-11THEMICHIIGAA DAIAY. I - ~ ~ -- h it , go tfirsilili . ra s I, < ' -I r. GH11 WILD CO* 311 SO. ST'ATE3 STREET Opening display of Spring adSum- mer 'Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS The Leadinjg ;Seriat Tailors 311 So. STA:"TE STEET Managing Fddir-LEE A WITcE. Business Manager-NORMAN If. IHILL. EDPITORS. News Editor ...l...farold Titus Assistant ... ....h-arry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant ......J. Fred Lawton Mush. and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... DinerS. Bi rney ETOtRISts. Arthur J. Abbott. G S Lasher. Pant Leidy. NIGHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Iraish Pentiell Edward 11'. Robie- Maurice 'tosilse REPIORTERS, l,oie Rilobinsont Iarr Myserr JobsnIL. Cost. F. E. Shaw, Jr. Erisest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. Jolts II. Townsley. Wallace Weher. Gerald J. May. Emomett Taylor. C. Ilarold llippler. J. Selig Yellen. R( iwt MI Gillett Wis. .DIaugherty BUSINESS STAFF C. A Bowman. A. hR Dilley. Myer Rubin. Kenneth Osboris. F. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Grierson. C. 1t. letinstitct. JosephliN. Fouchard . it-ars of ut it its iii, arioM tori i tsl success--no steIv trait to itselithe mennc ri tiinue it;tnt theri -.esn it shoulidtnot illrs iias-.ip( mit ats it ha s 011-111: t cpa But this doe siiin't11(al t potl i dii s i Ii ir uoca I ii r- int ia ii sti ssll ii - it noStightttruanidlii i-st aid iteivrtiorin. IThe f- of Stiiudet Plicti-is ouit oni thi strict t ir ttr 'Phes-mrn itholiwantr ilic i-l ripilnd-tr the uri-Ir r t ofte ItEA \Sf FilPtIll IC7O (' NE XT VYEAR Altlt tii fouirthianual iti fone finait airjoiurn 5 1n te Mitreitie -nexsinsi ril he exceptt -ion f it--- t sr ri t t r. 5I 11' l if.. , .1 II P S -cf\I Pill- liri1stItsr1t 1\III' V ii IlllJ3 ] c W, trot a-r~ t old wil 1)"ti l ii t c il a li-ri7 sl 1(i -t sr I sir I - - isllc m c . - - ii4 t~llo i E1 l iii l , ill Ill. too l\.-- llPP 1 1 1t b - fri ]T e 1' _111 l 1 lC l i 11 i C3i .- J- - i Ty pcw tr ALL PR~ICES The Studente' rypcwrs-ftcr Supply Co. Rooma 4 Pr-eesBili.{ir posaite Majestic JPLEATHER Alddress: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., guiall, h iitisitoois ii Itlay-mard Street. s ssterir isonusfr ihomi 'o, Offie I-ours: Managing Editor, zzs- ul eduationtasirst 5 lii Ir. atid 11:00-11:30 p. M. Daily. 'I'I li nunsir ii)f ir sii Bursiness Manager, -3, 7-8 p.,i., Ex- e ri srle:LSO~lo id cepit Sunday. Both 'phsottes 96o. r ietsed nsext 1 t i )(; _____________________________________________ I Ir iii nih ii iiiiioirs i - Thes-tuiruuiri s tis> V UlIt )P', MNlfII 24, M~f isli t sitlinsucns- Ilitih ___________________________________________ eng Iineei-sringp i itlif\1 sld It(I \ir11fIt fdirer--Eon 1 st- R.It -riirisN. tvinan'siiilihnorii ofI Ione, lldiDait. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Tinier of iths-visuion-r~ i griaduiates iofthe lliii sI-s Plsis-ti24. 