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October 04, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-10-04

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. XXI.


i E . .

. . . ....... .

Michigan's Football Squad Works on Ferry Field
After a Most Auspicious Preliminary
Drill at Whitmore Lake
It's to Ibe lanother b1id '1 l1ll..,lllyea10 011010the (11111 1arr (ved 1in the itels
v arsty olls 111111s1qu1d11sin11e 1practice 1he'plays0 a110all Iol a 1y1e thalt i o111.111101
ganal t tWhit 110','Lake'on ( he1aI t er1111 dhiff'rentt from 11hat1u0e111in11 he1 lt
11u1 11(11ill]il lrY1 0 -111111;;1 nd111r1n- ame o otball. Il( P ct l t rt
dicatiltos 11e0h111 th1 men1 whosuporto f 111 t tl~ 1he plIays 11re 1now1 w(0111 in lhand1 1and
11i 01111 111 1111 ~l t 011 lltga1101101 e th1n1t1.11011st1111 1
forth111 0191l111' IloCeth I to 10 ao tt 1111to 1a 3 to o scor10e.
Thee1 went'tIeleI t o week101s'oago 0lon- ser'iouts, 0(soewhat 111,111011 the earlt
day II intmo for1all111a1t 111r11on 1111ork-ou t i tining. Otlthe( i to ISaturday 11111 -
111110a11ozen o re, and from011 en oll1 n 1111 Iti ll. w oito lt~or111110 111well'isocte


Early Campaigning Responsible
for Flying Start Toward
Big Membership


I . l t c-r.''lcs irit f"ge
'ltO 1wc1 1111l :t t c1 illd

11 )i111 11 0c '
I( .' i d :
0 1 '1 1
t i 111 (_1 l 11 1
lI 1101\\ ill()s
11110, 1.11A01
hoarc oo
11 0 (' IV1

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at11111 s1 1111) I!m c ( sk


J . °1711 1 l 1)
t. 'I' to c hi a
sitt tc. A Crua

So loll ''rii'' 1111 1111 Iev lwere' I 111 gavi t theI estol1 o f cae.ihe ''' ' 1)17. 11. I~tchn, fo l'an t
sooloto, I'.ttiltgiII. nd 11111 . hes to,1w111 rk1 11 in 1fi1v0'daovos .Conklin lo o cat-111
- ili hae ad go odoi oter utier ed the litl fn ertnd twc 11ctn 0prsioent o f 111 he 11111-
11111f1his1' right1 hind11 111 tltot1111was nam(It'dlttsoIpresident 110by lothe.
TIo sn P111,1, tic'ardo, Cornwll.1 II ofl 1111 w111110theto wa111e1 of1a10nor o rl1llt11l 01 It 11Itott o 111111d occup111id t 'he tchair'
9,] tinl o f10 1 1ast i 'year olll'l Oo"'slr m n c ta i t caued1 iren11litte1 111111and 1101 tc ,cc tio I since' thoe' resigna-l
gololol. '('Io'se'e'ltnl ctoiont' u al~t 10 l I l ot prve toed hi llfr o w t 11oki ag in t t 011 o 11 '1'li'l 11 lo 111
111111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lo o111.0or.. 11111mes'ooB1.11Angell.I'110110Duringlt;tt
good.T hei remain er1 of1thesq11111sth1s 11week.1110 111 t he ws t e s uaa1111t u e Is a a rid o t e w r
made 1 'up o men10 llo arelllt II 110oeor thro111 h1 t fi rs trth f w1k il1lla011 IIhtIa e ienl hg l
Iesk o n ao t'th 111campuoo1a 1111oo 101119 11111id c iio110n.1 to foll It l'
1al 11lye 1. oe have toneve101ried11 at1 Yst 1 110 is o llll 1timistic and tsay ': 111t'was
1)1101heXsruboo s l nal tsalklyootiv yas.Weetadmreme 001okig rldo ll 110n0.1101dthy ore as1lk.tos(,(,t 0an NeD S byS Co n
s o ort waIi sf~ 111 asitedo t he 111'''ot 11 tork. Th sneIt erbool' oo 11100 11000m-
011111 1111111 wo catme0.0 t ol loo fo to 01v1 not1 he tnumterlo pomto ii1ng men
ptricot r ried lo'nstfor o u fy 1011.11st earl thinkeo mihtltohe1petty0111011 Le ture Assocat1
Dave llt, boot woft (t'il 11c1ac 1001e r11 well saio sf111111pteotdtol Caroooooist
servesl t i s o ftoa lto t O tollll,; d P e t s I otoDt 1 o tugfla111111111e11boyar t ki g t o t i o e V
th tlf o 'coo I T hisoll 1111s 1111l oter ga ei llt 1 110reat tt' shotape'ooboatcidtl''tor1om theipros-111' sto'ol'19. Il I
1s11taff oothan to'it'h's10v01r- lhoo beforeleotjot t ookottto r slo o'ilshooould Otmakec 1t010
1111 t madel more at9 111 o~te to tgto idilc-o thersot1s0 Ilo ht'tustol(toe.t'" ~il
a coit o too' tand strenu uslpro t ice0 1110'. 1111 too e1111 iart oof stl 111Nt~ove b r I), w 1 11011 s rgen111 ts,0 oo'to'o'l ttop ot'ki ogo'in of
tllto'n Io foot lto'n ott r111kteod t o 1 11 ltttt sooo oslong 11ur1 tot ship a 11101hins f 1th111three highl
50011011e 0tr'aini 110' 1111t ' Then lote 110w lrle IAlT 1IT t I ~}T"'HOLD11OP'Iltlo5 1110' 0I pr iet o' th doO~t'5l.l o trn du igth o in-ollo
f1ooed t'to' stdyooth11010ne'oruleo'o hitt h Bap l t s t tudoe10s tol tootuivs111 o o oty and in 11110011The t udenO9'its ' Lettreol soo
c mo he leared t' f l' ance, lo't' 1100d Voto l'ir 0001111s5wlll siholld 10the11005 ca I I thool'cureto' he 1101serices111oIf
Tapedo uatfoth e.b hro111g110 t stheo fteBit S dentll1 o sol' Gu it;3 so enator Io ovrofS1 .9 101 .'toottoo nto11'r5
feo d week0 too e l' m111n1111s 'worked 0 1111110Iho ot strtt . 'o'oLnge o 11''tt ot 11111 Iretohe111 l0i1',"stoe Iman If Oklao ma , t
lei ng ta loaoygsptrfeto n t hei ooor , 111111Mo dy 110111 an Istll 1 g to 1011101 Iloeth ee01101 n.w"l'l t a:105 in1

