--- - ---- - -.. _. _ __ _ _ . _._a_ _____-_ BE AMONG THE FIRST to prolimile fashontin:'t!%%Suit $20.00 an~dLip F.oW.GROSS Liberty eStreet. III lYorth Ave. AM( SPA IDING & B1RO5. f eSpalding atrrsithwol Tszi.de-M~a vk of OFFICIAL EQUIP- MENT,for'allatietic PrDING sports anrd pastimes. 9I Il/heIl C.Il ICa1 It' the woldasa Wht'sNews'ina Sport Qu..flty 1quest. A. G. SPAL;DINGSft BROS. 254 Woodward Ave. Iletroit. Mich The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitael StCIocX300,000 Surpluts $50000 i--sources $2,800,000 A leneral Banking Businses Transacted OrFIPCERSI Clhas. E. Iliscock. Pres.; W. D. Hlarrimoan, Vice Prees.: A. J. Prltz. Cashier THE FARNMEIRS AND) MEtCHANICS DANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 Generaltaing Buspintless, 3 pee cent, paild on Time and .ielgt lDeposttst. Safety De- posit Boxes to sent at $2.00 and upwards R. KPrPrtes.. IT. PRETTYMIAN. Vice-Pres. (T. A. WILIsAMS.sh. ier F. r. PeOWE.Asst. Selectionls frolth thle earlyiMerit1101o Italian sotnlg, (10111t1111 erma lli 111111 recital givenl yeterdCay afernoo11111y1Miss eI' faclty.il The111oncert11 was 011111 ill Miss 111111s1linelI (11111111 11111 III(,11pro- Tr1 gttoItp it IalianIsongsICC was111 il pcAll l adlited Illilay _M111is l I ht' ati t it et Cdth IlieC. ( fI t III- iandhtetr-preiionoilechiu.O h Gema 'S g rot'tttitthe Illv sng h iAlllsmat te inticolumn istI <- WICLANEDI' If nte-Aent. ''hee o lve11- l :His ill Illhe atthepu Ier Iav al admIlliralee l n1 ofll the111 cmI 111iai i- II 1 11eCI CIlilsl I Ii .1I111 1111 JI(' 1:1l1Olkt I\k Tick 1111frithe lltincl ass(lnc cidd1t11al il lal Ickes F iday in()r- der b)pretierrt urr 1 an 1 iih nde in soIl d. .-illtikt1 elesar 1o e pm-lat he+ . Io. :. ofice U.hall trll 8 to a a.m. a d fi m i o 1 . m. d _ _ . . .. _ :.:: - a._. a z;u CIO rh LI Q ' .7 tI 'C) ~C C. 5-4 TI ~ isT CC eli ~dii ~ 5 ~ ~ I ) ~tP5Cs - . _ is .. II'- anl 5 IC l 1 t c Im tll 1 1 11,11 111 o ff ir. ItI s (I Il Ch r, taI lic lc~ rII I 'I I l I I, (Ct l'II [ 111 (ieriawA InrTIC ll] t') an-_____ 111 Corxrsrercir ..I B..~d 313eplille 111113expirese rvc n Ce'h-i le Sawfeags thle QuarrCy iDrtg 0Co., Itoilketp U1wr 111 fllIak Cov.r. Mhr adUlberty Street11s 1 11 ICII~i(I1 Is Johni on'sCC rs h frnt heI cu3 to-,I ltcI ll. I f '11111 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -__s;~dc Cie.ANN ARBIOR, Micee 'i1'l 30PAL3.738 32 1 0 11 U - 1 Clu's111 i E. I). KCNNiI, IlAiIIIlN UJLP ry sso igtelts eii, l al ck l Pres. Vice-Pes. c111111. A0ftllililt If crche111lt redin Ill ce S. TW. CLARKS~ON, Cashier. 7M111lovle'ilandiD. M1. (C.1 lo1lsss 11 1 rnii". le Capital. $100,000 lSuerlp lu n roItI i 15.OtO Ilall l 11111e t lolors a d:11113al a dCl)t f- c STATE SAVINGS BANK _____-___iree