15cr ltuitiiiopl" --Whitney or havetailken isiWorshere thate iii-8:ooip.In. u.se-inilofIlliinis tiol: Ilis ft :MrI h 2tsj.-Lit interclsspirts, IBarborur 'Pr - 1Deanr Ic iris of ii i )Ii. SliP to 5:30 P. Ill. uttdi-witltieIrs sso i i11chigan Stationery A fresh supply of the best styles at 35c, 40c, 50c, and 15c Per Box Have just received a brand new lot of MICHIGAN SCRAP BOOKS At $1.00 each A f University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage 1 c,;, irh Cosple is aiid tfsom parties ifr-trer12 o'ctock $1.54, after I2 octock $2.00.- n .iii Trashtoor froiiidiiir, thme ciii1 be 25 Cete. tfscarriedl to sr friimiip-stairs, the price will he j Di er ii seqiredt to colet cash -o,ra r ti e d haggage service. WVA LtERS LIVERY IZOllINSON & CO. W. If. STAtRK (ItOLiISt ii5LIVERtY KODAKS, Now is the time to begin to think of. a I KOD)AK for the Springand Summer mionths. NEW MODEILS NOW IN STOCK K odaks for Rent 10c per day Scrap Book Special No. 13 f Asbauiiuls8ixi10Pictue ofthe L LYNDON '1{. iN C i _ i i ! 4 I. felt t s II o il We sell the filler for the leather note books by the Ipound. CALL AND Ott tWltitUINE Sttsdaezrta' Bok torc SH EEOH AN CO ? its iii 2.. - icltigais Cornell inicei, ii r llgli nsiuimtiii, 7:30 oclockl. ' isrc s -i r-W\omen'sitAlititits Iainsiset anit JuirrGirls' lat,tBarbrtei gym~ i- Jni'tittiil staff mtingho Satuirdayitsi - oot o'cits-. -ll oil. ii Cesiargoyle is lookitng forisieti tor sslite-driheisprerensi tarff of seditors. Its opnig the way to canitdailutes the esli- t i libewail the faict that the studienit sody ihisfaited tsr furisihleligiblesrtfor thie tvriousi poisitionis. Thast this i lsholit lus I -csrr i-i regrettablle- Ilus iartgoyle s it n staiblished litisti- -ut Itn i4-i5theo ns rus i ine tha tliMich- gttrntlsill Ionillrstit N Dtt-r} It tilis t fM1t1is0i heie btt nun tse year ofi ARITIST S VPP 11, 13 II K1,i-lto ipifirsi it. Notin loh e gym ttlast Fidat ndalu tatth tiitttis Cainl(to)i f-s tos tl iit u {)Ilw tilts. isham itsta ttiyshould ii s- to. stoleni-titers shs-I. I s-crinst s l 1 t;it1 al-d [*I1 0111' br( ,l ) ''1$ t13 lI. F it5 >1". 1 1. i sc Sn.a^atb. ,r; ..xar .vr. tc. y i ya [ k L .. 4 C 0" The Kind That's ih For Men and u e ManS.Main St. PisFbsad pon Broken Lenses Sale on Pipes and ,. LOSE Pi LsFos ndSpons Duplicate in a couple of our. all Smoking Articles Is u nt iusun iii 1. liste ill i n Idolal ToyiuCleaims HALLERr.,.Nr u grind all eyeglass and spec -___________________________THER.Wew~ sutstm'mre. tacie snseo in our own shop. is t -i L TS FT O E H R i O tclDept, (tculisto Prescriptions Filled LuceIe Cem Sdstnintil in isiuirsts tOiiiiyiuiitta 0 tciShur-on Headquarters and all Summer Beverages { c"iiirtiilui ifoK Eyes Ex amined FlneeWatch and dee, repirhea \Xm.AAINOLD - K*- ~.IUniersty Suit Pressing Co. jeweler .11 V IO1 220 Southe Main St. 709~I O N. UnierasityAe Bth Phones 28 216 Soatha Ma eSt jwee 121 wogb ton t, RANDAI1L d PACK, Photographers Phone Z98.