SOUTH +. . f'' SJ ,t- \ VI/ I f ,% 1, 1I j r: '') In / i ii f i, Students It's always a satisfac- tion to look right and be sure about it. You can look to this store for right clothes. C" I ' HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS PLEATED SHIRTS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FLANNEL SHIRTS NECKWEAR HOLE PROOF and INTERWOVEN HOSIERY "Always the right thing at the right time" WADHAMS & COMPANY I 121-123 South Main Street it Sil S. Mat 51 srt i& S( the Museic IIi tis, FALL WOOLENS jWAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors, call your attention to their *colleci-fl of seasonable woolens for men's wear. Careul attention to pdetails and prompt execution o orders meri your paronage. uni6versi*ty Music House Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music N EW MICHIGAN FIELD SONG and OTHER COLLEGE MUSIC PIANOS FOR RENT EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR GIBSON MANDOLINS University Music House CHORAL UNION CONCERTS )O---Star Numbers--4$3 MME. ALDA, October 20 McMNILLAN, November 14 Violituist BONCI, December 9 FFLONZALEY QUJARTETTE January 18 SAMAROFF, February 24 Piaonist. FESTIVAL~ of Five Concerts llnely's udtut Maccs' Tic ts 1owonsale atsI"hlo f Musir c The Neatest Place in Town For a Delicious Luncheon You should loss ao timse in becoming acquainted with MACK'S TEA ROOM A cozy place lor a dainty lunch or a d~elightful repast Service a Ia carte- Second Floor Mack & Company LAW BOOKS 41st year DICTiONARIES 41st years Ina QUIZ BOOKS r Aeso Arbao- LEGAL MISCELLANYT Ann Ar-bos Callaghan (E Co. CHICAGO AssesArbrs-a- Bs1e1%. State Streoat. Oppoaite Lawe Bldg. Portrait Studio- MOM 319 East Ihuron Street