TH~E MICHIGAN DAILY 5,. On the Blank of Success-that's what well tailored clothes are. A man is taken now- a-days at his "face value" May we not showx you the newest Checks and Pencil Stripes as Nvell as Plain Suitings and Over- coatings, to which D)ame Fashion has affixed her royal seal of approval this .Spring. Swell Suits and Overcoats to order, $20.00 -Fa: hions latest whispers--do lend an ear to them - - - - - JI Karl Malcolm, 118 E. Liberty ed; the Bli sl' ift ITSELF AS iS5(11 1. l (Conxtinuxed fromxxxPagexx 1.) wfit, xotherwiselix atd v 1i foir tlie lxtxiboyx. ;om i teb i ot ii i ts 11(1 ;' txiii Anothiler posxsileic : f h se problemix xappii'airex i t! lix s xoxix" (Mlc~llan wo ixx ok exx far xcixer xth ixughox t xx ic 'Ii xxax bai shedtix he,'i.''1 showe mare fai mandxtiiil it) dlid gooxix rkal hirxoniu isSttine a Sor.x 13y ax recenti rilixInstixruxctorx at are foxrcetix shax e li i x iii" C-t thie "cox-eds" refusexiii i xii x C lie instiructoxr lxsix nd- lirsi. x c °ni iteyTheatre ac ;i !a 1e x8,5P ~ . Le e r ex-&oftseated peorriptly. i I The., rch28 1tx tiYori L ic IC iii x txx' x r , is r' i 1 ' 1 f j [; p 1 P. r 7, gM tk r f44 fv k 1 d a x F 1 ' k : i T.ahulr., Marcia 30 Montgomery and Stone ln~oriiiiiAde 'lMxsical Comxedy The Old Town Clxsx lDxllin.haxm's notalblejpxo- luci xxxliiiionf (ttelbe Theatre, Nix ii'wor. 95 People 95 A xxxxxxxxtxxlOxchxextra Prices: 50-75-$1-$1.50-$2 siootiiisaleio,us'ilrx.iMch2 C_ i AL."AND)SEE THlE 711 U1" ralty Av I range' oo of Dancing Sl xI CI .Th e-1 iiiigxix'iixxtyoii Clse c for Laii ;=d sx.4otlen 'eslx dxayand Thursay Evenings, 7:00 F x1 'xi or Parlirslxi-xxxiit xxira. xxx Phase 2416-Office flours 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to 4p.m j flanicurleg, Face ileosago. Raile tThe strenith to throw off tacklers, the mental qu ikness to ee an opening and go throughi A, the stamina to run "the length of t-ie fid for a touchdown" be- long to the mian who trains on I. lx i l Nebrxaxskaxii n cxlii i i'~ OLD,1 M '111 1 N ' 111,;; Senxiiipxxiiilxxxr"Cae<'(' a 0xx t S.x. x otx f0i S.xu in '' WC , tI ~ jfran J& o thbcrS I 3 ir i-i 1t~se 25, 3, 50, Boxx Seats 75c jr Fftth :So0ot lilew Etve. sh6 o1 JI MA, GOMI Si A1xxix, xiiix~. xxiiNighit "Madaixie X'" 'i Aprx i '~ il x 'ilxx ixccol ix Sildlir'' satnx cxmpxxtty and lxxII ii lx-_ iOi'ixPll-iC xi xx" tilixeCxxrrick ITeatre, Detroit START~ ATI E TODAY at3 ELI 1N i0lii ixx i V V L TiM I G ogrs SleIae ice W RE Hs x'iFLRNOO N si F-vStrtill - atinee today and lair the last half of this weckIxlalrhe iryln will wear (ixixiine Parisian Harem Skitxpirtexl ilrect by Mack ~Cii. I-VERZY EVENING AT 7.15, 8:15 and 9:15 !TOY AN SILV'rR M ATINEE SAT. 3. 3. lori an t 328 Zo. tatc Ztrcctc 'Chia wcel;: Typewriting and Shorthand 0. D. MORIIULL DA"Norithi versli ty Axiii Six iii 'i j I Whl Wet otanngalWHEAT Y Whle hea cotaiingallthe elements which build mulscle,bri and hone. In the prepara- tion lof~'Shr.edded \XVheat none of these, eleen ,ts are loss.,i be most palatable, . digeslible form of r bole xwiheat is Shred- dedWhatbiscuit ready- . i «. Cooked 'ld ready to serve.,. a xx The Sh?.redded Wheat Company ea 4 Niagara Foils, N. Y. r~ " EirSolo Produers 111/jv 2, 'E' jP ~ rder Now and Enjoy ci Them on Easter k r W hen you can have clothes tailored ex:pressly for yourself by Ed. V. "rice & Co. of Chicago, within a 19 x price range of $20 to;$41 cup, to the ;Smoment in style, and fromn a 4W Choice of the World's s f Mo&st Hndsome Woolens. Y s r j' i, there reason to loiik furtlser for clathes satisfaction? We offer you Sibis ixpprtunity.Better take 15 iiilsoff today and have us " 3 E Lbr C I. or. 4th Ave. s LWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES 'IlWARD,T u-, THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILOR-IN