si sfacoIttoro too't. 'Ito' t.0'o . 01'
Ifg tohe'o' oato owol'h 1oo'w s o oo .1)r1
I tllOlllO 15ll ftc. T l's Otl o , 111t11If
00 tRto troosevl on. r nml~
t11e111air,10 t thos1e011wh0olwereo oses
tos''o't oo ift.i'010 lll knew0 t'ooo t111 1
Hu'otchto'in totw's 11110' otheti lut oll too
p1111t00'e 110's has a olowtos ool tdof .from01
110100011 tombersotltotollO one ig htl all
lalt. ow'elafr ttlookig o'wsolo o , ban-
ti o.tiooot 1 l.s 1
In additin' to the men ).lured181711

o'c I k 1 1
:1C 1 7rs

II 01h

000>c '0' 12c ' aYl ; 1 i; c ooe .
100110111111' 1 . c too' 00t cI
ti 0W , ;'01;010 0 t ;ctI'l
00 '10i Im , ;'00 1 mr1 1 -i
The o' 0 ott,11 toc coipo
(Continued r~o..l'bor .1

1111 0'

itooooo M , 1 1t s o <I o ta0c ii 0 1cla
(111 fthelo o1 11100100 1t t«(il1th
01110110 leftit o tl, I' 00100 1 I(o
Or 111111100 1 to, thepeo'1tt i lchir'.
00. 1' 1. 1 0 01 10 was 0a0, 0101 1' If the'
laowo I clot'v toO o s:'ooalter.0 ' Jut
theo' 't oo' .t oto-lao lst Joorlo

AXrranogements arto :111 ad% Ill' 'tot' .i
footai nubet r0,'of 1aftero'on'ool ;"Iooo r-o
cetionsO .oto b ooovenlorooyl~u
Fearl b4 to heloo memb'erso''o of toe 1-:1~'
lebague. Thtose affoirs il e01 ~ n I
owiththeIlt adl adies and'o .'oool 110'tlt I Ilonl }ll Ji fo l1' . ll t Co1 'E.
actin~g a0s chapeonesO1'and1111 1.11 101 s
A.genellll're'c0epottoionntoo to' .. etedeedhs e~"'aionto 011110 r
at1 Mvrs. Blnll in111's o 'lom _ h0 '('r e t- It w s ac tt 1anodI ro
.Satllrotal', a11111 tsto roloola iell cI I all flo sol lorats 1tootoolo o 0 nt' r 1 a' law
110090' recepti~l o i'os h l t 1a '-IIII i Ier i, I ow 'o. , ooto'oo tto'
gynsim rr111111fferd1hi1fi. oficof 1d1ean0
'The' schedolof he I reo' epion11101ate s t11 otooolo ool ttheIdoft 0 11111 an
a1101 toe1.tlI1hsoouss hchthyl retobe 01 owtoo hihstlout'oritytinoto e oh 101
totol oillloo'1ar'rantged Is~ooon. bo o aw

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