This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclhfield Aran Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Repe*f.-rog asp.otl iy The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Slack $300,00 Surplus 5500 Rtesources $2,800,00 A Generaltain~k~g Business Transacted Urricenoc Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres.; W. Di. tHarrian, Vice Pres.: M. J. Fritz. Cashier THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURtON STROEETS Capital $50,000 Sorplus and Profits $100,00 General Stanking Business. 3 percent pail onl Time and SaviantsIDeposits. Safety Ge- pos Boxsoc rent at 12.00 and upwardso R. I(Emrs resr. It. Gi. PRinecyMAN, Vice-Pes. Ft. A. WIorIAMS. lankier P. T. STGWE, Asst. Berman- mecaoaxns Banh Corrs~~eroa1 ar.n~d Savrigs Cov-. Manle. aed Liberty Stvesoa FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ge AsNNARBOR, MICH. Et. D. KINNE, HARRISON SGUILE, Pres. Vice-Prs S. W.CLARKSOcN, Cashier Capital, 0100,000 Scru and cicilks ,i$85000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital $50,000 cii c>ls 75,000 Ilisoures $1,250i.0 inc. J. iatl, trees. ti. Arnolii. Vice trees. C. 2. W alic. Casier r-QAAl_ A r . i. ccciiicc i l ciii ici i 'licci t~tt i ttA ZI~~sxfti 1t i Sir s With lieu ir: lae I eicicle,ar 11 11 l AC a( u al1lIt COMIN- TxrOTOWNcii . .Moinigoimiry aiid Stone are coiccncg Io the News Whitiicy Thetater Thuirsday, Marcl 30. They still presentl for tic. first timecclocalh "1ce (ldii Tciwni ac irismusical comedicntwoiliiacts,li bretto by George e~de, \ifibcmulsieclby Gustav Ludlers. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING A1l1 ocaliec iitiicsccio- icni-si be paid for in adtanc. Off ice ficicci 1-2.30, 7-8:3G0fP. iW. NOTICE .notice-I'ratericiccicccdiCilass ITeams!i Before ipiacig youir crcler for lBase iFaiiisupplies gel our siecfil Ratee. Cutsinigs Phcaimcyc. icc Ii (MISCELcLANEOUS G. C. Maedel cilitibe youcr ipiitue in 1116-126. celphoneacid expressi service enlces lice Quarry Drug Co., toi keep Gilbierc's Otisegoc aniiiasicirtedi Chccolcatis as well asi Johnson'sisfresh friccicliiicandyita- les. c f cicEifPALAIS ROYAL,,Hoei)lo'. Lib- elty, ifisicccii itig lesticidiesignscin fcad-i er- wor. .A full limerofcc h e ticthreadcinc Maclover'cccnd 1. Al.., sodiiossesiiifc alli the nci cooriclidcshads.c Cai l an Thieicricier idccifor liii cciihcciii the gild . .MichuigancRich r TI fQuacrry iDrug Cii. tf CIII ROliOl) ICcrns, 1bunioisln cgroici ccchallsi treat- dcan cuci iredi. lfvres i icc cabsoltely cicisep vie. Office ihiurse: 0T ,m P. Ill. c7-8 iP. c. -MissiL",:J. l 'icci0ic I? Huirionistriectc.I Cccii . I clii Phone ()io J. tf 'taccinlceguis recceded cc toi bei i lii lbest inc lhe iworldcomue illccand Itic- thetci. cScabrlei&iiSccinc.\lMusi Iic d lci. toc S. -h cit stree. if liJ) cTOW\N CANOI,,S Smcci.i ocstal flice "Cane"cc cdliii t gluile cas welllknowncthricighc cast tier- fo Xincsa ,Mssrs.ii ltyiccieri ciccd Stone bi ir Iccl jintccwork checirdi iere ,- isFi cr Fa ir . cc sII rvljcic Miss .ails appearedclas cas n lihe I(AdcToI n wasiprocedii cieacly cit seasonicicdeir lii dirction of MI. lCiarlesI Dillinighamcianii irccn ie arly tce whlcearccccicc NieccYorkliacciiChicagi. It ccliii lere w ii ithtc e ccci cci cciii pcrodicucion accoei d c iit1u1ing thelong runi a ill inicc iiicis lobeiThc e ilr, Nic York nd cccidccii.i cliiguiiicil iciccIj il" C clli im cs d a1 iiiii i a 1 i w t Icllc ; tf th ) i Spring styles iren your inspection. Isdi Lacer for Men awid6i u Glet fitted by our r- i:fir satisfaciton totftsitpci it HATS// CAPS HATS Get Your ~ 121-1 23 SBogy ir vcc reo-,(i.,for 6~,i~) fil tiIclie lce ff 'I'nll il to lc i ve i ci at cc0:,,oc sitit lf:I n"i iii Y, t61 0. ccllHINAi 6611. 161d I e ifs will t fascoic oll leticic ,i Miiilinil, Sun cdaycv-i i (),Cki.iF wcliii if thei ii c l l i n a si ia \pl-iccti ccc for c iccci cc c ipiIicc~ k e~k°clu 1111v-bc' <11Cce l li# cc icc ot tt l. o. i k cfic dic - froiccc) Ic gil,,a cc, k ier of iith fitirciciiicic c ciii ciii iciccll;; c i iIft _I I C t clvoi i ccl Tllc rcopts t i fil ~ft 1ccl i 1 a Yaea r a1)0111 ,o ~. ' 1 laea anti lc~nc:1111 i ii t>1"I-oo S. Scott, 702 5. Uivi. li'icic 61. fi tflli ..C> I). L aster Tailoring We'll lake your order for Easter delivery and gel the clothes out on time-made in our own shops and made *right. * Wagner & Co. p Stale Street Tailors Victrolas VICTOR TALKING -MACHINES And a Choice Line of Records UniversityMscHouse Press Building Maynard St. We are always pleased to demonstrate the Superior Qualities of the Victor Goods All Studeilts choc c inames re gi0ei the StucdeictisDirectory wi llrceive sood, a ecoicsccf lie TIAY FESTIVAL ANNOUNCEMENT Studleict wocctste ime cot cnthe1c cicl ce, cciorwhoce ad- dicrcici ccciieeni sliced min get thec coinc tindedl foe thsemi icy c 11110a t tiis School of Music iii about icc4v(" ii. WE Clean A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, 10c REPAIRING Fuller &O'Coolwr Tailors. 619 E. Witiaonmn U Bi 4 NlleeST UAT i _Portrai. Studio- . u East1 ro Fl ."'. 19I'- *A p" , . i pA