rTHE MICHIGANDiL $4.00 and $500 IDEAL OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00) shoes. WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe F'- i y.RY ;'ti' 3 A 4 r i if Y t k t C+ . right # } ROCHESTER 5 r Don't Buy That New Spring Suit until you have examined our fine line of Adler Bro's. Clothing. Ally style you may desire to wear UNIVERSITY NEWS Junior lits swho are resisiin itc, o dues, and liner paid samneswil 1)1, plain to the itr sntl'll'.it ins I i 'J II everyn e -11 i hei r p dtlc~Ia i? s t4 make ancxplan111ion a51 lsl 11111 Meetis of fresh (lgil (5 Iasels-Is candsidateso in r0n11247, 11"\ cli 55 e.. lip buiilling, 4:30 1110101a IRsg'ar mnetinlg of thes'juli ac sot ins Fr 1is I nsttuteistudentls 1s1en at 444'S.-1tSit. Si nigh loss 11i(ss; ont 7:150 o'clock.i ThosseN1o ca s .'11 T'liplnnss937. _M i cliii sl of 11)11 lit pcs '1s 1)- its.s :,y at1 McrMillsn hsill. bsrn sos-n in resgard o dances slsssss i esite wIth Brckma n NMstclf sorill .111 iiiter-clssrills1511115IlsnIlcssI -iseens o'cilcksatclub iii Ali ol 2 1 ihs('srlsill C ss li id,1 sstk~ toda 1at p 1.11. l s1,00 1 I; jfranh jfitth Eve. 11300t Zbop lReprescotative 32 8 Z0. Matec ..trcct chit t~cSl :: l Y' 1 A t f aM 4 i r A p i C rt~-in .15 .", . Ate sornaes Mot stsd PI-rimrptiy. Bycsi Sso llori s Nll 112 I noit 151 ozo Ielof th The sc ne's, ile =m lis's~r. A 25, 35, 50, Box Seats 75c n'i' t l i s is's i 5' ^ I ssl :::) GOMING -SitsiApreil ,Matlincer stelNighit "Madame X.' Mo'! oy Aspr'sXsil , ' 'Tier hocol 1Sokslier,"' sanic rmpany and P5 s(llsti It that is tioss app eartig at the Gtsrrirk Theatre, Detroit .... F i ' ~i i Thur., March 30 Montgomery and :Stone l est g eic de'suialonted Y Mlastcrpi e The Old Town tCtas. Dillingham's notable pro- duionirisom11 the Globe Theatre, 'ewi VYork. 95 People 95 Ai-mnented Orchestra Prices: 50-75-$1-$1.50-$2 Sesale onls TSices. Mtachte28 U7f+.aBlRKISHf KBEEND GaR" T R l i REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 200=202 South lainSt m ___ I pring Openin ThsEvening, 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock Mack & Co. extend to all University Men and Women a cordial invitation to attend This Opening is for inspection only. No goods will be sold-Extensive preparations have been made in the way of entertainment and dis- plays and we feel sure you will be pleased with our efforts. It l'StI7At PIeCIGRAMS 11ii' THREE ORCHE;STRAS FINZELS ORCHESTRA ACADMEY ORCHESTRA i ;. 4ORNITHOLOGY' Do not migrate from one brand of cigarettes to another- -Try Fatimas be- cause you cannot fl higher in quality. Some College men in praising them call themt 'brds which is another way of saying they fill the bill. They do. Let a package nest in -orpocket--the price i cents for 20 cigarettes, A =. you get 10 additional. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Fs_- r z a. Selectio i. Vs'tltceo 4. ToeP'.( Ntii f- thesceils, 7, Selectios 8i. Soln- .[0 Walt st Oliertsr 12 Matsrcht Ceo. H. Finzel, Director 'Te PEnterpriter it 'ThttSprineg Maul fromi te 0Illra The IGirl itn thecTrain'' 0(111Lovse Thoutghts re Tanhtauser til MaNlrchliCasey Jones )t2 Dllasrt'Princess 'ilte 5 ilgstloo 'tan It Almaes Retturtn ofSprintg It Quett of lowleeers Unieecrssal Peace BATE'S ORCHESTRA, it C'sdset uMleele ff iflt 11 I- -l-trry fromet tllyneore'' tiller"I11 J.1i Lodge ritlry Overture Fr. t Splpt 'tike" Fischer, Director t. March-Spring Greetings Ilsis ill a. Overtutre - Egmtont icts Isis's s 3 "j" Hop Echoes ('sscs 4. A Ragtime EpisodeAlss ~:Selection front Victor Herbiert's Opera "Algeria" 6h ? YtI totu Sugar Moon "Slalios)s 7. Sottnds traintite Opera I s,61(lo Introdutcing "Aida'' ''Migttontt,'Rigolets," "Cavalliera Rusticana," atit "Tittettaeser" 8i. The Bltte Danttbe Waltzes n lr~slll 9. Selctiot-''tll Trovatotre" 1'(1111 tio. arch-"The Victors" Al L. D. Bales, Director 6. March-"Pi'tt Ready to Quit andtite GeniI" 6. Sextette front Lucia I).. it ill clsiliis' 7. Thte Thoroughbred Marcte II. Jfi(Itli sll I i. tUn Giorns in Venegia 1+a1l~stte ' AsiAz Typewriting and Shorthand Helene Ailmendeinger 1 I llwwItelil sisor i,: Itc; ns: T pel 11111 111st1p1lie , Ni11 1115 1 111 III ietc.I Teacher of Singing 0 D.MORI) dLL. Voice Placing Song Interpretation 55t No11 i 5 1' - 5 \si Ii - 1 Bell 1-1 l s~uisis Sl t littBlockls 303tS.StateSt I1'. It: 2 t ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP CHARLIE'S BARBER SHOP - 1 - i c i - I is isti l 'nt I ' a-1sls BnilltiardPatrlr l 5751«t 'rcies' - C Charlie Weigand, Prop. Ail 'J TLE & CO. Base Ball Shoes LUN H R OM * (y;n Gooeds andGoslf fShoes se t 'cn ,idafili nesus IContecttiery # ,.R.FROST, 3 2S. State St. 3- 4- West Poi ISelectiotn "Red tYe LigteCa Tonight 1CLf ~*Tonight 7:30 to 9:30 -ac , 0 7:30 to 9:30 I I INDIAN BLAN KETS AND CURIOS Arts anrd Crafts Shop Sile.NeltesfromEanstern Shps Car.William nid Maynard U ____ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ALW AYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARDI BT -AO TIDE BEST OF EVERY_ TKINU IN TAILORING